New Super Mario Bros. Wii - General Discussion & Info

'Cube Daddy;6493682]My complaint is about the way the current DVD cases wrinkle up the instruction books. I'm pumped about this game and really wanted to have a copy in pristine condish. By the way said:
Is that really a problem? I know in Canada we have bilingual (and sometimes trilingual) manuals so they end up super-thick and when you throw in the Club Nintendo insert and the "if you like X then you will like Y" insert it becomes very thick and does get compressed by the spine clips. Are US manuals bilingual as well?

I still prefer Nintendo manuals to other companies' manuals, though. EA for example: thin, black-and-white, and vastly un-informative manuals.
You know I came to this thread to see what the buzz would be on this game because...after seeing a few trailer...I kinda want it^^

hehe I first turned this game down right when I heard it was multiplayer (big mario fan though)
but after seeing videos the game looks really fun, kinda reminiscent of those older Mario games where I could just run and jump through the whole levels :D

Do you guys think this is a rent? I have a brother I can play with and I'm sure we can burn through this pretty I do all Mario games >.
I didn't think this game was out yet? Are people finding copies at retail anyway or are we talking about ripped copies of the game?
[quote name='crunchewy']I didn't think this game was out yet? Are people finding copies at retail anyway or are we talking about ripped copies of the game?[/QUOTE]

The version I saw last night was being played off of a HDD (I think).
[quote name='SuxoR']
Do you guys think this is a rent? I have a brother I can play with and I'm sure we can burn through this pretty I do all Mario games >.
Even the red case has the freaking instruction-book-destroying spine clips. I really wanted for this game to be in nice shape when I bought it. That dream is automatically over. Screw you, Nintendo.

I need some coffee.

I know, right? Even after they read your thread on this very topic! Freak you, Nintendo. Take your spine clips and freak them up your freakin' freakin'.
[quote name='theflicker']I know, right? Even after they read your thread on this very topic! Freak you, Nintendo. Take your spine clips and freak them up your freakin' freakin'.[/QUOTE]

Well, then.

Ok, seriously. I get that this isn't something that everyone feels the same way about, although it's clear that I'm not alone on this. Of course, Nintendo doesn't care about my threads, but I'd think that by year #3 of a console that someone would say, "heeeeeyyyy, these boxes are crumpling the manuals!"

Anyway, I will no longer post about this issue, as I have starving orphans to rescue from burning trees.
[quote name='theflicker']I know, right? Even after they read your thread on this very topic! Freak you, Nintendo. Take your spine clips and freak them up your freakin' freakin'.[/QUOTE]

Yes. Considerably.
9.2 from IGN AU. Two complaints I saw: no online/offline leaderboards for multiplayer challenges, and when everyone has a power star it's hard to tell them apart.

Can't wait.. though gameplay won't be anything like that on the wii in the house... 2 kids and a wife.. heh.
That IGN US reviewer is a bozo. Or at least I certainly think so after seeing him talk about this as a sequel to Super Mario Galaxy, and being disappointed a bit. He wanted this to be Super Mario Galaxy 2 and it wasn't. What the hell was he expecting? There are some of us who want a 2D mario platformer much more then a 3D mario platformer. I'm one of them. Still a pretty positive review, but I just don't get their perspective on the game. I guess they just picked the wrong reviewer for it.
[quote name='crunchewy']That IGN US reviewer is a bozo. Or at least I certainly think so after seeing him talk about this as a sequel to Super Mario Galaxy, and being disappointed a bit. He wanted this to be Super Mario Galaxy 2 and it wasn't. What the hell was he expecting? There are some of us who want a 2D mario platformer much more then a 3D mario platformer. I'm one of them. Still a pretty positive review, but I just don't get their perspective on the game. I guess they just picked the wrong reviewer for it.[/QUOTE]

He was the same person who reviewed the DS version. I think his review was very fair. He basically said that while Super Mario Galaxy expanded and went out of the norm, New Super Mario Bros did not. He did say that it was insanely fun though. If it's a game you "know what to expect" - he is right. However, I am VERY excited for it, and his glowing review just is fuel for the fire! I am picking it up tomorrow at the Nintendo World Store. Awesome times await!

