Naughty Dog's The Last of Us - Left Behind Single Player DLC Out Now!

I can imagine a bunch of people being disappointed because of the review scores/pre-release hype... like they were with Uncharted 2 and BioShock Infinite.
It's difficult for me to imagine what someone could possibly find disappointing about Uncharted 2. :lol:

I can imagine a bunch of people being disappointed because of the review scores/pre-release hype... like they were with Uncharted 2 and BioShock Infinite.
It's difficult for me to imagine what someone could possibly find disappointing about Uncharted 2. :lol:

I'm guessing you're serious, but if something is popular enough, there's always vocal detractors... like saying Uncharted 2 was too linear or Bioshock Infinite lacked the same caliber twist that Bioshock had, and completely ignoring the fact that both were some of the best games ever.

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I can imagine a bunch of people being disappointed because of the review scores/pre-release hype... like they were with Uncharted 2 and BioShock Infinite.
It's difficult for me to imagine what someone could possibly find disappointing about Uncharted 2. :lol:

I'm guessing you're serious, but if something is popular enough, there's always vocal detractors... like saying Uncharted 2 was too linear or Bioshock Infinite lacked the same caliber twist that Bioshock had, and completely ignoring the fact that both were some of the best games ever.
I love Uncharted 2, one of my favorite games this whole generation, but there is no way in hell Bioshock Infinite should be considered one of the greatest games of all-time. It's not even the best game in it's own franchise imo. Bioshock 1 deserves to be mentioned in the same sentence as Uncharted 2 but not Infinite. Just my opinion but that's how I see it. Hopefully I love The Last of Us as much as I loved Bioshock and Uncharted 2 the first time I played those games.

Do it, do it now!
My big problem is I don't see the re-playability for me. I loved Uncharted 1-3 but I've never played the campaign more than once, even though the campaigns were amazing. I played a few hours of Uncharted 2's MP but never touched Uncharted 3's. I can credit part of it to my backlog as well. The Last of Us looks great but it will probably be a 1 and done for me so I can't justify paying $50 for purchase right now.

I love Uncharted 2, one of my favorite games this whole generation, but there is no way in hell Bioshock Infinite should be considered one of the greatest games of all-time. It's not even the best game in it's own franchise imo. Bioshock 1 deserves to be mentioned in the same sentence as Uncharted 2 but not Infinite. Just my opinion but that's how I see it. Hopefully I love The Last of Us as much as I loved Bioshock and Uncharted 2 the first time I played those games.
I'm not talking about your and any one individual's opinion here; I'm talking about general opinions.

Both Bioshock Infinite and Uncharted 2 were critically praised and have a lot of good user reviews with a handful of 0s/1s (aka the fanboy effect). Everyone's personal views on greatest games of all time are going to differ, but chances are Bioshock Infinite would probably show up on a significat number of people's lists.

Some peopel might consider Bioshock to be better, but that doesn't change the fact that Bioshock Infinite was also a fantastic game. And IMO, I'm guessing most people write off Infinite because its "holy shit" moment wasn't as jawdropping as Bioshock's (and additionally, how many games can truly say they had such a moment?).

But, I digress. This game can't come soon enough.

Ah I see where you were coming from if we are talking about actual review scores or Metacritic averages.  I thought you were talking about the general gaming community as a whole more than reviewers and websites.  I feel like the gaming community at large has been a little more muted towards Infinite than the review scores would suggest they should.  I have a feeling the same thing may happen here as well with The Last of Us.  A 96 Metacritic average is just absurd to try to live up too.

As long as the combat is rewarding and the story is as good as I'm expecting, then it will live up to expectations for me.

Story and atmosphere are key to me.  Combat I'm usually fine with as long as it's not too hard, controls well etc.

I'm at a point that I play games more for the experience than the gameplay per se these days.  My main hobby is stories and games are just another medium for experience stories in a uniquely interactive way.

Is the Survival Edition worth it for $33 more?

I got the regular game pre ordered for $51 from Newegg and the Survival Edition Pre ordered for $83 from Amazon after Tax

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Is the Survival Edition worth it for $33 more?

I got the regular game pre ordered for $51 from Newegg and the Survival Edition Pre ordered for $83 from Amazon after Tax
For $33 more, you're getting an 170 page hardcover artbook by DarkHorse (they make really good artbooks), the game in a steelbook, and a variant cover of the 1st issue of the comic book. I think that's a great deal but I enjoy additional game-related goodies for games I really like.

