Madden 11 League-OFFICIAL CAG LEAGUE-That's all folks! Mini-tourney still coming tho!

Anyway.. Glad you guys liked the write-ups, I had fun doing it and will try to keep up with it (didn't take that long thankfully).

If anyone wants to get in a scrimmage, I'll be on XBL in a little bit.
[quote name='410deezy']When you tryna get this game out the way bradvandam[/QUOTE]

He has been MIA since his weekend trip. I would PM him or hit him up on XBL, but I'll try to keep an eye on it. Hopefully you don't have to play the CPU this week.
Wow... I never had a problem with Ubernes, but I see that he removed me as a friend on Facebook solely because of this. Really? That's just... wow. Apparently, other people are taking this far more seriously than I am being accused of taking it.

[quote name='Soodmeg']Out of respect to Ubernes I am going to drop this garbage.

Been on the site barely a year and thinks he knows and runs everything. You didnt give me the Titans I had them because I have been here longer than you knew CAG existed. Let Ubernes handle Matt Young as he is the commish and Matt as been here 5 years son.

6, actually. I don't know what's up with bitchvaginaharris. He seemed like a perfectly decent fellow before. But then again, I got a couple PMs about his post after he made that, LOL. I guess people don't want to clutter up the thread.

[quote name='ubernes']We get it, you're mad. I apologized. Now it's time to get over it. You bitching about it isn't going to change what happened. So you have 2 options, stop whining and try to be a positive contributor to this league or leave. No one is making stay and no one is going to put up with you being a malcontent all season either.

It's not as easy as you seem to think keeping track of 31 other team owners, their preferences, their complaints or their questions. But I do feel I have in the past done a pretty good job at it and feel, despite a start that has been maybe more bumpy than I would like, I'm doing a pretty good job now. If you don't see it that way, that's fine. Feel free to voice your opinion. As you did, multiple times. But as I said above, it's now time for you to drop your week 1 complaint and move on with the league.

By the way, Pacer isn't new and him being booted isn't being considered. He has been around since the start of the last season of Madden 10, including the final tournament we did. And has been one of the more active members of this season.[/QUOTE]

Actually, I have more options than that. It will be time for me to drop my week 1 complaint when it gets resolved, and no sooner. The thing is, I made multiple posts saying I'd be gone, so you and everyone else would know. Pacer PMed me the day he was leaving; no advance notice. As for him being new, his registration date says last month. And no matter what, he outright lied about us having set a time so that he could take advantage and steal a win. And as far as how easy it is to run a league with 31 other owners, I've done it for multiple seasons and I know how it goes.

As for you, I've always gotten along fine with you. But the fact is, I posted saying Tuesday wouldn't work (you asked if anyone had an issue with that becoming the deadline) an hour after you posted, and I've been talking about my trip on Facebook for weeks- and as I mentioned before, you were my friend on there- so I don't see how it could have been missed. But the real issue is that nothing is being done to resolve things when the fact is I have been far more active than Pacer and he lied, basically cheated the system to get the win.

The fact is that I am being made out to be the bad guy when I am in the right, and Pacer gets away with everything. It's pretty frustrating when I come home after a tiring trip which followed a week or two of a lot of stress, thinking I'd finally get to enjoy Madden online, only to find that I'd been fucked over- intentionally by Pacer, and supposedly unintentionally by ubernes.

Here's exactly what was posted:

[quote name='Matt Young']
[quote name='ubernes']Re: week 1 deadline. We'll play it by ear a bit, but it seems like most people have joined and are setting up their games this weekend/early next week. I'd like to think everything is being wrapped up Tuesday. So sometime late Tuesday looks reasonable. We're going to make things a little tighter, a little more smooth for week 2 since we don't have to go through the joining the league process. Please feel free to weigh in on the Tues deadline, too early, too late, etc.[/QUOTE]

Like I said, my opponent said he'd be out of town all weekend and wanted to play Monday. I wrote back saying I will be staying overnight in LA Sunday and Monday and coming back Tuesday, so Tuesday afternoon/evening would work, but I haven't heard anything back (presumably due to him being gone).[/quote]

[quote name='PacerPerspect']Not sure if the Packers posted, but we are scheduled to play at some point on Tuesday night. He's was at SummerSlam and is going to Monday Night Raw tonight.[/QUOTE]

At no point was a specific time ever mentioned, and the guy couldn't even read 2 pages back to see that I had posted multiple times.

