Mass Effect 2 Discussion - Fight for the Lost

Engineer will be the 4th or 5th class that I will try (Soldier being the last). I definitely love the idea of the Combat Drone, but I've never been much of a debuffer when playing RPGs, especially Mass Effect. It probably doesn't help that I roll with Garrus and Tali at all times on ME1 (non-ally achievement runs). Aside from my non-canon Shepard, my class choice may just depend on which squadmates I choose to take with me on that playthrough.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']It's just my canon Shep is a vanguard so that's what I have to go with first.[/QUOTE]

Ditto. I plan to explore them all thoroughly since there's a good chance I already have a profile to match the class up with anyway. You couldn't pay me enough not to use them regardless. I adore ME.
Playing the first game again, and I love the reports to the council.

Turian councilor: That seems to be all you humans do is kill.
Shepard: I'm done with this *disconnect*
-next meeting-
Asari: Do not disconnect us again Shepard! Now about Noveria, is it true you found Rachni?
Turian: Found and exterminated them. Do you enjoy committing genocide?
Shepard: Only when it concerns certain species, Turian.
Turian: You address a member of the council! Show some respect!
Shepard: Whoops! *disconnects*

[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Playing the first game again, and I love the reports to the council.

Turian councilor: That seems to be all you humans do is kill.
Shepard: I'm done with this *disconnect*
-next meeting-
Asari: Do not disconnect us again Shepard! Now about Noveria, is it true you found Rachni?
Turian: Found and exterminated them. Do you enjoy committing genocide?
Shepard: Only when it concerns certain species, Turian.
Turian: You address a member of the council! Show some respect!
Shepard: Whoops! *disconnects*

:rofl:[/QUOTE]I like Joker's line ("That never gets old, does it?") after the series of disconnects.
[quote name='VipFREAK']I guess I will be... I'm trying to find ME1 dirt cheap.[/QUOTE]

It's $10 at K-Mart through the close of business on Saturday. If they're out then take their ad into BB, Target, or Walmart and PM.

You want the platinum hits version, as you get the first DLC pack (which is the better of the two and the second one won't work on the PH version of the game,) a free premium NXE theme, and all the videos plus a few more that were on the CE bonus disk.
I think the best part about the rachni dialogue is that you can be like, well it was them or me!

and then the council is like, oh ok that makes sense everythings ok now!

they are so going to die at the end of my evil sentinels playthrough.

I wish they gave sentinels a rocket punch in 2, that would be so awesome.
[quote name='MSUHitman']

You want the platinum hits version, as you get the first DLC pack (which is the better of the two and the second one won't work on the PH version of the game,) a free premium NXE theme, and all the videos plus a few more that were on the CE bonus disk.[/QUOTE]

Oh, ok. I usually avoid the platium hits too. I guess this will be the first. ugh. Anyways, thanks for the heads up. Never would've known. Makes it easier to find too.
So pickup the PH, hunt down and original and swap the discs and Cover-art that is labeled PH. Trade/sell the extra disc away. Should run you $20 total minus what-ever you get for that extra disc
[quote name='nateeasy29']I know there used to be a thread here listing where you can get the collectors edition and prices. And now I can't find it. Any help?[/QUOTE]

The thread you're looking for is in the general VG deals forum here.
There's going to be a new Character Customization video showcased today on GameSpot. As long as it's not as spoiler-ific as the one floating around on YouTube from a while ago, I'll post the link here when I see it up. Maybe some of you will get to see the changes you can make to your FemShep in this video :cool:
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']This idea (whether you meant it as being serious or not) is starting to become one of those "high-horse" things that casual fans of the game are tagging on to the more hardcore fans. It's really simple: the game, in part, is a love story (if you want it to be). Since you're not just stuck with generic female NPC and you actually have options, it makes sense that with a sequel coming out you'll want more options. It's less about virtual/digital humping and more about having someone be your male/female Shepard's love interest throughout the story (well..for some people).

