Marvel vs. Capcom 3 discussion thread

[quote name='timesplitt']i thought i was getting better (blocking,comboing) then i played my first ranked match and the guy was so good he used a super and then switch characters and then super'd again like instantly he never gave me a chance to fight back, i still don't know how to switch characters (if i ever do its random)

magneto plus level 5 bar... unstoppable?[/QUOTE]

Hold the assist button.
[quote name='kylerg']What is OTG? On the ground?[/QUOTE]

Off the ground.

[quote name='KingBroly']Since these costumes cost $5, I wonder how much Jill/Shuma are going to cost.[/QUOTE]

$5 each.

[quote name='bs000']What button layout are you guys using with your arcade sticks? I've been trying to figure out what they might use if this were in arcades.

I was thinking

S A1 A2

Or something >_>[/QUOTE]

That's the one. Feels normal after awhile.

[quote name='R1V3R5']Enjoying it. I knew the control scheme would be like TvC going in, but it's still messing me up. I love the 6 button typical layout that Street Fighter has and prefer it. So, I either learn to adapt and try to not take it too serious, or I go balls out and learn to perfect it, but risk ruining my SF game. And I absolutely love the SF games.

Either way, MvC3 is tons of fun.[/QUOTE]

Old man Rivers. Let's play soon.

[quote name='DQT']I'm sorry, but having to vote in a Mega Man (any of them) into a game called Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is like having to vote Mario into Super Smash Brothers.

The producers cited challenges to updating Mega Man but I just think Capcom just wants customers to pay for him.[/QUOTE]

I don't blame them for wanting to have a marquee character to release as DLC. They are a business, after all. Not like they didn't give us most of the big names already.

[quote name='scrub0bk']ive been playing since yesterday and i think im getting better. Havent played online yet casue ill get my ass handed to me but yesterday i couldnt beat stage 5 on normal difficulty but now i completed the whole arcade mode on normal so thats a good sign. Im still really bad at blocking though, anyone have any tips?[/QUOTE]

Hold back.

[quote name='timesplitt']i thought i was getting better (blocking,comboing) then i played my first ranked match and the guy was so good he used a super and then switch characters and then super'd again like instantly he never gave me a chance to fight back, i still don't know how to switch characters (if i ever do its random)

magneto plus level 5 bar... unstoppable?[/QUOTE]

It's called a DHC, you can input the command of your next character's super move while your current character is doing his. It will cause your next character to jump out and super, keeping the combo going. And no, Mags isn't unstoppable. You don't even know how to switch characters, how could you possibly make a point about the game balance?
Am I the only fool using the button layout...

with the assists on the shoulder buttons

I guess with a 6 button stick layout what I've been seeing most makes sense. I'm using a fight pad. but I like the M+H there for specials. Not sure what the S+M+H is doing there though haha, but it made sense when I customized it. I couldn't get used to H being all the way at the end and having to come back for S so I kind of like the little circle I got going on now.
[quote name='timesplitt']i thought i was getting better (blocking,comboing) then i played my first ranked match and the guy was so good he used a super and then switch characters and then super'd again like instantly he never gave me a chance to fight back, i still don't know how to switch characters (if i ever do its random)

magneto plus level 5 bar... unstoppable?[/QUOTE]

The manual isn't just there to make the game's case heavier.
[quote name='eastx']The manual isn't just there to make the game's case heavier.[/QUOTE]

I gave it a quick look through when I first got the game and didn't see anywhere where it said holding the assist buttons subbed out. Took me a couple of matches to just figure it out on my own.
[quote name='ubernes']I gave it a quick look through when I first got the game and didn't see anywhere where it said holding the assist buttons subbed out. Took me a couple of matches to just figure it out on my own.[/QUOTE]

lololol, I had the same problem at first. "Who needs a manual, it's Mahvel Babybee!"... how the fuck do I sub out? Until I finally looked, I kept relying on DHC's (which thankfully work the same as in MvC2) to swap, haha.
Added everyone who sent a FR to CAG SCRUB CLUB.