I don't expect the second coming with this game, but I do expect to have loads of fun (which is the point of gaming!!)!
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I've been more excited about game releases that push the envelope of what we think is possible in a game (i.e. the real-life world of GTAIV), but I don't think I've ever been as excited about a game release because of how fun it looks to play as I am with NSMB Wii. Watching the GiantBomb video makes me really want to gather three friends and go to town with this game. It's gonna be great.
I got it tonight. Manager at a local rental store brought me AC2 and Mario. I only have 1 controller but its basically the same fun 2D mario. Interested to play it 4 player, but I only have 1 controller...I loved the DS version and this is more of the same with some new elements. It looks much better than I thought it would, even on a 42" HDTV.
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[quote name='UncleBob']I doubt it. If they wanted to do that, they could have made NSMB Wii online enabled.[/QUOTE]

And think of the cash when they re release this...
After watching the video, I can just imagine how chaotic it is going to be for the one person who does not have a yoshi and is going to be repeatedly eaten by everyone else who does have one, lol. I am actually kind of looking forward to this now :eek:
[quote name='krazymed']I just got it at Gamestop here in LA (Friday night). Are they breaking street dates again...?[/QUOTE]

What store was it?
AAAAAAHHHH this looks aaaaaaahsome. I MIGHT get it, Mario is still the best after all these years!

My only complaints are reserved for the extremely cookie cutter graphics and music. Oh and no online(sad face).
[quote name='doctorfaustus']What store was it?[/QUOTE]

The West LA store on Venice and Overland.

And on the game, I really only think that it is harder because of the Wii controls. When you combine the motion sensor controls of the basic functions (such as hovering in the parachute suit, or manipulating the see-saws, or even lifting and carrying items) and distance of the d-pad and the 1 and 2 buttons, most of the mistakes I have made have been because of the controller. I have no doubt that I would be breezing through this game on a classic controller or on a DS.

For example, put the lever controls on L and R, use the Y button to fly, and the X or B Button to lift. Simple as that.
[quote name='krazymed']The West LA store on Venice and Overland.

And on the game, I really only think that it is harder because of the Wii controls. When you combine the motion sensor controls of the basic functions (such as hovering in the parachute suit, or manipulating the see-saws, or even lifting and carrying items) and distance of the d-pad and the 1 and 2 buttons, most of the mistakes I have made have been because of the controller. I have no doubt that I would be breezing through this game on a classic controller or on a DS.

For example, put the lever controls on L and R, use the Y button to fly, and the X or B Button to lift. Simple as that.[/QUOTE]

Wait....classic controllers and gamecube controllers aren't control all?

Eh....hype lowering....
[quote name='AfricanFruitWaynely']Wait....classic controllers and gamecube controllers aren't control all?

Eh....hype lowering....[/QUOTE]

Oh no. I have to use subtle motion control.

Hype dead!
You got me wrong, I'm mostly indifferent towards motion control. My concern is the Wii remote's physicality. As far as sidescrolling games go, the CC can't be beat as the wii remote's buttons feel too small and hard giving way to premature hand cramps. There was never an instance when playing Super Mario World on the Wii where I decided that the wiimote might be more fun, heck it's not even an option. The only real reason the wiimote is default is for the motion controls.

It won't be a game killer, but you know preferences!
[quote name='SuperPhillip']Oh no. I have to use subtle motion control.

Hype dead![/QUOTE]

Can you at least use the Wii-mote like a controller or does it have to be all motion controls?
[quote name='AfricanFruitWaynely']You got me wrong, I'm mostly indifferent towards motion control. My concern is the Wii remote's physicality. As far as sidescrolling games go, the CC can't be beat as the wii remote's buttons feel too small and hard giving way to premature hand cramps. There was never an instance when playing Super Mario World on the Wii where I decided that the wiimote might be more fun, heck it's not even an option. The only real reason the wiimote is default is for the motion controls.

