Oblivion for PS3/PSP Officially Confirmed by OPM Cover (new info from the mag itself)

Whew, glad we're getting SI later...apparently there's a game ending bug in it.
it happens after 50-150 hours into it and it happens when too many items have dropped or something. it's probably fixed by now and hopefully you haven't gotten that far in the game yet :lol:
"We have verified this problem can happen on the PC and are still looking into whether it is possible on 360, since we don't have any reported cases of it happening on that platform, nor have we been able to recreate it on 360 ourselves," a Bethesda spokesperson told GameSpot. "We're testing a fix for it right now and hope to have it out as soon as possible."
PC version only.
The bug does happen on 360, it just happens much later, like 150 hours or more later. Reason being that it screws up a little bit every frame, and since the 360 version runs at 30 frames, and the PC users are often higher than that, it happens faster on PC. Apparently it's a common bug that happens in user mods too, and the fix is fairly simple. Unfortunately the MS certification will make that simple process into a two week delay..
I can't believe how this went from a game that I thought was boring as hell to one of my favorite games ever

I'm at about 60 hours, haven't even started the main quest, and have so many sidequests to do that I have trouble picking them. Even just exploring for an hour two is very entertaining. :)

it's also fun to save, then do "alternate realities" where you try and take on all the guards in town or go on a huge robbing spree :lol: I also keep a dead elf and a floating knife in my house in Bravil. The elf is that annoying fan who follows you around after you finish the arena. He's the most annoying character in the game, so whenever he comes back alive and starts that "by azura, by azura, by azura!" crap, I take him out with a fireball spell and try to get him to land in odd places (like on a desk or something.) No penalty for killing or robbing him for some reason. The floating knife just floats-- I dropped it and it stopped in mid air.

We should keep this thread alive! Post your favorite non-quest related thing to do in Oblivion.
I'm currently working on the Vampire Cure quest. I need to find 5 Grand Soul Gems, and am having problems. The magic dealer in Imperial City had one which I bought. I was also told I can steal them from the Mages Guilds, but it appears that most of the ones you'll find there are on people and you have to pickpocket them. Unfortunately my thieving skills are pretty low, which makes that pretty much impossible. Where else can I find these? And while I'm at it, can I get a heads up on other stuff I'll need to find?

I realize that vampirism has it's advantages, but I think I'll get quickly annoyed at always having to find sleeping people to feed on just so I can walk around outside during the day.
Just join the mage's guild, then you can grab as many as you want without having to steal.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']I wanna go back and play this... I possibly just want to start a character that has no point and will never do any quests... just kill anyone I see.[/QUOTE]

this is fucked up, but I was wondering if you could make a race extinct in the game-- like kill all dunmers or something :lol:

I wish they'd announce the extra content for the PS3 sometime soon...
[quote name='Apossum']this is fucked up, but I was wondering if you could make a race extinct in the game-- like kill all dunmers or something :lol:

I wish they'd announce the extra content for the PS3 sometime soon...[/QUOTE]

Someone who was testing if lvl 300 was possible already has done it. Killed off every entire race in the game... he said there is nobody to talk to in his gamesave at all other than hero characters.
Sorry if it has been mentioned before, but you know how they are coming out with a GotY edition of sorts for 360? Any word on a PS3 version?
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']Someone who was testing if lvl 300 was possible already has done it. Killed off every entire race in the game... he said there is nobody to talk to in his gamesave at all other than hero characters.[/QUOTE]

damn, i wonder how many hundreds of hours that took.

Sorry if it has been mentioned before, but you know how they are coming out with a GotY edition of sorts for 360? Any word on a PS3 version?

we don't even have DLC yet, so nothing has been announced.
I'm pretty new to the game (about 20 hours in) and I don't read manuals so I may be missing something. But how do I get gold? I mean, I know I can find some around the world and I can sell things and earn money doing quests, but I was looking at a house in a town and it's 15,000 gold! At my richest, I only had 1000. Am I missing something or does it really take that much time to buy a house?