I've played through the game five times and just started my sixth. I've also read the books multiple times. I understand it is part of the game, and I definitely will choose a love interest, but some posts I've read just take it a little too far. Regardless, can't wait for this game.
I've been thinking about something recently, am I going to play through this just once or multiple times? Now some of you are probably scoffing at that idea right now but here me out a minute. Am I the only one that feels kind of weird when playing through an RPG twice choosing different paths both times? The first play-through always feels like the real one to me while the others are just.....well basically "fakes". I want to play through this multiple times but I don't know if I will or not. I have the same feelings about Heavy Rain as I do Mass Effect 2, maybe even more so with Heavy Rain. I mean in that game main characters can apparently die at multiple points in each person's story, if I play through that more than once it will feel very strange, like it's completely at odds with my first "real" playthrough.

I don't know, maybe I'm the only one that has this dilemma haha.
:drool: @ camo options. Decisions, decisions. The pimp in me can't say no to the possibility of a Gold/Platinum color scheme but the nerd in me is determined to go through with the Strider Hiryu Red/Purple. If items were confirmed the appearance of a makeshift cane or Falchion would make this so much easier.

Surely I'm not the only one who noticed/heard Ash near the end of that video. God help our new squadmates and Tali if I can have my old team of T'soni and Williams back again. Endlessly entertaining and beastly on the battlefield for every profile regardless of class. No way in hell I'd bother with anyone else for the first and probably most of the second playthrough though I suppose that is wishful thinking. If not those two then Zero and Samara will suffice. ...As matter of fact that is a clever set up. Conversations throughout the game should remain interesting to say the very least. Just hope I don't have to wait until late game for either of them.

Btw why do I get the feeling your assistant Kelly Chambers is going to play the role of a female Kaidan? I hope I'm wrong about that one... seriously. Speaking of him hopefully I'll get the chance to visit
his grave
to pay respect.
[quote name='cgarb84']I've been thinking about something recently, am I going to play through this just once or multiple times? Now some of you are probably scoffing at that idea right now but here me out a minute. Am I the only one that feels kind of weird when playing through an RPG twice choosing different paths both times? The first play-through always feels like the real one to me while the others are just.....well basically "fakes". I want to play through this multiple times but I don't know if I will or not. I have the same feelings about Heavy Rain as I do Mass Effect 2, maybe even more so with Heavy Rain. I mean in that game main characters can apparently die at multiple points in each person's story, if I play through that more than once it will feel very strange, like it's completely at odds with my first "real" playthrough.

I don't know, maybe I'm the only one that has this dilemma haha.[/QUOTE]
I get that too. I still have no problem playing it multiple times, but I almost always consider my first play through the canon one.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']New Dev Diary up on GameSpot featuring information on character customization and space exploration :cool:[/QUOTE]
I can customize armor?


LOL @ Rainbow Death. I'm intrigued. I wonder if along with character customization codes we're also given codes for our armor as well? Doubtful but well welcomed.
[quote name='cgarb84']I've been thinking about something recently, am I going to play through this just once or multiple times? Now some of you are probably scoffing at that idea right now but here me out a minute. Am I the only one that feels kind of weird when playing through an RPG twice choosing different paths both times? The first play-through always feels like the real one to me while the others are just.....well basically "fakes". I want to play through this multiple times but I don't know if I will or not. I have the same feelings about Heavy Rain as I do Mass Effect 2, maybe even more so with Heavy Rain. I mean in that game main characters can apparently die at multiple points in each person's story, if I play through that more than once it will feel very strange, like it's completely at odds with my first "real" playthrough.

I don't know, maybe I'm the only one that has this dilemma haha.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I get that too. I still have no problem playing it multiple times, but I almost always consider my first play through the canon one.[/QUOTE]I see what you guys mean about the first playthrough. My first playthrough is the most special to me, however it is by far not my canon playthrough. I say that because I know it will not be the version that goes down in the history books as I finish ME2 and move into ME3. No other playthrough compares to the shock and awe of the first one for me, but the decisions I make are not the permanent ones.

[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']Surely I'm not the only one who noticed/heard Ash near the end of that video.[/QUOTE]I don't think that scene was something that comes up late in the game. It feels like it would tie into all the beginning scenes they've shown.

