Nintendo 3DS - General Discussion Thread

[quote name='Mixer236']I'd be down with some Mario Tennis. I didn't play the Gamecube version, but the one on the n64 was totally kick-ass.[/QUOTE]

I'm referring to the GBC or GBA versions. Those were RPG-lite sports games that were great to play. needs more permanent content.

I decided to take the bumpers off the bottom of my 360 and put them on my 3DS so that when it closes it doesn't close all the way, but enough to turn the screen off. This way it doesn't scratch the screens. All I can say is that it works like a charm.
Q-Games helped develop Star Fox 64 3D and the multiplayer made is totally redone with new maps, modes, and item power ups ala Mario Kart. not the mode we may remember.

Now the lack of online really stings.
Apparently it was an EAD decision according to Q Games.
[quote name='jza1218']I'm referring to the GBC or GBA versions. Those were RPG-lite sports games that were great to play.[/QUOTE]

Had no idea those even existed, just picked up the GBA version of Mario Tennis to give it a try.
Wow, Nintendo customer service was horrible. I called in about my hinge still being loose even after having it replaced twice already. I knew I was in for a treat when she began the call with the "why are you bothering me" tone of voice. Even toward the end of the call I didn't even get a casual "I'm sorry for your problems" but rather "well you've already sent this system in twice and what we send out meets factory specifications so you will likely receive the same thing back."

So, having spent time looking at youtube videos I mentioned that there are clearly 2 different types of system hinges as I have seen videos and read about people with completely tight hinges that don't wobble at all. Her reply "well that's the internet, people can put whatever on there but that doesn't mean it is true."

Another fun point in the call was when she asked me toward the beginning (after I had told her the hinge was loose) if the system still works and plays games. Well yes it does but its difficult to see the 3d when the top screen wobbles around. Her reply? Well the hinge does meet factory specifications.

So apparently she has been present at the repair facility every time I've had a replacement unit sent out because she knows the "repaired" unit meets factory specifications.

I still just don't understand how a screen producing a 3d effect that requires a specific viewing angle is "within factory specifications" when it moves around thus disrupting the 3d effect.

Really, is it too much to ask to get a system like the one on the right and not like one on the left?
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Wow, Nintendo customer service was horrible. I called in about my hinge still being loose even after having it replaced twice already. I knew I was in for a treat when she began the call with the "why are you bothering me" tone of voice. Even toward the end of the call I didn't even get a casual "I'm sorry for your problems" but rather "well you've already sent this system in twice and what we send out meets factory specifications so you will likely receive the same thing back."

So, having spent time looking at youtube videos I mentioned that there are clearly 2 different types of system hinges as I have seen videos and read about people with completely tight hinges that don't wobble at all. Her reply "well that's the internet, people can put whatever on there but that doesn't mean it is true."

Another fun point in the call was when she asked me toward the beginning (after I had told her the hinge was loose) if the system still works and plays games. Well yes it does but its difficult to see the 3d when the top screen wobbles around. Her reply? Well the hinge does meet factory specifications.

So apparently she has been present at the repair facility every time I've had a replacement unit sent out because she knows the "repaired" unit meets factory specifications.

I still just don't understand how a screen producing a 3d effect that requires a specific viewing angle is "within factory specifications" when it moves around thus disrupting the 3d effect.

Really, is it too much to ask to get a system like the one on the right and not like one on the left?[/QUOTE]

It's not too much to ask for, but it might be too much to expect. I went through several DSis and DSi XLs with hinges that wobbled. Out of around 12 or so exchanges there were only 1 or 2 that had a tight hinge. The chances are probably around the same for the 3DS, mine also had a loose hinge. Back when I sent my DSi XL to Nintendo I went through around 3 or 4 exchanges before they offered me a full refund. Almost every one they shipped back had stuck pixels.
Nintendo's build quality has gone way downhill lately IMO. My DSi has backlight bleed and a loose battery cover which is extremely annoying since it kind of makes the system wobble in your hands but at least it does not have wobbly hinges. I kind of fixed the battery cover by putting a piece of a very thin microfiber cloth in it but still I shouldn't have to do these types of things to a system I just bought.

