Mass Effect 2 coming to PS3 January 2011

So does everyone get the DA armor? Kind of makes it silly that they packed it into the ps3 DA:UE cases as a bonus.

If anyone needs one, PM me.
[quote name='FroMann']Just finished the game, here is my conclusion.

Blew up the collectors base, everyone survived, and my female Shepperd got it on with Garrus. Now I just need to finish the side missions and be ready to import my Mass Effect 2 save to Mass Effect 3. I loved this game and can't wait for the sequel.

My only complaints with the game is that Normal mode is too easy, and their are a few noticeable sound glitches. During action cut scenes the sound was not in sync and had a 1-2 second delay. Other than that. Every PS3 owner should buy this game.[/QUOTE]

Insanity is such a bitchhhh.

That is my damnedest elusive achievement.
[quote name='mykevermin']I put about 5-6 hours into it since I got it last week. I have to say it's just like any BioWare RPG to me. That is, it's a very bimodal experience for me; some days I simply can't get enough of their games, and others I find aspects of the game so tedious I can easily walk away from it.[/QUOTE]

I've been having a similar experience with their RPGs for the last few years as they feel like they are simply making KotOR over and over again with slight tweaks and improvements made to the systems and technical aspects.

The Mass Effect series in particular baffles me in regards to its popularity as so much of it is generic Sci-Fi tropes and, so far, the games have been technically unimpressive to say the least. (framerate, controls, shadows, textures, and just general buggy jank)

To be fair, the same criticisms could be said of the Dragon Age series in that it's very technically mediocre and so generically fantasy that you can actually see the Tolkien-derived...well everything all over the place.

I dunno; they still make good games and their dialog and character work is still very engaging and intriguing but BioWare has definitely lost a lot of their appeal for me. (which is odd to say as I still enjoy Bethesda's RPGs and they have also been making the same basic game since, at least, Elder Scrolls III)

Perhaps all of that would mean more were I not buying every damn RPG that they release.:D Hell I downright detest the state in which Obsidian releases their games and yet I still buy them. (although only when I can snag them for ~$30)
i thought the combat was really something out of the ordinary for an RPG. Its a big step up from the auto-play that was KotOR.

It's hard to have something in future/sci-fi realm and NOT have it feel like it's been done before.

Bethesda DOES make some amazing games, but I'm so sick of Fallout 3/New Vegas and really hope skyrimm gets here. I'm hoping they improve the combat in their elder scroll series to make it more like Mass Effect. That would really seal the deal for me.

And not every game can be as good as Demon's Souls
[quote name='billyrox']Just got Archangel. Fun mission though Kasumi's was much funner. So is this game mainly just recruiting people?[/QUOTE]

I find it interesting that the CAG PS3 owners are liking the Kasumi mission so much. When it came out on 360 for $7 it was basically the main 5 contributors (myself included) to the Bioware games in the 360 forum defending it and everyone else trashing it. I still say Kasumi was better than Overlord, which everyone including Cheapy D slobbered all over when it came out a couple of months later.
[quote name='billyrox']Ok yeah, i'm going to change to Veteran because on normal, Gareth and Kanumi essentially own everyone and i just hid behind a box.[/QUOTE]

I think I'm going to switch my main Shepard (FemShep) to either Veteran or Hardcore as I breezed through the game also on normal. Died less than 10 times from the beginning of the game through Shadow Broker, and I've already died that many times, if not more, on Hardcore with a male Shepard (and all I've done is 4 recruitment missions, Kasumi/Zaeed loyalty, and Horizon.)
[quote name='Amblix']Insanity is such a bitchhhh.

That is my damnedest elusive achievement.[/QUOTE]

It gets easier.

I played through on Insanity as an Infiltrator on 360 and until I beefed up my abilities with the sniper rifle (longer slow down when looking through the scope), I was forever running out of ammo and redoing battles several times. As my Shepard got better with the sniper rifle, things calmed down.

...until a certain mission about 2/3 of the way through the game. Holy hell I started to regret the high difficulty.

But after I cleared that (with some tips from gamefaqs and here), it was a fun, challenging push through the end.
For any of the classes that pack a SMG, I highly recommend getting Kasmui's loyalty mission out of the way as soon as possible, since it does give you the best SMG in the game. It's much better than any other SMG, with longer range and better accuracy.

