Mass Effect 2 Discussion - Fight for the Lost

[quote name='dmaul1114']Spoiler tags man![/QUOTE]
Sorry about that. I added spoiler tags to the last point. I don't think there is much need for a tag on the first part. It's a warning not to miss something. I think most people would expect that would happen.
[quote name='erehwon']I would say that is about right. I did both of the boss fights over since I missed triggering one of those paragon events on both. You want to be careful of that especially after defeating the Shadow Broker. I almost missed a nice romantic kiss.

My only complaint was no blue ass back on the Normandy. :booty:They were cheap and just faded to black. The only question I have left is what would have happened if I had cheated on Liara? Shepard probably can't be a player and get both Liara and Miranda (or Tali). :drool:

Well you can blame Fox News, angry soccer moms and Bioware's lack of balls for the absence of tasteful love scenes. ;)

Anyway, I know for a fact you can still reconcile and salvage your relationship with her even if you've romanced someone else so long as you don't write her off. Apparently while experimenting on my first play-through I switched from Jack to Miranda after the end game without prior knowledge until Liara pointed it out after the spectre boss fight. Still was able to invite her back to the pad for a little somethin' somethin' so it seems either the spectre boss convo or the aftermath convo in SB's HQ could be the point of no return for the relationship.

Hopefully someone will post the alternative (moving on completely) soon. I'd run through it myself but I'm a little burned out at the moment.
[quote name='erehwon']Sorry about that. I added spoiler tags to the last point. I don't think there is much need for a tag on the first part. It's a warning not to miss something. I think most people would expect that would happen.[/QUOTE]

Yep I meant the 2nd part. First part is fine. Thanks!
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']I'll do my usual wall o' text later on tonight after I play through this again; but in the mean time I'll just say:


Yep it's pretty damn good. Just finished it myself.

Make sure you read the dossiers on everyone, especially Miranda and Jack. Some funny stuff in there. Also you can see how Legion handles his free time. Really a lot of cool stuff is available once you beat it.
Looks like the PC Version of the DLC is completely broken. The download Bioware had up was nothing. Literally, nothing. The 1.5gb download was nothing but 0's.

Man, with this, and the Bioshock 2 Minerva's Den DLC that has yet to materialize, it's been a rough patch for PC gamers.
Here's my mini-review/breakdown of the Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC:
(note: this contains no spoilers)

Breakdown of the DLC:

The story behind the Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC has kept us all on the edge of our seats since the first issue of Mass Effect: Redemption. Has Liara been forever changed? What was Feron's fate? Who is the Shadow Broker? All of these (and more) are questions that the comics and the game left us with. Fortunately, this DLC delivers above and beyond all of the previously released DLC combined and gives us some solid answers to these questions. Some may find this wild ride of a DLC more exciting than even most parts of the main game. The dialog also delivers with some of the most entertaining and some of the most emotional material in the entire series - with nice little bonuses for fans of ME1.

With the release of DLC like Kasumi's Stolen Memory and Overlord, BioWare has increasingly upped the ante with this game's cinematics and visuals. It's safe to say that they've continued that trend with the release of Lair of the Shadow Broker. This pack is one step closer to blurring the lines between sci-fi film and video game. Beautiful backdrops, harsh environments, dark vibes, extravagant structures...all in wonderful detail. From beginning to end, you won't want to take your eyes off the screen.

DLC add-ons for most games don't deal with adding to the lore of said game, but this is Mass Effect we're talking about. The Stolen Memory pack added a new squadmate, a new gun, and an awesome hour-long loyalty mission. Overlord provided us with an even longer experience, a fresh look at the Hammerhead, and an exciting look at what Cerberus has been up to aside from our hero's battle with the Collectors. What does Lair of the Shadow Broker offer? This pack offers the single biggest impact of any ME DLC, bar none. The effects of what you and Liara will accomplish in this two-hour expansion could have the potential to rock the very core of the entire series. This is much more than a revenge mission, this is a game-changer, for sure.

Always a big factor in DLC. For some people, purchasing DLC simply comes down to time vs. price. Two to three hours may not seem much to those who are used to playing 30+ hour games like Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age, but it really is quite substantial when compared to other events that take place during the game. When you've completed the mission, there's still an extra thirty minutes or so of extra content as a result of your hard work. While a lot of people would argue that BioWare needs to release a 16+ hour expansion to the game, I believe that nice chunks of DLC like this will help to fill that bridge between ME2 and ME3 (with regards to story and waiting time).

