Ninja Murasaki's Anime Thread

What's with the Adult Swim weekday anime lineup now? An episode of FMA followed up by an hour of Inuyasha reruns, which they of course started over for the 1000th time?! That's weak, totally weak. With all the shows they've paid money for you'd think they could come up with better lineups...
[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']What's with the Adult Swim weekday anime lineup now? An episode of FMA followed up by an hour of Inuyasha reruns, which they of course started over for the 1000th time?! That's weak, totally weak. With all the shows they've paid money for you'd think they could come up with better lineups...[/QUOTE]If people would quit watching Inuyasha they'd change it. But nooooooooo.
[quote name='jmcc']If people would quit watching Inuyasha they'd change it. But nooooooooo.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I know people still watch it for some reason, but one hour? I understand if it's popular they want to keep it on, but don't waste 2 time slots with it. I just chalk it up to Adult Swim's piss poor programming and being totally out of touch with their fan base (or at least the anime half).
I figured I'd finally try posting in the anime thread. Even though I'm a huge anime fan, I never have much luck talking to other anime fans. Mainly because my taste is different than most people so one of two things ends up happening.

Either I'm just ignored because no one's seen anything I mention, or people end up flaming me when I mention I hate Naruto, One Piece, FMA, etc. But you all seem like nice people!

Favorite anime
Evangelion, Saikano, Kare Kano, UC Gundams (Basically anything but Wing, SEED, and X. I actually like G) especially Zeta Gundam, Macross, Boogiepop, Gankutsuou, and many others

I actually just finished watching Gankutsuou, what an amazing show. I figured it would be good, but not to the extent that it was. I thought it would have a certain amount of cheese factor ("Hey, lets put the Count of Monte Cristo in space!"), but it worked! Plus the design was just beautiful.

Also I finally got the 3rd Boogiepop novel. Though I haven't started reading it yet. I really hope we get the others too because it's a great series.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I figured I'd finally try posting in the anime thread. Even though I'm a huge anime fan, I never have much luck talking to other anime fans. Mainly because my taste is different than most people so one of two things ends up happening.

Either I'm just ignored because no one's seen anything I mention, or people end up flaming me when I mention I hate Naruto, One Piece, FMA, etc. But you all seem like nice people!

Favorite anime
Evangelion, Saikano, Kare Kano, UC Gundams (Basically anything but Wing, SEED, and X. I actually like G) especially Zeta Gundam, Macross, Boogiepop, Gankutsuou, and many others

I actually just finished watching Gankutsuou, what an amazing show. I figured it would be good, but not to the extent that it was. I thought it would have a certain amount of cheese factor ("Hey, lets put the Count of Monte Cristo in space!"), but it worked! Plus the design was just beautiful.

Also I finally got the 3rd Boogiepop novel. Though I haven't started reading it yet. I really hope we get the others too because it's a great series.[/QUOTE]I don't think anyone cares as long as there's no elitism involved. Unless it's about Yotsuba. Everyone should love that. And if they don't, they should be put in a death camp.
I'm going through the final batch of Eyeshield 21 episodes and I think that although the series is decent, it's no Hajime No Ippo or Hikaru No Go.

As you can see with my sigs, I'm a huge One Piece fan. I think it's probably one of the best shows out there and the Water 7 and Enies Lobby dual arcs only made the show better. Once you get past like the first 10-15 episodes, the show is solid gold.

I think I'll take on Monster next.
[quote name='ahmedmalik']I'm going through the final batch of Eyeshield 21 episodes and I think that although the series is decent, it's no Hajime No Ippo or Hikaru No Go.

As you can see with my sigs, I'm a huge One Piece fan. I think it's probably one of the best shows out there and the Water 7 and Enies Lobby dual arcs only made the show better. Once you get past like the first 10-15 episodes, the show is solid gold.

I think I'll take on Monster next.[/quote]

Well that's good to know. I've been stuck trying to get through those for awhile. Like I said before, I've read some stuff on the later arcs and they sound awesome. Plus I can't not like a series that has a character as cool as Mihawke. Maybe I'll try to finally go back to One Piece during the rest of my break.

And definitely watch Monster. Though I'm only through about 20 I think, it's probably one of the best series I've ever watched. I probably should go back and watch more of that too. I've just been pulled into other things lately, whether it's school-related or game-related (Okami, then FF12 and now Zelda), that my anime-watching time has dwindled lately. I still have like 10 episodes of Bleach to catch up on.
[quote name='karsh']Well that's good to know. I've been stuck trying to get through those for awhile. Like I said before, I've read some stuff on the later arcs and they sound awesome. Plus I can't not like a series that has a character as cool as Mihawke. Maybe I'll try to finally go back to One Piece during the rest of my break.

