Mass Effect 2 Discussion - Fight for the Lost

[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']Correction:
I looked it up and: Gillian is twelve during the events of Mass Effect: Ascension. Mass Effect 2 is supposed to take place two years after Ascension, making Subject Zero seemingly too old to be Gillian.
Well, never mind then.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']Correction:
I looked it up and: Gillian is twelve during the events of Mass Effect: Ascension. Mass Effect 2 is supposed to take place two years after Ascension, making Subject Zero seemingly too old to be Gillian.

Exactly. The theory isn't feasible given the time line though I would love any appearance from any Ascension character in the sequel... especially Lemm and Grayson.
[quote name='moojuice']Well, never mind then.[/QUOTE]I would have liked for that idea to work out, because I think hearing about Gillian's progress straight from her would be interesting. On the bright side, we get to learn a lot of things about an all new character.

[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']Exactly. The theory isn't feasible given the time line though I would love any appearance from any Ascension character in the sequel... especially Lemm and Grayson.[/QUOTE]Lemm would be the character I'd like to see most from Ascension make it into ME2. Although they were mentioned all throughout the second book, I don't think I've gotten enough Quarian for my liking (and it seems from Tali's video that we will get much more). Kahlee would also be nice to see, just because I think it's cool to put a face and voice to a character I've read over the span of two books.
I know I'd be reduced to nothing more than a giddy nonsensical rabid fanboy if there were young David Anderson and Kahlee flashbacks or a reunion in the sequel. I enjoyed the subtle sexual tension between the two plus given her reaction in Ascension to the mere mention of him could you imagine the shear unadulterated awesome if they were to meet again?


Lemm on the other hand? I doubt I could speak for a few hours if he made an appearance. Pure Quarian win.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']I know I'd be reduced to nothing more than a giddy nonsensical rabid fanboy if there were young David Anderson and Kahlee flashbacks or a reunion in the sequel. I enjoyed the subtle sexual tension between the two plus given her reaction in Ascension to the mere mention of him could you imagine the shear unadulterated awesome if they were to meet again?


Lemm on the other hand? I doubt I could speak for a few hours if he made an appearance. Pure Quarian win.[/QUOTE]I think Anderson deserves a booty call from Kahlee in ME2, especially after the events of Mass Effect 1 (on top of all the other shit he's been through) - why should Shepard be the only one in Citadel Space getting any?

That, or he at least deserves (major Mass Effect 1 spoiler warning for the people in this thread who still haven't finished the first game)
the Council recognition I asked for at the end of the game after saving their sorry asses.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']I think Anderson deserves a booty call from Kahlee in ME2, especially after the events of Mass Effect 1 (on top of all the other shit he's been through) - why should Shepard be the only one in Citadel Space getting any?

That, or he at least deserves (major Mass Effect 1 spoiler warning for the people in this thread who still haven't finished the first game)
the Council recognition I asked for at the end of the game after saving their sorry asses.

So true. Hell she had the perfect opportunity and reasoning behind giving it up at the end of the first book. Ugh... women, eh? After all given the circumstances would a romp in the hay really have had a detrimental effect on their relationship?

Oh man... I am so looking forward to the next character reveal. Where would that put at? Nine or ten?
[quote name='MSUHitman']I tried to preorder the CE in-store @ Gamestop and was denied. Looks like you'll have to do it on Amazon or the EA Store.[/QUOTE]Cut-off date for it was the day before Thanksgiving.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']So true. Hell she had the perfect opportunity and reasoning behind giving it up at the end of the first book. Ugh... women, eh? After all given the circumstances would a romp in the hay really have had a detrimental effect on their relationship?

Oh man... I am so looking forward to the next character reveal. Where would that put at? Nine or ten?[/QUOTE]Right. She pretty much knew they'd never see each other again, but she pulled the friend card on him cold.

Remember that a new character reveal doesn't exactly ensure a "new" character. They've yet to show a video for Miranda, Jacob, Mordin, and Thane. There's still two slots for brand new characters, so there's a chance that we get someone brand new. Honestly, I'll take whatever I can get when it comes to new looks at characters and classes.
The newer the better in my opinion. As much as I love the old squad a sequel is supposed to introduce us to the new and exciting. Now don't get me wrong I'm as thankful as the next fan for having the option to recruit Ms. Zorah and her Nobel Peace Prize winning hips at my leisure, but honestly I wouldn't have cared much if all of them were reduced to tastefully fleshed out cameos in this game. Especially with regard to my love interest because if you actually gave a damn about them would you feel comfortable allowing them to accompany you on a suicide mission? Let alone enjoy reloading saves or replaying certain quests to ensure their survival? Could you imagine
another Virmire-esque
"Damned if you do, damned if you don't" type of mission where ANYONE is fair game? Psht... I'll pass thanks. So long as they aren't completely written off I find myself fairly content with how Bioware has decided to carry out certain things. If people are so damn hung up about it there is nothing stopping them from replaying ME again if they just HAVE to have their favorite squadmates sharing the spotlight at all costs.