I almost can't say it enough - this is the best Mass Effect DLC, without a doubt! If you were comfortable with the prices of Kasumi's Stolen Memory and Overlord, then you will be more than happy to shell out the 800 MS points for this pack. It can be played over and over and still achieve somewhat different results, it provides additions to the game that were never there before, it gives you new insight to the galaxy and the people around you, and it offers a lot more than just a pat on the back and a "Good job, Shepard".

Story/Dialog - 10
Presentation - 10
Impact - 10
Length - 9
Value - 10
Overall - 10
(out of 10)
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']Here's my mini-review/breakdown of the Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC:

Story/Dialog - 10
Presentation - 10
Impact - 10
Length - 9
Value - 10
Overall - 10
(out of 10)[/QUOTE]
Couldn't give it 10's across the board, eh? :D

Glad to hear it does live up to all the hype. Problem is, where do they go from here, if they keep going up and up on the DLC quality?
Thought this was cool, lol man 4 360 players played ME2 23 times! Wow (whoops, didn't see you guys already saw this info)

I'm ashamed I have 4 or 5 profiles for ME2 haha. Hopefully they take this data with a grain of salt. I know I had just one playthrough where I always skipped the dialog and went with the neutral response or tried to achieve 50/50 Paragon/Renegade just to see how it would end up. It's not surprising that many went with the Soldier, I did with my first playthrough on each ME1 and ME2, mainly due to the slow mo bullet time effect imo. I just hope they don't try to change things due to the data making it look like something needed it but it didn't. I think back to Relic, with Company of Heroes, always tweaking that game due to balance issues and online players bitching about something. That said, it's good Bioware gets that feedback, feedback from real gamers and not a skewed perspective from a small testing group.
[quote name='shrike4242']Couldn't give it 10's across the board, eh? :D[/QUOTE]
I hate to label anything perfect, really. Having that many 10's really shows how much work they put into this DLC :cool:

[quote name='garfep']So is this the last DLC pack, at least as far as we know?[/QUOTE]
Not at all.
I actually liked Overlord better. I was disappointed at
the SB himself. Super genius information dealer is just some big brute, and not the guy who built a huge network of spies? I feel like I should be aiming the Hammer of Dawn at him, not buying information from him.
Just finished playing through it on my main character (paragon, default male Shepherd imported from ME1, had romanced Liara).

I thought it was great, definitely the best of the ME DLC so far. Good length for a DLC that's not an expansion, good story and dialgue, and lots of on foot combat action, including two good boss battles.

Took me about 3 hours. About 2.5 to get through the main part on hardcore to get that achievement, then 30 minutes or so of reading the stuff on the terminals after that etc. Got all 200 achievement points. Definitely worth the points for me, will be 5-6 hours total of game play once I do it on my secondary female renegade character.

I also spent another 30 minutes or so after wrapping up the DLC spending the money I'd gotten on an upgrade (think I still have 2 left--submachine gun and shot gun final damage increases), seeing if anyone on the ship had anything new to say, mining the new planets (despite having a shit ton of minerals--I'm obsessed with being completionist on this main playthrough. It's up to 52 1/2 hours now.

Some more specifics I'll put in spoiler tags, so don't read until playing.

Was surprised at the Shadow Broker story--that he'd not been it that long and had killed the last one. Neat to get a new species though and cool to see Liara become the new SB. But I had really expected the SB to be a bigger deal, and survive to be a big part of ME3.

Boss battles were very good. Found the Assassin one a bit harder than the SB battle. Though I was still adjusting to playing on hardcore at that point since I've only played the game on default difficulty. In any case I died 3 times on the Assassin fight, none on the SB fight.

Only part I didn't like much was the little car chase. Felt straight out of Attack of the Clones! Controls just weren't very good. Bioware just stinks at vehicle sequences for what ever reason.

Romance wise, thought it was odd that you could romance Liara again while still keeping your ME2 romance going. I felt guilty and preferred Liara after the ME1 romance (and think she's the most interesting of the female characters in general) so I broke it off with Tali after the Liara encounter. Made a save right before dumping her in case I want to import a playthrough with a Tali romance into ME3. Probably won't and just will youtube the other romance scenes besides Liara, but maybe your romance it will have a bigger role than just a sex scene in ME3.