It won't be a game killer, but you know preferences![/QUOTE]

I had to be sure you weren't one of those guys.
[quote name='AfricanFruitWaynely']You got me wrong, I'm mostly indifferent towards motion control. My concern is the Wii remote's physicality. As far as sidescrolling games go, the CC can't be beat as the wii remote's buttons feel too small and hard giving way to premature hand cramps. There was never an instance when playing Super Mario World on the Wii where I decided that the wiimote might be more fun, heck it's not even an option. The only real reason the wiimote is default is for the motion controls.

It won't be a game killer, but you know preferences![/QUOTE]

[quote name='AfricanFruitWaynely']You got me wrong, I'm mostly indifferent towards motion control. My concern is the Wii remote's physicality. As far as sidescrolling games go, the CC can't be beat as the wii remote's buttons feel too small and hard giving way to premature hand cramps. There was never an instance when playing Super Mario World on the Wii where I decided that the wiimote might be more fun, heck it's not even an option. The only real reason the wiimote is default is for the motion controls.

It won't be a game killer, but you know preferences![/QUOTE]

Yeah, and it wasn't an option because there aren't enough buttons on the wiimote. Are they mapping "Y" and "X" buttons to the "A" and "B" buttons (with "B" and "A" mapped to "1" and "2" respectively)? If so, then I would agree that they should have made the classic controller an option.
[quote name='Cao Cao']More reviews.

EDIT: GameTrailers put up their review, however, there are quite a few spoilers in it, showing some boss battles and the end-game unlockable, so I'm putting it in a Spoiler tag:

Thanks for letting me know about the spoilers ahead of time, I undoubtedly would have clinked the link and spoiled the game (like I usually do with video reviews :bomb:)
[quote name='maximumzero']

My experiences with shells have been lack luster to say the least. This one could prove to be well made, but as far as I know even the best ones have slight delays in button presses. In a game such as Mario which requires making quick button presses for jumping, that could pose a few problems.
Found some time to play this between watching NFL all day. I completed World 1 and about halfway through World 2. I like the new powerups and they really have been integrated nicely. I like the item 'bank' has returned even though it takes the place of using an item on the fly on the DS. I like that you cash the coins in for gameplay videos now. I also like that they balanced out the castle bosses when you are fire mario now and you can't just kill them with a handful of fireballs (you can either jump on em three times or hit them with a series of fireballs three times to take them out). The good news is that there are no surprises here; this is 2D Mario platforming and exactly what you would expect from a game with the same moniker as its DS counterpart. Maybe the best feature is the ability to save at will.

The bad news is that it's exactly like the DS version. Don't get me wrong, I really loved the DS game but I was hoping for a bit of a more visible transition to account for the hardware gap. I know most of you are sick of hearing it, but I'm going to be 'that guy' and say that I don't like forced motion controls. It's kind of cool that they have platforms you can control by tilting the wiimote and I can appreciate how that adds to the game but here's the thing: I know it just takes a flick of the wrist but by having to hold down the 1 button and flick the wiimote to pick up certain objects (or flick the wiimote for some other little actions) just annoys me to no end. There's no reason this couldn't have been an option with the B button open to map it to.

I also can't help but feel like there's something 'off' about the presentation in general. I'm not sure why but the first warp cannon after, I think, level 1-3 takes you to
World 5 and I just really don't understand the decision to let you basically skip half the game so early on with the warp rather easy to find
. There's some subtle things they got right, like when you've completed a few levels you can run over them without stopping on each dot momentarily. Another thing that caught me off guard is that normally the camera is zoomed out to account for four players and it makes Mario seem really small when you're on your own. I wouldn't have noticed but on the first water level it starts on land with a warp pipe screen and its zoomed in. I think its just a matter of being accustomed to a certain level of polish from first party games and it leads me to feel like they cut some corners to have a big Nintendo brand game for holiday release.

