Name a Crappy Movie that Everyone Loves

Legally Blonde

And then I can name you two crappy movies that well, everyone (including me) hate:

Uwe Boll's two epics

Alone in the Dark
House of the Dead
[quote name='wildnuts02']I know I'm cheating but here are 5 shitty movies that everyone loves:

can you think of more?[/QUOTE]
People love the Sum of All Fears? The Clany plot generator is kinda funny:
Terrorists devise a scheme to take over a generic industrial compound for ransom under the watchful eye of corrupt German officials (played by Americans with fake German accents). The plot twists when the Terrorists hijack a shipment of life-saving drugs for ransom even after their original demands are met, unless an ex-con with a big heart can learn to trust humanity again and stop the Terrorists once and for all. The movie ends with a mildly comical and/or ironic scene in which the Terrorists blow up or go to prison. Another satisfying tale of political intrigue and personal redemption closes, and we all walk away from this movie a little wiser.
[quote name='rocksolidaudio']gladiator lamed it up. objectively.[/QUOTE]

I hate that damn movie. And Ridley Scott is so much more capable than that. Look at that Nissan commercial! Arghhh....
[quote name='guardian_owl']People love the Sum of All Fears? [/QUOTE]

That move sucked, but...

Liev Schreiber totally kicked ass as the secret agent. In fact, they should just do a movie based around that character.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']Legally Blonde

And then I can name you two crappy movies that well, everyone (including me) hate:

Uwe Boll's two epics

Alone in the Dark
House of the Dead[/QUOTE]

I have to agree totally with this post. Needless to say legally blonde came out right when i was starting law school...
[quote name='doomlv20']Kung Fu Hustle, too looney tunes for me.
Dogma, 45mins too long, and just plain boring, had a couple funny jokes though.[/QUOTE]

yeah, i still can't make up my mind about kung fu hustle. it was HUGE (and probably unjustifiably so) in Japan.
Napoleon Dynamite. Probably the most obnoxious character ever created, and not in a good way. If I hear another indie douche-bag say "GOSH!!! HAR HAR HAR" I think I might beat some kittens to death.
[quote name='edtinney']Napoleon Dynamite. Probably the most obnoxious character ever created, and not in a good way. If I hear another indie douche-bag say "GOSH!!! HAR HAR HAR" I think I might beat some kittens to death.[/QUOTE]

No shit. have you seen those douches wear "Vote Pedro" t-shirts? ugh...
The Matrix sequels.

And, for the record, the first film was mediocre at best.
[quote name='wildnuts02']yeah, i still can't make up my mind about kung fu hustle. it was HUGE (and probably unjustifiably so) in Japan.[/QUOTE]

I'm huge in Japan. \\:D/
Most recently, The Longest Yard...How this movie made $$ is beyond me ( I borrowed a rental from a friend), and Adam Sandler would never be a MVP in the NFL on this planet.

I would have to agree on the Matrix Sequels.

And another recent one that made a shitload of cash, and people loved it was Bruce Almighty.
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. I hated this movie, and I couldn't understand how anyone else thought it was interesting. It was a gimmick with the flying karate junk.
[quote name='zionoverfire']Pulp Fiction.[/QUOTE]

Not saying that you fit this category, but most people who've only seen this movie once share your opinion.
[quote name='camoor']Oh crap - I forgot the Number One of All Time Overrated Movie:

The Princess Bride

God damn that movie blows[/QUOTE]

fuck you, Andre the Giant can do no wrong
Forrest Gump
Home Alone
Boondock Saints - a truly horrible, horrible film. If you ever buy this movie, buy two so you'll have one to shit on and one to cover it up with.
[quote name='thisiswack']fuck you, Andre the Giant can do no wrong[/QUOTE]

See, already come the haters. Like I said, waaaaay overrated, people say "oh billy crystal is great in it" (he isn't) or that retarded indego montaya line (hacknyed and lame) or remember that Andre the giant died of a sad disease soon after (sad but...), and somehow this makes a shitty movie palattable? No thanks.
[quote name='1modernboy']Pearl Harbor... Not only did that movie suck, but it was a fuckin' week long![/QUOTE]
And it had Ben Affleck which is always a minus.
[quote name='Mex25']Sin city. I still don't see why people raved about this movie it wasn't anything special[/QUOTE]

[quote name='MrBadExample']And it had Ben Affleck which is always a minus.[/QUOTE]

And Josh Hartnett... That film was chock-full of no actin' muthafuckers.
Some of these I agree with, some of, I'm glad you don't pick movies for me. :p

Anyway, here are my two - Meet The Parents & There's Something About Mary. Man, that one-two punch made me avoid Ben Stiller like the plague for years. He's only on probation with me now tho, after I watched & enjoyed Dodge Ball & Zoolander. My only "I refuse to watch anything he's in" actor now is John Travolta. Can someone kill him, please?
[quote name='valor19']That move sucked, but...

Liev Schreiber totally kicked ass as the secret agent. In fact, they should just do a movie based around that character.[/QUOTE]

There are a couple books that are based entirely around John Clark, as he is the most badass character in the Clancy-verse. John Clark is also the man who comes up and runs Rainbow Six. You should try reading the book Without Remorse some time, as it deals entirely with John Clark running around kicking ass.
Def agree with the "Ben Stiller sucks", and I'll raise you "Any movie with Wil Farrel as a lead sucks" Don't get me wrong, I love Frank the Tank, and his little bit in Wedding Crashers, but OMG, kicking and Screaming and Anchorman were horrible!
[quote name='Lister']Def agree with the "Ben Stiller sucks", and I'll raise you "Any movie with Wil Farrel as a lead sucks" Don't get me wrong, I love Frank the Tank, and his little bit in Wedding Crashers, but OMG, kicking and Screaming and Anchorman were horrible![/QUOTE]

I have a feeling we have similar tastes in comedies. After Anchorman, I've been avoiding anything starring Wil Farrel.
[quote name='wildnuts02']No shit. have you seen those douches wear "Vote Pedro" t-shirts? ugh...[/QUOTE]

Guilty :no: . although I wouldn't think of myself as a typical douche. I don't wear a trucker hat turned at an awkward angle or tuck the front part of my shirt in while leaving the rest untucked. As a matter of fact, my favorite pair of shoes are a pair of $8.99 velcro from wal-mart. I do love my Vote For Pedro shirt though and if that makes me a bad person, so be it.
[quote name='Stick821'] I do love my Vote For Pedro shirt though and if that makes me a bad person, so be it.[/QUOTE]

Good thing because it does.

bread's done