But being a dirty male whore, my Shepherd still invited Kelly up after getting the message from her afte4 that--that got that sexy lingere dance scene people had posted youtube videos of earlier in the thread. :D

So my Shepherd has romanced Liara in ME1, Miranda and Tali in ME2, had the casual sex encounter with Jack in ME2, and had both times of inviting Kelly up to the cabin in ME2. He's a regular 007! :D
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Wow. That was awesome.

Loved both of the boss fights, the big Shadow Broker reveal was not a letdown, and the Broker Ship... just wow. What an environment. It really reminded me of running up the side of Citadel Tower during the first game's climax, but even more dramatic. I even enjoyed the vehicle section, Liara's backseat driving and (fem) Shepard's deadpan responses were priceless. Taken as a whole, it's probably the best mission in the whole game, vanilla or DLC. How are they going to top this?

ETA: Forgot to add that I took Miranda with me on the latter part of the mission, and got a nice bit of special dialogue at the end
from the Shadow Broker, essentially that he was pleased I had brought Ms. Lawson along because killing both of them would be a major blow to Cerberus' leadership.
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[quote name='Ryuukishi']ETA: Forgot to add that I took Miranda with me on the latter part of the mission, and got a nice bit of special dialogue at the end
from the Shadow Broker, essentially that he was pleased I had brought Ms. Lawson along because killing both of them would be a major blow to Cerberus' leadership.

I think he has a different line depending on who is the third member. I had Garrus and he talked about Garrus' bounty on Omega still being active and he could cash it in.
[quote name='MSUHitman']
I think he has a different line depending on who is the third member. I had Garrus and he talked about Garrus' bounty on Omega still being active and he could cash it in.
Anyway I loved the entire DLC mission start to finish. There were times of huge build-up (particularly because of the epic music imo) and the
taxi chase scene
was completely badass.

Wasn't disappointed with the reveal mainly because it was
a new race that I haven't seen before
. The end fight was good as well, especially the
melee sequences
. Shadow Broker is my new favorite DLC so far.
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The price looks a little steep at first, but man, with the amount of content and awesome little touches thrown in, Lair of the Shadow Broker was worth every penny.

Did my first playthrough on my default Shepard that romanced Liara in ME1 and then moved on to Tali in ME2. Liara bringing up the fact that I was "itching to get into Tali's helmet" was a great touch, and one I honestly didn't expect with the way past BioWare DLCs don't really mention previous events. I'm interested to hear what she says in regards to every new love interest if you didn't stay faithful to her.

I couldn't help myself and kept pulling the left trigger whenever the paragon interrupt would pop up. I kept thinking "Oh shit, this is gonna put me on bad terms with Tali," but I shut Liara down in the cabin. When she brought up Tali again, asking if my Shepard was fighting for a homeworld for her, I said yes, and that was pretty much that. My Shepard said "come back soon" after she left the room, though... I'm wondering if this line is only said if you had a relationship with her in ME1 and/or kept doing the paragon interrupts. Makes me wonder if the "choose one or the other" situation may come up in ME3. I still get the usual "are you still interested" speech from Tali if I talk to her, and I can still call her up to the cabin, so it looks like I'm still good on that front.

The fight against Tela Vasir was nuts. Very challenging and fun. Loved the way the Shadow Broker looked, and I'm glad it was something that came out of left field. I had Tali with me, and he called her out and blamed her for getting her squad killed on Haestrom. That's some cold blooded shit, but it was a great touch. Really interested to see what the Shadow Broker has to say about everyone in the squad.

Absolutely loved the dossiers in the Shadow Broker's hub. Some of them were pretty funny (Legion and Grunt come to mind), while some of them had some pretty sad pieces of information (Garrus, Jack). The videos in Feron's room also have some good stuff. Seeing al-Jilani get decked by a krogan and kicked by a volus was hilarious.

I could go on and on about the DLC, but I'm pretty much just rambling now. BioWare has made some mistakes with their DLCs before, but this was an absolute home run. This is DLC done right. The only complaint I really have would be the higher than usual price.

Oh, and the omni-gel line was classic.
[quote name='Arikado']The price looks a little steep at first, but man, with the amount of content and awesome little touches thrown in, Lair of the Shadow Broker was worth every penny.

Did my first playthrough on my default Shepard that romanced Liara in ME1 and then moved on to Tali in ME2. Liara bringing up the fact that I was "itching to get into Tali's helmet" was a great touch, and one I honestly didn't expect with the way past BioWare DLCs don't really mention previous events. I'm interested to hear what she says in regards to every new love interest if you didn't stay faithful to her.