Btw why do I get the feeling your assistant Kelly Chambers is going to play the role of a female Kaidan? I hope I'm wrong about that one... seriously. Speaking of him hopefully I'll get the chance to visit
his grave
to pay respect.
I, too hope we can visit there so I can
piss all over his grave :lol: I think I let him live only once, and that was just for the achievement. I would've killed him sooner if I could :mrgreen:
L-O-F*cking-L @ your spoiler. As I've ranted before in the past the problem lies with the humdrum demeanor and less than attractive qualities of the character itself not the man behind the voice. I quite enjoyed Carth in KotOR despite his sometimes overbearing distrust of the protagonist. He wasn't a complete pain to be around. Kaiden however...
quickly became an irritating mirror of every hopelessly awkward individual I've ever come across in my life. A constant reminder of why I'm not likely to ever be socially compatible with those types of people. Every time the guy opened his mouth I often wonder why Shepard brought him along in the first place. To talk the Geth to death? ...Ugh.

I wouldn't go so far as to have my Shepard give him your kind of welcome. Then again what kind of Renegade would mine be if he didn't at least try? Heh. Now I wonder if they'll give you the opportunity to insult his family as well.

God I love this RPG. So many possibilities, so many opportunities for priceless entertainment, so little to explore it all in one play-through. Bioware I salute you.

[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I don't think I've ever needed a game this badly.[/QUOTE]

I hear you. It's literally been years since I felt this way about a video game. Unfortunately it does remind me of spending most of my allowance on the weekends playing fighting games at the local mall arcade. I miss those days sometimes. Well... not so much the couple of years and mountains of cash I wasted doing that but more so the lack of bills, crazy ex-girlfriends and ridiculous gas prices.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']LOL @ Rainbow Death. I'm intrigued. I wonder if along with character customization codes we're also given codes for our armor as well? Doubtful but well welcomed.[/QUOTE]
I would love if that was so! I'd make it so everyone could see my Rainbow Death Shepard. Man, I'm going to make Grunt wear bright green, too.
[quote name='CaptainJoel']I would love if that was so! I'd make it so everyone could see my Rainbow Death Shepard. Man, I'm going to make Grunt wear bright green, too.[/QUOTE]

Personally I'd prefer he wear neon pink thus emasculating and striking fear in the hearts of his prey simultaneously, but alas... didn't the devs confirm a while back that only our Shepard could customize armor? :cry:

A real shame. Regardless if I could find an easy way to screen cap on my Xbox I'd gladly share my quirky color schemes with the rest of the world.

Now I wonder where exactly are we going to buy the fish for our aquarium from? Regular vendors or can we actually catch them on surveyed planets? Do we earn EXP for it? Will our squadmates or any other NPC comment on our collection? Can we name them? LOL. Ugh... I'm such a dork. ;'(
Just watched the soldier class video and yup I think I'm going to run through the game first as a soldier just like I did with the first. Me love big guns.^^
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']Personally I'd prefer he wear neon pink thus emasculating and striking fear in the hearts of his prey simultaneously, but alas... didn't the devs confirm a while back that only our Shepard could customize armor? :cry:

A real shame. Regardless if I could find an easy way to screen cap on my Xbox I'd gladly share my quirky color schemes with the rest of the world.

Now I wonder where exactly are we going to buy the fish for our aquarium from? Regular vendors or can we actually catch them on surveyed planets? Do we earn EXP for it? Will our squadmates or any other NPC comment on our collection? Can we name them? LOL. Ugh... I'm such a dork. ;'([/QUOTE]
Awww, I didn't know they'd said anything about armor customization until this vid. That's sad.. I'd love to make Garrus have the coolest armor ever (I'm hoping so hard that he's in the party).

We can fill an aquarium in the Normandy? SWEET! I saw a video that had the aquarium in the background, I just didn't know we could customize it. That's pretty freaking sweet!

