Most Disappointing game you thought would be incredibly fun?

Recently for me, I would have to go with The Club. I had fun with the demo which led me to purchase the game but it got old really fast. It felt like I was playing 50% of the game. I suspect this game is going to hit the bargain bin pretty soon.
I really liked Jade Empire, I just couldn't put it down. It did get a bit annoying with some of the very long bits of dialog, inability to mix and match powers, and glitches here and there.
Psychonauts. Yeah, I said it. It had a promising start. The sense of humor was great in the beginning; exploring the grounds, listening to the conversations between the other campers. Once they were "kidnapped" and you were left to wander alone it got a bit boring. Sure, some of the levels were cool (The Milkman Conspiracy and Lungfishopolis were standouts) but later levels, like Waterloo World and Black Velvetopia, were a snooze-fest. On top of that, Double Fine must have attended the Rare school of platformer design. I haven't been asked to collect this much random tat since Donkey Kong 64. Big disappointment for me.
Well, I just got my DS with an R4, so I downloaded a few games. I figured Need for Speed Underground 2 wouldn't be the same as on the PS2, but it would still be pretty fun. Wrong. It SUCKS on a DS. Don't buy or download it. It's not worth your headaches.
[quote name='wubb']Super Smash Brothers Melee - Not my thing.

Animal Crossing - Ditto.

Super Mario Sunshine - Just couldn't get into it.

Mario Kart Double Dash - Okay, but having all the circuits and classes unlocked from the start sucked a lot of the motivation away from me.

Wow, man. You are absolutely not of the same species as me. You're talking 4 of the best games of last gen (and this gen!) there...
[quote name='Danimal']The biggest one recently for me has to be Mass Effect. I almost never play RPGs, but in everything I read about the game before it's release, I thought this one would hit the sweet spot between story and action. I even bought the prequel novel, just to be up on the story when I started the game. Then I started it, and was bored to tears almost immediately. I kept going back and trying to get into it, but when I feel like I'm forcing myself to play something, it doesn't take long to realize I'm not enjoying myself.

Admittedly, I didn't get far into the game. Just beyond the alien "sex scene". I've heard it gets better later, but I just don't feel all that motivated to find out for myself.[/QUOTE]

I agree somewhat (though I still think it is a very good game - just not as good as others think it is), but for the opposite reason: too much action, not enough RPG ;).
I would say Turok, which turned out to be a steaming pile of turd hotness.

I started Assassins Creed and got bored quickly, need to go back and finish it, but just havent felt like it.

Also, that online FPS in the Orange Box (TF2 i think) is a stinking pile of trash. Gears of War/COD4 online thrash it.

Zelda WW was horrible, all the Metroid games after Super Metroid SNES have been pure garbage. I thought SSB Melee was a cruel joke, horrible game. Super Mario Sunshine is a disaster on so many levels. The gamecube was the worst system to own last gen by a texas mile.

Condemned 1 and 2 are both crappy, i bought the first one during the early 360 days and didnt like it at all, part 2 is just more of a disaster (played the demo).

And i agree with games like Ninja Gaiden Sigma (AWESOME game) and Dead Rising (well thought out) are too hard to be enjoyable. There is a point where you just get so frustrated, you dont even want to play the game anymore. Thats not what gaming should be about.

Perfect example of fun, satisfying, but not retardedly hard games:

God of War 1/2

Gears of War

Final Fantasy X

Kingdom Hearts 1/2

Rock Band

Anyhow, thats my 2 cents.
super mario 3
final fantasy 3(vi)
halo 1 and 2
persona 3
valkyrie profile
suikoden 2
castlevania 1
zelda twilight princess
metroid fusion
final fantasy 7
zelda OOT
every madden and tiger woods game
sonic the hedgehog

none of these lived up to the hype, for me anyways
super mario 3
final fantasy 3(vi)
halo 1 and 2
persona 3
valkyrie profile
suikoden 2
castlevania 1
zelda twilight princess
metroid fusion
final fantasy 7
zelda OOT
every madden and tiger woods game
sonic the hedgehog
super metroid
mario kart DD

none of these lived up to the hype, for me anyways
kingdom hearts 2 and legend of zelda twilight princess. 2 games i couldnt wait to get so much so i paid full price for both........betwen the 2 kh2 was the bigger letdown the drive forms were worthless the magic was useless the bosses aside from sepiroth were too easy to beat and the level design was horrendous. you know a level is slapped together when a special item in the game is basically in a chest around the damn corner. i played it on the harest mode the first time through and demolished the thing like it was nothing and now i dont care about kingdom hearts anymore.

