Most Disappointing game you thought would be incredibly fun?

[quote name='spoo']
Chrono Cross) I know critics loved CC but I hated it for more reasons then one. Why on gods green earth did Square create such a game and slap the name Chrono on it? Why did they have to use another "materia" system and a shallow battle system that doesn't reward you much to fight but to go boss to boss.


It's part of the Chrono series because it takes place in the same world and there is a huge connection with the first game.
Crono, Marle and Lucca even show up...
Final Fantasy III (DS)
Final Fantasy VIII

These are the two worst games in the series, IMO. I'm not sure which one is worse.

Super Mario Sunshine

I thought this would be like Mario 64. It wasn't. Thank God for Mario Galaxy.

Brave Fencer Mushashi.

Couldn't get into it.

Tactics Ogre. I got this for the PSX years ago and the horrible SNES era graphics were hard to watch. It prevented me from getting into it, but I may try to go back one day.

Ogre Battle (PSX version) Slow load times killed this game for me. The SNES version is superior without the load times.

Star Ocean 2. I forgot the full title for this game. Really overrated and boring. I don't understand the hype for this series.

Alundra. This was supposed to be a Zelda killer. It wasn't. I had to force myself to finish it years ago when it first came out on the PSX.

Parasite Eve. This wasn't a bad game, but some people act like it's awesome. I thought it was just average.

Star Trek: The Next Generation (SNES): I remember being really excited about this game when it first came out. I think I was about 12 years old at the time and a Star Trek fan.
I popped it into my SNES and was sorely disappointed. I was expecting to be able to fly the Enterprise around the Universe, but I had to plot a course and then wait to unlock different areas. Lame.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters (SNES): Big TMNT fan back in the day. Also, a big fighting game fan. The two fused together should be good, right? WRONG!

Mega Man X Collection: I had fond memories of X-X3 on the SNES, which is the main reason I bought this game last year used at GS.
I had X4 on the PSX as well, which was different from the SNES X games, but still alright.
I got up to X6 and couldn't finish it. A couple reasons were the lame story line and the difficulty. I usually don't mind difficult games, in fact, I enjoy them at times, but this was atrocious. If the story was interesting, maybe I could have trudged through it. X5 was pretty lame too for the same reasons, but I managed to beat it.

Sword of Mana: Started out decent, then became boring as shit. Another game I forced myself to beat.

That's all I can think of for now.
[quote name='coolsteel']Mass Effect, I went in thinking okay I loved Knights of the Old Republic and Jade Empire, real time fighting combined with the usual Bioware magic should be a no brainer. Man oh man I had nowhere near as much fun with it as the other two games. Loading and graphics glitches aside it was just boring, flat characters and long stretches where nothing interesting was happening. Had it's moments but not enough for another replay.[/QUOTE]

I had more fun with ME than KoToR as I hate turn based combat so the rudimentary shooter combat was an improvement for me.

KoTor did have an edge in story though, since I'm a star was fan. Jade Empire I never played.
[quote name='dmaul1114']I had more fun with ME than KoToR as I hate turn based combat so the rudimentary shooter combat was an improvement for me.[/quote]

I agree that having actual tactical gameplay was an improvement, but I'd hope they fix their engine for the next. I always felt like I was playing in molasses, really awkward and clumsy - exacerbated by the way many enemies would just charge right up in your face and turn it into a crazy-spin-blast madness.

I think Jade Empire has so far had the best integrated combat system, and the world felt pretty huge.

[quote name='doc_zaius']Not a fan of the Art Deco movement?[/quote]

I really liked the style of the game. The art design, the concept, the story .. I felt like it didn't carry over into the gameplay. Much more linear story shooter than I had expected, even if it did allow for customization options. To be fair, I didn't get very far. Up to the psycho-surgeon, if I recall correctly. I simply lost interest.

I did love the environment, though.
a few people have been mentioning Gun..

here's my biggest problem with Gun.. it was toted as sort of a "video game version of Deadwood (the TV show) " and it just didn't live up to that to me.. I mean the story was really really good, i really enjoyed that aspect of it.. just how the missions and controls were laid out were incredibly bad.


I also have some qualms about Jade Empire.. to me I thought it would be more in line with KOTOR then it actually was. .it was like real time combat with dice rolls for hits/damages.. but my problem was that unlike in KOTOR (where you can line up what attacks you want to do in which order) you had no such system in Jade Empire.. I liked KOTOR for how it was "story driven" and the "action was fun to watch.. (although you did get "control" over it) and personally I don't think there are many RPGs out there with KOTOR's unique system.. it also helps that it was Star Wars.. (although I am equally interested in Kung Fu type stuff too.. thats why Jade Empire disappointed me so much)
Commenting on some earlier complaints (too lazy to pull out quotes)

Super Mario Galaxy - I can see where people think it's awesome, and I loved 64, but somehow this one just wasn't as good. I think the controls were fine, the camera was just 'ok', but not great, and the game itself was solid through and through. Yet somehow, it just wasn't fun. I'm not sure how that happens, but that's my take.