And definitely watch Monster. Though I'm only through about 20 I think, it's probably one of the best series I've ever watched. I probably should go back and watch more of that too. I've just been pulled into other things lately, whether it's school-related or game-related (Okami, then FF12 and now Zelda), that my anime-watching time has dwindled lately. I still have like 10 episodes of Bleach to catch up on.[/quote]

In my opinion, there was a definite lull in One Piece during the Skypeia Arc, but the G8 saga is good and from the start of of the Water 7 arc (episode 227) One Piece is amazingly good. Like right up to 290 its just ALL solid. The relationships between the crew are actually developed instead the Straw Hat Pirates just simply being a crew and Franky just owns. I actually like him enough to use him in my Jump Ultimate Stars deck (even though he kind of sucks).

I just wish they released more than 3 episodes a month.
Anyone else like Boogiepop? I'm going to repost my Boogiepop information thread from my forum.

Boogiepop and Others (novel)
The beginning of the saga. Where you should start if you decide to take the plunge. It's about a science experiment that escapes from a lab only to wreack havoc at a school where it takes refuge. It can be a confusing read because each chapter, with the exception of one, takes place at about the same time. It's just that they're all from a different person's prespective. Through reading them all you can finally piece together what happens.

Boogiepop Doesn't Laugh (manga)
This is a manga version of Boogiepop and Others. It has a few extra scenes not found in the novel. Most notably a scene at the very end that brings a lot of sadness to the Manticore character.

Boogiepop and Others (movie)
A live action movie based on the novel of the same name

Boogiepop Phantom (anime)
The anime series. Takes place after the first novel, but before the second. The anime is about the reprecussions of Boogiepop and the Manticore's battle on the rooftop. It also cements Nagi as a Don Quixote type character.

Boogiepop Returns VS Imaginator Part 1 (novel)
The second novel. Follows an entity known as the Imaginator as it tries to remake humanity. Also involves the Towa Organization as it attempts to control humanity for its own purposes. Boogiepop of course appears to stop both.

Boogiepop Returns VS Imaginator Part 2 (novel)
Third novel. I haven't read this one yet, but I do own it. Second part of the second novel.

Boogiepop Dual volumes 1 and 2 (manga)
Different from the others in that Boogiepop is not inhabiting Toka Miyashita, but a boy named Akizuki. Akizuki is also being helped by a teacher who had been the host for Boogiepop prior to him. Motoka, the teacher, is an interesting character in that we get to see the effects of being Boogiepop's host has had on her. Due to her experience she lost quite a bit of her memory as a teenager, and drinks a lot.

Akizuki and Motoka from Dual
Toka and her other self Boogiepop

Site for all Boogiepop media except the anime and movie -

Site for the anime and movie -

Boogiepop Ultimate Guide (good for beginners since the saga can be confusing) -

Boogiepop Phantom Otaku Page (heavy spoilers. Meant for people who have seen the anime, but still have questions) -

There are 12 novels out in Japan I believe. We're really hoping the others get picked up as well. Seven Seas, and the translator, said they'd love to bring the rest over here. So how about giving it a try? The more people buy it, the higher the chance we get them all.
Once i finish Gilgamesh, i think i might check out Boogiepop. I bought the brick for $5.99 a while back but have yet to watch it .
I don't know why, but I have a strange urge to watch Fate/Stay Night again. Maybe I'll use this as an excuse to pick the DVDs up.
Is the new Naruto arc any good? I'm hunkered back around episode 116 and I want to know if it's worth watching the 84 or so episodes in between.
[quote name='ahmedmalik']Is the new Naruto arc any good? I'm hunkered back around episode 116 and I want to know if it's worth watching the 84 or so episodes in between.[/quote]

I would definitely watch up to 135. That was the last episode of real material and not filler. The Save Sasuke arc is probably one of the best arcs in the series and climaxes in easily one of the best fights of the series. Then just skip all of the filler. I stopped watching after I swear they stole one of their storylines from Scooby Doo.
Well, I just got some Manga from Waldenbooks/Borders. They have a buy three get one free sale. I got volume 6-9 of Battle Royale and volume 33-36 of Ranma 1/2. It's kind of sad that I am about to get to the end of all the Ranma there is. It's easily my favorite series.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Well, I just got some Manga from Waldenbooks/Borders. They have a buy three get one free sale. I got volume 6-9 of Battle Royale and volume 33-36 of Ranma 1/2. It's kind of sad that I am about to get to the end of all the Ranma there is. It's easily my favorite series.[/quote]
Sweet. Any expiration date on the deal? I'd probably go for the new Death Note chapter, a few Bleach chapters, and maybe the first volume of Yakitate or something.