After all I don't ever recall anyone from Bioware stating their lack of appearance in the sequel confirms their permanent departure from the universe. I can't be the only one who thought ME1 WAS their story to begin with and it may very well close in the third game.
[quote name='shrike4242']Cut-off date for it was the day before Thanksgiving.[/QUOTE]

It's such BS that I have to have a pre-order down 2 months in advance to get a CE without having to go online. If it was even January I would totally understand, but it's still 7 weeks out.
I'm glad I preordered the CE from gamestop online when I did. I had it with amazon but would rather have a gun and armor than just the armor. That is if you even get the armor with the CE on amazon. Last I looked they didn't have it listed for it.
After I heard about how limited the quantity was I'm glad I preordered mine in Oct just on the off chance something like this would happen. I'm sort of surprised at the amount of people who didn't follow suit. It's paid in full so if I don't get my copy someone is going to get punched in the face. My first ever CE purchase and will probably be my last until ME 3.
The mass effect wiki has loads of information on changes, such as a new vehicle, improved visuals (texture popping up) behaviors, and game mechanics. Apologies if it's already been mentioned in this thread.

As for me, the hacking Simon says was one of the things that needed changing, badly. The worst offender, however, remains the emptiness and repetition of planetary exploration. After about three or four of the same empty landscape only rockier or snowier I found myself yawning with anticipation. I'm eager to see how these new changes unfold.
[quote name='sendme']I'm glad I preordered the CE from gamestop online when I did. I had it with amazon but would rather have a gun and armor than just the armor. That is if you even get the armor with the CE on amazon. Last I looked they didn't have it listed for it.[/QUOTE]

It's Gamestop exclusive according to the trailer on the XBox Marketplace.
I really enjoyed Mass Effect, will be picking up the sequel on day one. Just to confirm, the CE case is not a steelbook? it'll help me decide between the standard and the CE.
Of course, the Miranda reveal trailer gets delayed :bomb:

However, there were two other "reveals" today. On Saturday, FOX will be showing an IGN special called IGN's Ultimate Videogame Gift Guide which will feature an all new Blur trailer for Mass Effect 2 (Blur is the company who made the Dragon Age videos, as well as the Old Republic video from E3). Also, the main cast of voice actors has been revealed. I'm not sure it's a spoiler, but I'll throw it in tags anyways:
Martin Sheen- Illusive Man
Yvonne Strahovski- Miranda Lawson
Seth Green - Joker
Keith David - Admiral David Anderson
Tricia Helfer - EDI, the voice of the new Normandy (pretty much the VI of the ship)
Carrie-Anne Moss - Aria T’Loak
Shohreh Aghdashloo - Admiral Shala'Raan vas Tonbay
Michael Hogan - Captain Bailey
Adam Baldwin - Kal ‘Reegar
Michael Dorn - Gatatog Uvenk


Here are some GameInformer Scans that have recently made their internet rounds. It talks more in depth about the crew and other things:

[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']Link to the nerdgasm voice actor reveal video.[/QUOTE]

This video has me fucking pumped. I'm going to lapse into seizures on saturday.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']Link to the nerdgasm voice actor reveal video.[/QUOTE]

The character is voiced by AND modeled after Yvonne Strahovski? Sweet jesus.

I've been putting off pre-ordering it, but no more.
Great God, that was epic. I can't wait to play it.

My one thing is.. I thought Joker's bones were so brittle that he couldn't walk?
[quote name='CaptainJoel']Great God, that was epic. I can't wait to play it.

My one thing is.. I thought Joker's bones were so brittle that he couldn't walk?

Probably has some sort of anti-grav boots or something in that video.
[quote name='CaptainJoel']Great God, that was epic. I can't wait to play it.

My one thing is.. I thought Joker's bones were so brittle that he couldn't walk?
I'm guessing he got the Cerberus hookups to some better leg braces. I know he had them in the first game, but he wouldn't have risked walking on them.
So. fuckING. Epic.

...If Bioware was a cult I'd join it and hold people at gunpoint forcing them to join as well on a daily basis. Btw Joker could always walk and had leg braces in the first game. If you talk to him he'll tell you himself so spoiler tags aren't necessary. >_>

X: I beg to differ. "I got to be real careful when I get up to take a piss though" - Joker, ME1
[quote name='thrustbucket']When will Amazon put up a pre-order special damn it.[/QUOTE]

Amazon doesn't charge until it ships, and any special/discount applied to the item after you order but before it ships is automatically credited to you, so there's no reason to not pre-order now.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']So. fuckING. Epic.

