Modern Warfare 2- discussion

Yeah, the match making sucks in this game. Every game I've been in the other team is like 30 or 40 levels above me. Considering I've owned more than one game in the past 2 years, I'm not a COD master, so a lot of times I'm just getting destroyed.
Can anybody confirm if IW even put in a level balancing system? I think it just pairs you with whoever it finds first. Either way, I'm fine with it seeing as I'm rank 63 about to prestige & a K : D ratio of 1.60 (and growing)
I highly doubt there's a level balancing system in place. I'm constantly being paired up with 50's and 60's while I was in my 20's. Honestly, with the number of people online, a range of 10 levels (MAX) should be more than enough.
When i first started i would definitely have agreed. in the beginning i was getting destroyed but now not so much. after a while im finally getting used to it. I don't think levels really matter. I am constantly thrown into matches with people higher than me but i still manage to do well.
Finally finished the campain on Veteran. I thought it was pretty average overall. There were definitely some frustrating parts - mainly due to seemingly getting shot out of nowhere. I also got annoyed because I felt they totally overdid
the idea of you getting killed. I mean it was kinda cool when you got nuked in CoD4 but it was WAY overused in this one.

I guess I will move on to Spec Ops next. I'm not sure if I will try to plat this one. I guess it depends out tough it is to get all stars in Spec Ops.

btw, my trophies still won't friggin sync! I never had a problem 'till this game and it's horrible launch fiasco. :bomb:
[quote name='SynGamer']No, but it's indicative of how much you've unlocked and thus what advantages you possibly have.[/QUOTE]

Of course, but how I play is what wins the game, not what guns I use. I never felt that I was losing because the other team had different guns unlocked.
[quote name='Trakan']Of course, but how I play is what wins the game, not what guns I use. I never felt that I was losing because the other team had different guns unlocked.[/QUOTE]

As someone (me) who doesn't have the thermal scope, a person with that on the other team is a huge disadvantage for myself and my team. Especially on the more open maps.
[quote name='SynGamer']As someone (me) who doesn't have the thermal scope, a person with that on the other team is a huge disadvantage for myself and my team. Especially on the more open maps.[/QUOTE]

That Thermal scope is rediculous.. If you're good you should be getting kills because you're good, and not because you have access to equipment that makes it so much easier to kill. At that point, its not skill that gets the kill, but conviences. [with that said I guess it goes back to Trakan's point that level is NOT indicative of skill]
Anyone else notice how sporadic the checkpoints are? Seems like I'll hit a checkpoint, take 3 steps, then reach another checkpoint. Then other times I'll have to kill some 30 guys before I reach a checkpoint.

Trying this game on Veteran and it being my 1st CoD on the PS3 is likely going to result in a very long and painful grind...
[quote name='Thomas96']That Thermal scope is rediculous.. If you're good you should be getting kills because you're good, and not because you have access to equipment that makes it so much easier to kill. At that point, its not skill that gets the kill, but conviences. [with that said I guess it goes back to Trakan's point that level is NOT indicative of skill][/QUOTE]

If I notice someone on the other team has the thermal scope, I make sure to change up my perk to Cold Blooded especially if they've gotten me a few times using it.

To get better IMO, you gotta constantly analyze what the best players on the other team are doing and use guns, perks, etc. to make it more difficult for them to find you.
I've noticed I've gotten better by not approaching every game/match the same but by observing what the other team is doing and adjusting to that because generally the
best players on the other team will keep doing the same thing(if it's working) and make it pretty obvious what you should do to counter.

Easiest thing most people make the mistake of doing(myself included) is use the same strategy, gun, perks, etc. on EVERY map and even though it may be more comfortable to do so,
it's just not gonna help make you a better player overall.

Just my 2 cents............
[quote name='Ecofreak']Anyone else notice how sporadic the checkpoints are? Seems like I'll hit a checkpoint, take 3 steps, then reach another checkpoint. Then other times I'll have to kill some 30 guys before I reach a checkpoint.

Trying this game on Veteran and it being my 1st CoD on the PS3 is likely going to result in a very long and painful grind...[/QUOTE]
Yes, it is very annoying. There were several times I died over and over and only passed it because I got an early checkpoint.

I checked out Spec Ops and it seems very cool. I like that you can run through them solo if you want. It makes it very intense on Veteran! I would like to finish them all to get the plat. Anyone else working on them?
[quote name='Ronzilla']If I notice someone on the other team has the thermal scope, I make sure to change up my perk to Cold Blooded especially if they've gotten me a few times using it.

To get better IMO, you gotta constantly analyze what the best players on the other team are doing and use guns, perks, etc. to make it more difficult for them to find you.
I've noticed I've gotten better by not approaching every game/match the same but by observing what the other team is doing and adjusting to that because generally the
best players on the other team will keep doing the same thing(if it's working) and make it pretty obvious what you should do to counter.