On a whole, none of the negative things I pointed out will take enough away that I won't enjoy this game. It's in the same vain as all of the previous 2D Mario games that I've grown up on and love playing. More of the same means that they didn't mess up the formula though the lack of anything groundbreaking or revolutionary makes me feel like it's 'just' a really good game rather than an instant classic. I give it a solid B-

Oh yeah, no one else said anything, but I see what you did there in the thread title Cao Cao ;)
I can't wait to get my hands on this tomorrow. Amazon sent today via USPS, so I'm holding out hope that I get it Monday, but Tuesday is probably worst case scenario. I loved NSMB on the DS and wished I could play it on the Wii, so if there are just 80 new levels of the same vein I'm a happy camper. Having it on the Wii to expose my nephews to the Mario world is also an exciting factor, hopefully the multiplayer is something that kids can pick up and enjoy.
This is one of my favorites games this year. Creative, surprising, great level design, fun with two players (we can cheat and get out of the way star coins by one of us dying and the other sitting tight, or by throwing each other up to a high star coin), and massively difficult later on. Good buy imo.
[quote name='QiG']
The bad news is that it's exactly like the DS version. Don't get me wrong, I really loved the DS game but I was hoping for a bit of a more visible transition to account for the hardware gap. I know most of you are sick of hearing it, but I'm going to be 'that guy' and say that I don't like forced motion controls. It's kind of cool that they have platforms you can control by tilting the wiimote and I can appreciate how that adds to the game but here's the thing: I know it just takes a flick of the wrist but by having to hold down the 1 button and flick the wiimote to pick up certain objects (or flick the wiimote for some other little actions) just annoys me to no end. There's no reason this couldn't have been an option with the B button open to map it to. [/QUOTE]

Thanks for the lengthy impressions. What do you mean when you say, "exactly like the DS version"? I know the art is the same, but is the gameplay any better or different? More difficult perhaps?

This could be a stellar game, but I might hold back to avoid the possibility of feeling like I was completely conned. I remember being crazily overjoyed for the original only to be greeted to the most soulless Mario game ever game play, graphics, and music wise. Overall the game felt like it was meant for someone new to Mario games, or at least hadn't played them since the 80's.

Impressions like these aren't helping either, and I can't say I trust any of the review sites knowing they all seemed to think NSMB was the best thing since sliced bread.
Pretty sure he means that if you've played the DS version, you'll already have the hang of how Mario moves and stuff.

I'm not paying full price for something that only takes up 350MB on a DVD though.
[quote name='Nohbdy']Pretty sure he means that if you've played the DS version, you'll already have the hang of how Mario moves and stuff.

I'm not paying full price for something that only takes up 350MB on a DVD though.[/QUOTE]

The fuck?
I've played through the first world and a few levels in the second and so far I'm loving it. The gameplay is fun, bringing the Koopa kids back was a great decision, and even though I've only played for a short amount of time the game seems better then the DS game.

I also love how they brought back the enemies dancing with the music from the DS game. I loved it.

[quote name='SuperPhillip']The fuck?[/QUOTE]
Just a sad attempt at trolling.
Nohbdy says things like that all the time. He hates on Pokemon for not having "updated roars," bitches about DSiware (while conveniently ignoring the good titles it offers), whines about a lot of other dumbshit.

He's done it here for years for some cheap attention.

He doesn't even realize things like "size = quality" suddenly negates a huge portion of timeless games, from the NES to the PS1/N64 days. Suddenly, Chrono Trigger/Mario 3/Earthbound/Link to the Past/Final Fantasy 6/Mario 64/and countless others are now trash.

So let him be on his merry stupid little way - he'll come back, post the same sturm and drang, and then scuttle away like a hermit crab with a shell from a condom wrapper.
bread's done