LOST - The Final Season - LOST Auction Aug 21-22 (Post 1439)

OMFG When Locke woke up from the accident and Jack said he was a candidate it literally gave me chills down my spine.
Does that mean I am too into Lost lol
[quote name='Bezerker']Anyone else notice Locke's stunt double when he got knocked in the water?[/QUOTE]

Lmao , no . But I did see something weird I just thought it was my shitty Direct TV connection :lol::lol:
I think before this is over, the chosen candidate is going to turn into a white smoke monster.

People are dropping like flies in this episode.

[quote name='crunchb3rry']I think before this is over, the chosen candidate is going to turn into a white smoke monster.

I actually made a joke to a friend when he missed an episode that Desmond turned into a white smoke monster and had an epic battle with Locke.
evanft, the first maybe not, the second...yeah. I think the first is dead too, the character served their purpose.

[quote name='ChibiJosh']
I actually made a joke to a friend when he missed an episode that Desmond turned into a white smoke monster and had an epic battle with Locke.[/QUOTE]

The promo for next week has me excited. They showed Locked holing up the white backgammon piece. I'm thinking Jacob (or whoever holds that job) could turn into one too if he absolutely had to.
[quote name='evanft']So,

is Lapidus dead, too? And is Sayid really dead?

I'm going to say double yes there, at least in this time period. Unless they miraculously surface.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']evanft, the first maybe not, the second...yeah. I think the first is dead too, the character served their purpose.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's what I was thinking.

[quote name='crunchb3rry']The promo for next week has me excited. They showed Locked holing up the white backgammon piece. I'm thinking Jacob (or whoever holds that job) could turn into one too if he absolutely had to.[/QUOTE]

The next episode is basically a big ass origin/explanation like Ab Aeterno, except for Jacob and the Man in Black.
Another small nod to Fringe tonight - Helen was bringing Cooper white tulips. The white tulip was the sign Walter was asking for from God to know he was forgiven. (also the name of the episode - 2.17 - White Tulips)
The origin story next week should be great though. This late in the game they have to really pile on the backstory to close that chapter/mystery.
holy fucking shit.

sayid, jin, sun, lapidis...

my head is swirling. sounds to me like sayid confirmed that jack is the candidate. if thats the case you have to wonder whats going to happen to everyone else, hugo, sawyer, kate, etc.

my happy ending theory...
the two timelines eventually meet through some event, the people we like that have died are "resurrected" so to speak because of some time travel thing they never explain.
Tonights episode was really good IMO. I was surprised Jin and Sun died, I figured since they had a kid together they would get out safe.
Good episode... did not expect that, out of all people.

I had to chuckle whenever Locke went god mode on the people shooting him.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']ABC has extended the finale to two and a half hours. So it goes a two hour recap show, the finale, then the Jimmy Kimmel special after local news.[/QUOTE]


2 hour recap?
[quote name='perdition(troy']I'm still upset that sun and jin died the episode after they finally found each other.[/QUOTE]

Me too, especially since they have a child. Otherwise a really good episode.
[quote name='WeaponX2099']If any show ever needs a 2 hour recap, it's Lost.[/QUOTE]

not really, anyone with 5 points above IQ 69 should follow the story just fine.

It would be different if they offered lore, or answers in addition to recapping... tell more of it.

Recaps suck.

Like I told my wife, its Lost for Retards.

I could see the big break in a catch-up from months ago... but still every week and then a 2 hour recap?
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what part of this show " turned to complete shit"?

I still thought it was a good episode, even with the deaths. Did you think they were all going to make it to the end of the series and dance around a fire together or something?
No, i expected it to be stuff that could really happen, like Lindelof, Cuse, & abrams all said it would back in Season 1. I wouldn't've kept watching it if i knew it was gonna turn into the shitfest that it is now.
Of fuck all the people that talk shit about the show, geez that shit is getting old. If you are a fan, watch and enjoy or don't watch and stfu. I found this quote from that article humorous: "Puffy is one nasty mo-fo." - Terry O'Quinn
[quote name='Anexanhume']It's not the creators' fault that people built up unrealistic expectations. If you think it's shit, don't watch it.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. It seems like most of the people complaining don't like it because they don't answer every single question. Guess what, this show is mysterious, if you haven't figured that out by now. Or they complain because Daddy (show's writers) didn't give them exactly what they want wrapped in a bow. fuck
[quote name='perdition(troy']I don't either. I think he wanted the loud noises in season one to be a dinosaur not a smoke monster.[/QUOTE]
I expected them to be on Isla Sorna from Jurassic Park

EDIT: Im bitching about the show out loud to myself. If you guys love it, more power to you. I just wish it woulda ended @ Season 3
[quote name='SIUfan']Agreed. It seems like most of the people complaining don't like it because they don't answer every single question. Guess what, this show is mysterious, if you haven't figured that out by now. Or they complain because Daddy (show's writers) didn't give them exactly what they want wrapped in a bow. fuck[/QUOTE]

I largely agree with you, but come on. Leaving innumerable loose ends is the mark of bad, directionless writing, and it's a much different thing than merely having an ambiguous ending. It seems rather obvious that the writers' overarching goal for the series only gelled in the last season and a half or so when they decided what the smoke monster was. Therefore, all the questions they were posing to the audience in the beginning and middle of the series come down to them throwing everything they could at the wall and seeing what stuck. And at this point, they're either hurriedly answering those questions or in most cases not even bothering to do so.