...If Bioware was a cult I'd join it and hold people at gunpoint forcing them to join as well on a daily basis. Btw Joker could always walk and had leg braces in the first game. If you talk to him he'll tell you himself so spoiler tags aren't necessary. >_>

X: I beg to differ. "I got to be real careful when I get up to take a piss though" - Joker, ME1[/QUOTE]What I meant is that he wouldn't be as eager to take a joyful, conversational stroll with Shepard as he did in that video. I really liked the small bit of conversation you had with Joker in Mass Effect 1, and I'm hoping we get much more in this upcoming game.
LOL. Well... being "in love" will certainly have you doing more than few out of the ordinary things. I can't wait to see how his "romance" with the VI is going to play itself out. Seth is awesome.
Lol I love Seth Green talking about Tricia haha. OMG that video is kick ass, truely Mass Effect Bioware caliber. I sooo can't wait for this. Does anyone know if I get Amazon gift cards, which I'm asking for Christmas, that I can apply that to my already ordered CE?
For some reason, I'm not a fan of how the the Illusive Man looks. I expected him to look the point where he looks like a kinda stoic businessman. He kinda looks like a space pimp now.
[quote name='Spybreak8']Lol I love Seth Green talking about Tricia haha. OMG that video is kick ass, truely Mass Effect Bioware caliber. I sooo can't wait for this. Does anyone know if I get Amazon gift cards, which I'm asking for Christmas, that I can apply that to my already ordered CE?[/QUOTE]

Yes, you can change payment methods.
[quote name='metaly']They should have gotten Ed Wasser instead of Martin Sheen so their nerd bases would be completely covered.[/QUOTE]

But for those of us who are not only sci-fi nerds but political nerds, Martin Sheen is the cherry on top.
Here's a great video for fans of the Sentinel Class.

Tech armor, Warp ability now detonates other biotic powers, and cryo freezing! Holy shit..I may have to rethink what class I am going to use for Mass Effect 2 now (although I'll probably say that again whenever they show the Infiltrator class video :cool:)
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']Here's a great video for fans of the Sentinel Class.

Tech armor, Warp ability now detonates other biotic powers, and cryo freezing! Holy shit..I may have to rethink what class I am going to use for Mass Effect 2 now (although I'll probably say that again whenever they show the Infiltrator class video :cool:)

I keep saying that every time they show a new class. I probably will end up keeping my vanguard though.
...and supporting interview.

[quote name='Anexanhume']I keep saying that every time they show a new class. I probably will end up keeping my vanguard though.[/QUOTE]It's up in the air for me right now. Honestly, it may just come down to what I think goes well with Thane (Sentinel) and Miranda (?) - who I'll be using as main squadmates for my first run-through. I will undoubtedly be using a hybrid class, though.
Just a head's up for those who care: tune into FOX tonight at 6:30PM CST/ 7:30PM EST for IGN's Gamebreak! Ultimate Holiday Video Game Guide to see the world premiere of the new cinematic trailer for Mass Effect 2. It's made by the same company who did the E3 video for The Old Republic (Blur), and it will be available on IGN's website right after. The clip will be 90 seconds long and the full 3-minute version will be available for the XBL Marketplace later this month.
Here is the 90-second clip of the forthcoming 3-minute trailer due out in 10 days. I'll save my reaction for the full 3-minute trailer, but all I can think is "holy shit!" :cool:
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']Just a head's up for those who care: tune into FOX tonight at 6:30PM CST/ 7:30PM EST for IGN's Gamebreak! Ultimate Holiday Video Game Guide to see the world premiere of the new cinematic trailer for Mass Effect 2. It's made by the same company who did the E3 video for The Old Republic (Blur), and it will be available on IGN's website right after. The clip will be 90 seconds long and the full 3-minute version will be available for the XBL Marketplace later this month.[/QUOTE]

Yea I watched the show, man what was up with the video being clipped on the sides (text was cut off lol like it was widescreen or something although game footage/titles/systems the game was on were no cut off). The trailer was pretty cool but it was way too soft so I missed most of the dialog so thanks for the link. All I thought when I saw that big creature thing was "What the hell is that thing!?"
That new trailers was cool, but a teaser of a trailer? That was kind of weak. Interesting dialogue between the Illusive Man and Miranda, though.
[quote name='Spybreak8'] All I thought when I saw that big creature thing was "What the hell is that thing!?"[/QUOTE]

I thought it might be the Rachni Queen. If that's the case....kind of lays down some canon on us, huh?
bread's done