Personally, I hope that the fish tank will serve as the place Grunt gets his food from. Wrex kept mentioning in the first game whenever you were near the lake at the Citadel that he was hungry and wanted fishies.
[quote name='RichMeisterMan']Well I have good news! Because Garrus is a confirmed party member...according to the Mass Effect wiki anyway.[/QUOTE]Correct. BioWare did a bad enough job in all the videos hiding the fact that he was a party member, and now they are all but confirming him with every new video/interview they take part in. The 9th (Garrus) and 10th teammates are reflected in the OP, but I'm not mentioning #10 as some might see it as a spoiler. The 10th and final squadmate, while still officially unconfirmed, has been mentioned in various sources (including interviews, impressions, achievements, the OST, etc.). If you want to know then check it out, but I'd ask you not to openly talk about it for ten more days :cool:.
Wait, 10 squadmates? Why's that one trailer called "The dirty dozen" then? And why in their character trailers they have 12 squares, 6 of which are already announced party members and 6 are blank?

Guess it makes as much sense as "Fight for the lost" which showed up out of the blue.
[quote name='SqueeMK2']Wait, 10 squadmates? Why's that one trailer called "The dirty dozen" then? And why in their character trailers they have 12 squares, 6 of which are already announced party members and 6 are blank?

Guess it makes as much sense as "Fight for the lost" which showed up out of the blue.[/QUOTE]There's only 10 slots in the videos:

As for the title The Dirty Dozen, I'm not sure. Maybe 10 squadmates + Shepard + The Illusive Man? I've never seen the title explained.
Oh, I'll be damned.

And counting Shepard makes sense, but I'm not too sure on the Illusive Man. Kinda got the impression he wasn't as active a member of the group. Though it sounds like you might be phoning back to him between missions instead of the council like in the first game, so he might have an active passive role at least. Might work I 'spose.
Does Joker not count?

Still wondering whats up with them not explaining what we are getting out of the box. The whole network thing I mean. They explained a little but I wouldn't mind knowing about the content. Maybe it is because of this title, people seem to be happy with knowing less.
Not looking to Troll. I love the first Mass Effect and I am playing it now before ME 2 comes out but it has alot of problems. I am just wondering if the following problems have been fixed.

1. Mako moving like a slug and having horrible controls.
2. Every planet looking the same with the same exact same setup.
3. Every building, spaceship, etc etc etc having the same layout, design.
4. Terrible Menus. Just gets to be a bit too much for items/weapons, etc. I also hate the fact that there isn't a little screen telling you planet completion. I would like to know so I dont have to revisit planets looking for x,y,z if I have already been there.
5. One horrible loading screen after another disguised in elevators.
6. Zero character interaction. They all stand in their own corner on the Normandy and never say anything to eachother. Dragon Age hit the nail on the head with all of the conversations between different party members.
7. Very little Cities,Towns. I feels like the whole Population lived on the Citadel or Noveria with a few in Feros. Every other planet was isolated.
8. Stores and ratings. The Stores in the game had crazy over priced items that were weaker compared to my more highly rated and cheaper guns. What was the point in having stores in the game? You go onto one planet and find 20 guns and a bunch of upgrades? I already have like 7 million creds because there is nothing worth buying. What is the point in having a money system?

Lastly. I wish the game was a little like Ratchet ACIT. You get to fly your ship around from planet to planet while interacting with NPC's and enemies while flying. It would have been great to be actually able to fly the Normandy around.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']Correct. BioWare did a bad enough job in all the videos hiding the fact that he was a party member, and now they are all but confirming him with every new video/interview they take part in. The 9th (Garrus) and 10th teammates are reflected in the OP, but I'm not mentioning #10 as some might see it as a spoiler. The 10th and final squadmate, while still officially unconfirmed, has been mentioned in various sources (including interviews, impressions, achievements, the OST, etc.). If you want to know then check it out, but I'd ask you not to openly talk about it for ten more days :cool:.[/QUOTE]
If who I've been hearing about is the 10th then I'm shocked to all hell.
[quote name='wildcpac']Not looking to Troll. I love the first Mass Effect and I am playing it now before ME 2 comes out but it has alot of problems. I am just wondering if the following problems have been fixed.

