Mass Effect 2 Discussion - Fight for the Lost

[quote name='Trenchalicious']I hope they release a version of this game with all the dlc soon, but I doubt it :([/QUOTE]

I kind of figured they wouldn't given the fact that they didn't with ME1 (unless you consider the Player's Choice version, which did come with Bring Down the Sky). But now we have that massive DA:O package on the way, so it's certainly conceivable. I'm betting you won't see it until closer to the release of ME3. Possibly next summer. I suspect they're tied up with the PS3 port of ME2 right now.
[quote name='Tybee']I'm a couple weekends in and TIM just sent my Paragon Sentinel to explore
the incapacitated Collector ship
. I know somewhere along here you're given the opportunity to do
advanced weapons training
. I've more or less ruled out
the shotgun
, but I can't decide between
the assault rifle or the sniper rifle
. Suggestions?

I'm rocking a full set of Kestrel armor, the helmet of which frames my Shepard's moth nicely. My squad, in order of attainment, consists of Jacob (loyal), Miranda (loyal, hot and bothered), Mordin (loyal), Garrus, Kasumi (loyal), Grunt (loyal), Thane, Zaeed, and Samara. Is it weird that I'm annoyed by the central plot interrupting my recruitment, loyalty missions, and side quests? ;) I haven't done any of the N27 missions yet, but I've hit almost every assignment on the Citadel, Omega, Illium, and Tuchunka. Will I be given free reign after
the Collector ship
to do everything I want to before I'm forced into the next plot point-of-no-return?[/QUOTE]
Personally, I'd say sniper rifle 100%. It's just incredibly useful in ME2 to be able to hurt fools from a great distance. Even if you won't have access to the Widow, the Viper is one of the handiest guns in the game. And having access to the Locust SMG, which is practically an assault rifle itself, makes the AR training decidedly less necessary. The only real reason you might want to choose AR over sniper training is the Mattock, if you have the Firepower Pack DLC.

You're still good to go after the Collector ship mission. It's the Reaper IFF mission that you should stay away from until you are ready for the endgame. You're not totally locked in after that mission but doing sidequests after that point will affect the game's outcome.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Personally, I'd say sniper rifle 100%. It's just incredibly useful in ME2 to be able to hurt fools from a great distance. Even if you won't have access to the Widow, the Viper is one of the handiest guns in the game. And having access to the Locust SMG, which is practically an assault rifle itself, makes the AR training decidedly less necessary. The only real reason you might want to choose AR over sniper training is the Mattock, if you have the Firepower Pack DLC.

You're still good to go after the Collector ship mission. It's the Reaper IFF mission that you should stay away from until you are ready for the endgame. You're not totally locked in after that mission but doing sidequests after that point will affect the game's outcome.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I got the Locust SMG very early on and it's been very helpful. But being able to whip out a sniper rifle could certainly come in handy (especially since I have the Incisor as well). My only reticence is that my play style favors powers over gunplay, and that could get awkward while using the sniper scope. And I do have access to the Mattock. So maybe I'll just flip a coin.

Thanks for the advice. I'll steer clear of the Reaper IFF mission until I've cleared my to-do list.
The sniper scope can make throwing powers a little awkward, but my general feeling is that the sniper rifle complements the Engineer/Sentinel well because when you're casting you're going to be hanging back in cover anyway, not getting up in enemies' faces like you'd need to with a shotgun or AR.

The Mattock feels kind of like a more powerful Viper but without the scope. Very accurate at a distance, and feathering the trigger will let you get a few shots into a dude pretty quickly. If having to aim through the scope is what turns you off about sniper rifles, the Mattock could be a pretty good alternative.
[quote name='Trenchalicious']I hope they release a version of this game with all the dlc soon, but I doubt it :([/QUOTE]

Yeah they will, it is the PS3 version.
[quote name='blueweltall']Yeah they will, it is the PS3 version.[/QUOTE]

And I am willing to bet that they will release a similar package on PC and Xbox. Some pretty nice sales on ME2 have sprung up recently and leads me to believe that a new GOTY edition, which would be a bit pretentious if they actually called it "GOTY" edition, is on its way.