I'm spoiled by Viz/Shonen Jump's $8 manga prices and can't bear spending more on the other publishers' stuff unless it's really hard to find.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I'm spoiled by Viz/Shonen Jump's $8 manga prices and can't bear spending more on the other publishers' stuff unless it's really hard to find.[/quote]

Just imagine how spoiled you'd be if you only paid $3.81 for every Viz/SJ title, or $4.79 for every other $9.95 retail manga.

God i miss my splurging at Alphacraze. Shame they raised their prices (though now its $4.61 for a $7.95 retail or $5.79 for a $9.95). Still not too bad; shipping is $2.49 for the first ten books then an additional 50 cents per 10 books after that i believe. That also was cheaper (used to be free).

I've run out of room for my manga, i honestly havent bought any since March 2006. I've mainly been focusing on my anime DVD collection (274 dvds and counting).
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Sweet. Any expiration date on the deal? I'd probably go for the new Death Note chapter, a few Bleach chapters, and maybe the first volume of Yakitate or something.

I'm spoiled by Viz/Shonen Jump's $8 manga prices and can't bear spending more on the other publishers' stuff unless it's really hard to find.[/quote]

I was told the sale ends on January 22. I got a kickass deal today. I also got to use a $10 off $50 purchase coupon (for registering my borders rewards card), and I got to use a Personal Shopping day which gave me 10% off. Not only that, I used my holiday accrual balance ($11.45). All in all I got those eight manga titles, plus Friday Night Lights paperback for $43.99 after tax. :bouncy:

Another great thing is that I got a 15% off coupon. All I have to do is complete a survey. I'll probaby use that tomorrow. THey had volume 1 of Kashimashi and a couple other titles that caught my eye.
[quote name='LiquidNight']Legally or for free?[/QUOTE]

Free? You mean like scans of the pages or something?

Uhh I was asking about the "legal" but now the free intrigues me. :whistle2:k
[quote name='Moxio']Free? You mean like scans of the pages or something?

Uhh I was asking about the "legal" but now the free intrigues me. :whistle2:k[/quote]Yeah, you can get scans and such in huge quantity, and since it deals with international copyrights (most are scanned right from the magazines in Japan, edited, and translated by a few dedicated people), its in a legal gray area.

I, for example, have some 25 gb of manga DLed (of course though, like music, I support the artists I like). I could help you in such DLing endeavors, if you would like.
[quote name='LiquidNight']Yeah, you can get scans and such in huge quantity, and since it deals with international copyrights (most are scanned right from the magazines in Japan, edited, and translated by a few dedicated people), its in a legal gray area.

I, for example, have some 25 gb of manga DLed (of course though, like music, I support the artists I like). I could help you in such DLing endeavors, if you would like.[/QUOTE]

Haha uh sure. I dunno I looked through, *ahuh*, some sites and I couldn't find anything so your skills would be appreciated.
[quote name='Moxio']Haha uh sure. I dunno I looked through, *ahuh*, some sites and I couldn't find anything so your skills would be appreciated.[/quote]Are you familiar with IRC? If not, grab mIRC and we can go from there.

btw, just how did you think we were getting the very latest Naruto, Bleach, and OP straight from Japan?
[quote name='LiquidNight']Are you familiar with IRC? If not, grab mIRC and we can go from there.

btw, just how did you think we were getting the very latest Naruto, Bleach, and OP straight from Japan?[/QUOTE]

Jeez sorry I'm not a huge anime guy with all the hax U_U;;

Thanks for your help. Got mirc.
[quote name='Moxio']Jeez sorry I'm not a huge anime guy with all the hax U_U;;

Thanks for your help. Got mirc.[/quote]No problem.
Alright, set that up (it should prompt you for a name and such, just fill that out with BS). Then set your server you IRCHighway. Once you're there, type "/join #lurk" (no quotes).
I await you there with the name Sol-2.

Edit: a word to the wise, never spend too much time there conversing with the denizens of the channel, lest they corrupt you with their insanity.
At times, its kinda like 4chan in real time. It's fucking scary, man.
Why does ADV manga get licenses then decided to put them on indefinite hold? The license should go to a company who knows what they are doing with manga.
Or you could just get it legally at almost any bookstore. Borders is even having a buy 3 get 1 free on Viz manga right now, which Prince of Tennis is a part of.
Why does ADV manga get licenses then decided to put them on indefinite hold? The license should go to a company who knows what they are doing with manga.
Agreed. I'm so pissed they haven't released more Gunslinger Girl.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Why does ADV manga get licenses then decided to put them on indefinite hold? The license should go to a company who knows what they are doing with manga.[/quote]

So that no one else gets the rights?
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Or you could just get it legally at almost any bookstore. Borders is even having a buy 3 get 1 free on Viz manga right now, which Prince of Tennis is a part of.