1. Mako moving like a slug and having horrible controls.
2. Every planet looking the same with the same exact same setup.
3. Every building, spaceship, etc etc etc having the same layout, design.
4. Terrible Menus. Just gets to be a bit too much for items/weapons, etc. I also hate the fact that there isn't a little screen telling you planet completion. I would like to know so I dont have to revisit planets looking for x,y,z if I have already been there.
5. One horrible loading screen after another disguised in elevators.
6. Zero character interaction. They all stand in their own corner on the Normandy and never say anything to eachother. Dragon Age hit the nail on the head with all of the conversations between different party members.
7. Very little Cities,Towns. I feels like the whole Population lived on the Citadel or Noveria with a few in Feros. Every other planet was isolated.
8. Stores and ratings. The Stores in the game had crazy over priced items that were weaker compared to my more highly rated and cheaper guns. What was the point in having stores in the game? You go onto one planet and find 20 guns and a bunch of upgrades? I already have like 7 million creds because there is nothing worth buying. What is the point in having a money system?

Lastly. I wish the game was a little like Ratchet ACIT. You get to fly your ship around from planet to planet while interacting with NPC's and enemies while flying. It would have been great to be actually able to fly the Normandy around.[/QUOTE]

That post is NUTS! LOL. Just... Well your issues are the same issues that a lot playing the game when it came out had. So you are going to see the improvements a lot faster then the people who have been waiting years.

And yes, they have refined and tweaked a lot of the things you mentioned so the second is going to be better. :)
[quote name='wildcpac']Not looking to Troll. I love the first Mass Effect and I am playing it now before ME 2 comes out but it has alot of problems. I am just wondering if the following problems have been fixed.

1. Mako moving like a slug and having horrible controls.
2. Every planet looking the same with the same exact same setup.
3. Every building, spaceship, etc etc etc having the same layout, design.
4. Terrible Menus. Just gets to be a bit too much for items/weapons, etc. I also hate the fact that there isn't a little screen telling you planet completion. I would like to know so I dont have to revisit planets looking for x,y,z if I have already been there.
5. One horrible loading screen after another disguised in elevators.
6. Zero character interaction. They all stand in their own corner on the Normandy and never say anything to eachother. Dragon Age hit the nail on the head with all of the conversations between different party members.
7. Very little Cities,Towns. I feels like the whole Population lived on the Citadel or Noveria with a few in Feros. Every other planet was isolated.
8. Stores and ratings. The Stores in the game had crazy over priced items that were weaker compared to my more highly rated and cheaper guns. What was the point in having stores in the game? You go onto one planet and find 20 guns and a bunch of upgrades? I already have like 7 million creds because there is nothing worth buying. What is the point in having a money system?

Lastly. I wish the game was a little like Ratchet ACIT. You get to fly your ship around from planet to planet while interacting with NPC's and enemies while flying. It would have been great to be actually able to fly the Normandy around.[/QUOTE]
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. Yes
5. I know the elevators are gone. Haven't heard about the loading. Will probably be like Dragon Age.
6. Not sure. You're right though, DA had great character interaction
7. Not sure
8. Yes

So most of that has been fixed.
Ok you guys are talking way too much about ME2 for my liking had to quickly scroll out of way for some of these posts... now I can look at this thread *tear*.
[quote name='NamPaehc']Does Joker not count?

Still wondering whats up with them not explaining what we are getting out of the box. The whole network thing I mean. They explained a little but I wouldn't mind knowing about the content. Maybe it is because of this title, people seem to be happy with knowing less.[/QUOTE]He could count, too. I was just making a wild stab at it - the real answer could be almost anything. The devs keep stating that the purpose of the Cerberus Network Card will be revealed soon. Here's to waiting!

[quote name='wildcpac']Not looking to Troll. I love the first Mass Effect and I am playing it now before ME 2 comes out but it has alot of problems. I am just wondering if the following problems have been fixed.

*List of questions*[/QUOTE]I'll try to answer to the best of my ability, though I may not know as much as some due to my fear of being spoiled. My answers are in the spoiler (because of the length, not because of the content):
1. There's a new Mako (I'm pretty sure it's called the Hammerhead) which is supposedly nothing like ME1's Mako. I'm not sure of all of the specifics of the new vehicle, as they have been holding out a lot of information on it so far.