Easiest thing most people make the mistake of doing(myself included) is use the same strategy, gun, perks, etc. on EVERY map and even though it may be more comfortable to do so,
it's just not gonna help make you a better player overall.

Just my 2 cents............[/QUOTE]

I agree with you, because the more I play the more I realize that I need more than by RPD gun set and perks, it all depends on what the other team is using. I noticed in one match, they a guy was going crazy with the heart monitor and I switched to the Ninja perk. I'm definitely having a problem finding other guns that I can use as well as the RPD. I absolutely hate the Assault rifles that they start you off with. I was fine with the M16 in the previous game. I basic need a nice gun for short quarters, like the P90 perhaps.. I'm going to have to really try some things out so I can be more effective each match.
[quote name='Darknyss']Yes, it is very annoying. There were several times I died over and over and only passed it because I got an early checkpoint.

I checked out Spec Ops and it seems very cool. I like that you can run through them solo if you want. It makes it very intense on Veteran! I would like to finish them all to get the plat. Anyone else working on them?[/QUOTE]

It's definitely the worst on levels when there are people on the streets AND roofs shooting at you. I am much better on levels that take place on ground level only.
[quote name='Thomas96']I agree with you, because the more I play the more I realize that I need more than by RPD gun set and perks, it all depends on what the other team is using. I noticed in one match, they a guy was going crazy with the heart monitor and I switched to the Ninja perk. I'm definitely having a problem finding other guns that I can use as well as the RPD. I absolutely hate the Assault rifles that they start you off with. I was fine with the M16 in the previous game. I basic need a nice gun for short quarters, like the P90 perhaps.. I'm going to have to really try some things out so I can be more effective each match.[/QUOTE]

I'm sure if you're using the RPD a lot then you're probably good at it so your instinct is to keep using it but it does help to get used to
different guns for sure because learning the merits of each will help your "overall" gameplay.

Smart move on the Ninja perk because you just nullified his strongest perk. I also started making sure to watch "the entire" killcam to know who killed me
and with what strategy and attachments. I use to get caught up just jumping right back in(ADHD) without watching it
but it's helped me to really observe who/how they're killing me.

"All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near,
we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near. Hold out baits to entice the enemy.
Feign disorder, and crush him."
- Sun Tzu, the Art of War
Well, on a similar note, Last Stand is useless. Only by pure luck am I able to score a kill (like I die behind an obstacle and kill unknowing enemies). When I die, it knocks my aiming off to the side. And in the time I'm turning to shoot, the opposition is still unloading their clip. This skill definitely could work in MW1, but in MW2 where the health is drastically shorter, no way...
[quote name='Ronzilla']I'm sure if you're using the RPD a lot then you're probably good at it so your instinct is to keep using it but it does help to get used to
different guns for sure because learning the merits of each will help your "overall" gameplay.

Smart move on the Ninja perk because you just nullified his strongest perk. I also started making sure to watch "the entire" killcam to know who killed me
and with what strategy and attachments. I use to get caught up just jumping right back in(ADHD) without watching it
but it's helped me to really observe who/how they're killing me.

"All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near,
we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near. Hold out baits to entice the enemy.
Feign disorder, and crush him."
- Sun Tzu, the Art of War

Yeah, I keep getting my ass handed to me on multiplayer and this is one of the reasons, but let me ask, how are you changing your perks mid game? Do you have one character set for colf blooded, one for ninja, etc? That doesn't leave many options if so.
[quote name='hoogax']Yeah, I keep getting my ass handed to me on multiplayer and this is one of the reasons, but let me ask, how are you changing your perks mid game? Do you have one character set for colf blooded, one for ninja, etc? That doesn't leave many options if so.[/QUOTE]

I definitely have a slot where I'm COMPLETELY stealth (Ninja, Coldblooded, Silencer) with a medium range gun(FAMAS or SCAR)
which will help if they're sniping or they're using defensive tactics.

Even though you can't change perks midgame(unless you have one man army perk), I'll still check who was killing me and how, then adjust my perks(between game)
for that player next game because most likely he will use the same class setup.

Another thing that may be tedious but VERY beneficial is to start a private match to explore each map.
This way, you can get to know each map so that you're not getting gunned down by players who know the map better.
I've noticed the better players know the maps like the back of their hand. You'll get VERY frustrated learning the MAPS in competitive play.
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Anyone got any tips for leveling SitRep? So far I've only got 20 or so devices destroyed. Now I have like 100 left. People definitely plant claymores, but they hardly live long enough for me to run across the map to destroy it.

That increased footstep sound, seems really good, especially if one has surround sound.
I've been on a nice hiatus, but I've returned and I've improved my Kill / death Ratio to .92! Came after I had a nice 15 kill and 2 loss match!
I feel like I'm slowly getting better at this. Got a 6 kill streak and called in a harrier that didn't come out of a care package. :) I have to resist the urge to run around Rambo-style because I do much better sneaking around.