Second night went a lot better. I got more of the timing down for the combos and was able to get to mission 6, 7 and 8 for a lot of characters. Still noobish I know, but I felt a sense of accomplishment.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Added everyone who sent a FR to CAG SCRUB CLUB.

Second night went a lot better. I got more of the timing down for the combos and was able to get to mission 6, 7 and 8 for a lot of characters. Still noobish I know, but I felt a sense of accomplishment.[/QUOTE]

I would like to get in one this Scrub Club. I have an interest in fighting games, but tend to fall into button mashing too quickly when I play. I also do not devote a lot of time to playing fighting games.
Might steer clear of the CAG lobbies until my internet gets fixed, called the ISP today and they said they'd check the cable line and to call back tomorrow. I start lagging to shit randomly, and I'd rather not kill the fun for you guys if the net goes crazy during the middle of the match.
Enjoying the game but I was unable to get into any online ranked matches. What I did was go to Arcade Mode and just have fight request on and got in a few matchs that way. I got raped - I sucked horribly at MVC2 but I enjoyed it at least.

My complains are the same as the major reviewers/others stated - Barebones package. I don't understand why Capcom couldn't have simply added a tournament mode, replays, replay lobbies. Everything that was in SSFIV content wise should have already been here - but It's not. My guess is the same as everyone elses: Either priced/free (haha) DLC or we see a "Super" edition to piss me off once again.
Capcom really needs to be careful about the repackaged editions with their games. The yearly iteration of fighting games is really what killed off fighting games in the mid to late ninties, and if they're not careful it may happen again. If they do that for MvC3, then reviewers really need to mark it down for the same tactics they just keep repeating.

They also need to patch matchmaking because it's just broken.
[quote name='Kreutz']I would like to get in one this Scrub Club. I have an interest in fighting games, but tend to fall into button mashing too quickly when I play. I also do not devote a lot of time to playing fighting games.[/QUOTE]

Just send a FR to the GT and PM me so I know to check it.

[quote name='KingBroly']Capcom really needs to be careful about the repackaged editions with their games. The yearly iteration of fighting games is really what killed off fighting games in the mid to late ninties, and if they're not careful it may happen again. If they do that for MvC3, then reviewers really need to mark it down for the same tactics they just keep repeating.

They also need to patch matchmaking because it's just broken.[/QUOTE]

They problem is that just about everyone bought SSFIV because it addressed a lot of problems with the first iteration, and was priced at $40. That's how they got away with it and I suspect that's how they'll get away with it again.
Remember when companies used to give you the whole game and then used DLC as just extra fun? Those were the days.

This pretty much sums it up:

[quote name='A Happy Panda']They problem is that just about everyone bought SSFIV because it addressed a lot of problems with the first iteration, and was priced at $40. That's how they got away with it and I suspect that's how they'll get away with it again.[/QUOTE]

But this time they keep throwing out the 'oh, rising development costs' moniker. If they pull it again, we're not going to be so kindly about it because people will recognize their bullshit, especially when MvC3 is fully capable of getting lots of DLC content, like SSF4 is.

But I'll say this, there are A TON of things in this game that are not done, from the matchmaking to the Friends list on your License. That last one is what really irritates me. Why put it in there if it just dumps the data every time you quit?
A rematch option for Arcade Mode would be nice as well. I get sick of having to go back to character select every time Galactus or his minions kick my ass.

After playing Phoenix, I am having trouble understanding how a guy at Gamestop on launch night had her FIRST on his team and was beating everybody. Yeah, everybody was new to the game but I rarely even saw him lose her. I know she's godly as Dark Phoenix but having her anywhere but last seems like suicide to me.
Sometimes I wonder why I even bought this game because I don't think I'll ever play it online, I'm too scared. I can play a decent Ryu in SSFIV but that's the only character I can use outside of maybe Ken or Sakura and my friends hate me because I only use Ryu.

I doubt this will be any different. The only ones I'll probably ever use are Ryu, Morrigan, and Dante/Captain America/Iron Man/Storm.
[quote name='MSUHitman']Sometimes I wonder why I even bought this game because I don't think I'll ever play it online, I'm too scared. I can play a decent Ryu in SSFIV but that's the only character I can use outside of maybe Ken or Sakura and my friends hate me because I only use Ryu.