This sounds like a grainy vs grid screen thing like there was on the original DS model, and yes there really was a clear difference because my friend at the time had an original DS and I compared her's with mine (same exact model and color) and it had a completely different type of screen. The touch screen on her's was very solid, felt like a grainy piece of glass when you were using it, but mine clearly had grid lines (which her's did not have), and seemed to have a layer over it which could be pushed in every so slightly, it was also smooth to the touch and not grainy at all. Now both types of screens seemed to perform well so I guess it was up to personal preference on that one but it was a crapshoot over which one you would get.
I just returned mine to Amazon today, right at the end of the 30 day period. I was not happy with much about my 3DS. Build quality among them. Hopefully I have no problem with the return at Amazon.
I'm starting to regret not returning mine. $250 wasted. I don't know what I was thinking. I guess I couldn't see past the potential of the system, now after Zelda, I have nothing to play, nothing I'm interested it and I'm becoming less interested in what the future holds. You keep fooling me, Nintendo, so shame on me.
Ocarina of Time dominates my gaming right now. I play the 3DS just about every day. Still going through Street Fighter, Pilotwings, and Madden on the 3DS. Not bad at all. And now, I hear Rayman 3D has been discounted to $20...
SpotPass doesn't seem to work for me anymore. Haven't gotten anything new in my Pokedex in a while, and I'm weeks behind in Samurai Warriors content. Anyone else?

At first I thought it was OoT's fault since I heard it messes with online somewhat, but now that it's out of the system I'm still not getting updates.
[quote name='Xiaan']I'm starting to regret not returning mine. $250 wasted. I don't know what I was thinking. I guess I couldn't see past the potential of the system, now after Zelda, I have nothing to play, nothing I'm interested it and I'm becoming less interested in what the future holds. You keep fooling me, Nintendo, so shame on me.[/QUOTE]

I don't regret buying mine but I am starting to get that nagging feeling that I shouldn't have bought it at launch. I almost feel like the inevitable hardware redesign is going to be a real kick in the nuts in terms of quality vs. the original systems.

Edit- Well, it got the best of me. I ended up trading my 3DS to Gamestop. I put the money down on a Vita for now but I'm not sure if I'm gonna end up keeping the pre-order or not. Hopefully they end up doing a hardware revision down the line and improve upon some of the things that irked me about the launch model.
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Anyone else check out the new 3D Video service? I really wish they'd fix the sound issue for videos. Stupid that I have to put headphones on to hear the videos.
[quote name='pete5883']SpotPass doesn't seem to work for me anymore. Haven't gotten anything new in my Pokedex in a while, and I'm weeks behind in Samurai Warriors content. Anyone else?

At first I thought it was OoT's fault since I heard it messes with online somewhat, but now that it's out of the system I'm still not getting updates.[/QUOTE]

I haven't been getting anything on Pokedex for a little over a week, either. I keep meaning to try the AR markers and see if that helps, but I haven't yet.
[quote name='utopianmachine']Anyone else check out the new 3D Video service? I really wish they'd fix the sound issue for videos. Stupid that I have to put headphones on to hear the videos.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I've watched the Captain America trailer 3 times and still haven't heard everything the characters say in it. Too lazy to track down my headphones though.

I, too, am a bit miffed I bought this at launch, but, Zelda started a trail of games I'm interested in getting. Looks like those will hit around a month apart until October/November (or, whenever Nintendo is planning on releasing their games this "holiday season"). Really, the 2 month wait where all I had to play was Street Fighter is what soured me a bit. Hopefully, all of that will be gone this fall. The Kmart deals have kept me getting 3DS games, so I hope they continue to offer deals on release titles. Sucks that Pac-man's coupon was yanked.
I think once you've gotten a good chunk of the pokedex (152?) you stop getting them and then can only get the alternate forms from other people. At least that is what this one guy said at the last streetpass event I attended....he gave me alternate forms for some monkey and the deers. ...I know nothing about pokemon but its been fun collecting them. I'm up to 159 and don't get anymore each day.

I still really love my games keep me well entertained and I like the new 3d video channel that just opened up. Yes. Sound really sucks on the system tho. My one complaint.
Got spotpass data for Nintendo Video, and I think I've figured out why I stopped getting Pokedex data, so I guess my problem is just with Samurai Warriors.
[quote name='Trillian']I haven't been getting anything on Pokedex for a little over a week, either. I keep meaning to try the AR markers and see if that helps, but I haven't yet.[/QUOTE]
Apparently when you get a little over a hundred, you have to start trading for them.
[quote name='skiizim']How do you get 3? I'm only able to get 1 a day.[/QUOTE]
Open the Pokedex, get your first, then hit the home button, wait a few seconds, hit home again to return to the dex, and it should tell you that it got additional data.
[quote name='nickerous']I, too, am a bit miffed I bought this at launch, but, Zelda started a trail of games I'm interested in getting. Looks like those will hit around a month apart until October/November (or, whenever Nintendo is planning on releasing their games this "holiday season"). Really, the 2 month wait where all I had to play was Street Fighter is what soured me a bit. Hopefully, all of that will be gone this fall.[/QUOTE]

When people start complaining about having nothing to play on 3DS, do you mean that you own no original DS games to play? If you bought the 3DS to only play 3DS games, you're drastically missing out.
[quote name='utopianmachine']When people start complaining about having nothing to play on 3DS, do you mean that you own no original DS games to play? If you bought the 3DS to only play 3DS games, you're drastically missing out.[/QUOTE]

No, I have quite a few DS games to play, but I still own my DSi. So, I can use that to play those DS games. I'm not one to get rid of my systems once I've bought them. I like having a DSi and DS Lite to display with my DS games. At some point, I'd like to get an original DS to go with the others. I expect this trend to continue with the eventual 3DS upgrade, but I won't buy it at launch. I still have a DSi XL to get at some point.