[quote name='ubernes']He has been MIA since his weekend trip. I would PM him or hit him up on XBL, but I'll try to keep an eye on it. Hopefully you don't have to play the CPU this week.[/QUOTE]

He was here in LA through at least yesterday morning and had to fly back to Canada.
Looks like the Panthers and Bucs just played. I'll do the write-up, but like I said I'm gonna hold back the rest to post at the end of the Week.

If anyone wants to point out any cool stats or plays from their game, feel free to PM me and I'll work them in. Ditto for highlights. Also I'll read the recaps everyone else posts and try to work those game facts in as well. :D
[quote name='Matt Young']
6, actually. I don't know what's up with bitchvaginaharris. He seemed like a perfectly decent fellow before. But then again, I got a couple PMs about his post after he made that, LOL. I guess people don't want to clutter up the thread.

I am a perfectly decent fellow. And because of that I'm going to choose not to sink to the level of your sophomoric name calling or your allusions to insidious backroom PMs. If someone has a problem with anything to do with me and this league they can post it in the thread or PM me themselves, otherwise I don't care. Oh, and I'm using the word "sophomoric" in order to give you a little bit of credit.. But really.. Name calling? What are we, six?

I'm trying to be helpful to the league and make it fun, if ubernes wanted me to stop trying to contribute, I would have no problem doing so.
Backroom PMs? As opposed to what? Public PMs? That would be completely contradictory. And the name calling only came after multiple inflammatory posts from you regarding me.

If you doubt what I'm saying about the PMs, I'll gladly post the content without including the users' names.
I have no reason to believe or disbelieve that you have PMs in your inbox. I choose not to care, since it's your inbox and not mine.

As for multiple inflammatory posts about you? From what I can tell I posted about you exactly twice. Once to say that you should accept ub's apology and move on and the other (which I assume is the inflammatory one) saying that you threw an epic hissy fit. Which, regardless of the merits of your argument, you pretty clearly did.

No one has said they think you're lying. In fact I think most people, and this absolutely includes me, think that you got screwed over. I think ubernes lost track and made a mistake, and I think his apology was sufficient. If I were in your shoes, I would not be happy either, no doubt about it. But I don't really see any way it can be corrected now, so continuing to rail about it and more importantly promising to essentially be a malcontent for the rest of the season serves no useful purpose at this point that I can see.
Let it be known that I have no problem with you, Matt. We had a squabble a while ago about something that I really don't remember, but we ironed that out and I've been looking forward to finally playing a game with you here. I agree that you shouldn't have the loss, however it can't be taken away once it's there. There was a mistake and it was apologized for. Now get over it. Shit happens.

To quote "Smokin Aces": "Sometimes fate just... fate just up n' fucks ya for no good reason. That's the way of the world... The way it's always gonna be."

Edit: We can always put an asterisk next to your record at the end of the season. ;)
bradvandam (browns) is online right now play wrestling and won't respond to my messages ...I would prefer to get this game out of the way tonite
[quote name='jbrun85']I have a cool statistic from the bucs-panthers game... I suck. The question is, will I win any?[/QUOTE]

I'll try to think of a way to work that in. ;) jk
Matt, granted, it looks like you got screwed over. I agree. It happens ;( I'd say take that screwing and turn it into some good karmic energy and win every single one of your games you have left... Sometimes we all need to be reminded that we're just playing pixels on a screen. Everyone makes mistakes, it's how you respond and move on from that mistakes that makes the person.

For the Benefit of all...

"You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar."
good write ups bv

If my games have any highlights I'll tag em in here, I'm not sorting through my opponents highlights so when you guys light me up I'm not saving those "low lights" :)

I'd be game for a scrimmage or 3v3 goofoffathon tonight if anyones around.
[quote name='theredworm']
I'd be game for a scrimmage or 3v3 goofoffathon tonight if anyones around.[/QUOTE]

I'm on now. I'll scrim you, though I won't be using the Chargers since we play each other this year. ;)
[quote name='theredworm']good write ups bv

If my games have any highlights I'll tag em in here, I'm not sorting through my opponents highlights so when you guys light me up I'm not saving those "low lights" :)

I'd be game for a scrimmage or 3v3 goofoffathon tonight if anyones around.[/QUOTE]

I'm up for 3 v. 3
bvharris, sorry for calling you that earlier. The way you were posting before, it didn't come across the same as what you said in that last post.