Also, how about some more free DLC We haven't had any since the Fire Walker Missions in March and I didn't even DL that hunk of junk. All that 2 dollar DLC should have been free if you ask me.
Oh Hell ... Mordin's rendition of
H.M.S. Pinafore
had me laughing out loud.

[quote name='Ryuukishi']The sniper scope can make throwing powers a little awkward, but my general feeling is that the sniper rifle complements the Engineer/Sentinel well because when you're casting you're going to be hanging back in cover anyway, not getting up in enemies' faces like you'd need to with a shotgun or AR.

The Mattock feels kind of like a more powerful Viper but without the scope. Very accurate at a distance, and feathering the trigger will let you get a few shots into a dude pretty quickly. If having to aim through the scope is what turns you off about sniper rifles, the Mattock could be a pretty good alternative.[/QUOTE]

Ended up going with the sniper rifle. Handy! I didn't realize it actually extends your targeting distance for your powers as well. That's been helpful in a few situations.

Also, stumbled upon a really amusing way of defeating the Pratetorian (at least the one on the Collector Ship), which was giving me fits. Somehow I wound up hiding behind a large column at the bottom of the room. The Praetorian drifted over toward me, blasting away. As I was edging around the column looking for new cover, I realized I didn't need it. I just kept circling the column staying just out of sight -- playing peek-a-boo. Meanwhile, Grunt and Miranda caught on and just took unmolested shots while I kept it distracted. Easy peasy.
Guys, do both of the DLC packs that are on sale next week have achievements? I haven't played ME2 since I beat it on Insanity right after it came out (and got my 1015/1015). But I wanted to play through on my "better" ME1 save (I screwed up and picked the wrong one the first time and want to have my pure paragon one ready for ME3) so I thought I might as well get the stuff that is on sale and has new achievements while I do so. If it doesn't I probably won't bother unless it is just awesome content - but I sort of figured any DLC with decent content will also have new achievements. That reminds me, I still need to play the ME1 DLC I bought a long time ago :lol:.

I'll wait for Shadow Broker (which I'm pretty sure does have more cheese) to go on sale (or save it to be part of another points promo since I'll have enough this month without it I think).
[quote name='io']Guys, do both of the DLC packs that are on sale next week have achievements? I haven't played ME2 since I beat it on Insanity right after it came out (and got my 1015/1015). But I wanted to play through on my "better" ME1 save (I screwed up and picked the wrong one the first time and want to have my pure paragon one ready for ME3) so I thought I might as well get the stuff that is on sale and has new achievements while I do so. If it doesn't I probably won't bother unless it is just awesome content - but I sort of figured any DLC with decent content will also have new achievements. That reminds me, I still need to play the ME1 DLC I bought a long time ago :lol:.

I'll wait for Shadow Broker (which I'm pretty sure does have more cheese) to go on sale (or save it to be part of another points promo since I'll have enough this month without it I think).[/QUOTE]Since you asked twice (from the XBL DOTW post):

Each of the DLC packs for ME2 have achievements associated with them, so yes, you'd get more for playing through with them.

Kasumi's Stolen Memory gets you 15, Overlord gets you 25. Lair of the Shadow Broker gets you 200, though that's not on sale. ;) Worth full price, IMO.
[quote name='shrike4242']Since you asked twice (from the XBL DOTW post):

Each of the DLC packs for ME2 have achievements associated with them, so yes, you'd get more for playing through with them.

Kasumi's Stolen Memory gets you 15, Overlord gets you 25. Lair of the Shadow Broker gets you 200, though that's not on sale. ;) Worth full price, IMO.[/QUOTE]

Thanks. Yeah, I asked over there first but then I realized it was more appropriate (and would probably get answered faster) here.

I've heard Shadow Broker is good, but I'm not sure I'll be playing ME2 at all any time soon so I might as well get the ones that are on sale and wait for Shadow Broker. If nothing else, maybe they'll have another one of these spend 2400, get 800 point promos and I'll get it at full price then.
[quote name='io']Thanks. Yeah, I asked over there first but then I realized it was more appropriate (and would probably get answered faster) here.

