Official Coffin Support Group - Is your 360 Dead? Post Here.

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[quote name='SteveMcQ']Damn, you got a controller? Did you bitch at them? I'm sending mine in today. No 360 for a while. This sucks.[/QUOTE]

I told them my controller was acting up, which it is. The left anolog stick basically pushes to the left side which causes strange things sometimes.

I mentioned to them that this is the controller I purchased with the system which should also be covered in the Warranty I purchased.

Example is if I do not touch my controller sometimes in a game my characters will move to the left automatically. So I mentioned it to CS and they said they would send me a replacement controller also.

I do have to send back my contoller to them after I get the replacement.
[quote name='flybrione']I told them my controller was acting up, which it is. The left anolog stick basically pushes to the left side which causes strange things sometimes.

I mentioned to them that this is the controller I purchased with the system which should also be covered in the Warranty I purchased.

Example is if I do not touch my controller sometimes in a game my characters will move to the left automatically. So I mentioned it to CS and they said they would send me a replacement controller also.

I do have to send back my contoller to them after I get the replacement.[/quote]Oh, that sucks. Nice that they're covering the controller as well.

360 is in the hands of UPS now. Sucks looking at the power and A/V cord with no system attached.
I'm wondering what games people have rediscovered or start playing when their 360 had to be sent in for repairs. Myself, jumping straight over from the Xbox, I've got quite a few games on PS2 and GCN that I've yet to make my way through.

Right now I'm working on Paper Mario. Loaded up Super Mario Sunshine prior to that and much to my surprise I haven't beaten that game yet.

So what are you playing in the meanwhile?
Mine hasn't died YET...but just yesterday, I experienced a strange happening.

I have had the unit for about 1 month, after the initial setup i have NEVER MOVED IT AT ALL. Anyway, as i'm playing NBA2k7, the game freezes at the start of the 3rd quarter...not a hard lock up, but the players are just standing around and nothing is happening so I have to do a reset. I first eject the disk, then hit the power button to turn it off. When it loads to the dashboard, I press the eject button to open the tray. It doesn't open. I'm fuck here we go, this damn thing didn't even last a fucking month.

Anyway, I think there is a problem with the disc seems to only want to open when there is a game inside. If there is no game inside, the tray gets hung up on something and it sounds like it is trying to open. At this point, I have to press up on the chrome cover of the tray to get it to un catch itself and finally open.

I hope this doesn't develop into something worse...because like I said I have never even moved the system since I set it up, and it's already having issues.
My 360 is weird. If I turn the system on before I turn the TV on, it acts like there's no A/V input at all. The TV must be on and on the video channel before turning on the system. This is my second box btw, the first one never did this.

Another problem.. I get the red ring of death at least one out of every twenty times I turn it on.

And one more.. sometimes when I hit eject, no matter if i've went back to dashboard or hit stop on the DVD remote and the disc isn't spinning, when I hit eject, it comes out spinning. My console is horizontal and my old console never had this problem. This problem is a huge deal to me as I like to keep my junk in very nice condition. It hasn't put any scratches on any of the stuff it's done, but it's annoying and the problem freaks me out.

Since my console works (albeit half-assedly), i'm waiting towards the end of my initial 90 day warranty (or until it fully dies, whichever is first) to send it in.. or buy the extended warranty. Whichever is first.
[quote name='Zoglog']when mine died I passed xenosaga 2.

shouldn't this belong in coffin discussion?[/quote]Eh, it could, but then I'd likely only get responses from people who are having problems currently. I'm just wondering what people who've had console problems in the past went to play in the time without their 360s.
[quote name='fullhavok']my son started up on W.o.W. intill he get's his 360 back. im not letting him near mine. LOL[/QUOTE]

You're the reason people should be required to have licenses to have children.

...."intill". What a fucking retard.
[quote name='mmn']You're the reason people should be required to have licenses to have children.

...."intill". What a fucking retard.[/QUOTE]

lol that's pretty harsh man
Is anyone sending their system back due to dirty disc errors or are most of you not sending it in until you get the rings of death.

I have started to receive dirty disc errors failry frequently with brand new disc. Looked through the last few pages of this pst and seems most people are complaining about the rings and the system simply not turing on and such. No mention of DDEs.
Right now I am playing Okami. I will then try to start Onimusha 4 if I can get through Okami before my system gets back from MS. Okami is beautiful btw!

I also have my old xbox and played some Rainbow Six Black Arrow with a friend online for old times sake.
[quote name='mmn']You're the reason people should be required to have licenses to have children.