And given that this is sold out at both Amazon and GS, it'll probably hold its value at the very least. Idiots are already paying $100+ for this on eBay. If you open, play it, and don't like it, you could probably get all of your money back for a mint/complete Survival Edition.

Mother fucking GAME cancelled my pre-order for the Ellie Edition. This is the second fucking time this fucking piece of shit store canceled a pre-order days before it's supposed to ship, even though I pre-ordered months in advanced. God fucking dammit I'm so fucking pissed right now and these are already selling for $200+ on eBay... :bomb:

I got some cheap psn cards so I was thinking about buying the digital version of this since I also upgraded to a 640 gig hard drive.

I hope the size isn't insane, but I would assume it is. Guessing 20 some gigs but I hope not.

you lucky bastard! i pre ordered the survival edition im really looking forward to this game. ive been able to avoid most gameplay videos just sticking to a few trailers.

I have my copy pre-ordered at Newegg. 3 day shipping. When cheapness gets in the way of my hype for this game!! orz

I'm thinking  of doing the whole buy at Best Buy then return Newegg copy to BB. Is this still possible? I remember that was a thing back then.

I have my copy pre-ordered at Newegg. 3 day shipping. When cheapness gets in the way of my hype for this game!! orz

I'm thinking of doing the whole buy at Best Buy then return Newegg copy to BB. Is this still possible? I remember that was a thing back then.
As long as it's the standard copy and the UPCs are the same (which they will be, at this point), it shouldn't be a problem. And that's what I'm doing too (though not at BBY).;)

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Just received this from BB via the mail! Most impressive, never had a game before the release date. Too bad I'm wiped from staying up from the Hockey game.

I seriously think everyone in my family is doing their best to prevent me from playing this ASAP. I'll have to tomorrow but who knows when I'll actually get to play it.

This game seriously couldn't have come out at a worse time for me...:whistle2:/

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i wanted to play this game sooo bad but decided to pass and delete my pre order on amazon. i just got ps plus for first time two months ago and thanks to that my back log is sooo giant still only 50 percent done with sleeping dogs. With college football coming out in 3 weeks im not sure when i would be able to play it. im hoping once i get free time it will be on a sale or something i will pick it up like i did tomb raider after about a month with it being out. I even passed on playing it before i left e3 today because i don't want to ruin the game for me. 

My copy arrived from UPS today. I'm about 90 minutes in and it's pretty amazing. I don't want to give stuff away but everyone should at least rent it. I have a feeling that I'm going to wind up marathoning it this weekend. I had to stop because I have work tomorrow but damn, it's been a ride so far.

Just got done playing for a few hours and had to put it down. Need to sleep if I'm gonna be ready for work later.

I really want to just keep going but, alas I need to be alert at work. I think I'm going to marathon it the weekend though.

The game is extremely buggy, the save function broke and I lost 2 hours of progress. With how slow paced the game is I really don't want to play that 2 hours again anytime soon. I'm glad I just rented the game (for free).

Also, when my brother tried to play the game on his system it took 20 minutes to load and then froze in the first chapter.

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The game is extremely buggy, the save function broke and I lost 2 hours of progress. With how slow paced the game is I really don't want to play that 2 hours again anytime soon. I'm glad I just rented the game (for free).

Also, when my brother tried to play the game on his system it took 20 minutes to load and then froze in the first chapter.
Yup this is looking like a big problem.

Uh oh... that's not good.

I won't get my copy for a few more hours but man, I hope I don't have any issues.

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God damn, the loading is a pain in the ass. I thought my PS3 broke for a minute.

Good thing I manually saved at the end of the night.  I did find it strange that it hadn't saved for about 40 min when I manually chose the slot to save to.

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Mine's out for delivery.  UPS hasn't been delivering until around 6-7pm lately, but I probably won't be done working until then or a little later anyway.  Can't wait to check it out.  Hope I don't run into any of those bugs though!

From the GAF thread, it looks like you can avoid the autosave glitch by just signing out of PSN and playing offline.  I'll do that to be safe until there's a fix.

Also, one could just make sure to manually save frequently so if it messes up you can load that save and not lose as much.

Edit:  Naughty Dog is aware of it and will have an update in a bit.  Not sure if they mean just updated info (i.e. play offline for now) or a new patch released to fix it.

Edit 2:  Per some Naughty Dog employee tweets posted on the GAF thread, the issue is fixed.  It was a server side problem and they've fixed it.  No patch needed.  Just save and reboot if you're playing currently.

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Better off just cutting off internet connection to PS3 entirely. To be on the safe side y'know.

Apparently the problem is solved and the game is safe to play.