Also, I'm not a huge fan of backwards compatibility. The 3DS does a great job on this front, but I'd rather play on the original hardware. I did the same thing with GBA games when the DS hit. I'd rather play GBA games in a GBA.

The only exception is downloadable content. I bought 3 DSiWare games with my DSi, but have already bought 2 other DSiWare games with the 3DS.
[quote name='nickerous']No, I have quite a few DS games to play, but I still own my DSi. So, I can use that to play those DS games. I'm not one to get rid of my systems once I've bought them. I like having a DSi and DS Lite to display with my DS games. At some point, I'd like to get an original DS to go with the others. I expect this trend to continue with the eventual 3DS upgrade, but I won't buy it at launch. I still have a DSi XL to get at some point.

Also, I'm not a huge fan of backwards compatibility. The 3DS does a great job on this front, but I'd rather play on the original hardware. I did the same thing with GBA games when the DS hit. I'd rather play GBA games in a GBA.

The only exception is downloadable content. I bought 3 DSiWare games with my DSi, but have already bought 2 other DSiWare games with the 3DS.[/QUOTE]

Well, you'd certainly be in the minority there. You want to own every iteration of the system just for the heck of it? I still have my DSi, but I only play the DS games on my 3DS now, it's just more convenient and ever since they fixed the graphical problems I've had no complaints. I will agree with you on the GBA part, though. I still like to play those games on my Micro.
I play DS games on my DSi still. Though the colors were fixed, resolution upscaling is still a bit crap.
3DS games are certainly lacking but that's a new system for you.
[quote name='Mixer236']You want to own every iteration of the system just for the heck of it?[/QUOTE]

No, I want every iteration of the system for my collection, but only if I can find it cheap. I like handhelds more than consoles. It's been this way since the GBA and I don't see it changing, unless everything goes to digital downloads. The reason I want every iteration of the system is the same reason I want boxes and manuals for my games. It's the completionist in me, I suppose.
Nintendo’s latest portable system, the Nintendo 3DS, has been available since late March, but online retailer is no longer offering the hardware due to complaints.

When visiting the ‘Nintendo 3DS’ item page on Amazon, you’ll notice a large ‘Item Under Review’ notice below the 3DS’ availability status. The notice reads:

While this item is available from other marketplace sellers on this page, it is not currently offered by because customers have told us there may be something wrong with our inventory of the item, the way we are shipping it, or the way it's described here. (Thanks for the tip!)

We're working to fix the problem as quickly as possible.

Some early 3DS adopters have complained about top-screen scratching caused by the 3DS’ lower-screen as it appears the top-screen rubs against the lower, which leads to marks. The cause of this issue is believed to be the rubber footings on the top-screen being too short.

Nintendo hasn’t addressed this issue as a problem or defect for the handheld at this time, but members of gaming forums have stated that recently purchased 3DS’ have longer rubber footings and properly keep the top-screen off the bottom, thus solving the issue.

It isn’t known whether this issue is what caused Amazon to temporarily cease offering the 3DS hardware or if they have other problems to investigate. The Nintendo 3DS can be ordered via Amazon but it'll be shipped by a different retailer -- Target, etc..

We’ll be emailing Nintendo and Amazon to get an official response on this subject matter.
I def think the complaint is legitimate and good for Amazon to hold off selling the product until further review. Now to wait and see how Nintendo fixes this issue although......

these people can solve this problem with a simple screen portector no?
No, because it still scratches the screen protector, which still causes problems. I've basically taken the feet off my 360 and used them as bumpers, and they work a lot better than what's there currently, but it's really just nerfing the problem instead of fixing it.

The main problem lies in that the top and bottom screens are different sizes, and therefore allows the bottom screen's borders to scratch the top screen while closed.
At a certain point I wish Nintendo would just man up and acknowledge the shortcomings of the 3DS design but I suppose it'll take the threat of lawsuits like with Microsoft and the RRoD.
Thus far there has been almost zero coverage of the screen situation*. Amazon pulling the listing, will presumably, get a decent amount of attention, even before today is out.