TP was fun in the beginning but after 2/3s of the game i stopped caring and just wanted to get the damn thiing over with and the ending is still one of the worst ive ever seen in a game.and some of the later boss battles were boring and repetitive especially that pixelated looking dragon boss. but i guess part of my disgust with the game came from having played shadow of the colossus before it. now those were boss battles. its one of he few zelda games i havent and probably will never replay.

mario sunshine.......i know i dont need to explain this

superman 64. was a fan of the superman cartoon and this was one of the few games i preordered needless to say after i got home with it and played it for an hour i put it back in the box and returned it the same day i got it. mind you i had to take anther hour long bus ride to do so but the game was so bad i didnt care.
[quote name='Malik112099']BLASPHEMER!![/QUOTE]
I know, Malik, I know. I had a feeling saying Mass Effect would garner me some much-deserved scorn. In my own defense though, I really, really, REEEEAAALLY wanted to love this game. I just... didn't.

[quote name='metaly']There's another sex scene you can have with the consort. I'm guessing that's what he meant, especially because of the quotes, because it's mostly faces. (Plus the cheesy Titantic hand.)[/QUOTE] Yup, that's the one I was talking about- with the consort while still on the Citadel. I didn't even realize there was another sex scene. Hmmm, I might have to give this game one more chance... :lol:
I apologize if somebody already said this, but I ain't reading through the thread just to find half the posts are Halo/Zelda/Metal Gear.

The most egregious offender, that I literally JUST busted a PS2 controller over? Urban Reign. I mean, c'mon: it's a brawler by the Tekken/Soul Calibur people. It has gorgeous animations and a ton of playable characters. Good times, right? It would be, if the fuckING DEFENSE WORKED. You can't block, dodge, or escape throws for shit, so you constantly -- and I mean CONSTANTLY -- suck up half-life bar combos. Add in a system where using your super moves is really the only way to get out of stuns (!) and you can frequently go from full health to dead, all while being completely helpless to do anything about it. Cheap as shit, and it breaks my heart, because if that one aspect worked, the game would probably be last gen's definitive brawler.
Warrior Within. I got in to the modern PoP games late, so I was warned about Warrior Within. I wasn't expecting the magic of Sands of Time, but... dear fucking God. I've ranted enough times about that game on this forum, so I'm not gonna do my usual big, long spiel on it. Lemme just say that when I ran in to the same exact fucking boss for the fifth time, I was pissed. Now, on that fifth encounter, there was something rather different - he had actually gained a new attack. This was quite a surprise, as the four previous encounters had been the exact god damn same (except for the size of his health bar, of course). This time, however, he had a long ranged attack. He threw exploding sand-dogs at me.

How, exactly, do you not turn your console of choice off after that? Sadly, the game went steadily down-hill from there...


CML if you're interested in Warrior Within.
Yoshi's Story (Nintendo 64) - Man I bought into the hype so much for this one. 2 hours later, I beat it. I felt ripped off thanks to this childish, drug high developed of a game. Seriously, it's one of my 5 worst games of all time.
[quote name='The Crotch']Warrior Within.[/quote]

This sat on my shelf for such a long time, just waiting to be played. I was planning on picking up Two Thrones as well, just to have it ready. Then one day I guess I just reached critical mass of people complaining about those two games, decided I'd rather not tarnish the great (GREAT!!!!) memories I had of Sands of Time, and sold it off. Sounds like I'm not missing much.
F-Zero GX. I hate to bring the whole difficulty isn't fun argument, but this game had only one of two ways you could play; wrong or goddamn perfectly. Like beginning missions with collecting the items it was DAMN IMPOSSIBLE to get it with a few (hell even one) seconds to spare! It was unforgiving and those were only the first missions. It was fun for multiplayer sure, but that game just demanded waaaay too much.