I've heard Shadow Broker is good, but I'm not sure I'll be playing ME2 at all any time soon so I might as well get the ones that are on sale and wait for Shadow Broker. If nothing else, maybe they'll have another one of these spend 2400, get 800 point promos and I'll get it at full price then.[/QUOTE]Shadow Broker is some of the best ME2 gameplay, period. At least, I think so and so do a number of the regulars here.

Kasmui's Stolen Memory should be done as one of the first loyalty missions you do in ME2, for her Flash Grenade and picking up the Locust SMG. Changes the game balance a whole bunch, in your favor.
[quote name='shrike4242']Shadow Broker is some of the best ME2 gameplay, period. At least, I think so and so do a number of the regulars here.

Kasmui's Stolen Memory should be done as one of the first loyalty missions you do in ME2, for her Flash Grenade and picking up the Locust SMG. Changes the game balance a whole bunch, in your favor.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, well, I'm proud I did my Insanity run before any gameplay imbalances were discovered/corrected/worked around. I also used a Vanguard which I remember people saying was a tougher way to go. And I used my level 60-ish character on a second run which also supposedly makes it harder. So there ;).
[quote name='io']Yeah, well, I'm proud I did my Insanity run before any gameplay imbalances were discovered/corrected/worked around. I also used a Vanguard which I remember people saying was a tougher way to go. And I used my level 60-ish character on a second run which also supposedly makes it harder. So there ;).[/QUOTE]I did my first run through from ME1 with a level 50 Paragon Vanguard into ME2 as a Vanguard, and it had its moments of difficulty on Normal, so I know it was a real chore on Insanity. I'm doing a second run through ME1 on Hardcore with an Renegade Adept and when done there, I'll do ME2 as an Adept as well on Hardcore. I'm easing into my Insanity run, which will be my third pass through. ;)

Congrats on the Insanity run being survivable.
Oh jesus I just finished the collector's ship mission on Insanity and must have died about 10 times on that mission. The stupid platform sequence and Praetorian were a real handful. I was a lvl 16 Engineer, incinerate and my trusty combat drone are priceless. The fact that the AI can't hold it's own doesn't help either.
[quote name='Spybreak8']Oh jesus I just finished the collector's ship mission on Insanity and must have died about 10 times on that mission. The stupid platform sequence and Praetorian were a real handful. I was a lvl 16 Engineer, incinerate and my trusty combat drone are priceless. The fact that the AI can't hold it's own doesn't help either.[/QUOTE]

I'm planning to do my Insanity run with an engineer as well, so I'm interested to hear about your experience. I'm currently finishing out my first playthrough on Veteran as a Sentinel (I'm not sure how I'm going to live without Tech Armor).

Did you see my (accidental) technique for the Collector Ship praetorian above? Of course, he could get smarter between Veteran and Insanity. ;)

Separate question: I'm planning to bump up my difficulty from Veteran to Hardcore before I start LotSB for the "The Hard Way" achievement. Not sure if this will be before I finish out the main storyline in my first playthrough or after (may depend on whether I'm at lvl. 30 or not by the time I secure the IFF). At what point should I do bump up the difficulty to ensure I get credit (and assuming I do it before completing the game, when can I safely drop it back down)?
[quote name='io']Thanks. Yeah, I asked over there first but then I realized it was more appropriate (and would probably get answered faster) here.