2. In some of the developer diaries, they seem to stress the fact that they are trying to give worlds more of a unique look and much more of a sci-fi movie feel.

3. The only answer I can give to this is that throughout all of the gameplay videos and trailers I have seen, nothing has looked the same. This sort of goes along with the idea of unique planets, each different area seems to have it's own style.

4. The inventory screen has largely been done away with. You will equip yourself and your teammates before each mission, ammo upgrades will be on a radial menu (similar to the weapon/powers wheels) that you can use on the fly, and armor can be customized while on the Normandy. The "Planetary Exploration" video shown today did have a % indicator next to the planets/moons of each system that was shown on-screen throughout the video. This may be what you are talking about.

5. Elevators are largely gone. They have been replaced by loading screens now. The small amount of reaction that I've seen to these new loading screens has been positive so far.

6. There was a tiny bit of character interaction when important decisions came up, but I can see what you're saying. There's no real way for me to answer this without playing the game, but I'm sure they've escalated the amount of tension between all the characters, as you have a large group of butting personalities aboard your ship in ME2. Something's gotta give...

7. There's been absolutely no mention of this, as far as I know. From what I've seen in a couple of videos, it seems that we will possibly be traveling to more of the populated areas in ME2.

8. The guns you find typically out power the ones you can buy (at least until you are able to buy the Spectre Mastery guns). Through Charm/Intimidate you can receive a discount at stores, but nothing really worth mentioning. Up until the point where I'm consistently maxed out at 9,999,999 credits, I use the loot I pick up to buy the Spectre weapons and Colossus/Predator armor for myself and my squadmates.

Extra question: I know they won't involve any type of space combat, but you do control where the Normandy goes in ME2 (in regards to planetary exploration). It's still more of a "point to destination and travel there" style as compared to free roam or total control of the ship.
[quote name='wildcpac']Not looking to Troll. I love the first Mass Effect and I am playing it now before ME 2 comes out but it has alot of problems. I am just wondering if the following problems have been fixed.

1. Mako moving like a slug and having horrible controls.
2. Every planet looking the same with the same exact same setup.
3. Every building, spaceship, etc etc etc having the same layout, design.
4. Terrible Menus. Just gets to be a bit too much for items/weapons, etc. I also hate the fact that there isn't a little screen telling you planet completion. I would like to know so I dont have to revisit planets looking for x,y,z if I have already been there.
5. One horrible loading screen after another disguised in elevators.
6. Zero character interaction. They all stand in their own corner on the Normandy and never say anything to eachother. Dragon Age hit the nail on the head with all of the conversations between different party members.
7. Very little Cities,Towns. I feels like the whole Population lived on the Citadel or Noveria with a few in Feros. Every other planet was isolated.
8. Stores and ratings. The Stores in the game had crazy over priced items that were weaker compared to my more highly rated and cheaper guns. What was the point in having stores in the game? You go onto one planet and find 20 guns and a bunch of upgrades? I already have like 7 million creds because there is nothing worth buying. What is the point in having a money system?

Lastly. I wish the game was a little like Ratchet ACIT. You get to fly your ship around from planet to planet while interacting with NPC's and enemies while flying. It would have been great to be actually able to fly the Normandy around.[/QUOTE]

1. It did have kind of bad controls, but I just figured I was on a planet and was adjusting. Didn't bother me.

2. The planets looked different to me. Some had weather, some had hazards, some had life.

3. The spaceships and buildings weren't all the same. Granted, they had maybe 3-4 layouts they rotated, but there was a tiny bit of variety.

4. The menus seemed fine to me. I will agree with the planet completion, though. Tell me what I did on it before I land on it again please.

5. The loading screens were fine. The elevators didn't even bother me at all, not even the slowest one in the galaxy on the Normandy.

6. The characters interacted with each other plenty of times. The elevators for one. While they may not have talked as much as Dragon Age, they did talk to one another.