I doubt this will be any different. The only ones I'll probably ever use are Ryu, Morrigan, and Dante/Captain America/Iron Man/Storm.[/QUOTE]

Try some player matches. If you find someone you can compete with then you can do a rematch. I found 1 guy that was absolutely horrible (since I beat him 4 times with relative ease :D ), 1 that was a little better than me who I lost 3 close matches to and then 1 who killed me.

Invite me if you see me playing if you want as well and/or join the CAG Scrub Club. :D
[quote name='MSUHitman']Sometimes I wonder why I even bought this game because I don't think I'll ever play it online, I'm too scared. I can play a decent Ryu in SSFIV but that's the only character I can use outside of maybe Ken or Sakura and my friends hate me because I only use Ryu.

I doubt this will be any different. The only ones I'll probably ever use are Ryu, Morrigan, and Dante/Captain America/Iron Man/Storm.[/QUOTE]

I'm really the same way with online multiplayer. I just don't like to face people in battle. Something about this game to me is different though, even though I haven't played much online. However I want to and plan to, at least for the next few days.

I'm at ~135 Missions done now. I can't for the life of me figure out how to do Morrigan's or Viewtiful Joe's 3rd Mission. Beyond those 2, I've done the first 3 with every character, doing at least 3 for each character. I've got 5 done with Phoenix, Wesker, Tron and someone else I believe.
[quote name='KingBroly']

I'm at ~135 Missions done now. I can't for the life of me figure out how to do Morrigan's or Viewtiful Joe's 3rd Mission. Beyond those 2, I've done the first 3 with every character, doing at least 3 for each character. I've got 5 done with Phoenix, Wesker, Tron and someone else I believe.[/QUOTE]

I can get about 6 or 7 done with most of the characters. Once it hits 4 stars I have problems and I've only done a handful of those. Morrigan's 3rd mission is tricky. You have to hit the air M,H very quickly as you're dashing over him.
GGs last night to Flippr, bs000, and Guardian. I think my biggest problem in adapting to the game so far is movement and getting in. I was getting better keeping Guardian out but I keep getting hit when I'm trying to dash in or stick out a poke. I think I need to switch out Akuma for someone with a really good anti-air assist as well. Or better yet, maybe I should just create a battery team, build 5 meters, and keep X-Factor Sentinel for last. That seemed to work well last night :lol:.

I'm having a lot of fun with this game.

[quote name='jonathanp']I was actually doing the Mission mode challanges for Phoenix and I really think the SE stick I have is hampering my execution. I think the joystick is slowly dying. I plan on upgrading to a TE stick as soon as I can.[/QUOTE]
You can also mod the SE with Sanwa parts. It's roughly about a $50 upgrade for a new stick and 8 buttons. Very very easy to do as well. You can get parts from Madcatz or Lizard Lick.
I couldn't connect with anyone last night. I just went back to playing Arcade. Sorry everyone who sent a request... I just couldn't connect.
I had lag fighting you Tom for some reason :\

I was raping people my skill level though in a lobby for 1v1 (since there is no spec mode, im never doing anything more than 3 people in a lobby)

I was using Dormamu, Trish, and X-23


MODOK, Trish, and X-23

Holy crap, the modok + trish is insane. No one can get near you at all unless they have a teleport.
And Dormamu has one of the easist combo hyper there is. X-23 is for my rushdown at the end to finish off the enemies :D

And anyone else having trouble connecting to people in ranked? It works like 1/10th of the time
I can't even get a match online, regardless, of ranked, player, or joining lobby. I was able to play one terrible kid last night by making my own lobby and letting it sit for about 5-8 minutes.

If anyone wants to play some games later tonight, just shoot me a message or an invite; I sent some out last night but most people seemed like they were just practicing stuff in training mode.
[quote name='MSUHitman']Sometimes I wonder why I even bought this game because I don't think I'll ever play it online, I'm too scared. I can play a decent Ryu in SSFIV but that's the only character I can use outside of maybe Ken or Sakura and my friends hate me because I only use Ryu.