Also I planned to stop using my blinged-out SCAR with ACOG and grenade launcher once I got my 20 launcher kills because it made me feel like a scrub, but now I kind of like it. :oops:
[quote name='metaly']I feel like I'm slowly getting better at this. Got a 6 kill streak and called in a harrier that didn't come out of a care package. :) I have to resist the urge to run around Rambo-style because I do much better sneaking around.

Also I planned to stop using my blinged-out SCAR with ACOG and grenade launcher once I got my 20 launcher kills because it made me feel like a scrub, but now I kind of like it. :oops:[/QUOTE]

I don't know how to aim with the launchers... I can never get it right, grenade is always 40 feet behind the target. I wish I could record these matches like in Halo 3 and Uncharted 2.
How can people be such fucking noobs and just chill in one spot whole time! It's even worse when they have the retarded M16. Either way I still win.
I still need a partner for Spec Ops. Hurry up and finish the campaign, will ya Phoenix? ;)

They can be a real pain on Veteran solo. Especially when you get to the last wave on Sniper Fi and die. I did finally manage to finish it today, though.
I'm still trying to finish the campaign, but there was a certain scene that freaked me out just a little for a particular reason (which I rather explain in private). I wanted to be the campaign this weekend, but I'm having issues with a particular campaign (I keep getting shot, lol).
suck it up Mana... you get shot in almost every game.

So far so good, I'm less than a hundred kills before getting to a Kill / Death Ratio of 1:1. Right now I'm at .95. I've tried other guns, but most of the time, I have to play with the RPD. That gun completes me.
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Okay, i have a geeky question...

What's the name of the building where you
go to the top and take out bunch of Russians firing the troops below, after that you have to use the Javelins to take out the vehicles? You can see the Washington Monument in the BG.

My friend was watching it when i was playing that part, so she asked... Well, Google map tells me that there's no such building around the
Washington Monument
and i have to tell her that it's a game, the building is fictional.

However, a part of me believes it's a real building. Since Resistance used the controversial church in the game... Any sharp CAG wants to back it up?
[quote name='Darknyss']I still need a partner for Spec Ops. Hurry up and finish the campaign, will ya Phoenix? ;)

They can be a real pain on Veteran solo. Especially when you get to the last wave on Sniper Fi and die. I did finally manage to finish it today, though.[/QUOTE]
I can help you.I also need to finish Spec Ops in veteran.
[quote name='LordKefka06']Almost got my 2nd nuke yesterday, but my 25th kill was the game winner.[/QUOTE]

No soup for you Kefka ;). Only got nuked once so far. It's kinda cool but I was hoping to see players blown off the
map or instantly skeletonized or something. Congrats though :applause:!
[quote name='Darknyss']I still need a partner for Spec Ops. Hurry up and finish the campaign, will ya Phoenix? ;)

They can be a real pain on Veteran solo. Especially when you get to the last wave on Sniper Fi and die. I did finally manage to finish it today, though.[/QUOTE]

Oh snap -- I get a shout out?! Count me in and we'll try to work out next week-ish.

I started to do some of the Spec Ops myself. Also made it to the last wave in Sniper Fi on 3 star, and got killed w/ 4 guys left. Nuts.

Honestly, I can see myself liking Spec Ops more than the actual campaign itself due to the greater mission-centric focus and it seems like you can take more hits than playing through Veteran difficulty in the campaign.

I did manage to beat the game on Veteran after ~8 hours. I really, really hated the
last part of "Lose Ends" where you're running to the extraction point, bracketed by mortar fire with enemies on both sides. Had to restart the level because I had originally ran too far ahead of Ghost and was without cover (ala Forest Gump).
I almost threw my controller in frustration several times.

Still haven't touched the MP, though. Ha!
Infinity Ward strikes again........

"We're planning to add a new hardcore playlist to #MW2 just in time for the holiday break.
Look for Hardcore Ricochet: HQ Pro on Wednesday!" - fourzerotwo

Man I'm bummed. I read somewhere that if you get a 2 K : D ratio, you get a title that says: "2.BADDD". And so I just got to 2 & I didn't get anything.
Yeah, I've got that once or twice before. Also, the explosion of a flash or stun gerenade will kill them if they are in last/final stand.
[quote name='LordKefka06']Yeah, I've got that once or twice before. Also, the explosion of a flash or stun gerenade will kill them if they are in last/final stand.[/QUOTE]

I can just hear it.........Dude how did NoKiLL4You kill you?..........FlashBang to the forehead man #-o.
[quote name='Ronzilla']I can just hear it.........Dude how did NoKiLL4You kill you?..........FlashBang to the forehead man #-o.[/QUOTE]HaHa, so hows the process of you getting a PS3 coming along?
bread's done