I've heard Shadow Broker is good, but I'm not sure I'll be playing ME2 at all any time soon so I might as well get the ones that are on sale and wait for Shadow Broker. If nothing else, maybe they'll have another one of these spend 2400, get 800 point promos and I'll get it at full price then.[/QUOTE]

I would rate the pay DLC's:

1. Shadow Broker (great gameplay and great story elements, Bioware really nailed it.)
2. Kasumi's Stolen Memory (good gameplay that at the beginning is different from the rest of the series, great character to have at the beginning of the game, best SMG in the game.)
3. Overlord (good gameplay but not super significant to the rest of the game. very few perks vs. what Stolen Memory gives you.)
[quote name='Trenchalicious']I hope they release a version of this game with all the dlc soon, but I doubt it :([/QUOTE]

It will be sometime after January or a few months before Mass Effect 3, which I still have hope in coming out Nov. 2011.
[quote name='Tybee']I'm planning to do my Insanity run with an engineer as well, so I'm interested to hear about your experience. I'm currently finishing out my first playthrough on Veteran as a Sentinel (I'm not sure how I'm going to live without Tech Armor).

Did you see my (accidental) technique for the Collector Ship praetorian above? Of course, he could get smarter between Veteran and Insanity. ;)[/QUOTE]

Yeah engineer is actually fairly decent to use as long as you continue to use cover haha. That combat drone can save your ass or be a good distraction for you to line up some precise shots. Grab the new pistol from the firepower dlc, the one that has the laser sights, and continue to rain in headshots on armored units. Couple that with an incinerate attack and those Krogan are not a problem. Of course I also have warp ammo as my special which also helps. For the mission I just did I grabbed the sniper training and that with the Locust I had was all I needed mostly.
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[quote name='Spybreak8']Yeah engineer is actually fairly decent to use as long as you continue to use cover haha. That combat drone can save your ass or be a good distraction for you to line up some precise shots. Grab the new pistol from the firepower dlc, the one that has the laser sights, and continue to rain in headshots on armored units. Couple that with an incinerate attack and those Krogan are not a problem. Of course I also have warp ammo as my special which also helps. For the mission I just did I grabbed the sniper training and that with the Locust I had was all I needed mostly.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I use the Locust and the Incisor (via sniper training) with my Sentinel and it definitely makes things easier, though the way I play, guns are just something you use while waiting for powers to recharge. ;)

Warp ammo as the bonus power is a good tip. I was wondering about Barrier and if it might work as an analog for my beloved Tech Armor when playing the Engineer. But that might be a bad way to go.
I played as an Engineer for my Insanity run. Just some thoughts:

The Viper is a better overall gun than the Incisor for Shepard (though the Incisor is the best sniper rifle for squadmates-- it's glitched and does not properly calculate the squadmate damage reduction).

Warp Ammo is a good bonus power, but Armor Piercing Ammo is even better. It doesn't have any bonus against Barriers but it does a lot more damage to health and armor, and enemies with Barrier are a lot less prevalent than the other defenses anyway. Just always bring along Miranda with Heavy Warp and you'll be set.

I wouldn't bother with defensive bonus powers. You're not going to be running and gunning as an Engineer, you're going to be behind cover 90% of the time so defensive powers are redundant. The best defense is a good offense.
I know I'm not the first (or last) person to say this but I recently started watching Battlestar Galactica and, despite the show already being pretty awesome, all I can think about is the Quarian and Geth situation in ME1 and ME2. I'm sure it'd be the other way around had I watched the show originally, but it definitely makes me appreciate this game the more I watch it :cool:
gosh, I really hate getting games not at release. Anyway, I absolutely loved Mass Effect 1 and its story, and just about everything it offered. Sooo, which DLC should I get for this? I'm trying to cut back, so I'll probably only get what I am told is the best one, or any one of them that adds on to the story.
[quote name='matto1233']gosh, I really hate getting games not at release. Anyway, I absolutely loved Mass Effect 1 and its story, and just about everything it offered. Sooo, which DLC should I get for this? I'm trying to cut back, so I'll probably only get what I am told is the best one, or any one of them that adds on to the story.[/QUOTE]
Unfortunately you just missed out on the XBL Deal(s) of the Week that centered around ME2 DLC. Kasumi's Stolen Memory, Overlord, and Lair of the Shadow Broker are all necessary pieces of DLC to own. If I were forced to choose just one, it'd be Lair of the Shadow Broker (I don't think anyone would tell you differently).