FFXII - I spent a long, long time on FFXI, so the battle system didn't bother me much at all. I didn't care for any of the characters. It was fun enough to play (I beat it, but never beat that guy with a billion hp... spent 3hrs fighting him and got less than half way... no thanks), I suppose. Not a great game, not terrible.

Adding some of my own:

Every freaking Mana game since Secret of Mana. They just aren't good anymore. Sword of Mana (or maybe Legend of Mana) were the last decent ones. Children of Mana is boring, repetitive, and stupid. Heroes of Mana is... well, it's a crappy as hell RTS game. Dawn of Mana I got scared off from trying by all the bad reviews, so I don't know first hand, but I assume it sucks too.
[quote name='cdietschrun']I used to swear by GH, but I just cannot in anyway find truth in that statement. I've beaten everything on Expert 5 stars in GH3 and I'm not going back anytime soon. Rock Band is way more versatile and entertaining for a group, also.[/QUOTE]
I think the main thing, for me, is that nobody can turn a song into a game like Harmonix. Neversoft gave it a good try, but their design expertise in that area pales in comparison. Each song from Harmonix (GH 1/2, Amplitude, Rock Band) is teaching you a skill, making you better. In GH3, it's just like, "Here's a song and some notes. Play it and have fun."
I'm gonna go with Final Fantasy XII.

I've been a Final Fantasy fanboy for years now, currently own all of the games of the regular series except XI (and can't find my X-2) and have at least been moderately impressed with them all, but I just totally couldn't get into XII, no matter how many raving reviews it got. I waited just like everyone else for like 3 years for the game, and when it came out all I could think was "My God, am I playing an MMORPG? How do I find a group? Where are all the other players?"

Not saying it was a terrible game, but the battle system was terrible. So basically you're saying I should spend like 20 minutes setting up my battle system, then I don't have to do anything else except heal (and eventually, not even do that?) I mean, come on Square-Enix. I played through all of the turn-based Final Fantasies for a reason... when I play a game, especially an RPG, I wanna feel like I'm doing something.
Mario Galaxy is Mario Sunshine with worse controls and less difficulty.

I don't understand why people treat it like it's anything more.

I agree that FF XII is extremely boring (although some fights are good). FF X-2 had a better battle system but much crappier aesthetic.
Shadow Hearts: From the New World
The two previous games are up there in my favorite RPGs ever. This one was a steaming pile of crap.

Dead Rising
My friend hyped this game up beyond belief. Unfortunately it ended up sucking. I really tried to like it too, but I could not get into it.

Final Fantasy VIII
fucking horrible

Final Fantasy X-2
I liked FFX. Then they had to make this game and ruin its image.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Dead Rising
My friend hyped this game up beyond belief. Unfortunately it ended up sucking. I really tried to like it too, but I could not get into it.[/quote]
Same here, It's the game that made me want a 360... So I was really bummed that I didn't like it.
Final Fantasy VIII
fucking horrible
I really liked the story...But the draw system was just a bad idea and really killed the game for me.

Final Fantasy X-2
I liked FFX. Then they had to make this game and ruin its image.
While the story was lacking, I really enjoyed the Dress Sphere.... So I'm not really sure what I think about the game.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']
Final Fantasy VIII
fucking horrible

The sidequests saved this game for me, they were superb. I could understand if you didn't make it to that point though, it got pretty bad during the middle.

The final dungeon was also really excellent.
[quote name='willardhaven']The sidequests saved this game for me, they were superb. I could understand if you didn't make it to that point though, it got pretty bad during the middle.

The final dungeon was also really excellent.[/QUOTE]
I finished it. It's also the only game I've ever thrown in the garbage.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I finished it. It's also the only game I've ever thrown in the garbage.[/quote]

Haha wow... touchy, why not give it away?
I liked FF8. The draw/junction system was pretty clever and added some strategy into how you use magic, although it became pretty easy to just stock a ton of everything and not having to worry about it. That could have been retuned a little. Also Squall's plot was pretty weak and who knows what was going on at the end, but I really enjoyed Laguna and his crew. He's one of my favorite FF characters.
I liked FF8 only because I massively buffed Rinoa and beat the crap out of everything with her. Oh, and the cheating with Desperation moves. Especially since I'm not really a magic using type - I just drew max amounts of everything I could (except for Meltdown/Aura which I used, and Ultima because it was hard to get), junctioned it to the best places, and beat everything down physically where I could. Easiest FF ever.