Also, I was doing the Ring of Burden quest in Cheydinhal and I can't complete it. I dropped the ring before I got the quest update and now it's broken. How can I abandon a quest so I can start it over? Or is that one lost to me?
That's how I've been finding gold, but like you, I'm pretty new to the game. Just finding gold laying around the world, and selling stuff, seems to add up fairly quick for me... I am playing a fighter type character though with a lot of strength, so I'm able to carry around a lot of expensive looted armor to sell.
[quote name='bdshort550']That's how I've been finding gold, but like you, I'm pretty new to the game. Just finding gold laying around the world, and selling stuff, seems to add up fairly quick for me... I am playing a fighter type character though with a lot of strength, so I'm able to carry around a lot of expensive looted armor to sell.[/QUOTE]
That's been my problem - I can't carry too much stuff. A warhammer or even an extra sword would just send me over the top.

Can I "store" stuff in my guild's house? Will it be there when I return?
[quote name='torifile']That's been my problem - I can't carry too much stuff. A warhammer or even an extra sword would just send me over the top.

Can I "store" stuff in my guild's house? Will it be there when I return?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, It'll stay there. there's also a hidden stump in the Imperial City that I used as storage before getting a house.

about gold-- you'll just need to sell everything you get your hands on and plan out your capacity well.

My main source of income was alchemy for a while (you don't need to rely on it as much later since you get more valuable weapons and armor to sell.) You can collect tons of ingredients without worrying about capacity, make a ton of potions, then sell them all.
[quote name='bo0']Idk i was thinking of renting this game. 360 or ps3 version?[/QUOTE]
If you're just renting PS3 version is slightly better.
[quote name='bo0']Idk i was thinking of renting this game. 360 or ps3 version?[/QUOTE]
The PS3 version if only for the reason that you'll be playing for lots of hours and the fan noise from the 360 will kill the experience. ;)

I'm not really sure that this would be a good rental title, though. It's one of those games that you really need to explore to get the full effect.
Agghhh. How do I pick locks? I suck balls at it. I'll often use 3 or 4 lockpicks on an easy lock (now I've got a spell to open them) so you can forget about average locks... Any pointers? Or where I can buy a spell to open average locks?
Lockpicking is annoying until you get the hang of it, and even then you (or at least I) never really master it. I can do it fairly well, but I can't really explain it. Recently, I've taken to just using spells, although there is also a quest you can get later to get an unbreakable lockpick.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']the only thing the 360 has over the PS3 is the achievements as stupid as it sounds...[/QUOTE]
And all the downloadable content...
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']point taken.. so ATM, the 360 version is actually better.[/quote]

The faster loading times and better graphics are by far more important if your just Renting it though.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']And all the downloadable content...[/QUOTE]
Well the PS3 version already has Knights of the Nine on it.

And if he's renting it I don't see why he would care about DL content.
[quote name='H.Cornerstone']The faster loading times and better graphics are by far more important if your just Renting it though.[/QUOTE]

who the hell would rent a game this big?

plus with the latest updates after the release of shivering, the graphics have been fixed and made better.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']who the hell would rent a game this big?

plus with the latest updates after the release of shivering, the graphics have been fixed and made better.[/quote]

I don't know, but that was the question at hand, the guy asked if he was renting which one would be better to get, so that is what we are answering, and the faster load times are better for renting, and the DLC doesn't matter.
PS3 gets Shivering Isles without all that DLC nonsense!

Coming to Xbox 360, Playstation 3, and PC in September:

Bethesda Softworks Announces
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Game of the Year Edition
Expanded Version of Award-Winning Role Playing Game,
for PC, Xbox 360, PLAYSTATION®3 system Available In September

July 9, 2007 (Rockville, MD) – Bethesda Softworks®, a ZeniMax Media company, announced today that it will release The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion® Game of the Year Edition (GotY) for Xbox 360™ video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system from Sony, and Windows this September. Oblivion GotY will include the original version of the award-winning RPG Oblivion along with the official expansion, The Elder Scrolls® IV: Shivering Isles™, and the downloadable content, Knights of the Nine™.

This new product will allow players who have never played the 2006 Game of the Year to experience Oblivion for the first time with additional content. In addition, gamers can continue their existing games of Oblivion and experience the new quests and areas offered by the expansion and downloadable content.

