Most Disappointing game you thought would be incredibly fun?

Monster Hunter

For some reason I was soooo hyped about this game... I love Phantasy Star Online and dinosaurs... So putting them together was great.

But when I played it... The combat system was so broken and akward. What a waste of time!
Kessen III. I loved Kessen II's story-driven gameplay, simplistic battle system, and the ways they changed up every battle with something special.

Kessen III just had too much going on - the RPG elements were tedious due to the horrible menu presentation, the integration of the story with the gameplay was greatly scaled back and the battles (while strategically advanced) were more work then fun for me.
Latest game I played that I thought would be fun was Dark Sector. I got about to the 6-7 chapter and I have had enough of it. The thing that pisses me off about this game is there is no indication of how/what to do next. I spent close to an hour on a boss trying to figure out wtf to do to kill it, when all I had to do was hit it with electricity and walk up to it and "finish it". Yeah, wasted $60 on this game....
Let's talk about Gun. I expected it to be an okay, forgettable game. And for the first few hours, I was very pleasantly surprised. Hardly perfect, but very fun.

Then Gun met a shark. And it jumped it. Like a fucking Olympian.

I think it came around the time
you kill Hoodoo
. Might have been a bit before (that chase Chavez mission was poorly done), but that seemed like the main point at which things went south. Anyway, it was in that general area. And man, did things ever crash fucking hard. From that point on, everything just felt rushed. The game gave me a surprisingly decent cast of villains that I liked hating, and I killed them all in a span of, like... three fucking hours. And that's with me doing plenty of side-missions, too.

And that last boss. Yeah, fuck that noise. All of a sudden he shows up with some beat-up breastplate and is magically immune to shotgun shells in the face. And bombs. So you have to dance around for half an hour picking up infinitely respawning health, slowly whittling him down by making him walk dumbly into
jets of fucking steam
. And let's not even get into phase two of that fight...

So, not a game I thought would be "incredibly fun", but after the surprisingly good start, it was extremely disappointing.
[quote name='DQT']FF9. There are just too many missable items and tedious mini games. I didn't like the character design and the story didn't grab me. I finished it, but didn't care enough to do all the side quests.[/quote]
Same here, I got halfway through the 2nd or 3rd disc and realized I didn't care about story at all. And the same with the character designs with the exception of Beatrix, who I found oddly attractive at the time.
[quote name='VAD3R or Fro']Smash Bros online is very bad. I went into a random battle today with only one opponent and no CPU and I STILL GOT LAG. I am close to thinking of selling my Wii now and get a PS3.[/quote]

Yeah, I love Brawl, but they screwed it up onlinewise. Honestly, I wish they delayed it to make it more like MKwii's. Waiting a little while more would be worth not having to put up with 20 minute waits and lag up the wazooo.
[quote name='The Crotch']Let's talk about Gun. I expected it to be an okay, forgettable game. And for the first few hours, I was very pleasantly surprised. Hardly perfect, but very fun.

Then Gun met a shark. And it jumped it. Like a fucking Olympian.

I think it came around the time
you kill Hoodoo
. Might have been a bit before (that chase Chavez mission was poorly done), but that seemed like the main point at which things went south. Anyway, it was in that general area. And man, did things ever crash fucking hard. From that point on, everything just felt rushed. The game gave me a surprisingly decent cast of villains that I liked hating, and I killed them all in a span of, like... three fucking hours. And that's with me doing plenty of side-missions, too.

And that last boss. Yeah, fuck that noise. All of a sudden he shows up with some beat-up breastplate and is magically immune to shotgun shells in the face. And bombs. So you have to dance around for half an hour picking up infinitely respawning health, slowly whittling him down by making him walk dumbly into
jets of fucking steam
. And let's not even get into phase two of that fight...

So, not a game I thought would be "incredibly fun", but after the surprisingly good start, it was extremely disappointing.[/quote]

I had a great time with this game, I'm just confused as to why they didn't put in more side-missions. Those were pretty fun and obviously didn't require that much effort to tack on, why not give us a little more.
I thought the map was disappointing .. Small, but still pretty empty, and you spent a good deal of time just riding back and forth across it.

The open-worldness of it seemed ultimately pointless. Random encounters, exploration, so many things could've helped.