Fight Night: Round 2 on the Gamecube. Played Round 1 on the PS2 and loved it and got Round 2 for cheap and was hoping for same kinda fun, but didn't take into account the pathetic C-stick of the Gamecube until I actually played it.

South Park on N64. Loved the show and it was before I knew the pitfalls of games based on shows or movies. Wow, did I feel gypped of $60.

Mortal Kombat 4. It's Mortal Kombat, but in 3D! It's going to be totally different! You can use weapons and toss heads at people's the same goddamn game as the other ones.

Hell might as well bring up Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance and all those others, except make the gameplay alot more clunky and slow.
Just noticed this thread, good idea op

Anyways, I've got a bunch I thought didn't live up to the hype:
Guitar Hero 3 (songs just didn't feel fun for some reason)
Eye Toy: Kinetic (I was so eager to play this game but it doesn't even start up for some reason)
Ratchet and Clank (just the first one on ps2, replay it now and you'll understand where I'm getting at)
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (doesn't feel like a sequel to SoT...much more combat than platforming/puzzle, liked the dark tone though)
Zelda: Twilight Princess (just didn't feel fun for some reason, only got so far due to boredom)
Super Mario Sunshine (an entire Mario game based on levels in water...and a dumb shooting element imo, good platforming parts though)
Loco Roco (reviewers were right, it is really repetitive)
Crush (probably because I was expecting a platformer and got a puzzle game)
Jeanne D' Arc (got it since I heard so much praise and hated it, guess I don't like Rpgs)
Ghost Recon (1st one for xbox...worst game I've ever played, by far and I actually heard it was good)
Knights of the Old Republic (Read gamespot's review..."don't need to be a fan of star wars or rpgs to enjoy this game" and well I wasn't familiar with either category, again hated the critically acclaimed game)
Smackdown Vs. Raw 2007 (bad idea changing the controls, Yukes - more too but I can't recall of the top of my head)
F Zero (snes - awful looking game that I couldn't even play for 30 seconds)
F Zero gx (difficulty makes it insanely hard, in a frustrating way)
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories (half-assed story, half-assed controls, half-assed music, half-assed everything in that game!)
Xbox Music Mixer (it's not even compatible with most songs/cds)
Bomberman (psp - just not fun)
Unreal Championship 2: Liandri Conflict (I heard it was a combination of Halo and Super Smash Bros...dodging rockets and whatnot, still a good game but not as good as I heard it was)
Perfect Dark (more of a 007 guy, never liked PD)
Clubhouse Games (some of the games aren't fun at all and w/o multi it gets boring fast)
Golden Sun (tried it since I heard it was like pokemon, only rpg I can stand for some odd reason, but hated it..)
Mega Man: Powered Up
(1st Mega Man and the difficulty was too much with the bosses, found out it should be played on easy first though...lessens the fun/intensity)
Wipeout Pure (just not feeling the fun in it, good race tracks though)

and lastly

Super Smash Bros. Brawl (fwiw, my early vote for goty 2008, but I was expecting a bigger update then what we got with items and's been 7 years since the last one!)

Oh and Metal Gear Ac!d 2...what a letdown
[quote name='Access_Denied']Well, I just got my DS with an R4, so I downloaded a few games. I figured Need for Speed Underground 2 wouldn't be the same as on the PS2, but it would still be pretty fun. Wrong. It SUCKS on a DS. Don't buy or download it. It's not worth your headaches.[/QUOTE]
I'm sorry a game you downloaded for free (pirated) didn't give you much fun.