...."intill". What a fucking retard.[/QUOTE]

Same with you bro. Ripping on someone for spelling something incorrectly on the internet.......right. Your a douche.
When my 360 was away for repairs I fired up the ol' SNES & the Turbo Duo!!!! I have a a$$load of games for each system too , so i was entertained , till my 360 returned!!!!
[quote name='pimpinc333']Same with you bro. Ripping on someone for spelling something incorrectly on the internet.......right. Your a douche.[/QUOTE]

Ahem. It's 'you're' a douche.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']Ahem. It's 'you're' a douche.[/QUOTE]

:rofl: I looked at my reply twice before I posted, yet I still made a mistake :(
okami all the time. Even before the 360 broke. Then Valkryie Profile 2 after that
[quote name='AdvOfJet']Is anyone sending their system back due to dirty disc errors or are most of you not sending it in until you get the rings of death.

I have started to receive dirty disc errors failry frequently with brand new disc. Looked through the last few pages of this pst and seems most people are complaining about the rings and the system simply not turing on and such. No mention of DDEs.[/quote]The system I sent in never got the 3 red lights. I just got constant game freezes. They said go ahead and send it in.
[quote name='SteveMcQ']The system I sent in never got the 3 red lights. I just got constant game freezes. They said go ahead and send it in.[/QUOTE]

My most recent console to have a problem was send in without the 3 red lights as well, mine would get some SERIOUS overheating after about 5 or so minutes of playing. It was so bad that I could smell burning from where I was sitting, so it was basically unplayable because if you tried to play for more than a couple of minutes it would freeze, and if I kept it who knows what would've happened, I don't want my house burning down because of Microsoft and their POS product.

Does Microsoft contact you at all throughout this whole process of sending in the 360? I sent mine out last Monday and haven't gotten any sort of confirmation at all, I'm starting to get kinda worried, especially beacuse Microsoft has a history of screwing me over in the past with previous consoles.

On a happier note, I sent in my whole Xbox 360 experience to Consumer Affairs and this morning I got an email from they saying they will be publishing it on their site within the next 48 hours, that put a smile on my face this morning.
[quote name='SteveMcQ']The system I sent in never got the 3 red lights. I just got constant game freezes. They said go ahead and send it in.[/QUOTE]

I had that on my first launch console. It would not play games for longer than 15 minutes at a pop. Got my replacement and it worked fine until Sunday, then the 3 Red lights of Doom.

Still waiting for my coffin so I can have a memorial service. :cry:
[quote name='flybrione']I had that on my first launch console. It would not play games for longer than 15 minutes at a pop. Got my replacement and it worked fine until Sunday, then the 3 Red lights of Doom.

Still waiting for my coffin so I can have a memorial service. :cry:[/quote]My launch one was the one that got the 3 red lights. So now that I've had a console that's died and has frozen up on me, that hopefully covers all the possible problems the 360s will have. And they do say third time's the charm.

[quote name='THPS']Does Microsoft contact you at all throughout this whole process of sending in the 360? I sent mine out last Monday and haven't gotten any sort of confirmation at all, I'm starting to get kinda worried, especially beacuse Microsoft has a history of screwing me over in the past with previous consoles.[/quote]
The first one I sent in, I never received any info from my MS. You can call their support line though and give them your repair order and they should be able to track it for you.
Sadly I'm joining the group of infuriated “broken Xbox 360” owners. Last Saturday after sailing without storms for 6 months my Xbox 360 started to freeze when playing Lego Star Wars...then it started to freeze when playing in the Dashboard, watching videos and etc. Called Microsoft support 1-8004-MYXBOX and a very nice lady told me I had to send it for repair and that it would cost me $139.95 (Yes, I trusted in their quality...sorry my fault). Then, having nothing else to do I said Ok send me the shipping box for the console.

Next day I tried again to play with the system and for my surprise no freezing, nothing, hours and hours of playing time without a single glitch. Called them again and canceled my order for service.

Well, my mistake again, it was a fluke. Next day the console simple died and the three red-flashing lights finally appeared. Error code #0102 meaning - Unknown error?!?!? Great.

I had to call again and ask for the repair once more. Now I'm waiting for the coffin to arrive so I can ship my Xbox and hopefully get my amazing Refurbished piece of c** back before GOW is out.

SteveMcQ;2245597The first one I sent in said:
Thanks, I was actually just about to call M$ and it came in.