I couldn't help myself and kept pulling the left trigger whenever the paragon interrupt would pop up. I kept thinking "Oh shit, this is gonna put me on bad terms with Tali," but I shut Liara down in the cabin. When she brought up Tali again, asking if my Shepard was fighting for a homeworld for her, I said yes, and that was pretty much that. My Shepard said "come back soon" after she left the room, though... I'm wondering if this line is only said if you had a relationship with her in ME1 and/or kept doing the paragon interrupts. Makes me wonder if the "choose one or the other" situation may come up in ME3. I still get the usual "are you still interested" speech from Tali if I talk to her, and I can still call her up to the cabin, so it looks like I'm still good on that front.

The fight against Tela Vasir was nuts. Very challenging and fun. Loved the way the Shadow Broker looked, and I'm glad it was something that came out of left field. I had Tali with me, and he called her out and blamed her for getting her squad killed on Haestrom. That's some cold blooded shit, but it was a great touch. Really interested to see what the Shadow Broker has to say about everyone in the squad.

Absolutely loved the dossiers in the Shadow Broker's hub. Some of them were pretty funny (Legion and Grunt come to mind), while some of them had some pretty sad pieces of information (Garrus, Jack). The videos in Feron's room also have some good stuff. Seeing al-Jilani get decked by a krogan and kicked by a volus was hilarious.

I could go on and on about the DLC, but I'm pretty much just rambling now. BioWare has made some mistakes with their DLCs before, but this was an absolute home run. This is DLC done right. The only complaint I really have would be the higher than usual price.

Oh, and the omni-gel line was classic.
Didn't do any of the paragon interrupts and got the same result with Liara leaving my quarters.
[quote name='MSUHitman']
I think he has a different line depending on who is the third member. I had Garrus and he talked about Garrus' bounty on Omega still being active and he could cash it in.

True, I had Kasumi and he mentioned about wanting to own one of her relics.

This DLC adds onto the story like no other but I still feel that's it's over priced.
Was anyone able to do the Charm or Intimidate options during the hostage situation with Vasir? Both of them were greyed out for me even though Shep had full Renegade. I shot the hostage instead. :)
Can I play all of these DLC separately? I have them all and have not started them yet. If I import a new character could I access the DLC missions as part of the main storyline?
[quote name='Ryuukishi']
Was anyone able to do the Charm or Intimidate options during the hostage situation with Vasir? Both of them were greyed out for me even though Shep had full Renegade. I shot the hostage instead. :)
The charm option has Shepard asking Vasir if that's it? She'd already sacrificed many lives and unleashed the rachni onto the galaxy. So, one hostage wasn't going to make much difference. Vasir was surprised by this and Liara uses biotics to hit her with a table.

I don't know if any of you noticed, but the SB's video room had an interesting clip concerning Liara.
A certain matriarch is looking at a picture of Liara.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']
Was anyone able to do the Charm or Intimidate options during the hostage situation with Vasir? Both of them were greyed out for me even though Shep had full Renegade. I shot the hostage instead. :)

I managed to pull off the Paragon (full bar) with my canon and it was hilariously bad ass. He quickly recanted on how he sacrificed human lives to save the counsel members and unleashed the Rachni on the unsuspecting galaxy so if her life rested on him not shooting a human hostage the conversation was over before it even started. Punked the HELL out of the bitch. Now THAT is how I remember my ME1 Shepard.
Some other random observations from my playthrough:

This was the first time I'd played extensively on my Soldier character for a while and I have to say-- the Mattock assault rifle is a beast. It's practically a sniper rifle without the scope. The only problem was, I had read somewhere to come to the DLC with Squad Warp Ammo because there were a lot of barriers and biotic enemies. Turned out I really wished I had the points in Squad Disruptor Ammo instead for all the mechs and shields. I barely used the Warp Ammo and mainly relied on Squad Incendiary.

I noticed several sections where your squad was in the middle of an open area and waves of enemies came at you from different directions. It was a nice change-up from the vanilla game, definitely kept me on my toes.