Maybe nothing can be done about my loss, but something could be done about Pacer lying his way to a vs. CPU win. But ubernes said he refused to do anything about that. Not sure what's up with ubernes... he and I have always gotten along fine, but now he's refusing to punish a liar/cheater to spite me, making snide comments alluding to me calling him a "bad owner" or whatever when I never said that, and went so far as to remove me as a friend on Facebook. Obviously, there's something going on there on his end that is very strange.
I understand your concerns. I think the problem is that there's no way to prove that he knowingly lied and cheated to win. I'm 100% sure that if ubernes had proof of that, he would eject him.

I think though that under the principle of innocent until proven guilty, we should give him the benefit of the doubt. It's obvious he benefited from it, and he may have even been aware what was happening, but I don't think we should assume his intent was malicious. He should at least have the opportunity to tell his side, right? For what it's worth, I remember communicating with him in last year's league and I have no reason to believe he is anything but on the up and up.

Anyway, apology accepted and I appreciate you extending it. It's water under the bridge.

On another note, good game red worm! If anyone needs someone to vouch for why I miss playing as the Titans, he can now do so. :D
You played a lot better in the 2nd half. You just had no answer for CJ all game, that was the difference.

I enjoyed playing as the Titans again, I didn't want to show you any of my Chargers gameplan since we're playing later this year. What you saw was basically the offense I ran last year which was, needless to say, effective. :D

In other good news, I did manage to get two achievements in that game: Rush for over 200 yards and break five tackles with one player. Thanks CJ!
bvharris, glad we got past that. But it's still hard to believe that Pacer's intentions were true, especially when he stated a specific time that we were supposed to play when we never even discussed such a thing. And ubernes has been signed on but hasn't addressed the issues brought up, and since he removed me on Facebook today (after I said no when he asked if Pacer and I ever had a time scheduled). That whole ordeal just seems really shady.

I had to do a bit of research to find the user name of the Bills owner since it's not in the OP, but he was signed on this afternoon. No response on here, nor any messages on Live, however.

HydroX, are you the guy with the same first name as me and the baby picture as your profile pic who sent me a friend request on Facebook? I know I messaged you my URL for the Ultimate Team thing, but I have 7 friend requests sitting in my inbox and I don't know who 4 of the people are, so I wanted to make sure which one was you.
[quote name='Matt Young']
I had to do a bit of research to find the user name of the Bills owner since it's not in the OP, but he was signed on this afternoon. No response on here, nor any messages on Live, however.[/QUOTE]

He just joined the other day when the red worm switched to the Pats, so he might not be up to speed yet.

He seemed enthusiastic the other day when he popped into the thread though, so I'd guess he'll be around to play.
Just to clarify, I meant he was signed on to CAG. He's not on my XBL friend list. Also, I edited my post a bit while you were apparently replying.
At the very least, you deserve an explanation directly from Pacer. I hope you get it.

As a PSA, I'll be archiving the recaps in this post so as not to muck-up the OP, but ubernes if you want to link to it in the OP, go for it.
[quote name='gbpackers94']Has anyone beaten all of the madden moments yet? (changing subject)[/QUOTE]

I beat all of them. Like someone else mentioned, the onside kick ones are by far the worst. The Reggie Bush TD kick return also took me a while.
Matt, not really sure what to tell you at this point that is going to make you happy. You tried to paint Pacer as an unknown shady character that you also alleged lied to get a W in a video game. I tried to explain that he's been a model team owner for an entire season plus. I've also known him personally for years but I didn't think either me or him were required to defend his honesty to you. But apparently a simple misunderstanding that resulted in a rather minor video game football loss is so important that we need to continue to question his and my character, and create conspiracy theories around this. I haven't responded to this directly because I find it to be quite ridiculous.

If you have any more issues I would appreciate it if you kept them to PMs and stop clogging up the franchise thread.
[quote name='IvanHood']I beat all of them. Like someone else mentioned, the onside kick ones are by far the worst. The Reggie Bush TD kick return also took me a while.[/QUOTE]
Yeah finished them tonight. That last one was a doozy.
[quote name='ubernes']Matt, not really sure what to tell you at this point that is going to make you happy.[/quote]

Try responding to my words, with words that pertain to the subject at hand.

You tried to paint Pacer as an unknown shady character that you also alleged lied to get a W in a video game. I tried to explain that he's been a model team owner for an entire season plus.

I didn't try or allege anything. He told you we were supposed to play at 9 Eastern. I never said that. He lied.

I've also known him personally for years but I didn't think either me or him were required to defend his honesty to you.

You're not required to defend him, but you've done it anyway. But even the people who disagree with me are saying he owes me an explanation.