You owe it to yourself to purchase all three, though :cool:
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']Unfortunately you just missed out on the XBL Deal(s) of the Week that centered around ME2 DLC. Kasumi's Stolen Memory, Overlord, and Lair of the Shadow Broker are all necessary pieces of DLC to own. If I were forced to choose just one, it'd be Lair of the Shadow Broker (I don't think anyone would tell you differently).

You owe it to yourself to purchase all three, though :cool:[/QUOTE]I keep forgetting that you have a bottomless pile of XBLM points, since you buy all of the DLC. :lol:

To go back to the question you were answering, Kasumi's Stolen Memory gets you items that will be helpful in the main game, so it's worth getting for that reason.

Lair of the Shadow Broker is about as good as DLC can get for ME2, and it gives 200 gamerscore for doing it all.

Overlord is very good storywise, though isn't integral to the main game as much as the other two would be.
[quote name='shrike4242']I keep forgetting that you have a bottomless pile of XBLM points, since you buy all of the DLC. :lol:[/QUOTE]I just charge it all to my Mass Effect Platinum card :cool:
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']I just charge it all to my Mass Effect Platinum card :cool:[/QUOTE]

"I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite DLC on the Marketplace!"
[quote name='shrike4242']
To go back to the question you were answering, Kasumi's Stolen Memory gets you items that will be helpful in the main game, so it's worth getting for that reason.

Yep. If you get it at the start of playing, or plan to do multiple playthroughs anyway.

I only do two characters (paragon soldier and renegade adept) and had finished my playthroughs before the Kasumi DLC so I've only got to use her and the weapon on the subsequent DLC.

But in any case, yeah if you can do only one definitely Shadowbroker IMO. It's a story driven game and that's the only story remotely central to the overall plot in any of the DLCs.

If you can do two, then do Shadowbroker and Kasumi since Overlord is just a nice side story but nothing more than that.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']Why I love the PC version of this game:

My Shepard got this new armor just in time for Halloween!

:cool:[/QUOTE]I'll pick it up on PC at some point in the future, mainly because I'm waiting on updates to video cards before jumping into the mix. A little Geforce 9400 / integrated video won't do well on a 1920 x 1080 screen with all the eye candy turned up. ;)

[quote name='Ryuukishi']It's about time we all got some new DLC.[/QUOTE]Agreed. Maybe before the end of the year or right at the beginning of the year.

[quote name='dmaul1114']Yep. If you get it at the start of playing, or plan to do multiple playthroughs anyway.

I only do two characters (paragon soldier and renegade adept) and had finished my playthroughs before the Kasumi DLC so I've only got to use her and the weapon on the subsequent DLC.[/QUOTE]I'm going to pick it up right out of the gate on my 2nd playthrough when I get done with my run though ME1 with my renegade adept. Since I know someone in the thread tends to mention how good she is, it'll be interesting to see how she does in-game for the entire game.
Yeesh. I don't think it'd be possible to get that armor on a Paragon. You pretty much have to be Renegade to rock a helmet like that. ;)

I got Kasumi near the beginning of my in-progress first playthrough (all loyalty, side quests and assignments done along with Firewalker and Overlord. About to get the IFF.) and for whatever reason haven't taken her out with my squad that much, even though I did enjoy having her around during her loyalty mission. Maybe I'll roll out with her on some of these later story missions.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']Why I love the PC version of this game:

My Shepard got this new armor just in time for Halloween!


Can you post a link so others can download this mod.
Shadow Broker is 800 points, right? I need 800 more for that October promo and can't decide what to get so since I got the other ME2 stuff on sale I might as well get that. Maybe I'll give the game a quick 3rd playthough to set up my ME3 character and play the new stuff along the way.

FWIW, I think some info about the DLC packs needs to be in the OP... Hint hint...
[quote name='io']Shadow Broker is 800 points, right? I need 800 more for that October promo and can't decide what to get so since I got the other ME2 stuff on sale I might as well get that. Maybe I'll give the game a quick 3rd playthough to set up my ME3 character and play the new stuff along the way.