Dynamically-generated bounties would've been great.
[quote name='camoor']I had a great time with this game, I'm just confused as to why they didn't put in more side-missions. Those were pretty fun and obviously didn't require that much effort to tack on, why not give us a little more.[/quote]Hated the pony express (nonsensical) and rancher (god damn slow) missions, but the bounties and the "protect the town" missions were quite good.
Now I don't hate FF XII but it was a disappointment after the promising demo.

Odin Sphere was my most recent brush with disappointment. I was expecting a addictive beat 'em up with RPG elements, what I got was a flawed button masher with tedious leveling mechanics.
[quote name='zengonzo']I thought the map was disappointing .. Small, but still pretty empty, and you spent a good deal of time just riding back and forth across it.

The open-worldness of it seemed ultimately pointless. Random encounters, exploration, so many things could've helped.

Dynamically-generated bounties would've been great.[/quote]To be fair, there were random encounters. However, you could generally solve them with, like, two shots from a rifle.
[quote name='The Crotch']To be fair, there were random encounters. However, you could generally solve them with, like, two shots from a rifle.[/quote]

Yeah, I meant to include unique in there.

I remember bandits would suddenly appear now and then, usually right in front of the ranch on the way back to town, but it didn't seem to mean much.


I'm really hoping Red Dead goes more along the open world path this time. I think they could make it great, if they follow more of a GTA route.

San Andreas-style turf wars could work so well in this setting!
I agree on the final boss battle for Gun. I think that's main reason I didn't finish it (yet) because it's such a pain in the ass and soon as I heard it's basically two stage fight, fuck that.

Though still loved it overall, especially scalping people for no damn reason...Just nice to have that option that well, I just killed this man's horse and shot out his knee caps, what more can I do? Take the top of his head. Geez the wild west was AWESOME!
[quote name='zengonzo']I thought the map was disappointing .. Small, but still pretty empty, and you spent a good deal of time just riding back and forth across it.

The open-worldness of it seemed ultimately pointless. Random encounters, exploration, so many things could've helped.

Dynamically-generated bounties would've been great.[/quote]

They could have also had Trail Points which would shuttle you from one town to the next. The landscape was beautiful however, and to be perfectly honest I enjoyed riding my horse across the plain beyond the buffalo and that burnt out house, more then I ever did driving a beat up hooptie around in GTA. Plus if they'd fleshed out that hunting game more it would have helped - like how hard would it have been to include an ongoing "Duck Hunt" minigame - damn it was already coded up in the beginning for goodness sakes.
[quote name='camoor']They could have also had Trail Points which would shuttle you from one town to the next. The landscape was beautiful however, and to be perfectly honest I enjoyed riding my horse across the plain beyond the buffalo and that burnt out house, more then I ever did driving a beat up hooptie around in GTA. Plus if they'd fleshed out that hunting game more it would have helped - like how hard would it have been to include an ongoing "Duck Hunt" minigame - damn it was already coded up in the beginning for goodness sakes.[/quote]

It's been a while, and I remember enjoying the horse riding in general. But later in the game I was very tired of riding back and forth when I was pursuing missions, as opposed to when I was just running around on my own. I think with more dynamic activities out in the plains, and occasional random encounters (beyond two road agents), that riding around wouldn't've seemed so dull for me.

I suppose I preferred the somewhat campier, more lively style of Red Dead, and wished Red Dead could've had more of aspects of Gun. Hopefully the sequel will.
I'd have to say Phantasy Star Universe. I loved PSO and waited years for a sequel that wasn't card based. was a terd. Also, Army of Two was pretty disappointing. I didn't expect it to be so shallow after all the hype.
[quote name='MrBigFeathas'] Also, Army of Two was pretty disappointing. I didn't expect it to be so shallow after all the hype.[/quote]

Holy cow, Army of Two wasn't bad .. And it wasn't good.

It really wasn't much of anything.

It played well enough to not seem like a total waste, and had so much potential in some of the levels.

And I think the puzzles designed to make the game seem deeper more often than not ended up being time consuming.

Gah, if they could make a sequel with a real PMC simulation .. Like games used to be in the old days, X-COM and the like, that would go a ways to make up for the lack of depth.
FFX. Thought it would rock but I hated the game after a few hours and never went back. I could just tell it wasn't my kind of RPG...
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, so slow and boring. Nintendo really needs to get with the times on story telling, pacing, presentation, and immersion.

Rock Band, was a blast for a while now it's just boring.