Agreed. I'm so pissed they haven't released more Gunslinger Girl.[/quote]

Beat you to the Borders post! ;)

I want them to finish Your and My Secret. It's only three volumes anyway. It's infuriating because I want to buy them in English. No fan translations exist for vollume 2 or 3 and the only version I found online had 2 in Chinese and 3 in Japanese. :cry: I still want to have the real deal in my hands though.

[quote name='ahmedmalik']So that no one else gets the rights?[/quote]

Yeah, but it pretty stupid of them to spend money solely for that purpose. All they are doing is alienating some people.
You know, after reading this I am tempted to put a "fuck ADV manga" sig image up.

Looks like the only thing we can hope for is that other companies eventually pick these titles up or we learn a new language.

Anyways, I picked up a few more manga from Waldenbooks today.

Kashimashi 1
Battle Vixens 1
Yubisaki Milk Tea 3
Star Trek Manga (!)
[quote name='LiquidNight']FMA ch 67 is now out, and dayum, lot's of stuff is revealed in this one.[/QUOTE]They should redo the series starting with the manga as the basis for the plot. It's so much better than the anime version it's not even funny.[quote name='karsh']Can I just say :drool: at the new Bleach ED. So much awesomeness in one animation.[/QUOTE]The one that's 50% advertisement for the movie or is it new as of 110?
[quote name='jmcc']They should redo the series starting with the manga as the basis for the plot. It's so much better than the anime version it's not even funny.The one that's 50% advertisement for the movie or is it new as of 110?[/quote]
New as of 110. Don't watch this if you're not reading the manga as it has a pretty big spoiler for next episode.

[quote name='karsh']New as of 110. Don't watch this if you're not reading the manga as it has a pretty big spoiler for next episode.[/QUOTE]I sure can't wait for that. Of course, it probably won't get into any actual ownage until the episode after it, like how 110 ended.
I haven't actually watched the episode as I still need to finish the filler, but I fast-forwarded through parts of it and I'm so in love with how Shinji sounds. He's pretty much exactly how I expected him to sound.
Ugh. Every time I hear "Mr. Hat and Clogs" I want to vomit. What was wrong with "Sandal Hat" is a mystery, but boo to the script writer. Boo to their whole family, including all ancestors, which is shamed now by this crappy writing.
[quote name='jmcc']Ugh. Every time I hear "Mr. Hat and Clogs" I want to vomit. What was wrong with "Sandal Hat" is a mystery, but boo to the script writer. Boo to their whole family, including all ancestors, which is shamed now by this crappy writing.[/quote]

Hey, it's still better than how Renji says his last name now. a-BAR-eye just sounds so wrong...

I forget, did Yoruichi already speak once to Urahara, or is that coming up that we hear the cat speak? I do find it funny that now I really do associate Ichigo and Johnny Yong Bosch now. I was playing Grandia III again recently and definitely went "Ichigo!!" whenever Yuki spoke.
[quote name='karsh']Hey, it's still better than how Renji says his last name now. a-BAR-eye just sounds so wrong...

I forget, did Yoruichi already speak once to Urahara, or is that coming up that we hear the cat speak? I do find it funny that now I really do associate Ichigo and Johnny Yong Bosch now. I was playing Grandia III again recently and definitely went "Ichigo!!" whenever Yuki spoke.[/QUOTE]Yeah, Renji seems off on a lot of things. I don't get it. They have access to the Japanese dub, don't they? It seems like there should be no difference in pronunciation between the two.
[quote name='jmcc']Yeah, Renji seems off on a lot of things. I don't get it. They have access to the Japanese dub, don't they? It seems like there should be no difference in pronunciation between the two.[/quote]

I'm just hoping Renji grows into his role as the anime goes on. I noticed that Rukia originally sounded pretty horrible and couldn't pronounce things but now I think Michelle Ruff has grown a lot into her role as Rukia.
So you know what's really fucking good? Heat Guy J. I just got around to watching the first volume from that Rightstuf sale and... yeah, glad I picked up the whole series. I absolutely love the setting and it's just... badass.
Wondering if you guys had any recommendations for me. I like dark, depressing stuff. Though do enjoy a good love story too. I'm definitely looking more for a drama type show. I don't like comedies and I hate stuff like Naruto. It's been hard for me to find anime I'd like lately.

Also it has to be something I can buy. I don't download anime.
bread's done