7. This one was hit and miss. You're right in a sense, but alot of the planets had little colonies or settlements. Just because you interacted with a few people doesn't mean that's all that were there.

8. The stores were kind of pointless. I had 9,999,999 credits by the time I was done, and still had a ton of junk to sell. I think the only thing I bought from a store was the Spectre assault rifle and the best human heavy armor.

I never played A Crack in Time, so I am not sure how it was. There was a game back on Genesis I used to play called Starflight that was alot of fun. They kind of had that in the first one with the minerals, but you should meet random ships in space, too.

Also, Spore was cool as far as beaming up artifacts and aliens etc into your ship. Since that's an EA game, you think they'd have borrowed the concept.
Just completed a ME1 Hardcore run-through (I'm level 59 with 40K xp to go until level up), and I've gotta say the Mako is clearly the worst part of this game. You drive and drive and drive and attempt to climb a mountain to get to the other side, get near the top, and find that you can't climb any higher.

You also can't aim up or down very well, the angle on your gun has to be perfect.

I love this game to death, but damn, fuck the mako.
I saw in one of the videos on the Mass Effect 2 site that they mentioned you wont even have direct control over the new ship. You simply land at points of interest, because it looks like all the artifact and mineral hunting is now done via the Normandy and this planet scanning thing.
Here are some recently released pictures (courtesy of the Mass Effect website) of the different types of armor in Mass Effect 2, including the preorder armors:
(click on the picture for a screenshot of the specific armor)

N7 Armor

Special issue combat armor for Systems Alliance military. N7 is the highest rank and proficiency a marine can achieve and only awarded on completion of an elite training program. The N7 armor features thick, ablative ceramic plates with kinetic padding. The layer of fabric armor underneath allows the user additional flexibility and mobility in a firefight. Lightweight, effective and easily repaired, the N7 armor also emits recharging kinetic barriers for additional protection.

  • Increases power damage by 3%
  • Increases weapon damage by 3%
  • Increases health by 3%
  • Increases shield strength by 3%

Blood Dragon Armor

Originally created for Earth's Urban Combat Championship, this set of armor has undergone as much or more field testing than those of modern militaries. The armor's microframe computer adapts to any top-tier omni-tool, kinetic barrier, or biotic amp, giving seemless and error-free performance. The chest and shoulder piece bears the logo of the Edmonton Blood Dragons, and the inside of the armor bears the signatures of the entire team. When and how the Illusive man got his hands on this armor is unknown.

  • Increases power damage by 15%
  • Increases shield strength by 10%

Collectors Armor

Take the fight to the enemy with their own weapon! Extremely rare to find in the galaxy, this unique armor is the first step of experimentation with Collector technology. This chitinous armor uses advanced regeneration amplifiers allow you to move faster, take more damage and recover health quickly.

  • Regenerate 10% faster
  • Increase storm speed by 10%
  • Increase health by 20%

Inferno Armor

The Inferno Armor is able to recognize elevated heart rates and pupil movement in people close by, acting almost like a lie detector. This same array also monitors the officer and regulates sub-systems with extreme efficiency to allow for greater response times.

  • Negotiation bonus 10%
  • All power damage 10%
  • Increases storm speed by 10%

Terminus Armor

Like all modern combat hard-suits, the Terminus Assault Armor is environmentally sealed with an independent air supply for use in space and extreme planetary conditions, with an onboard "micro-frame" computer capable of running a suite of battle management software. To prevent detection by passive thermal sensors, body heat is channeled to the base of the feet, where it can be dispersed into the ground.

  • Increase storm speed by 10%
  • +1 magazine of reserve ammo for weapons
  • +15% shields

Each and every one of these look pretty sick to me. I favor the Collectors Armor the most.
I like how they actually tried to make an explanation as to why there is a bloody dragon on your armor. I rocked it a lot in Dragon Age, so ME2 will probably be no different.
Heh. As magnificent as they all appear to be I'm actually going to forgo use of them for my initial run. I'd rather not risk ruining my first play-through donning armor I shouldn't have until later in the game if at all, really. Besides I'm looking forward to whatever leg work is necessary to earn what armor is available in game.
bread's done