He hasn't answered, and you haven't addressed the comments I made about you. You can claim you "find it quite ridiculous", but when you take this course of action and then mention that he's a guy you know personally, that makes it look 100% like everything I'm saying is true and you won't explain your actions because of that fact.

So, no, I won't take anything to PMs until you and Pacer both address the issues at hand. You completely ignored my comments about what you did- asking em if we had a game scheduled, and then ignoring the fact that I said yes while immediately removing me from your Facebook friends on top of it. It's blatantly obvious that something is being hidden.
[quote name='ubernes']Matt, not really sure what to tell you at this point that is going to make you happy.[/quote]

Try responding to my words, with words that pertain to the subject at hand.

You tried to paint Pacer as an unknown shady character that you also alleged lied to get a W in a video game. I tried to explain that he's been a model team owner for an entire season plus.

I didn't try or allege anything. He told you we were supposed to play at 9 Eastern. I never said that. He lied.

I've also known him personally for years but I didn't think either me or him were required to defend his honesty to you.

You're not required to defend him, but you've done it anyway. But even the people who disagree with me are saying he owes me an explanation.

He hasn't answered, and you haven't addressed the comments I made about you. You can claim you "find it quite ridiculous", but when you take this course of action and then mention that he's a guy you know personally, that makes it look 100% like everything I'm saying is true and you won't explain your actions because of that fact.

Also, it's your responsibility to respond to situations like this. If you're going to run the league, that's what you have to do, especially when you're involved. And I never questioned your credibility till after you started claiming I said you were a "bad owner" (never said that) and it wasn't a misunderstanding when the dude told you I said something which I never said. That's not a misunderstanding; that's a lie.

So, no, I won't take anything to PMs until you and Pacer both address the issues at hand. You completely ignored my comments about what you did- asking me if we had a game scheduled, and then ignoring the fact that I said no while immediately removing me from your Facebook friends on top of it. It's blatantly obvious that something is being hidden.

bvharris I loved the write ups! Great job and something I will look forward to reading. I also thought I should take the time to introduce myself since I am new to the league. My name is Matt, I'm 25 and I live in Las Vegas, NV
To Matt Young:

It's just a game. The deadline was Tuesday. The week needed to advance. The solution was simple, you play the game, or the person is temp. booted. The commish and pacer and getting alot of slack here, which after reading the posts is not needed. This was supposed to be a fun league with some competition of course. If you are that upset with everything, there are many more open leagues in Madden. You are turning this into a thread bashfest and there is no need for it.

Observer-Cobra03Ash-owner of the cowboys
[quote name='Zurezo']bvharris I loved the write ups! Great job and something I will look forward to reading. I also thought I should take the time to introduce myself since I am new to the league. My name is Matt, I'm 25 and I live in Las Vegas, NV[/QUOTE]

I think we discovered last season that about half the guys in the league are 25 (including me).

And this is my last comment on the Matt (Young) situation, since I think its time to move on (fake football controversies are SO August 18th):

Matt - There is no conspiracy against you. Just because Pacer said something you didn't say doesn't mean that he was deliberately lying. There are a whole range of other possibilities, including a misunderstanding between the two of you, him confusing it with another game time, etc etc. The leap from that to "he deliberately lied and cheated to get 1 win in a Madden franchise" is a big one. And trying to implicate ubernes in some plot to cover it up is even more of a stretch. I understand your anger, obviously everyone does, but you're tilting at windmills at this point.

Even if everything happened exactly the way you think it did (which I doubt), there is absolutely no way to prove it, so nothing is going to be done. Ubernes has made it clear he's trying to move the league forward, so the choice is 100% with you whether to make this a cloud which hangs over the league all season.

Here's what I think you should do: In week 1 of 2007 the Patriots were busted for doing something that at least half the league also did (yes I'm a Pats fan, if I change this into a spygate debate so be it) and got hit with the book. Obviously the situations are different, but what's important is that they perceived they had been screwed over by the league unfairly, just like you. What did they do? They went out and kicked everybody's ass and took no prisoners. That's what I think you should do.. Make it bulletin board material, use it to motivate yourself. Only this time, don't epically choke in the Super Bowl :wall:.

Anyway, that's all from me on this. Let's play some football!
Little late but, great write ups BV. I know you said they didn't take too long but, the time and effort is appreciated.
This weeks Rams VS. Raiders result only confirms the impending doom of my week 3 match up against the silver and black. Some of these numbers being put up are nuts.