Vanguards and Sentinels should look into the Kestral armor that comes in the Aegis pack. It's also nice since you can part and piece it out for use with other classes.
[quote name='Dasflikko']Ha that "certain mission" is such a pain on insanity. I had a rough time on my Vanguard : ([/QUOTE]

Sheesh, I'm having a rough time with
Archangels mission
[quote name='MSUHitman']I find it interesting that the CAG PS3 owners are liking the Kasumi mission so much. When it came out on 360 for $7 it was basically the main 5 contributors (myself included) to the Bioware games in the 360 forum defending it and everyone else trashing it. I still say Kasumi was better than Overlord, which everyone including Cheapy D slobbered all over when it came out a couple of months later.[/QUOTE]

I jumped straight to Overloard after Kasumi and it's great too. I think the reason i like Kasumi so much is because it reminds me an episode of Firefly
[quote name='Amblix']Sheesh, I'm having a rough time with
Archangels mission

if your playing on Hardcore or Insanity Archangels mission isn't easy at all.
[quote name='Fell Open Ian']I've been having a similar experience with their RPGs for the last few years as they feel like they are simply making KotOR over and over again with slight tweaks and improvements made to the systems and technical aspects.

The Mass Effect series in particular baffles me in regards to its popularity as so much of it is generic Sci-Fi tropes and, so far, the games have been technically unimpressive to say the least. (framerate, controls, shadows, textures, and just general buggy jank)

To be fair, the same criticisms could be said of the Dragon Age series in that it's very technically mediocre and so generically fantasy that you can actually see the Tolkien-derived...well everything all over the place.

I dunno; they still make good games and their dialog and character work is still very engaging and intriguing but BioWare has definitely lost a lot of their appeal for me. (which is odd to say as I still enjoy Bethesda's RPGs and they have also been making the same basic game since, at least, Elder Scrolls III)

Perhaps all of that would mean more were I not buying every damn RPG that they release.:D Hell I downright detest the state in which Obsidian releases their games and yet I still buy them. (although only when I can snag them for ~$30)[/QUOTE]

I would argue that Bioware succeeds in providing a deep and dynamic narrative - the world and your party grows and changes as you proceed through the game. Sure, Mass Effect may not be a new kind of story. But you feel the "world" it's immersed into more than most other games.

Alternately, getting achievements for banging other characters in your party may be a part of it as well.
[quote name='Brainberry']Does anybody else here Games freeze(sometimes) during armor and appearance loadout?

I have the PSN version btw[/QUOTE]
1-2 second freezes yes, does your game have sound out of sync during certain action cut scenes?
myke I know you said it's a Bioware RPG and if I've played DA:O.

I liked this way more then DA:O, or at least the demo of ME2. DA:O I was just holding X every battle. I wanted there to be more dodging and stuff instead of basically a turn based action RPG. In ME2 it's basically a 3rd person shooter RPG.

I guess what I'm saying is if DA:O was more like Fable's combat I would have enjoyed it more. And actually finished it.

Anyways, looking forward to ME2 arriving sometime this week.
[quote name='FroMann']1-2 second freezes yes, does your game have sound out of sync during certain action cut scenes?[/QUOTE]

No, whenever i go from the collector armor all the way to end (quickly) it freezes(fully) causing me to do a hard restart. Which sucks. And yes sometimes the sound is out of sync during cutscenes. ALl that said I STILL LOVE THIS GAME. I'm also loving every second of the DLC since i never played the DLC on the 360 version. Feels like a new game.

The real question is are they even planning to patch things up on a year old game?
[quote name='IRHari']myke I know you said it's a Bioware RPG and if I've played DA:O.

I liked this way more then DA:O, or at least the demo of ME2. DA:O I was just holding X every battle. I wanted there to be more dodging and stuff instead of basically a turn based action RPG. In ME2 it's basically a 3rd person shooter RPG.

I guess what I'm saying is if DA:O was more like Fable's combat I would have enjoyed it more. And actually finished it.