Dead Rising, it had an awesome XBLM demo, but the game itself didn't deliever on the sandbox style gameplay that the demo made me think it was going to be. It was too hard, too confusing, had an annoying time system, and horrible save function.

Tony Hawk's Project 8, another case of the demo being better than the actual game.

Animal Crossing, it had tons of hype, but I felt it was incredibly boring. Totally pointless, a very watered down version of the Sims. The only reason I kept playing was for the unlockable NES games.
[quote name='Artie Lange']Dead Rising, it had an awesome XBLM demo, but the game itself didn't deliever on the sandbox style gameplay that the demo made me think it was going to be. It was too hard, too confusing, had an annoying time system, and horrible save function.[/quote]

I'm not sure if it would make a difference to you, but the game was definitely not intended to have a perfect (or necessarily good) ending with one playthrough. It was intended to have a serious impact on the style of play, and the expectations and experiences of the player.

I'm an open world nutjob, and I loved what it brought to the table in terms of playthroughs, saving and freedom. I'm hoping to see others build on the concept.

I can totally dig it if you didn't like it, and there's room for improvement in any system, but I assure you the game mechanics were as they were by design, and not because they dropped the ball.
[quote name='Artie Lange']The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, so slow and boring. Nintendo really needs to get with the times on story telling, pacing, presentation, and immersion.

Rock Band, was a blast for a while now it's just boring.

Dead Rising, it had an awesome XBLM demo, but the game itself didn't deliever on the sandbox style gameplay that the demo made me think it was going to be. It was too hard, too confusing, had an annoying time system, and horrible save function.

Tony Hawk's Project 8, another case of the demo being better than the actual game.

Animal Crossing, it had tons of hype, but I felt it was incredibly boring. Totally pointless, a very watered down version of the Sims. The only reason I kept playing was for the unlockable NES games.[/QUOTE]
I disagree with every one you mentioned. I really enjoyed them all, though I had problems with Dead Rising -- which is the only game on your list that I didn't play all the way through.

Like the theme song says: "It takes Diff'rent Strokes to rule the world..."
[quote name='The Crotch']Hated the pony express (nonsensical) and rancher (god damn slow) missions, but the bounties and the "protect the town" missions were quite good.[/quote]

I liked the Rancher missions. They were slow, yes, but they really captured the old west cowboy feel. Sweeping relaxing orchestra, just you, the horse, some cattle, and a seasoned cowpoke. It had a good atmosphere and was relaxing, but I can see your take on it easily.
[quote name='RollingSkull']I liked the Rancher missions. They were slow, yes, but they really captured the old west cowboy feel. Sweeping relaxing orchestra, just you, the horse, some cattle, and a seasoned cowpoke. It had a good atmosphere and was relaxing, but I can see your take on it easily.[/quote]

I really think your enjoyment of this game really has alot to do with how much you like westerns.
[quote name='RollingSkull']I gotta say Rock Band. Guitar Hero 3 kicks its ass eight ways to sunday.[/quote]

I used to swear by GH, but I just cannot in anyway find truth in that statement. I've beaten everything on Expert 5 stars in GH3 and I'm not going back anytime soon. Rock Band is way more versatile and entertaining for a group, also.
[quote name='camoor']I really think your enjoyment of this game really has alot to do with how much you like westerns.[/quote]

Agreed, and I love Westerns .. But I love video games, too, and I can't help thinking how it could have been better. Same with Red Dead.

There haven't been nearly enough games in that genre. I really wanted to like Call of Juarez, and I think it was a brilliant, innovative game .. I just ultimately didn't glean to it, not so much a first-person perspective guy.

Just the same, here's hoping to sequels for all three.

[quote name='RollingSkull']I gotta say Rock Band. Guitar Hero 3 kicks its ass eight ways to sunday.[/quote]

What are the eight ways, again?
Just read the title and i would have to say without a doubt, Def Jam Icon. I liked the second Def Jam for the Xbox and really looked forward to this game. Did the very first fight then sold the game. If two guys fought like that in real life they would deserve to get their ass beat.
[quote name='wubb']Super Smash Brothers Melee - Not my thing.

Nintendogs - Ditto.

Animal Crossing - Ditto.

Super Mario Sunshine - Just couldn't get into it.

Mario Kart Double Dash - Okay, but having all the circuits and classes unlocked from the start sucked a lot of the motivation away from me.

GTA: San Andreas - Loved III and Vice City but I burnt out on San Andreas maybe 30% in for some reason.