My only complaint is about the annoying 'action' sequences, where you once again curse the gods for your inability to jump, and Square for making you find pixel perfect places to climb up things.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I finished it. It's also the only game I've ever thrown in the garbage.[/quote]
Don't you think thats a little extreme? I mean it wasn't that bad compared to some other games that are out there(Well gameplay wise anyway). I guess it's just the fact that is ruined the image of FFX that made you hate it so much. I guess I can see where your coming from after I remembered that they made Wakka(I HATE HIM) and Lulu(I loved her in FFX...) a couple. That almost made me want to throw my PS2 and my copy of the game in a dumpster.
[quote name='Chibi_Kaji']Don't you think thats a little extreme? I mean it wasn't that bad compared to some other games that are out there(Well gameplay wise anyway). I guess it's just the fact that is ruined the image of FFX that made you hate it so much. I guess I can see where your coming from after I remembered that they made Wakka(I HATE HIM) and Lulu(I loved her in FFX...) a couple. That almost made me want to throw my PS2 and my copy of the game in a dumpster.[/QUOTE]
No, I was talking about FFVIII.

At the time I was really angry it was so bad. To this day it's the only present my parents ever gave me, that I wanted, without me having to ask for it. They actually did research and looked into what kind of games I enjoyed to figure out what to get me for my birthday. They bought it on the day it came out, and I was in shock. That game has forever tarnished that birthday for me, and it went from being an awesome present into a shitastic one. So needless to say, I didn't ever want to look at it again.

I actually did attempt to play it again a few years later to see if maybe I wouldn't hate it as much. I ended up hating it more... fucking Squall, fucking stupid orphanage deus ex machina BS, stupid draw system. *hates*
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']No, I was talking about FFVIII.[/quote]
Ah, Thats what I get for not paying attention...
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']No, I was talking about FFVIII.

At the time I was really angry it was so bad. To this day it's the only present my parents ever gave me, that I wanted, without me having to ask for it. They actually did research and looked into what kind of games I enjoyed to figure out what to get me for my birthday. They bought it on the day it came out, and I was in shock. That game has forever tarnished that birthday for me, and it went from being an awesome present into a shitastic one. So needless to say, I didn't ever want to look at it again.

I actually did attempt to play it again a few years later to see if maybe I wouldn't hate it as much. I ended up hating it more... fucking Squall, fucking stupid orphanage deus ex machina BS, stupid draw system. *hates*[/QUOTE]

To each their own, I loved Final Fantasy VIII after the huge disappointment FFVII was. FFVIII did everything better then FFVII but some just couldn't get past the draw system. I wouldn't call the system great by any means but it was a great customization system for the time. FFVIII had the better story, better character development, better map, better exploration, better magic, better difficulty, better music and the better ending.

I never understood why Squal go so much hate, he was the most thought out best Final Fantasy main character (if you don't count Terra) and is the best "unlikely hero" RPG hero. Sorry Cloud lovers but a confused young man with a huge sword that tells lies to get the girl is a boring hero.

I know many that took the draw system to far and would put to much emphasis on the system. The best place to get magic was from the world map not from the draw system. My step brother and best friend also couldn't get into FFVIII for the same reasons as you.

To each their own, I hate many games other hold on a pedestal.
[quote name='Wolfkin']fair enough but how familiar are you with the series? did you play the others ones?[/quote]

Sorry about the late reply. I didn't see your comment when I came back to the thread.

As for your question, I'm a huge fan of the series. I've played the original Red and Blue, Yellow, Silver, Emerald and (unfortunately) Diamond. The only games I've skipped were the Sapphire/Ruby game and that was only because I couldn't afford them at the time. I've also played stuff like Pokemon Snap, Pokemon Pinball, Pokemon Stadium and Coliseum, and Pokemon Puzzle League.
[quote name='mrelusive']Enemy Territory: Quake Wars. How the fuck did they screw up this game so badly?[/quote]

I was pretty interested in this and then the demo came out and it just felt weird. I went back to playing Battlefield since my friends were all still playing that.

Was hyped for that game since gamecube era. It doesn't suck, but it's not even near as great as I thought it would be. Just glad I saved my money.

[quote name='willardhaven']Mario Galaxy is Mario Sunshine with worse controls and less difficulty.

I don't understand why people treat it like it's anything more.

Oh no you didn't!
Guitar Hero 3

It was my first play of any Guitar Hero game, and became bored of it within a couple weeks. What ever people think Guitar Hero does, Rock Band does it better.

Gears of War

I enjoyed parts of it, but didn't see it as anything special. How is this revolutionary again? It's pretty, but what else? The story? Ha. I much more enjoyed Mercenaries than Gears of War.
Gears of War felt like a football game more then it did a shooter.. meaning.. you had to duck and cover fight back the defense look for a hole run to the endzone type of thing..

personally i loved it..but i didn't finish it as it wasn't that compelling.. and i always felt like it was insulting me when i chose the "casual" setting.. like it was a bad thing.. anyways..