Anyways, looking forward to ME2 arriving sometime this week.[/QUOTE]

I tried getting onto DA:O but i couldnt. After playing Demons Souls and I gave DA a shot since i was craving more medieval action but DA was boring me to death 2hrs in i just quit and decided to play DS for the 647215 time.
I hate the idea of having some 'stat' that determines whether or not you get hit. One of the things that's always irked me about FF games.

At least let me see if I have the skill to fucking dodge that shit myself brah.
[quote name='mykevermin']I would argue that Bioware succeeds in providing a deep and dynamic narrative - the world and your party grows and changes as you proceed through the game. Sure, Mass Effect may not be a new kind of story. But you feel the "world" it's immersed into more than most other games.[/QUOTE]

I completely agree about their narratives.

BioWare's worlds, however, are increasingly segmented and narrow. Their worlds tend to appear vast but are actually just disjointed nodes.

You aren't really exploring a country/continent (DA) or a planet/galaxy (ME) but rather just playing through fairly limited and tiny segments of what is described to you as vast.

I fully understanding the reasoning and scoping involved in that approach but it feels much more like playing a level/mission than being part of a world. (Mass Effect 2 even throws what are essentially level/mission complete screens at you)

It seems that PS3 ME2 has a game save bug that can corrupt not only the saves but the entire PS3 HDD.

It is recommended to avoid playing it until Bioware releases a patch.
[quote name='Brainberry']if your playing on Hardcore or Insanity Archangels mission isn't easy at all.[/QUOTE]
They just keep coming, and their health keeps regenerating. >.
I'm totally dorking out on Mass Effect. I'm not very far into the game myself, but I watched a friend play it for about 6 hours on Saturday.

I downloaded the audiobook version of the novels they released after seeing the ratings on Amazon. I'm over halfway through the first one. It's entertaining, but it's not high art.

It seems that PS3 ME2 has a game save bug that can corrupt not only the saves but the entire PS3 HDD.

It is recommended to avoid playing it until Bioware releases a patch.

Damn, can someone confirm this?
Save game glitch? I never ran into it, and I almost have 50 hours into my game.

EDIT: I am reading the Bioware forum post and a lot of people are mentioning that they lost their saves during the Shadow Broker mission. I have passed the mission and have not run into any freezing or data loss issues.
These stories are saying the save gets corrupted, where are the stories about the entire hard drive getting corrupted? Any CAGS run into this?

If anyone has run into it (or if you've played 50+ hours and never have) if you could post what kind of PS3 system you have I'd appreciate it. ME2 just arrived today and I'm worried about putting it in if it might annihilate my HD.
[quote name='IRHari']These stories are saying the save gets corrupted, where are the stories about the entire hard drive getting corrupted? Any CAGS run into this?

If anyone has run into it (or if you've played 50+ hours and never have) if you could post what kind of PS3 system you have I'd appreciate it. ME2 just arrived today and I'm worried about putting it in if it might annihilate my HD.[/QUOTE]

I use the last generation of Fat systems with the 80GB hard drive. This is a software issue and I don't think having a certain PS3 is going to help. You will either run into the glitch or you won't.

EDIT: Here is a temporary solution from the Bioware forums.

Hello everyone.

We are aware that a small group of Playstation 3 users are getting corrupted saves while playing Mass Effect 2. We are aware of the issue and we are working on a patch to fix it. This issue is caused by too many level transitions within a single gaming session. Players who play for an extended period may encounter this issue.

In the mean time, there is a very simple work around to prevent this issue. Simply restart your game every few hours. By shutting down and restarting your game, you will not encounter the corrupted save issue.

So take a break from Mass Effect2 by shutting down your game, say hello to your loved ones or take the dog for a walk and then restart and keep playing.
Corrupting a save is one thing, corrupting a profile of saves is another, but the stories of entire HDDs being corrupted to the point where the PS3's system tools in Service/Recovery mode won't even fix things is downright reprehensible.