Manhunt - Absolutely hated this one. No idea what people see in it.[/quote]

Nintendogs? how is nintendogs disappointing. I can see it as a bad game but to be surpised, i find that surprising. as far as MKDD that's the exact opposite complaint I hear about Smash Brawl. (whiney voice: "everything is locked and you have to do so much work to get all the characters")
Pokemon Diamond: So fucking boring that I could weep. I know the series is like a perfectionist's wet dream, but god, tell me why I should fucking care about tracking down every single one of those damn pokemon? Just so I can say I did it? FAIL.
[quote name='Wolfkin']Nintendogs? how is nintendogs disappointing. [/QUOTE]

I think it was dissapointing to many as there was so little to do. So even for people that like those sim kind of games, it could have been disappointing as it grew stale and repetitive very quickly.
[quote name='cdietschrun']I used to swear by GH, but I just cannot in anyway find truth in that statement. I've beaten everything on Expert 5 stars in GH3 and I'm not going back anytime soon. Rock Band is way more versatile and entertaining for a group, also.[/QUOTE]

My problem with Rock Band was that I just have no interest in having the big drum kit around. If they put it out with just a guitar (or put out a game only version that can be played with the GH3 guitar) I'd pick it up.

The drums are fun, but just too bulky and dorky to have sitting around in the house. guitars can easily be stashed behind the TV. And I also just don't want to collect bulky junk like that since I'll be moving within the year and probably moving a couple times in the next few given the nomadic life required to work in academia.

I also seldom have local friends over for gaming, so the group thing doesn't appeal much. And the singing would be too noisy given I currently live in an apartment style condo building with terrible sound proofing.
And I don't mean to quibble with you, dmaul, but it sounds more like Rock Band is simply incompatible with you, rather than failing on all accounts.

I mean, you knew it would have drums from the start - no surprises.
Maybe because I haven't played a lot of creature sims like it because I wouldn't have expected a whole lot from what I've seen. i'll take your word on it. Nintendogs never looked at all interesting to me. I don't even care enough to download the ROM.

I finally remembered a game that qualifies for me. Brain Age. BA is a game I fell for the hype with and when I got it.. not much there. It wasn't bad but it was very disappointingly shallow. The game did however introduce me to Sudoku and I keep the game for that reason only. Matter of fact I probably refuse to play sudoku unless it plays exactly as Brain Age does.

Luigi's Mansion. I bought that about 2 months ago. I figured $20 it's been however much long. The game was not entertaining. It was like watching "The Break-Up" I went in there expecting a comedy and kept waiting for it to have that huge comedy payoff and it just went sad. Luigi's Mansion was like that. I played for a few hours and then ended up finishing the game just so it could end

Children of Mana
- I saw this game advertised with Magical Starsign and the only way I could have been MORE disappointed was if I had gotten MS first. I'm an RPG fan I like RPGs in the traditional FFII turn-based old school sense. In spite of reading a few previews/reviews I don't know what I expected in a dungeon crawler but played the first 6 hours expecting the rest of my party members to join me. I stopped playing for a long time. The I went back and still played expecting the rest of my party to join me any battle now. Until i finished the game. Knowing what I know about d.crawlers I guess most of my problem was my expectations but it was mind-shakingly disappointing. On the plus side it was about 2 weeks after i finished it that MS went on sale and I picked it up and it was more or less everything I wanted it to be.
[quote name='crunchberries']Pokemon Diamond: So fucking boring that I could weep. I know the series is like a perfectionist's wet dream, but god, tell me why I should fucking care about tracking down every single one of those damn pokemon? Just so I can say I did it? FAIL.[/quote]

I wanted to like this game so much. Beautiful graphics, great soundtrack, felt just like playing an old SNES RPG. And then the battles were so hideously boring. This (Pearl actually, but close enough) was my first Pokemon game so I didn't have the benefit of already having the zillion pokemon types memorized, so in each battle I'd find myself consulting charts to figure out whether my attacks would actually do anything. It was basically paper-rock-scissors except with about 20 different options that all had mostly arbitrary relationships.
that's a good point. I had the 150 pokemon memorized back when it was R&B. I learned a few more of the G2 pokemon via Smash Melee and a few episodes of the anime I watched. but now we're looking at 493. if you don't come in knowing at least half of that I'm sure it would be overwhelming.

you should go back to the old ones. Once you learn the typing of most of the pokemon it's a much more fun game. it's a lot more intuitive.
This is an easy one, but Red Steel.

