NHL 09 CAG Team 2.0 - CAG Hockey Night - On Hiatus - Have a great summer! :)

[quote name='Matt Young']Destro, I'm still waiting to hear about a game day/time.[/quote]

I never heard anything from you Sunday....

Anytime this week after 8 pm EST should work for me, cept tonight from about 9-11 I have the MLB draft... it could end earlier... just PM me through cag and I'll see it on the blackberry and we can go from there... or just add me to your friend list and I can play at any random time I see you there.
[quote name='Matt Young']I didn't get to sleep till after 9 A.M. Eastern, so I just woke up a little while ago. Tomorrow, I may be able to play before 7 Eastern, but I can't make any promises. I can guarantee that I can play at 11 Eastern or after. Is 11 too late, if I'm not around earlier? I'm watching WrestleMania from 7-11 Eastern.[/QUOTE]

I posted that in regards to Sunday and never got a response. I'm going to the gym in a half hour or so, but I can PM you when I get back.
Matt and I will have our game done by tonight or tomorrow... what's the feeling on another league? we can basically start it now really. I say let's keep this train rolling.
As long as everyone is happy with their current position in the loser bracket, I can start another league. But Captain Obvious will be out of town for a while, so we will have to wait on him anyways for teams.
Yeah, is he first pick? I think I was eliminated first (thanks a lot Miller...stupid butt pirate), but I beat Obvious...so I wasn't sure how that would work.
I thought noobs were picking after the rest of us, and the loser bracket was set up so that the winner would get 2nd or 3rd overall behind the league champion and possibly the runner-up.
ok let's finish the bracket then, Matt and I are going to play in an hour and I can play Moo this weekend or even tomorrow.
why would the winner pick first???I thought the winner would pick last actually. Like how they do in the pros. losing teams pick first to get better?
Hm, thinking about it now, this doesn't work out the way I was thinking. I originally was thinking that of the 11 or so of us that finished the season, we would go in reverse order for picks. So, last place picks first, first place picks last, then the new guys would pick. Going with the order of this bracket, WPark picks last, Sean picks second to last, winner of the bracket picks third to last, etc. A bit more complicated, but yeah.

Since there was an extra set in the bracket, last place/first pick will require an extra game. The lose of captain obvious/mr. hockey would play the loser of n8rockerasu/chunkybasty. But, since chunky is out, it would be lose of captian obvious/mr. hockey vs n8rockerasu.

So...i'll throw it to you guys:
1.) Finish the bracket, higher ranks pink first
2.) Finish the bracker, lower ranks pick first
3.) Use standings from last season, higher ranks pick first
4.) Use standings from last season, lower ranks pick first
From the understanding of what I thought, the League Champion (WPark) and Sean would get last pick. But that's what I thought I read. I could be wrong.
What's the purpose of trying to win the tournament, then, if we get a worse pick? So confusing.

It's whatever, though. I doubt anyone else wants the Kings.

Destro and I are playing tonight, by the way. Moo, will you be updating the brackets now?
I was thinking along the same lines as Mr. Hickey and Vulcan.

Well, I originally planed that the loser of the semi's would play each other, then the losers of the quarters (or whatever was before the semis) would play each other, so we would have exact final rankings. CO came up with the bracket, so we just ran with it. I guess winning is for the pride.

How about everyone post which team they would pick. I doubt it will happen, but if we don't have any dupes, then we can just forget about the whole bracket thing and just pick teams, and hopefully CO would have picked Edmonton anyways.
So, assuming CO picks Edmonton:

c.o: Edmonton
matt: Los Angeles
moo: Colorado
[quote name='Matt Young']What's the purpose of trying to win the tournament, then, if we get a worse pick? So confusing.

Well if you are good enough to win the league, your probably going to be good enough to do it with multiple teams. I think that whether you finish the bracket or not the champion should pick last of the returning people. Picking in reverse order is the fairest way. That will prevent one user from riding the same team to the championship. Id prefer that if WPark was going to win again that he did it with someone besides his last team, Detroit. Besides it will give the people who finished higher in the standings more of a challenge. Isn't that how leagues are supposed to be?
I picked the Pen's last league. So I'm giving them up (as much as I hate too) for one of other Pittsburgh natives/lovers. (I know it hurts me alot but I can share the team :D)

I will how ever Pick The Devils if nobody wants them.
[quote name='moojuice'] Mr. Hickey[/QUOTE]

LOL. And yeah, I guess Cravin has a point. So are we still finishing the brackets? Because I'm about to play Destro in a few minutes.
loved the mr hickey as well.

Vulcan I'll trade you the devils for the pens!

But since I finished higher then shady I'd let him take the pens if he wanted them

I guess we need to find out what new guys are going to play. Sean said he is not going to play again so that leaves wpark getting leftovers. I know about 3 people who were looking to join the league.

nate can you change the title to say

Attention nhl 09 fans. League season 2 starting soon. Sign in now.