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Better off just cutting off internet connection to PS3 entirely. To be on the safe side y'know.

Apparently the problem is solved and the game is safe to play.
Yeah, it was related to their servers appearantly and the issue is resovled. No patching needed luckily.:D

I lost my first two hours as well  to the bug and didn't have an issue after restarting.  I knew something was wrong when I saw autosaving constantly and never updated.  I wasn't too pissed seeing as I missed an audio queue while exploring and most of the two hours was just that: exploring.  Is it a bad thing when you want to stop playing and just watch this as a movie?  Gameplay is nothing groundbreaking, but I must admit is pretty easy so far.  If I had one complaint it's the lack of rewards for exploring.  So far places I'd definitely expect to find some loose items, I've come up empty and it's starting to discourage me from bothering.  It's a really minor thing, but I'm starting to think that if I just focus on the main path then I'll be fine.

On another note, this auto-save bug really puts in perspective what's in store for Xbox Done owners.  Something as simple as a server side issue can really fuck up your day if you don't realize your game isn't saving or worse.  Not saying it will happen, but as long as they're enforcing dumb DRM schemes who knows what could happen.

What game does this play like?  Also comparisons for the MP?  I haven't played any of the Uncharted games so comparisions to that won't help.

So far it plays like. . .an Uncharted game lol.  Best recent comparison I can make is Metro: Last Light, but in 3rd person.  Stealth plays an important role for the same reasons, less chance of dying and saving ammo for a last resort situation.

I also forgot to mention make sure if you bought a survival edition at GS that you inspect the carton it comes in.  My store got a shipment of bashed SEs and every single one had a damaged corner art book thanks to the mistreatment.  I took the least damaged one and they're looking to get me a replacement ASAP.  Going to call them back now to see if they found one.

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Rented this at redbox when I got to work this morning. I am eager to get home and start playing. This will be the first time I turned my ps3 on in over 8 months.

I started it an hour ago, planning on playing it for 20 minutes... and ended up playing for nearly an hour. That intro was something else.

It does play like Uncharted but not as "action game"-y. I really like the levels and the idea of scavenging since you often won't find anything and when there is something to be found, the markers are barely visible (they're there, but easily missed unless you're close).

I haven't had any saving/technical issues luckily. The loading time when it started was a bit long (like 1 minute) but every ND game does that when you first start it (I think they load up some files on the system).

im really digging this MP. the 2 gold trophies for completing the journeys will take some time (168 matches total) but it wont be a grind because i enjoy it.

On another note, this auto-save bug really puts in perspective what's in store for Xbox Done owners. Something as simple as a server side issue can really fuck up your day if you don't realize your game isn't saving or worse. Not saying it will happen, but as long as they're enforcing dumb DRM schemes who knows what could happen.
Yes, because Sony isn't enforcing dumb DRM policies and this never happens on their platforms... Oh, wait. The two just aren't related in anyway shape or form.

I think the better question/point is why the hell does ND's servers need to be invovled in the save of a single player game but I doubt anyone (who matters) will call them on it because its Naughty Dog? (Which is very scary as they've had server issues where peoples progress in MP has been written over (aka reset to level 1) on both UC2 and UC3.)

Anyhow, glad that its been fixed and now I'm off to get the game started.

Edit: MP trophies... I know that both UCs had mp trophies but it was the simple, play this mode once and tada... I wonder if grindy MP trophies is what the game needs to bolster its player base... or if its a horrible mistake. I'm really, really not sure.

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Taking a break at exactly 1/3rd through the game.  So far it has been really good, but I should have played on hard.  I'm at the first point where you get upgraded tools and I'm overflowing with mats/weapons to take out infected fast.  I'm not really feeling the pressure of holding onto items anymore because stealth is getting boring with so many toys to use.  That and I'm leaving bullets on the ground mostly since melee items and molotovs are very strong.  Now that I have a shiv upgrade for clickers, I don't have to worry about being overwhelmed either lol.

I do like the shift in power from prey to hunter though. :twisted:

Wow.. the first 20 minutes of this game are amazing.

oh man the intro, first 20 mins is awesome, well done Naughty Dog

I loved the intro as well.
I don't think any post-apocalyptic game actually let you play through the actual "apocalypse" aspect (though my memory may be failing me) and man, it was done so well. I mean, you knew what was going to happen but still, it was delivered perfectly.

I played a bit more and I really like the game thus far. My one gripe so far is that enemies are blind when it comes to spotting Tess... sometimes she runs right in front of them and the AI (at least, the human AI) doesn't notice her.

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bread's done