So about the 360 I got back from them, definitely a refurbished unit, I guess they just stockpile the ones the receive to work on them whenever they get to them and just have a stock of ones already repaired which they send out so that you don't have to wait for them to repair it. I'm satisified with the fact that it only took about a week and a half to get back, not too bad. Manufacture date is May, which is the newest one I've had yet. I just wish the console itself didn't feel so dirty. It looks like M$ cleaned it but it still feels icky. That and it looks like someone spilled coffee or something on the chrome disc tray. I'm not complaining though, I'm not expecting to have this one for too long before it breaks anyway so I'm not even gonna bother too much with cleaning it up.
Ms screwed up in shipping the coffin to me as I supposed to get it today but for some reason the shipping was rescheduled and now I have to wait until Monday to get the box.
[quote name='flybrione']Ms screwed up in shipping the coffin to me as I supposed to get it today but for some reason the shipping was rescheduled and now I have to wait until Monday to get the box.[/quote]Damn that's a long wait. That'd drive me insane just looking at a non-working console.
[quote name='SteveMcQ']Damn that's a long wait. That'd drive me insane just looking at a non-working console.[/QUOTE]

That is what is doing, but Okami is great so far.
So I try not to look at my 360 at all.
Got my coffin box today. It took quite a lot of time to get it, 4 days...hopefully things will go faster now since I'm in texas where I beleive is where the repair center is. We will see how it goes from now.
Here we go refurbished console received from Microsoft yesterday seems like it might be a dud. I had just finished 2 games of COD2 (20-30 minutes) and turned the console off. The system played great I thought. Then someone in my house said they smelled burning. I unplugged my 360 from the wall and waited a bit, sure enough, the smell went away. My first 360 never smelled like burning, I'm wondering why lately these consoles have been doing this. I'm afraid of having it catch fire, I know that with my last console it got EXTREMELY hot where the veneer would start to peel up on the entertainment center. On top of this, I'm fairly annoyed that I received a refurbished console. I sent them a 10 day old basically new console and in return got a console which feels and looks dirty to me. With all that I've been through I should not have to go through this. When I get a chance later I will be requesting to speak with a supervisor to deal with this issue, if they don't help me which judging by previous experience they won't, then its off to the BBB. If this one has problems is going to overheat like my last one did to the point where I have to send it in again, I want overnight shipping, I've been basically without a 360 for the past month or so and I'm not happy. I'm hoping the burning smell is just a flukey thing and it won't overheat, but I'm not very lucky and I'm sure somethings wrong.

EDIT: Just tried to play some COD2 single player and it kept freezing up on me. Thank you Microsoft!
I smell burning. Hehe.

That sucks. Though I do appreciate them repairing consoles for free, more should be done for the people like you and me who have had to go without a console two or three times now.
Looks like I'm joining the club. Had the unit since January with Dec 05 manufacture date. Popped in Halo 2 last night, downloaded the BC update, loaded up to Microsoft Game Studio screen and froze.

Turned it off and then on, 3 red ights. Tried the usual troubleshooting methods, no go.

Hope they don't send me a dirty and crappy refurb because my still looks brand spanking new.
[quote name='grendel19']Looks like I'm joining the club. Had the unit since January with Dec 05 manufacture date. Popped in Halo 2 last night, downloaded the BC update, loaded up to Microsoft Game Studio screen and froze.

Turned it off and then on, 3 red ights. Tried the usual troubleshooting methods, no go.

Hope they don't send me a dirty and crappy refurb because my still looks brand spanking new.[/QUOTE]

Hate to damper your hopes, but I sent in a 10 day old console and got a refurb, so chances are you will as well.
Just to clear things up from a previous post I made: I think i was THPS that asked, but yes, MS does get in touch with you through email when they get your console in their service center. I also looked through my past emails and they notify you as well with a tracking number when the replaced/repaired console is sent back to you.
Well I just got back a refurb last week, and there was dirt all over it. I was pretty pissed about that but never called. As of now, I must say I'm a little concerned about buying any games. I mean if it breaks again I'm basically out money I spent on the games. The 360 is a true piece of shit. I know I'll probably still have problems even after the two years when my warranty expiers. Does anyone know if you can renew it?
[quote name='FrankySox']Well I just got back a refurb last week, and there was dirt all over it. I was pretty pissed about that but never called. As of now, I must say I'm a little concerned about buying any games. I mean if it breaks again I'm basically out money I spent on the games. The 360 is a true piece of shit. I know I'll probably still have problems even after the two years when my warranty expiers. Does anyone know if you can renew it?[/quote]Yes, you can renew the MS warranties. I'm getting a bit worried that I'll get an (obviously) refurbished system. I take really good care of my stuff and I'd have to have something that looks like crap, especially being a white system.
Yeah, i got a refurb'd one back too.