Stasis was a really nice ability! It was a lifesaver when the waves of rocket drones started coming at you near the end. Makes me wish that Liara could join the squad proper or another squadmate could learn it because it would be fun to play with on some of the other missions. They should have had Shepard gain it as a loyalty ability for Liara.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']
I managed to pull off the Paragon (full bar) with my canon and it was hilariously bad ass. He quickly recanted on how he sacrificed human lives to save the counsel members and unleashed the Rachni on the unsuspecting galaxy so if her life rested on him not shooting a human hostage the conversation was over before it even started. Punked the HELL out of the bitch. Now THAT is how I remember my ME1 Shepard.

I said the same line to the assassin except that I personally killed the last Rachni queen. The end result of the table was the same. I also liked the line before talking to the assassin to calm Liara down and that we're doing this how we used to do it.

Also was my game glitched for some reason? When I brought up the power wheel, all Liara had was Singularity. Stasis was not an option.
[quote name='js1']Can I play all of these DLC separately? I have them all and have not started them yet. If I import a new character could I access the DLC missions as part of the main storyline?[/QUOTE]

Yes and Yes, although it would be interesting to see if the dialogue changes in Shadow Broker as that is the only DLC where the characters say anything about having already beat the main game.
Going to start a new play through from my ME1 shepard to have a clean relationship with Liara. Recommendations on class? I've already done adept and vanguard, and although I really like biotic powers, I need to force myself to branch out. I was thinking of going tech, but I hate to double up on abilities if I'm going to have Kasumi with me. Is she worth keeping around once you get her?
[quote name='Arikado']
Did my first playthrough on my default Shepard that romanced Liara in ME1 and then moved on to Tali in ME2. Liara bringing up the fact that I was "itching to get into Tali's helmet" was a great touch, and one I honestly didn't expect with the way past BioWare DLCs don't really mention previous events. I'm interested to hear what she says in regards to every new love interest if you didn't stay faithful to her.

Interesting, my Shepherd was currently with Tali, but Liara mentioned Miranda. Guess it goes by who you romanced fist in ME2, rather than who you're current with as I'd romanced Miranda, then broke it off and romanced Tali. Now broke that off to go into ME3 with Liara again as noted above.

[quote name='Ryuukishi']
Was anyone able to do the Charm or Intimidate options during the hostage situation with Vasir? Both of them were greyed out for me even though Shep had full Renegade. I shot the hostage instead. :)

Yeah, I had the charm option there with my full paragon character.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']
Was anyone able to do the Charm or Intimidate options during the hostage situation with Vasir? Both of them were greyed out for me even though Shep had full Renegade. I shot the hostage instead. :)

I was able to use the charm option with my full paragon infiltrator and I was able to use the intimidate option on my 100% renegade, 50% paragon adept. Weird how some people have been having some problems with that.
Yeah, I don't know. This character was an ME1 import too so she started the game with a ton of Renegade. In some of the other dialogues with very high Par/Ren requirements (namely
Jack vs. Miranda
and a couple others) I've had trouble getting them with a new ME2 character, but never with an ME1 import.
[quote name='Anexanhume']Going to start a new play through from my ME1 shepard to have a clean relationship with Liara. Recommendations on class? I've already done adept and vanguard, and although I really like biotic powers, I need to force myself to branch out. I was thinking of going tech, but I hate to double up on abilities if I'm going to have Kasumi with me. Is she worth keeping around once you get her?[/QUOTE]
Regarding ME1 class selection:

If you don't want a complete change in your playing experience, I'd try out Sentinel for the half Biotic/half Tech gameplay. Tech is always nice to have in your squad (especially on the harder difficulties). If you're looking to try something void of Biotics, then I'd say go Engineer. The payoff for using an Engineer in ME2 is worth it. What class you choose really depends on what squadmates you'll be teaming up with through the entire game. It pays to have a nice spread of powers/abilities to handle any situation. Who do you plan on bringing with you in ME2?

Regarding Kasumi:

I may be the biggest supporter of Kasumi here. She has three things that are very helpful in the game: Shadow Strike (backstab), Overload, and the Flashbang Grenade. Shadow Strike is useful to take town targets behind cover (when you don't have powers like Pull, Shockwave, etc.) and, if leveled up enough, swings for major damage and can instantly recharge/cooldown. Overload is tied with Warp as being the most important power to have on harder difficulties in ME2 - there's just way too many enemies with Shields to not have that power in your party represented at least once. Flashbang Grenade is the anti-Collector ability, and it also works well as crowd control. She's extremely useful to have in your party for most portions of the game. Her biggest weakness is not being able to handle Biotics very well, but that's why you have 3 people in a squad :cool:
Totally agree about Overload's usefulness, but I wonder why you prefer Warp to Incinerate? I know Warp works on armor too, but Incinerate is better against armor and health, and it seemed to me that armored enemies were much more numerous in the game than barriered ones.