* I get the "lines" on my 3DS in situations where the case has been closed with pressure, such as carried in a pocket or packed in a bag, no scratches though.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']At a certain point I wish Nintendo would just man up and acknowledge the shortcomings of the 3DS design but I suppose it'll take the threat of lawsuits like with Microsoft and the RRoD.[/QUOTE]
I don't think any company would like to man up. I mean look how long it took Sony and the hacking situation.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']At a certain point I wish Nintendo would just man up and acknowledge the shortcomings of the 3DS design but I suppose it'll take the threat of lawsuits like with Microsoft and the RRoD.[/QUOTE]

They'll get around to it, eventually. It's just like the hinge problem with the DS Lites.
Apparently new units and those repaired by Nintendo come with new bumpers that are slightly longer than original. Lack of photographical evidence leaves me skeptical but many have said its true.
Unlike the other two companies, I believe Nintendo has provided warranty service to those who have called and complained. Generally, they have superb customer service. With the Wiimote strap situation, the provided Wiimote sleeves and updates straps, even though it wasnt clear Nintendo had any fault* with that situation.

*I also assume it was much cheaper and great PR to give out the Straps/Sleeves rather than argue about user responsibility.
Between the lack of games, screen scratches, and shitty squeaky loose hinge, I'm not sure what is worse.

also on the note of DS games, ill continue to play them on my DSi XL where they are meant to be played, I still own my DS Lite as my GBA successor, as well, but i did sell my DSi once i was able to transfer all my games off.
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[quote name='foltzie']Unlike the other two companies, I believe Nintendo has provided warranty service to those who have called and complained. Generally, they have superb customer service. With the Wiimote strap situation, the provided Wiimote sleeves and updates straps, even though it wasnt clear Nintendo had any fault* with that situation.

*I also assume it was much cheaper and great PR to give out the Straps/Sleeves rather than argue about user responsibility.[/QUOTE]
Actually that is true. When my Wii had disc problems with the SSBB situation, they fixed it free and painless. Nintendo does have the best customer service and no doubt they will fix this no problem at all.
I am thinking you could get some of those pads that you put under chairs to keep them from scratching the floor and put those on the inside top of your 3DS to keep the top from hitting the bottom. The pads are available for around 1$ at the dollar store but you would have to cut them to fit. Still you shouldn't have to be modding $250 systems that you just bought. Inexpensive solution though if you don't want to go through Nintendo and if your system hasn't scratched yet.

I do believe this is a major defect, but I think it can be fixed. If Nintendo replaced the outer part of the top screen and put on bigger pads on the inside it would be ok. A lot of flip cell phones have this problem, but the DS Lite, DSi, DSiXL and GBA SP do not have this problem.

The original Nintendo DS had this problem but the D-pad would only scratch the outer top casing, which didn't affect the screen or gameplay.

Its possible that the scratches are making it harder to view 3D gameplay and 3D stuff on the 3DS.

Anyways kudos to amazon for getting this problem some major attention!
Got my first 3DS point card from GameStop today. I'm torn between getting the Zelda eShop game or waiting til I get Ocarina from Goozex in a few weeks, as I'm third in line.
It seems multiple Canadian retailers have shaved $50 off the unit's price for a short window. I am willing to wager we will see a holiday bundle (nintendogs?) and then a permanent price drop Q1 2012.
Well, after spending 4 days at Comic-Con I increased my Street Pass contacts to 125 characters (from 2) with a total of 137 tags (from 5). Was somewhat surprised I got a second hit from several people at Comic-Con, but no more than 2 from anyone.

That was enough for me to complete all of the Puzzle Swap puzzles and get me from the first to the last room on my second pass through Find Mii (and all but the last hat).

My Plaza is filled with other people's Miis and now I'm wondering what the max number is.

I was surprised to find that you can get more than 10 tags per day...sometimes I got 30+ in the same day. I'd get 10, swap puzzle pieces, fight some ghosts in Find Mii and then find I had several new tags waiting for me. It was a lot of fun, but now that I'm just about done with all of the Street pass games I'm wondering what (if anything) comes next. Hopefully Nintendo will include some new games/levels in a future update.
Pretty nuts. Boy do I feel like an ass after my last post in this thread. Damn glad I made most of my money back on the black unit before picking up a red one. I can wait a few weeks more, no problem now.

Do any of you early adopters feel shafted or do you feel the free VC games make up for it?
[quote name='cochesecochese']Pretty nuts. Boy do I feel like an ass after my last post in this thread. Damn glad I made most of my money back on the black unit before picking up a red one. I can wait a few weeks more, no problem now.

Do any of you early adopters feel shafted or do you feel the free VC games make up for it?[/QUOTE]

For me personally, all the free games make up for it. I've actually enjoyed most of the games I've gotten for it (not a fan of Blazblue), so truthfully I wasn't really that upset to begin with. I can't believe they're giving away the 20 games though, easily worth the extra 80 bucks I spent on it since I love a majority of the games they're giving away.
bread's done