GH3 was alright.. it felt more like playing a "real" guitar then "rocks the 80s" did.. whoever introduced those 3 note chords that DO NOT match up with ANY real life chord should be shot..if they are meant to be "power chords adding the 5th" then they should ALWAYS be in the R_BO or G_YB format.. never GR_B.. or RY_O
Viva Pinata - Way too kiddish for me, not to stereotype or anything, but the game didn't offer anything of value in regards to the short amount of time I invested in the game. Thank heaven for $1/day rentals...
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']No, I was talking about FFVIII.

At the time I was really angry it was so bad. To this day it's the only present my parents ever gave me, that I wanted, without me having to ask for it. They actually did research and looked into what kind of games I enjoyed to figure out what to get me for my birthday. They bought it on the day it came out, and I was in shock. That game has forever tarnished that birthday for me, and it went from being an awesome present into a shitastic one. So needless to say, I didn't ever want to look at it again.

I actually did attempt to play it again a few years later to see if maybe I wouldn't hate it as much. I ended up hating it more... fucking Squall, fucking stupid orphanage deus ex machina BS, stupid draw system. *hates*[/quote]

That's an interesting story. What did you say to your parents? If my parents put that much thought into any present they ever gave me, I would treasure it even if the present incidentally is a piece of garbage.
[quote name='DQT']That's an interesting story. What did you say to your parents? If my parents put that much thought into any present they ever gave me, I would treasure it even if the present incidentally is a piece of garbage.[/QUOTE]
My parents and I never really talked much. I don't think they've ever even seen me play a video game. Hence my shock when they bought that game.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']My parents and I never really talked much. I don't think they've ever even seen me play a video game. Hence my shock when they bought that game.[/quote]

Well, it certainly shows they were interested.

Seems like it might be a good time to give them a call.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']My parents and I never really talked much. I don't think they've ever even seen me play a video game. Hence my shock when they bought that game.[/quote]

I don't socialize with my parents either (I prefer it when they don't see me play), but my statement still holds.
[quote name='speedracer']Star Wars Galaxies. Talk about a awful piece of poo.[/QUOTE]

I'm with you 100%. The biggest dissapointment for me was Star Wars Galaxies, I am not even a big Star Wars fan, but I couldn't wait for this and paid full price the week it came out. It was supposed to be the next big MMORPG, at the time I was just coming off a DAOC addiction, but when it was released it was unfinished and buggy with very little content. The combat was boring with very little variety (not to mention all the broken or not working stuff) and it really didn't feel like a Star WARS game. With professions like dancer and entertainer that you were forced to interact with, it felt like the Sims. Plus outside of the main cities, there was a lot of bland terrain, with random enemy spawns, it was obvious very little care went into creating an immersive and interesting environment. That game left a bitter taste for licensed games, especially licensed Star Wars games.
My vote for Call of Duty 4 which I played through in a weekend. The AI (enemy and friendly) is completely absent, there are so many bullets flying around it literally gave me a headache, and the scripting was painfully obvious as I frequently I just ran from point A to point B to trigger the "CHECKPOINT COMPLETED" message.

Someone tell me the MP is better (this coming from a big big fan of COD 2!)
The MP is the main reason to get CoD4. It's outstanding.

I liked the single player, but only for one play through on nomral. The AI is too cheap on the higher difficulties, with all the infinite enemies until you reach magic checkpoint BS.
[quote name='Liquid 2']Dead Rising.

That shit sucked balls.[/quote]

Dead Rising is still in my top 5 360 games. And I've played a good amount of 360 games...

Such a fantastic game, and so unlike anything else out there.
Bioshock. The game isn't bad, it's actually pretty fun, but it is no where near as good as I had it hyped up to be.

Big Daddy fights are lame. Yeah, you can fight creatively, but there really isn't a reason to since you can just respawn and chip away at their health until they die.

The Plasmids weren't that great. Yeah, they're neat, but certainly not as revolutionary as they were made out to be. I made it halfway through the game, and did maybe one or two of the cool things that I was hyped into believing happened every five seconds.

The story is kinda meh, at the the halfway point I'm at. I'm sure it will get better, I just can't bring myself to finish it.

There wasn't any real emotional connection to killing the little sisters. I felt no remorse in killing them for the extra Adam.

The graphics are really good, but the framerate hitches quite a bit more than I'd like it to. The characters models could be a little more human, instead of oblivion style plastic.
[quote name='prmononoke']Dead Rising is still in my top 5 360 games. And I've played a good amount of 360 games...

Such a fantastic game, and so unlike anything else out there.[/quote]
I agree, it's basically every frustration I had with what I hope a Dynasty Warrior game would be (and failed to live up to), done right. Plus it's zombies! Seriously, sick of RE type games where it's two or three zombies are a panic induced moment.
bread's done