ETA: Realized that the answer is probably Warp detonations, but I'll let you respond if you still want to. :)
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Totally agree about Overload's usefulness, but I wonder why you prefer Warp to Incinerate? I know Warp works on armor too, but Incinerate is better against armor and health, and it seemed to me that armored enemies were much more numerous in the game than barriered ones.

ETA: Realized that the answer is probably Warp detonations, but I'll let you respond if you still want to. :)[/QUOTE]
Your assumption was correct - Warp detonations. Of course, Warp detonations are fairly situational, but I don't think I've ever had a squad that rolls without some combination for Warp :cool:
Wooo I'm back home and able to play Mass Efect 2 now. I just did Horizon and didn't die once, although it was plenty hard and I had to think a lot with the combat. I think this Insanity playthrough is doable now. I'm just starting the Shadow Broker DLC too, although with my first playthrough which was on normal difficulty!
[quote name='Spybreak8'] I'm just starting the Shadow Broker DLC too, although with my first playthrough which was on normal difficulty![/QUOTE]

FYI you can change it in the menu to hardcore/insanity before starting the DLC and get the achievement. You don't have to do a whole play through on those difficulties. Just the DLC.

I did that as I didn't mind playing on Hardcore to get the achievement, but my 2 playthroughs are on normal as I had no fun trying out insanity. So that's the only achievement I don't have have, the 75g for insanity playthrough.
[quote name='dmaul1114']FYI you can change it in the menu to hardcore/insanity before starting the DLC and get the achievement. You don't have to do a whole play through on those difficulties. Just the DLC.

I did that as I didn't mind playing on Hardcore to get the achievement, but my 2 playthroughs are on normal as I had no fun trying out insanity. So that's the only achievement I don't have have, the 75g for insanity playthrough.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I know right but I'm actually having a load of fun with my Insanity run and it keeps me on my toes. I have 5 profiles and they're all on different difficulties. It's nice to run and gun with normal dif opposed to hit and run using tech powers/commanding your squad behind cover with Insanity.

As for the Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC.
It might be neat to see how ME3 goes down depending on if you completed taking out the Shadow Broker or not (as we've been promised to have a different experience in ME3 from what you did with Bringing Down the Sky DLC). It's nice to see all the info with the dossiers panel in the SB's lair. Also the ability to re-purpose your squad's powers is a welcome new addition. Running over the SB's ship reminded me of when you fought the Geth on the Citadel's side (end mission when the Reapers attacked) and the combat inside was enjoyable as well (I always like hallway pillar combat but then again I was using the Incisor Sniper/Revenant Machine gun weapons!). I'm glad the Shadow Broker wasn't the Illusive Man since that would be some twist and actually make some sense for the possibility of why the Illusive Man is so connected. I'm shacked up with Jack atm with the profile I just did so Liara asked about her and I let her go, while also mentioning come back soon.

Going back to the Soldier was fun since you get all the arsenal to pick from. Couple that with the new weapon packs I had and I was kicking some serious ass with the Mattok/Incisor rifles and incinerary rounds. Of course being on Normal again didn't hurt but there were some times when I was in some serious hurt.
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[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']Regarding ME1 class selection:

If you don't want a complete change in your playing experience, I'd try out Sentinel for the half Biotic/half Tech gameplay. Tech is always nice to have in your squad (especially on the harder difficulties). If you're looking to try something void of Biotics, then I'd say go Engineer. The payoff for using an Engineer in ME2 is worth it. What class you choose really depends on what squadmates you'll be teaming up with through the entire game. It pays to have a nice spread of powers/abilities to handle any situation. Who do you plan on bringing with you in ME2?