Oops, did I just spark a piracy debate? Maybe... I just think the kid has no right to complain about something he got for free. That's like stealing someone's dog then suing them because it shit on your carpet.
Monster Rancher Evo. I've loved the Monster Rancher series ever since I first bought one on a whim after seeing it in the store. I had no idea what it was but it is one of my all-time favorites. Evo.....completely changed the entire game and put in the whole circus thing. I may as well have just burned my $50. It would have provided about the same amount of entertainment.
Magna Carta: Tears of Blood

Atlus suckered me because of the artwork, but the gameplay and voice overs were atrocious. And I bought it new!
Disgaea. After being a big fan of Final Fantasy Tactics, was told that it would be the next great tactical RPG. Despite having friends who were huge fans of the game, I stopped playing it about halfway through because I just could not stand the repetitive and grind-tastic fighting and levelling system. I really wanted to like it, on account of the great characters, but I never actually got to hear any of the story on top of all the goddamned grinding.
GTA San Andreas. I was GTA'd out when I got it, so I didn't really get into it. Wind Waker for NGC was a huge disappointment. I felt like I was playing a crap version of OoT. Probably the biggest disappointment me for in the last few years was PGR3. After beating the hell (and aggravating myself to lose a lot of my hair) the first two versions, I tried to like PGR3, but it felt broken. Some old PS1 RPGs like Vagrant Story also come to mind.

On the flipside, I found Lego Star Wars for 360 to be incredibly enjoyable because I wasn't really expecting it to be any good at all. I have a lot of fun playing with friends or family.
[quote name='ItsTrueItsTrue92']This might not count since I only played the demo but I pick Bioshock. I had gotten used to Half-Life 2 and Halo 3 so the slow pace turned me off.[/quote]

I have to somewhat agree with BioShock. While I didn't find it crushingly disappointing or anything, I think the hype that preceded my playing of it *really* got out of hand. I expected some 'end-all be-all' of FPS w/ a storyline, and I just... I felt no real thrill playing it, aside from a few moments.

It's not a bad game at all, it just got way too hyped up. After seeing almost unanimous GOTY awards for it, I expected a revelation, while all I got was an extremely solid game, no more, no less.
#1) Star Wars Galaxies, was so hyped for this. Biggest disappointment by far.
#2) Metal Gear Solid 2, I didn't really flip out over not playing Snake, but the story was bad, very bad
#3) Ninja Gaiden, swept up by launch hype, didnt care for the game

The Rest
Super Mario Sunshine, water squirting =/= fun
Oblivion, too slow and clunky for me
Star Fox Adventures, boring
GTA San Andreas, GTA burnout and didnt care for the story/characters
Naruto Rise of a Ninja, fighting system is garbage
Victorious Boxers Revolution, controls are broken
Mortal Kombat 4, big disappointment after MK3/Ultimate/Trilogy
[quote name='Willg32']just simply too easy compleated on a day and took it back to the store for a refund. :booty:[/quote]

Your avatar is hilarious :lol:
I'm glad someone mentioned Star Fox Adventures. Whenever a game requires you to progress through a game with an insanely hard button mashing event, it can go to hell. After 4 months, I had my roommate in college finally beat it. I beat the game a few hours, and wow, tacked on.


Overlord (Loved it until RROD led me to game ending glitch which led me to selling it shortly after patch came)
[quote name='KingBroly']I'm glad someone mentioned Star Fox Adventures. Whenever a game requires you to progress through a game with an insanely hard button mashing event, it can go to hell. After 4 months, I had my roommate in college finally beat it. I beat the game a few hours, and wow, tacked on.


Overlord (Loved it until RROD led me to game ending glitch which led me to selling it shortly after patch came)[/quote]

You named the ones I forgot, thanks.

SFA - GRRR, I was around 11 so I didn't do much research and thought this would be old fashion starfox with a little adventure on the side. Little did I know it was the opposite, but the worst part about it is that the game was just plain dull. Thank God for Luigi's Mansion!

Superman 64 - Again, I was a kid, and I was desperate for a game. Even at the time I knew I was taking a risk buying it, but DAMN I didn't think it would turn out to be the worst game in the world.

Donkey Kong 64 - I remember being young and at best buy watching the donkey kong gang rap, and being super hyped. This was going to be my big Christmas present for sure, and then I play it....... It encompasses everything that's wrong with RARE games with its progression of pointless quests of collecting stupid crap. I hated it when I was a kid, and I hate it just as much now.