I doubt this will be any different. The only ones I'll probably ever use are Ryu, Morrigan, and Dante/Captain America/Iron Man/Storm.[/QUOTE]

Hitman we dont hate you because you only use one character...we hate you because you never play the fucken game!! :boxing: ;)
Has anybody gotten the timing for the assist on the last Hsien-Ko mission? I can't get Felicia to hit Cap for the life of me. It's rather discouraging how I can knockout non-assist and one assist tenth missions like crazy for most of the cast but one of the easiest by comparison isn't gelling at all. Ugh...
[quote name='Killbomb']I can get about 6 or 7 done with most of the characters. Once it hits 4 stars I have problems and I've only done a handful of those. Morrigan's 3rd mission is tricky. You have to hit the air M,H very quickly as you're dashing over him.[/QUOTE]

I actually got it last night. I had to resort to a youtube video to get it done. It's the most worthless mission ever because you'll never be able to get in like that against anyone. I've actually found myself skipping around because some later missions are easier.

EDIT: Now I have 6 more Missions to complete until 160. I REALLY hope Jill and Shuma have a set of 10 Missions for themselves because I'm really hurting here to find Missions I can do. I have to figure out how to do Chris' #4, Joe's #3, Phoenix's #6, Thor's #4 and MODOK's #4 and #5.
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Fighting people online is either getting raped or raping. Doesn't seem to be a lot of middle ground online. Oh and X-factor is the stupidest thing I've ever seen. I don't care if I've used it to win bullshit scenarios because I've also lost in bullshit scenarios. ::RAGE::
[quote name='Killbomb']A rematch option for Arcade Mode would be nice as well. I get sick of having to go back to character select every time Galactus or his minions kick my ass.

[quote name='DV8']Fighting people online is either getting raped or raping. Doesn't seem to be a lot of middle ground online. Oh and X-factor is the stupidest thing I've ever seen. I don't care if I've used it to win bullshit scenarios because I've also lost in bullshit scenarios. ::RAGE::[/QUOTE]

X-Factor Sentinel is the most overpowered character evar.
Took forever to connect to an online match last night. I like it so far, but the roster is weak. I like some of the additions, especially Deadpool , but the lower count roster is kind of a disappointment compared to MVC2.
[quote name='Morphx2']I had lag fighting you Tom for some reason :\

I was raping people my skill level though in a lobby for 1v1 (since there is no spec mode, im never doing anything more than 3 people in a lobby)

I was using Dormamu, Trish, and X-23


MODOK, Trish, and X-23

Holy crap, the modok + trish is insane. No one can get near you at all unless they have a teleport.
And Dormamu has one of the easist combo hyper there is. X-23 is for my rushdown at the end to finish off the enemies :D

And anyone else having trouble connecting to people in ranked? It works like 1/10th of the time[/QUOTE]

You're always laggy. And luckily, I use two teleport characters. :)

Good games to Shinobi, Tom, Joe, Kensei, and whoever else was on for the past two nights. Ranked does seem to be hard to get into. I've resorted to going into Training mode and setting it to Fight Request On. Just got my 5 wins in a row achievement.

Oh, and:

Sentinel is definitely going to be "Top Tier"/used ad nauseum at tournaments. I was really hoping that Capcom would have nerfed him in this iteration considering his godlike status in MvC2. Level 3 X-Factor Sentinel is unstoppable and can chip you to death from full screen by mashing buttons... and he has an assload of health. He's easily as bad as Dark Phoenix, except he doesn't need Five Hyper Bars to activate.
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Is it wrong that I love using Arthur so much? I'm able to pull off a lot of bullshit with him. Sometimes I hate myself for being so cheap.
[quote name='Jimbo Slice'] how could you possibly make a point about the game balance?[/QUOTE]

lets see, magneto comes out, grab stun super, grab stun super, grab stun super, grab super, grab super, grab stun hyper beam hyper beam grab


lets see you survive this bud
The buddy I'm playing against uses Dante, Zero and Wesker constantly, and always goes from a combo launcher with Zero into Team Aerial (which I'm trying to learn to predict so I can Counter, but lawd that's difficult), into Dante's Hyper, and then Wesker's Hyper, and then Zero's Hyper... rinse and repeat. Dante's pretty much unstoppable if he hits you, everything he does can chain into ridiculous combos and his gun Hyper can chain together over and over.