Regarding Kasumi:

I may be the biggest supporter of Kasumi here. She has three things that are very helpful in the game: Shadow Strike (backstab), Overload, and the Flashbang Grenade. Shadow Strike is useful to take town targets behind cover (when you don't have powers like Pull, Shockwave, etc.) and, if leveled up enough, swings for major damage and can instantly recharge/cooldown. Overload is tied with Warp as being the most important power to have on harder difficulties in ME2 - there's just way too many enemies with Shields to not have that power in your party represented at least once. Flashbang Grenade is the anti-Collector ability, and it also works well as crowd control. She's extremely useful to have in your party for most portions of the game. Her biggest weakness is not being able to handle Biotics very well, but that's why you have 3 people in a squad :cool:[/QUOTE]

Thanks for your suggestions. I went with Infiltrator. I'm really liking the cloak + sniping. I wanted a chance to experience tech but wanted combat ability to fall back on. Who's the best squad mate to include besides Miranda with me?
[quote name='Spybreak8']
As for the Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC.
It might be neat to see how ME3 goes down depending on if you completed taking out the Shadow Broker or not.....

I assume you mean for people who never played this DLC? Or
Did I miss some option for not taking him down?
I'm thinking that
Liara as the new Shadow Broker will be canon for ME3 whether you played the DLC or not. Maybe if you didn't play it, there will be some alternate way it went down that didn't involve Shepard.
[quote name='Anexanhume']Thanks for your suggestions. I went with Infiltrator. I'm really liking the cloak + sniping. I wanted a chance to experience tech but wanted combat ability to fall back on. Who's the best squad mate to include besides Miranda with me?[/QUOTE]I can best answer that question if you wouldn't mind posting your current Infiltrator build (or, where you're headed with it).

I can say that the generic Infiltrator is really good against four things: exposed organics, exposed synthetics, Armor, and Shields. It has glaring weaknesses against Barriers and crowd control. Also, the fact that the class' bread-and-butter is the Tactical Cloak means that choosing a bonus talent becomes extremely important to how you'll be able to play with your Infiltrator. On one hand, to balance said weaknesses, you'll need an activated ability such as Reave or the Flashbang Grenade. On the other hand, though, you want to reserve your cooldown for Tactical Cloak at all times since most of your damage, your tactics, and sometimes your escape from trouble revolves around it - which makes sustained abilities more appealing and, in turn, makes your squadmates more important.

With Miranda around, you don't have to worry about dealing with Barriers quite as much - plus she's like the perfect squadmate. Some ideas for that 3rd spot would be (in no specific order):

Garrus - he's packing a hell of a punch with snipers (especially if you have the Incisor), he has Overload to further help take out enemy shields, and he's got the Concussive Shot that, when fully leveled up, makes an excellent form of crowd control.

Thane - having an extra Warp in the squad is never a bad idea, plus his Throw ability is actually quite useful at times.

Jack - a huge Biotic boost to the party; can Pull enemies out of cover and has Shockwave to deal with crowds. Her close range combat compliments your long-range fighting, as well.

Samara - Throw and Pull are excellent abilities, plus she's a tough combatant with the Assault Rifle. Once you unlock Reave, she's even better.

Grunt - tank tank tank tank tank + close range fighting. Perfect distraction that compliments your sneaky tactics.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']I'm thinking that
Liara as the new Shadow Broker will be canon for ME3 whether you played the DLC or not. Maybe if you didn't play it, there will be some alternate way it went down that didn't involve Shepard.

Yeah, that's my guess as well. That's too big an event to be an optional import into the ME3 plot.

My guess is the events of this DLC will be referred to regardless of whether the player played it and imported it. Just have enough dialogue to catch those people up to what happened.
I was actually leaning towards Jack because of Shockwave. That was my favorite form of crowd control both with my Vanguard and my Adept. I haven't really experimented with other methods though.

What I'm really at a loss for is the best bonus power to choose. I went with armor piercing ammo simply because that's what I've used in the past, but I figure I will end up using eezo to reassign that at some point.

As for my build, it's only at level 6 now and I've unlocked incinerate and AI hacking and dumped initial points into those. Also dumped a point into Operative.

Not sure where I'm going to go with cloak as I'll have to determine if sniping or flanking is more comfortable to me.
Yeah that usually seems the way Bioware will handle events and situations/individuals in the story. If it isn't one person it will be played by another yet still be there, or the events still took place even depending on which choice you went with.
Hey everyone,

Level Up News Senior Editor, Jenn, has posted an article about the new Mass Effect 2 DLC and calls it "The Mass Effect 2 DLC yet".

Just wanted to see if anyone else has played it and what they think.

I'm a fan of both Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2, and I'm starting the novels this weekend, but I haven't played any of the DLC yet - highly considering getting Lair of the Shadow Broker though.

What do you guys think?
bread's done