RARE, you piss me off so so much.

Also I wouldn't blame Overlord for your rrod'd 360, that's probably microsoft's fault more than anything...
[quote name='PatFortenbaugh']are you guys forgetting fear?! that game is awful![/QUOTE]

No it's not.

I'd love to hear in what way you think it is awful though
Final Fantasy XII. I'm a big time FF fan, but I really just can't get into the game and even like FFX-2 better.

Dead Risisng and Cromehounds were two others in 2006. I badly wanted them and ended up being very disappointed.

On handhelds, Magical Starsign (I badly wanted the game and ended up really hating it), New Super Mario Bros. (very disappointing), Kingdom of Paradise (just didn't find it very fun), and so on come to mind.

Last year, I was a tad disappointed with Heavenly Sword (It was very high on my anticipation list), but still good. Also, I could say I was disappointed with PGR4 because the game started out really good, but then it hit a huge wall and I lost all motivation to continue playing, unlike any other PGR.
Shit, has FFTA been mentioned yet? If so, then it deserves to be mentioned again. Weak characters, a boring plot, crappy classes, crappy skills, and those shitty judges and laws. I loved the original FFT so much, but FFTA bored me to tears.
[quote name='leveskikesko']Donkey Kong 64 - I remember being young and at best buy watching the donkey kong gang rap, and being super hyped. This was going to be my big Christmas present for sure, and then I play it....... It encompasses everything that's wrong with RARE games with its progression of pointless quests of collecting stupid crap. I hated it when I was a kid, and I hate it just as much now. [/QUOTE]

You are so, so damn right-on with this. It's like, Rare decided to make even bigger worlds, more fetch-quests and all sorts of other things that worked pretty well in Banjo -- not realizing there's such thing as too much. I played it, and got lost so early and often that I basically erased it from my memory.
Most disappointing? Phantasy Star Universe.
I waited 5 years for this game and what do I get? A mediocre game that made me feel old. Seriously, am I the only person older than 14 that tried playing this online?
[quote name='The Crotch']Shit, has FFTA been mentioned yet? If so, then it deserves to be mentioned again. Weak characters, a boring plot, crappy classes, crappy skills, and those shitty judges and laws. I loved the original FFT so much, but FFTA bored me to tears.[/QUOTE]


I'll also throw in my vote for FFXII. Story was about as interesting as the old school plots. I think the lack of an over-arching story (at least to me) really hurt the experience.

Rez. It's great since I have the Trance Vibrator for my girlfriend, but as a game it's kinda bleh.
[quote name='urzishra14']so my question is .. What has been the most disappointing game that you thought would be the most fun that you have played recently?[/quote]

No More Heroes hands down. Didn't even have to think about that one.

That game got rave reviews, looked so cool, and it really could've been great if they had finished making it. Half the game was kind of fun but would've gotten annoying if the other half of the game wasn't a hell of constant tedium. The half ashed development and all the single player minigames (which were even less interesting than the minimum wage jobs they represented) made me feel like they should've been paying me to play it. Yea, I got the joke, but I think it was on us.

Sometime I think that instead of selling it on amazon, I should've *&^% in the case and sent it back to Grasshopper.

*end rant*
[quote name='GonzoGamer']No More Heroes hands down..... they should've been paying me to play it. Yea, I got the joke, but I think it was on us.
Is JOKE a dirty word now?
[quote name='GonzoGamer']No More Heroes hands down. Didn't even have to think about that one.

That game got rave reviews, looked so cool, and it really could've been great if they had finished making it. Half the game was kind of fun but would've gotten annoying if the other half of the game wasn't a hell of constant tedium. The half ashed development and all the single player minigames (which were even less interesting than the minimum wage jobs they represented) made me feel like they should've been paying me to play it. Yea, I got the joke, but I think it was on us.

Sometime I think that instead of selling it on amazon, I should've *&^% in the case and sent it back to Grasshopper.

*end rant*[/QUOTE]

I totally agree with you. This game was so hyped and reviews were great. I hated the game and was lucky enough to trade it for PS3 Ratchet and Clank.
bread's done