Every match is like that, and there's nothing I can really do about it. If I get hit, I'm pretty much gone, especially if X-Factor gets thrown into the mix. I wish I could recover in mid-air instead of just watching my guy get pummeled. I think it's just a matter of him having the fighting game advantage + having a stick, so playing against someone that much better than me is just kind of ruining the game.

Also, I love Hagger. Loooove Hagger. Color #4 (Sean Connery mode), Violent Axe and hittin em with that steel pipe is awesome.
X-Factor is when you press LMHS all at the same time.

I just hit 160 Missions complete. I think I went at least one over, maybe two. Now I can focus on playing online because I'll never get 320 Missions done.
Finally completed a god damn mission mode and of course it's for Phoenix. Progress tastes so sweet. Hsien-Ko, Doom, Mags and Thor are next. I'd better break off of MM though for a bit to screw around in training mode with other characters for an actual team so I can finally pick up the flow of this game.
[quote name='Hell Monkey']Wow..I have no clue what half you guys are talking about. I don't even know what x-Factor is yet, lol.[/QUOTE]

Hit all four face buttons, and you get increased damage, reduced damage to yourself, and heals your chip damage. When you're down to your last guy, it's a last resort, if you're getting combo'd and they use it...bye-bye.
Ah good to know. I totally stink at this game so far. My 6 year old kicked my butt by spamming Trish's H attack on me when I was in the corner.
Although I was excited for this release...I think I am going to wait til it hits 40 or less. I had the feeling that Capcom was going to pull some characters out then make them DLC only later on.
i would like the skilled players here to test this out and play with it and against it

have magneto last, save up your level 5 until you have to use him

when he is out; use the hyper beam to attack them and the ball to grab them and then the super when you find an opening. i would like to know a strategy to get past this. I have already found these as help but i still can't win because of misses/badluck

1.using the orange punch attack to bring him out early (wastes super and i miss sometimes) (X-23 is small)
2. getting close and spamming but this hurts my assistants and my attacks aren't fast enough to stop him, i go to punch and my punch doesn't DEACTIVATE his super still hitting me. AND HE CAN GRAB Me
[quote name='Morphx2']I had lag fighting you Tom for some reason :\
You lagged in BlazBlue and I never get lag in that game.....

[quote name='GuardianE']
Sentinel is definitely going to be "Top Tier"/used at nauseum at tournaments. I was really hoping that Capcom would have nerfed him in this iteration considering his godlike status in MvC2. Level 3 X-Factor Sentinel is unstoppable and can chip you to death from full screen by mashing buttons... and he has an assload of health. He's easily as bad as Dark Phoenix, except he doesn't need Five Hyper Bars to activate.[/QUOTE]
Your post inspired me to change my avatar ;).

GGs today to you and Jimbo.
[quote name='ITDEFX']Although I was excited for this release...I think I am going to wait til it hits 40 or less. I had the feeling that Capcom was going to pull some characters out then make them DLC only later on.[/QUOTE]

Or you could get Super MVC3 for $60 that includes 6 new characters!
[quote name='DV8']Or you could get Super MVC3 for $60 that includes 6 new characters![/QUOTE]

Bet your ass that Capcom has every character missing from MvC2 just waiting to be priced for DLC.
[quote name='timesplitt']lets see, magneto comes out, grab stun super, grab stun super, grab stun super, grab super, grab super, grab stun hyper beam hyper beam grab


lets see you survive this bud[/QUOTE]

I don't even know what to make of this. What is grab stun super? Are you talking about Hyper Grav and then doing his super? Cause if so, you know you can block Hyper Grav (the move where the balls shoot out and incapacitate you) right, bud?
bread's done