EDIT: When are we looking to advance to week 3? I've been on vacation and visiting family the past couple of weeks and will be returning home on Sunday. I'm really hoping it wont be prior to then because after playing last weeks game on a 19" POS. How am I suppose to use my uber hax tripple S attack to their fullest extent? ;)
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[quote name='Darth0fTheDead']
This weeks Rams VS. Raiders result only confirms the impending doom of my week 3 match up against the silver and black. Some of these numbers being put up are nuts.[/QUOTE]

Kill 'em for me, Marv. Kill 'em good. :D
Okay, let's examine some facts here. During the time that you left, the proposed Tuesday deadline had become concrete. I did not ignore your initial objection, it's just that I can't bend the deadline for 1 single person every week. I just can't. The Broncos and Jags couldn't play their game until the weekend, we were planning on advancing Tuesday, should I hold up the entire league for 4 days just for them? No. Do you see them bitching in here that I didn't? No. They somehow understood that the league involves more people than just themselves. The fact is, it doesn't even matter if Pacer (as you're claiming) lied about your scheduled time, because he was going to end up playing the CPU anyway. The deadline was approaching, the last you posted in this very thread was that you'd be around in the afternoon/evening, and you were no where to be found. If you were playing the CPU I would have simmed you. If you were playing Sood I would have temp booted you for him. All other information besides the fact that the deadline was passing, you weren't around, and we had to move on is moot. That's really it. Is that so hard to understand?

I'm not 100% sure what you'd like me to respond to regarding me. That their isn't a conspiriacy against you between me and Pacer? That I'm not laughing in a cave somewhere over your misfortune? What? The reason I said I've known Pacer for years is that it would immensely shock me if he came to me or came into this thread and said, "Yup, I lied to you to get a W in a Madden franchise." Because him lying to you may not mean shit (being a stranger and all), but as someone who has known him since sophomore Spanish class that would just be weird and slightly offensive, though I don't think even I'd be able to take it as seriously as you are right now.

And for the record, if you're wondering why I took you off my Facebook friend list it is not because I'm going great lengths to cover up this alleged big conspiracy against you for a Madden win. By the time you responded to my post you kindly screenshot above the league already moved onto week 2. It was around the same time you entered back into this thread, so some 3 hours after you had to be temp booted. Why did I take you off? Because I didn't feel comfortable being friends with someone on there that would make all these claims against me after a simple misstep.

[quote name='Matt Young']I had to do a bit of research to find the user name of the Bills owner since it's not in the OP, but he was signed on this afternoon. No response on here, nor any messages on Live, however.

[quote name='Lexxon'] As a general rule, I'm available after 4PM M-F and sporadically on weekends (usually around if we schedule ahead of time, just with the girlfriend)[/QUOTE]

edit: btw, I'm 110% done with this ordeal. Matt, if you still take issue with what I've said or how I've explained myself to you then please feel free to PM me. I'd even be up for setting up a time to talk on AIM or something so we can get this thing settled, if for some reason it still isn't. However, I will not be responding to anything else in this thread. I can't stop you from posting in here, but you will be ignore from me and I would recommend the rest of the league ignores this complaint moving forward as well.
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[quote name='Matt Young']HydroX, are you the guy with the same first name as me and the baby picture as your profile pic who sent me a friend request on Facebook? I know I messaged you my URL for the Ultimate Team thing, but I have 7 friend requests sitting in my inbox and I don't know who 4 of the people are, so I wanted to make sure which one was you.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's me.
[quote name='Matt Young'] I had to do a bit of research to find the user name of the Bills owner since it's not in the OP, but he was signed on this afternoon. No response on here, nor any messages on Live, however. [/QUOTE]

Hey Matt and everyone else -

I came down with a sickness so didn't check the site or much of anything yesterday. (Well I guess I was signed on looking for deals at one point @ work :p) I'm home sick from work today but perfectly fit to do my league game sometime today or tomorrow, let me know what works for you.

Lexxon (XBL: Gumbill), Bills Owner
[quote name='Darth0fTheDead']
EDIT: When are we looking to advance to week 3? I've been on vacation and visiting family the past couple of weeks and will be returning home on Sunday. I'm really hoping it wont be prior to then because after playing last weeks game on a 19" POS. How am I suppose to use my uber hax tripple S attack to their fullest extent? ;)[/QUOTE]

*TO* week 3? The goal deadline to week 3 is Saturday. You already played your week 2 game so I assume you meant something else. If we're advancing Saturday then I imagine we will be in week 3 til at least Tuesday. I think a late Tuesday and early Saturday deadline is going to be the goal from here on out until something knocks us off course.
Games left to be played:

Bills vs Packers (being set up now it looks)
Dolphins vs Vikings (haven't heard from either, any news?)
Bears vs Cowboys (the same, though I've seen both in here recently)
Chiefs vs Browns (Deezy, still no word from the Browns?)
Seahawks vs Broncos (is this being set up?)
Patriots vs Jets (pending my internet being fixed, playing tonight)
Jags vs Chargers (anything?)
Saints vs Niners (Cru, have you talked to Scotts yet? I'd PM him)
[quote name='ubernes']
Jags vs Chargers (anything?)