I wasn't even expecting the sword fights to be 1:1, or the shooting to be revolutionary .. But that games was plain broken. The camera controls alone .. Argh!

It's one of the few games that has actually induced serious motion-sickness in me. And for a long time.

I remember being really excited about the concept of being able to kill your foes, or show them mercy to apply their benefits towards your cause. They made it sound as though there were alternative strategies and paths. Maybe I just didn't get far enough, but I don't see how it could've been anything but a linear shooter.
[quote name='dmaul1114']My problem with Rock Band was that I just have no interest in having the big drum kit around. If they put it out with just a guitar (or put out a game only version that can be played with the GH3 guitar) I'd pick it up.[/quote]
Uh, they did.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Uh, they did.[/QUOTE]

Oh, I wasn't aware. I've only seen the bundles in stores around here. Will keep an eye out for a deal then. In no rush as I don't even touch GH3 that much lately and still have a lot to do in it.
Mass Effect, I went in thinking okay I loved Knights of the Old Republic and Jade Empire, real time fighting combined with the usual Bioware magic should be a no brainer. Man oh man I had nowhere near as much fun with it as the other two games. Loading and graphics glitches aside it was just boring, flat characters and long stretches where nothing interesting was happening. Had it's moments but not enough for another replay.
[quote name='coolsteel']Mass Effect, I went in thinking okay I loved Knights of the Old Republic and Jade Empire, real time fighting combined with the usual Bioware magic should be a no brainer. Man oh man I had nowhere near as much fun with it as the other two games. Loading and graphics glitches aside it was just boring, flat characters and long stretches where nothing interesting was happening. Had it's moments but not enough for another replay.[/quote]

I could've handled everything else, but the combat was disappointing.

I think the pacing could've used work, too. The rest of the universe felt so small compared to the station.
[quote name='zengonzo']I could've handled everything else, but the combat was disappointing.

I think the pacing could've used work, too. The rest of the universe felt so small compared to the station.[/QUOTE]

I thought the station was big to walk through, but as far as stuff to do it was pretty small. Once you get through the initial batch of conversations wasn't much need to go back there. Go to planet, drive for ten minutes,destroy base, leave and repeat.
Final Fantasy 12. I love every other fucking final fantasy expect for this fucking game. How dare they change everything that was good about the series.
[quote name='coolsteel']I thought the station was big to walk through, but as far as stuff to do it was pretty small. Once you get through the initial batch of conversations wasn't much need to go back there. Go to planet, drive for ten minutes,destroy base, leave and repeat.[/quote]

Yeah, to explain, I pretty much did all of the station stuff right up front, even after having received the ship.

I was thinking that if the beginning location were this big, then the rest of the universe must be huge! But it turned out the station received the most attention of all the areas in the game, which was hugely disappointing.
So many but here are the top disappointments. Sorry if I offend anyone with this list it isn't meant for trolling and all were bought as new releases.

Zelda: PH) I'm not a huge fan of 3d Zelda but I LOOOOOVVVVE top down Zelda with a passion. Hourglass took my love with some iffy controls and an awful temple that you must replay every 25 minutes until I couldn't take it any more.

Wild Arms 3) The first two WA game made exploring traditional dungeons more fun then any other RPG with the fun "ARMS" and WA3 took everything that made the first two fun and sucked it away with some truly awful ideas (radar a world map) and a horrid battle system.

Vagrant Story) Wow what a cool intro and dark theme than the never ending dungeons with the same enemies room after room with a battle system that makes you change weapons for each enemy you fight. To change weapons you have to go to the menu screen that has very sloooow load times each and every time. If that wasn't enough the gameplay plays like the Final Fantasy X lighting side quest. Ohhh I so wanted to love the final game of the disappointing "Summer of Adventure" and that leads me to my 2nd "Summer of Adventure" let down...

Chrono Cross) I know critics loved CC but I hated it for more reasons then one. Why on gods green earth did Square create such a game and slap the name Chrono on it? Why did they have to use another "materia" system and a shallow battle system that doesn't reward you much to fight but to go boss to boss.

X-Men vs. Street Fighter PSX) Capcom you did it this time with the worst port ever. I bring it home unwrap and start playing....WTF no tag teams?
bread's done