Released in March 2006 for Windows and Xbox 360™ video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and in March 2007 for PLAYSTATION®3 system, Oblivion has already earned countless awards from publications around the world and won numerous Game of the Year and RPG of the Year awards. Gamerankings.com and MetaCritic.com list Oblivion as the highest rated game of all time on both Xbox 360 and PLAYSTATION®3 system.

Oblivion features a powerful combination of free-form gameplay, unprecedented graphics, cutting edge AI, character voices by acting legends Patrick Stewart, Sean Bean, Terrance Stamp, and Lynda Carter, and an award-winning soundtrack. Gamers can choose to unravel Oblivion’s epic narrative at their own pace or explore the vast world in search of their own unique challenges.

With more than 30 hours of new gameplay, Shivering Isles allows you to explore an entirely new plane of Oblivion – the realm of Sheogorath, the Daedric Prince of Madness. Shivering Isles features a bizarre landscape split between the two sides – Mania and Dementia –filled with vast, twisting dungeons mirroring the roots of the trees they are buried within. Sheogorath himself looks to you to be his champion and defend his realm and its inhabitants from destruction as you discover all new items, ingredients, spells, and much more.

Knights of the Nine features an all-new faction and quests for noble characters and answers many of the questions surrounding the Ayleid ruins found throughout Oblivion. Players can join a new faction and found their own order of holy knights – leading them into battle against a sorcerer-king and his demonic minions while exploring massive dungeons and searching for legendary relics – the holy armor and weapons of the Divine Crusader.

For more information on Oblivion, Shivering Isles, or The Elder Scrolls, visit www.elderscrolls.com.

they'll have to make it downloadable somehow. the real question is: will it be free? :)
Have they confirmed whether shivering isles will be downloadable from the PSN? If they end up offering it for download I would be shocked if its free.
[quote name='dallow']It'd have to be free. If you get it for free on the newer, lower priced rerelease.[/QUOTE]
Hasn't been the case with any of the "Gold" edition games on 360.

MUA, CoD2, CoD3.

But, maybe.
[quote name='zewone']Hasn't been the case with any of the "Gold" edition games on 360.

MUA, CoD2, CoD3.

But, maybe.[/QUOTE]

It might not even come out on the PSN at all.

The marvel and CoD3 content hasn't shown up on the PS3 has it?
[quote name='seanr1221']It might not even come out on the PSN at all.

The marvel and CoD3 content hasn't shown up on the PS3 has it?[/QUOTE]

Bethesda has good support for their games though. plus, the game has sold the majority of copies that it's going to sell-- they can't expect everyone to re-buy the game.
They should make Shivering Isles free, or cheaper to all existing owners of Oblivion at that point. If you didn't pick up the expansion(s) of course.
Do you have a choice to play the game in first or third person mode? I hate first person and really like the sound of this so I am hoping you get the option.
[quote name='Blitz']Do you have a choice to play the game in first or third person mode? I hate first person and really like the sound of this so I am hoping you get the option.[/QUOTE]
Yeah...you can switch by pushing R3...or L3, I forget :p
[quote name='whoknows']Yeah...you can switch by pushing R3...or L3, I forget :p[/QUOTE]

Thank you. Now I know what game I will be getting tomorrow.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']What comes in this edition? Is it all the DLC that was on the 360?[/QUOTE]

I assumed that most (if not all) content prior to Shivering Isles was in the first release of Oblivion for the PS3. I could be wrong though...
It wasn't. All the PS3 version had was Knights of the Nine. No Mehrune's Razor, no Frostcrag Spire, etc. Just KotN. If this release has at least Mehrune's Razor and the Spire, I'll pick it up for PS3. If not, I'll stick to my 360 version.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']It wasn't. All the PS3 version had was Knights of the Nine. No Mehrune's Razor, no Frostcrag Spire, etc. Just KotN. If this release has at least Mehrune's Razor and the Spire, I'll pick it up for PS3. If not, I'll stick to my 360 version.[/QUOTE]

Well, apparently, within that content shift, there was a few PS3 exclusive quests... but I don't know what they were... suppose they were a "different" set to distinguish it from the Frostcrag and Mehrune things... (though, I don't remember much about either, except that Frostcrag had some fedex questing to get it going...)

GOTY should solve that, as was mentioned previously. Which is nice, but I'm wondering why they haven't brought any DLC to the PS3.... it can't be _THAT_ hard....
bread's done