Or something like that so the new guys will atleast know we are about to be starting season 2

These guys mentioned playing.

Are they going to play?
I'm pretty sure Azumangaman wanted in.

RE: My game with Destro- That was the most frustrating game of NHL 09 that I have ever played. It had nothing to do with Destro, but I got called for tripping literally every time I tried a poke check from the front, plus elbowing which is obviously something I can't control, and the CPU cross checked twice. I had 5 penalties in the first 20 minutes and 30 seconds of game time.

As a result, I never really got my offense going until Justin Williams scored 2 late goals. Destro, to his credit, capitalized (LOL it's funny because he's the Capitals) on 3 of those power plays and won 5-2. That's my worst loss ever. Well played on your end, Destro. I just wish I didn't have to battle the refs.
I never score a lot so I was shocked... good game, you were getting all the penalties and weren't really doing anything crazy...

I left the first time I joined because I accidentally picked the Pens and it wouldn't let me re-pick
ok this red ring issue is strange.

I'll red ring...won't let me do anything for a day or so. Then I'll turn it on and it will work for a few days with no problems. Then it will red ring again and not let me do anything till
I towel trick it.

Its being very picky. I have the return box but I don't want to send it to em if its not red ringed. I keep trying to play it till red ring but now its not doing it? hmmmm
I'll make a new thread once we figure out what's going on.

Mr Hockey/Hickey, are the 3 people you wanted to get in CAGs?

As of right now, these are the people I have listed as participating:
Mr. Hockey

I don't recall seeing pk21 or hand posting in this thread. And when did sean say he is out?
[quote name='Mr_hockey66']ok this red ring issue is strange.

I'll red ring...won't let me do anything for a day or so. Then I'll turn it on and it will work for a few days with no problems. Then it will red ring again and not let me do anything till
I towel trick it.

Its being very picky. I have the return box but I don't want to send it to em if its not red ringed. I keep trying to play it till red ring but now its not doing it? hmmmm[/quote]
They won't really check.
both those guys sent me pms. Both are cags though. Must be lurkers or not on much. They have never posted in this thread.

I asked sean about 3 days ago. we were doing some halo 3 and he said he wasn't going to do season 2
Could I please be included in the next season if there is an open spot still available, I posted a few pages back.

[quote name='ajh2298']Could I please be included in the next season if there is an open spot still available, I posted a few pages back.


Sorry, missed ya when I skimmed. I have you on my Word doc list now.

Edit: AK and Psychedelic, are you guys in? I just searched your posts in this thread and there's no mention of either of you wanting in the league.

Edit 2: Keep an eye out for a league thread tomorrow night. I'll also post a link in this thread.
so I decide to go ahead and play the xbox till it rrod again. I pay 800 points and download the cod4 map pack. I put in cod4 to try the new maps out. It loads. I pick team death match. Picks teams and loads. Says team Death......rrod!!!! DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!
Mr. Hockey, but now you can at least send it in right? I mean it'll be better off in the long run. Might as well do it now, cause the on again off again could get worse.
yeah thats true. I packed it up last night. I got frustrated cause it wits till I download something and go to play it THEN red rings again. I should be back and running by next friday.

I just get to play some wii games now
[quote name='DestroVega']A.C. baby.... A.C.[/quote]

We have central Air, But saving the electricity for June and July and August. Where the humidity and weather will be even shittier. :(
[quote name='DestroVega']Anyone charged up to play tonight?[/quote]

I'll probably be home around 6PST and play a game or two before I head out for the night. Afterwards I'll be back late-night to play some more if people are around.
well... the girlfriend text'ed me at 640 saying she was leaving work in 20... and I'm like, are you serious? lol... nice response back.

anyway, I'll be touch and go tonight then I guess.. might be able to make it on at some point. Maybe the first game and off for a while, I dunno.

I need to find a system like you guys have with your wives... my girl is just always wanting to be in the living room.
[quote name='DestroVega']well... the girlfriend text'ed me at 640 saying she was leaving work in 20... and I'm like, are you serious? lol... nice response back.

anyway, I'll be touch and go tonight then I guess.. might be able to make it on at some point. Maybe the first game and off for a while, I dunno.

I need to find a system like you guys have with your wives... my girl is just always wanting to be in the living room.[/quote]

There's your answer, lol.

I might be on later guys.
Get another TV with a DVR Box and find some shows she loves to watch. Fill it up on the DVR and there ya go. Also, the wife works second shift helps sometimes. :D
get her hooked on myspace or facebook your hockey time is her myspace time. It works well.

I did promise I'd watch a movie tonight so probably no hockey not for me.

American gangster. any thoughts on this one?
[quote name='Mr_hockey66']get her hooked on myspace or facebook your hockey time is he myspace time. It works well.[/quote]

Wow, So freaking true. Get her hooked on Twitter and Stumbleupon as well.
bread's done