We're on opposite work schedules, but we've been in touch several times and both of us are committed to getting it in. I believe we have a tentative plan in place for Friday.

Jags - Does 6PM EST Friday work for you?
I got a message on xbox live from scotts54 last night we are just trying to get a time straight, we might have the game done tonight.
Even though I already got my Week 2 game in, thankfully I came on to check the message board to see that I'm getting savaged for going up against the computer when my league game was the only one left and my opponent was M.I.A.

From what I remember last season, when I participated in multiple seasons and never had an issue like this, it's common practice for the commissioner to boot players who either don't make an attempt to schedule their games or simply aren't responsive.

Here are my "facts" which are contradictory to Matt Young's, obviously.

We discussed when we could play last week. I told Matt that I couldn't play Friday night through Sunday morning. I was out of state for a four-year-old's birthday party. Matt then informed me that he couldn't play Sunday or Monday night because he was attending SummerSlam and then Monday Night Raw, which is fine with me.

He mentioned playing Tuesday night after what I assumed was work.

What was strange to me (and wasn't something I was going to bring up at all until he went on his "liar" rant) was that he was on when I hopped on Monday evening (Eastern Time). I tried to request his friendship on Xbox Live, but Mr. Popular's list was full. I then hopped on the computer and sent him multiple PMs, with none of them being returned .... even now three days later.

I then came on Tuesday night around 9 PM EST, which I believed was when we would play. I was prepared to wait a bit assuming he might be getting home late from school/work on the West Coast, but when 9:30 rolled around it was decided that he would get the boot so the league could advance.

Another thing I wasn't going to mention, but since I'm be attacked I will, when I came on Tuesday night I checked Young's profile again and he had been on two hours prior. I'm not sure why it was so hard to get in touch with someone who was online much more than he let on.

I work from home and I always offer my opponents any schedule. If he was on Tuesday during the day, a game could have easily been played.

Now, I'm aware that it could have been a roommate/sibling going online (an idea I probably shouldn't be giving Young), but I find it strange that it was like pulling teeth to get in touch with him after our initial contact, but now he's spending an exorbitant amount of time complaining on the message board.

I appreciate those that have come to my defense and haven't bought into all Young is saying.

I truly wish we could make this right. I could care less that I got to play the CPU and earned a win. It's not necessarily about that for me.
[quote name='ubernes']Games left to be played:
Dolphins vs Vikings (haven't heard from either, any news?)

Post # 990

"The Vikings/Dolphins game is scheduled for tomorrow night. "

We're playing tonight at 9pm ubernes;) Got lost in the thread;)
[quote name='ubernes']Games left to be played:

Bills vs Packers (being set up now it looks)
Dolphins vs Vikings (haven't heard from either, any news?)
Bears vs Cowboys (the same, though I've seen both in here recently)
Chiefs vs Browns (Deezy, still no word from the Browns?)
Seahawks vs Broncos (is this being set up?)
Patriots vs Jets (pending my internet being fixed, playing tonight)
Jags vs Chargers (anything?)
Saints vs Niners (Cru, have you talked to Scotts yet? I'd PM him)[/QUOTE]

We are playing Saturday at 5:00 est, it was mutually agreed by both of us.
Cowboys-DA Bears
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When I was the Bucs for a short time it was like pulling teeth to get the browns to respond to anything. He would be on xbl playing smackdown vs raw and totally ignore my messages. I never actually got a response so it was a breath of fresh air when I was asked to takeover the colts.
[quote name='bvharris']Sometimes you've just gotta wrestle.[/QUOTE]

This reminds me of a sumo joke I was once told.
Three men, a Scot, and an English man and a sumo wrestler were going to commit suicide by jumping of the top of a building. The Scot jumped off and shouted ''God save Scotland !'' The English man jumped off and shouted ''God Save England!'' The Sumo wrestler jumped off and shouted ''God save the person who I land on!''

Maybe the sumo landed on the browns owner?:applause:
bread's done