Now don't get me wrong, I like the way the series is ending. But it's a bit ridiculous to spin it as the fruition of some expertly crafted narrative plan which needed to be loaded with red herrings to be properly "mysterious."
[quote name='Segasonic01']I expected them to be on Isla Sorna from Jurassic Park

EDIT: Im bitching about the show out loud to myself. If you guys love it, more power to you. I just wish it woulda ended @ Season 3[/QUOTE]

Then quit wasting our time, and send yourself a PM. :whistle2:#

So, 2 regular shows left, with 2 hour block for the finale, can they do it!!!!????

kinda pumped... see how it ends, though there really isn't a whole lot of answers needed, just see how it plays out with the two.
[quote name='xycury']kinda pumped... see how it ends, though there really isn't a whole lot of answers needed, just see how it plays out with the two.[/QUOTE]

I am hoping that next week's episode gives us all of the main answers as to what exactly jacob/MIB are, how MIB became smokey, why that island was chosen, etc. Mainly just stuff to lay out exactly what is going on there. Obviously, I don't expect every minor thing to be explained, but it would help to give more back story as to what is going on (which seems to be what the episode will do).
I think the writers will answer all the main questions i.e. what the island is and the castaways purpose of being on the island. But all the lingering side-story questions you can just forget about. I mean really, at this point does anybody really care why Libby was in the loony bin and who adam and ever are? Just as long as there is a definitive end to all the main story arcs, I'll be happyy.
[quote name='SIUfan']Agreed. It seems like most of the people complaining don't like it because they don't answer every single question. Guess what, this show is mysterious, if you haven't figured that out by now. Or they complain because Daddy (show's writers) didn't give them exactly what they want wrapped in a bow. fuck[/QUOTE]

Like Heroes.
[quote name='Segasonic01']Im not making u read anything[/QUOTE]

No, but even scrolling through the thread we have to see that shit. Go to the CAG blog and cry about it. http://www.cheapassgamer.com/forums/blog.php

Just as long as there is a definitive end to all the main story arcs, I'll be happyy

If there's a "To be continued" at the end of the finale, I don't know if I'd be happy or if I'd want to hurt someone.
[quote name='ImLuhkee']That was a good read, thanks for sharing. =)[/QUOTE]

Yea I think EW does the best Lost coverage of the major media outlets. The Doc jensen dude goes in too deep on some things at times but he is pretty interesting. I find the user comments on the TVguide.com recap stories pretty useful too
[quote name='kilm']No, but even scrolling through the thread we have to see that shit. Go to the CAG blog and cry about it. http://www.cheapassgamer.com/forums/blog.php

If there's a "To be continued" at the end of the finale, I don't know if I'd be happy or if I'd want to hurt someone.[/QUOTE]
or add me to your ignore list if i inconvenience you that much
[quote name='WeaponX2099']Like Heroes.[/QUOTE]

To be honest, I've always liked Heroes. Simply because it's different. In an era where networks just focus on copying the "hit show" on another network (like all the CSI knockoffs, or the 3-4 Desperate Housewives knockoffs set to premiere just this year, or ER ending and Greys Anatomy trying to take that spot with another handful of identical shows on both other networks and the same fucking one). The latest season ended in a great spot to really open the show up and have some logical plot advancement. I just hope NBC gives it at least a couple more seasons.
OK, I gotta clear something up. I don't think the show's complete shit. Its just that every time I thought about the show in the last few days I would get really mad. My real problem with the show was that all my favorite characters were killed off. The first one being Charlie. He died in vain for no reason. Then Jin, Sun, Sayid & Lapidus (maybe). The only 2 left that I really care about are Desmond & Richard (& his fate dosn't look that great). Then characters I could care less about live on (Kate, Miles, Ben).

I just wanted to clear that up.
[quote name='Segasonic01']OK, I gotta clear something up. I don't think the show's complete shit. Its just that every time I thought about the show in the last few days I would get really mad. My real problem with the show was that all my favorite characters were killed off. The first one being Charlie. He died in vain for no reason. Then Jin, Sun, Sayid & Lapidus (maybe). The only 2 left that I really care about are Desmond & Richard (& his fate dosn't look that great). Then characters I could care less about live on (Kate, Miles, Ben).

I just wanted to clear that up.[/QUOTE]

Charlie died in S03, and the last group died 4 shows from the end. I really don't think "everyone" is being killed off.

It's called plot advancement.

Charlie needed to die, because he would haunt Hurley back into coming back to the island.

bread's done