FWIW, I think some info about the DLC packs needs to be in the OP... Hint hint...[/QUOTE]Oh, yes, you do need to get it. Trust me, you'll enjoy it. 2-3 hours worth of gameplay and great story all the way.
I downloaded Kasumi and Overlord last week, and started to play Kasumi.
What do I do? I just took down these two guys underneath place and there doesn't appear to be anywhere I can go.
[quote name='KingBroly']I downloaded Kasumi and Overlord last week, and started to play Kasumi.
What do I do? I just took down these two guys underneath place and there doesn't appear to be anywhere I can go.
Assuming you're at the party and you broke into the vault, you should work your way through the underground section of the house until you make your way outside to a large open area. That'll be where things get hairy.

Check the map, and the suggestion above.
[quote name='KingBroly']I downloaded Kasumi and Overlord last week, and started to play Kasumi.
What do I do? I just took down these two guys underneath place and there doesn't appear to be anywhere I can go.

I know exactly where you're talking about, as I was stuck there for a few minutes myself, to the point that I thought the game was glitched. It's not. What you have to do is
climb up on the ledge, shoot out the window, and head inside. I think it's the only time in all of ME or ME2 that you have to break a window to progress, which is why it isn't immediately intuitive.
[quote name='Tybee']I know exactly where you're talking about, as I was stuck there for a few minutes myself, to the point that I thought the game was glitched. It's not. What you have to do is
climb up on the ledge, shoot out the window, and head inside. I think it's the only time in all of ME or ME2 that you have to break a window to progress, which is why it isn't immediately intuitive.
You can also accomplish that objective without the fight and break-in. If you pick up the 'clue' about the security captain being a hardass, and then you get her voice sample data in the security room, Kasumi will impersonate her over the comm and scare the guard into letting you into Hock's private quarters.
[quote name='Owen']Can you post a link so others can download this mod.[/QUOTE]Only because I am a generous person who believes in everyone having a ridiculously awesome looking Skull Recon helmet variant on their Shepard:

If you don't have Texmod already running for your PC version, or don't know how to use it, then I'll have to find some more links for you.

[quote name='io']FWIW, I think some info about the DLC packs needs to be in the OP... Hint hint...[/QUOTE]Hint received!

What are you thinking, as far as information that should be included? Maybe:

[Title of DLC Pack]
[Availability] (when you are able to play/use it)
[Length *if mission DLC*]
[Rating] (determined by me)
[Comments] (also made by me; non-spoiler of course)

Or did you have something else in mind?
Yeah, that seems like plenty. I was just that I was trying to figure out what DLC there was and how much it cost and I did what any good CAG is supposed to do and checked the OP first. So, for me, it would have been enough to name it and include the price (and maybe the date it came out). If you want to add a description and rating then all the better.
I beat Kasumi's Mission. I kind of want to gag a little bit. That was a really lame ending, at least in comparison to Shadow Broker.
Release date: 6/15
Price: 560 MS Points.
From the start.
Length: 2-3 hours long.
Description: Keep a powerful hybrid VI intelligence – and the Geth it has unleashed upon a planet – from wreaking havoc across the galaxy! Overlord includes 5 new levels, exciting ground combat and Hammerhead missions, and all-new achievements (2 for 25G)!
OP Comments: Overload is an awesome piece of DLC. The story is dark, creepy, and full of action. This is the first real mission that features the Hammerhead vehicle, and its shown to near-perfection. The atmosphere and scenery are beautiful, and the plot elements (as well as the missions/objectives) are very unique and definitely have their own place within the Mass Effect story. This is a mission that you certainly won't want to pass up.
OP Rating: 9/10


How's that for an example of what you want included in the OP?

Any thoughts? (not about the description/comments, just the look of it and amount of information)
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[quote name='shrike4242']Looks good to me. Might want to change the "Rating" to "OP Rating", so they know it's from you.[/QUOTE]
I was under the impression that when people saw me post something in this thread they'd know it was official - that it was the truth.


I changed it.


Celebratory Edit:

Just realized I hit my 500th post in this thread. Time to celebrate!


:bouncy: :cool: \\:D/ :whee:
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bread's done