I remember a demo disc with Viewtiful Joe on it erasing PS2/PS1 memory cards and Sony giving out free games because of it...I wonder if Sony/BioWare will have to do the same in this situation given the system-wide implications of this corruption. (lacking the tools/knowhow this could very well render someone's PS3 HDD worthless)

If all else fails you can yank that drive and use PC tools to format it back to a working state but that still wipes out everything and not everyone can/will take that road.
Man I just picked this up today and see this. Now I don't know whether to wait. I never play in long increments so I guess I'd be okay but knowing there's a chance just freaks me out.
[quote name='kurrptsenate']if your worried back up your saves to a PC. its very easy with a thumb drive and could save you the headache[/QUOTE]

It sounds like it's corrupting the drives though, not just the save files. So you'd lose absolutely everything. I'll be playing lbp2 and dead space until this mess is officially sorted out.
The Bioware explanation makes sense considering most of the people are already 30-40 hours into the game. That had to include some lengthy game sessions. I can't imagine getting that far in a game in a week honestly but I guess some just have a lot more free time than others.
[quote name='nbballard']It sounds like it's corrupting the drives though, not just the save files. So you'd lose absolutely everything. I'll be playing lbp2 and dead space until this mess is officially sorted out.[/QUOTE]

Most of the posts in the threads listed say their save file got corrupted, not the hard drive. I haven't seen many (or any) posts talking about corrupt HDs.
Well that's good to hear. A lot of the initial information that was springing up on this was indicating that this was a lot messier than this.
[quote name='IRHari']Most of the posts in the threads listed say their save file got corrupted, not the hard drive. I haven't seen many (or any) posts talking about corrupt HDs.[/QUOTE]

That has a lot to do with how the PS3 handles HDD data corruption in that once a certain level of corruption occurs you are greeted with the data corruption message every time you boot the system.

Right now I have a corrupt auto-save from either Oblivion or *gasp* Mass Effect 2 which will not allow me to delete it. I'll have to go into recovery mode and 'restore' the system before it will allow me to delete it and even that method isn't a sure thing for removal.

The problem is that the corrupt data often gets flagged as read-only by the PS3's filesystem which could very well lead to a cascading effect of more corrupt data to the point where the PS3's filesystem is wholly corrupt and refuses to boot.

The PS3's filesystem isn't very well documented to say the least and Sony not making the knowledge/tools widely available means that when something like that cascading effect occurs you have to either send Sony the HDD or use PC tools to format it back to a working state.

Either way I absolutely believe that one corrupt save/profile could take down the entire HDD as I've seen it happen. (auto-saves trying to overwrite read-only auto-saves which can't be over-written and then error or spread corruption or sometimes just magically work ain't pretty and it ain't clean)

Yeah I just booted into recovery mode after backing up my saves and even though it allowed me to delete one of the corrupt saves it left a second hidden one on the drive. So there sits a folder named 'Unknown' in my game save data list with some hidden file inside of it and not a damn thing can be done about it outside of formatting the drive.
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huh? Pretty sure many people at the Bioware forum said they were able to delete the corrupted save without a problem. I highly doubt it will affect the entire system
[quote name='ssjmichael']huh? Pretty sure many people at the Bioware forum said they were able to delete the corrupted save without a problem. I highly doubt it will affect the entire system[/QUOTE]

I was able to delete the visible save after using recovery mode but a hidden unknown one still exists.

The cascading I spoke of had to do with Oblivion and a friend of mine letting a corrupt autosave live on his system while he continued to play for weeks. Eventually the corruption was so bad and widespread that the PS3 couldn't restore or format the data away in normal or recovery mode.

I had to pull the drive and format using gparted and then put it back in the PS3 before it was usable again...but it has been fine since.

I'm not saying that Mass Effect 2 is corrupting entire PS3 HDDs but I am saying that it's possible. Either way, after that Oblivion mess, I'm not touching Mass Effect 2 until BioWare patches this.
Upcoming patch:

Patch Notes
  • Fixed a crash related to memory fragmentation. This fix will also resolve the crashing that corrupted Save Games.
  • Slightly improved load times and level streaming.
  • Added some telemetry to better improve future titles.
  • Updated some strings to fix spelling mistakes (Sorry Kaidan!)
  • Fixed the picture frame in Shepard's Cabin to accurately reflect your love interest choices in Mass Effect: Genesis.
  • Fixed a rare crash in the PSN version in Shepard's Cabin.
bread's done