And on a side note, wow, Franky and Steve, i'm pretty sure you two were the first CAG's I played GRAW with iirc. Weird conincidence all our 360's break >_>
[quote name='moojuice']Yeah, i got a refurb'd one back too.

And on a side note, wow, Franky and Steve, i'm pretty sure you two were the first CAG's I played GRAW with iirc. Weird conincidence all our 360's break >_>[/quote]So the common link between my 360 and Franky's 360 was that we played GRAW with you at one point. I think you somehow sabotaged our systems. Damn you.;)
[quote name='SteveMcQ']So the common link between my 360 and Franky's 360 was that we played GRAW with you at one point. I think you somehow sabotaged our systems. Damn you.;)[/quote]

Well, the paycheck from microsoft was worth it :whistle2:\"
Well, my launch 360 finally gave up the ghost while playing Enchanted Arms. I actually thought it was just that game but I tried COD2 and it crashed as well. I even let it cool down but it crashed the next day. I still have my Bestbuy extended warranty though so I don't have to send it back to MS. However, I'm pretty sure that when I get my new console that I'll have to give them the whole thing including my HD with game saves. Happy I have that memory unit to save a few things like my Gamertag though.

Xbox 360
Is the extended warranty valid throughout replacement consoles? Or are they forcing you to buy a new one since the serial # is different?
I'll be picking up my third 360 tomorrow. First one got the red lights, sent it in. Got my replacement and it was good for awhile, but soon lights.

I called Microsoft and bitched to them, but they refused to do anything about it without me paying them. I sold my broken 360 on ebay as is for about 300 I'm thinking someone missread the auction.

I'll just be going to gamestop to pick up a used one...and I will definatly be getting a warrently on it.
are there different trays like the original xbox, if so which tray/drive/model/version or whatever is the best to decrease my risk of getting a buggy xbox that crashes alot or has problems?
i had my 1st red ring of death scare last night. ive been busy and havent played my 360 in a week. put my Lego Star Wars II in worked fine and then suddenly shutdown and got the red ring. i unplugged the power cords and let it rest for 5 mins, then it worked again. no problems since, now im hesitant to put back LSW II inside, been palying saints row instead. i'm hoping this doesnt lead to another problem or else i'm screwed and its only been a month or so since i got it
Better to try out every game you have now and see if it's a widespread problem, or just the game disc. So either you find out it was a fluke, the game disc was faulty, or you can immediately get your 360 repaired. I don't think you'd want to have a 360 at the repair center once November rolls around.
Hi my name is spoo and my Xbox 360 just died. My Xbox 360 and I haven't been away from each other since I first brought her home on Nov. 22, 2005. We have had good times but now she just blinks fire from her eye at me. She froze up on me last night while I was listening to some tunes. Today I tried to play with Lego bricks Star Wars style and she gave me a tease for about 5 min before she froze. I hit reset and she gave me a stare full of blinking fire.

I called 911 aka 1-800-4MYXBOX and the nice Indian guy told me to do all kinds of crazy tricks to her. After doing CPR on her for 5 plus minutes he announced her dead and told me they would send me her coffin for free. Now I wait for the UPS man this week to put her 6' under.

It is a sad day. Now I am going to have a beer to drown my sorrows away. I hope the new girl will be just as good to me but hopefully for longer then 11 months.
[quote name='spoo']Hi my name is spoo and my Xbox 360 just died. My Xbox 360 and I haven't been away from each other since I first brought her home on Nov. 22, 2005. We have had good times but now she just blinks fire from her eye at me. She froze up on me last night while I was listening to some tunes. Today I tried to play with Lego bricks Star Wars style and she gave me a tease for about 5 min before she froze. I hit reset and she gave me a stare full of blinking fire.

I called 911 aka 1-800-4MYXBOX and the nice Indian guy told me to do all kinds of crazy tricks to her. After doing CPR on her for 5 plus minutes he announced her dead and told me they would send me her coffin for free. Now I wait for the UPS man this week to put her 6' under.

It is a sad day. Now I am going to have a beer to drown my sorrows away. I hope the new girl will be just as good to me but hopefully for longer then 11 months.[/quote]Part of the battle is knowing when to let go. If things were meant for you, it will come back to you and you will once again find happiness. Stay strong, keep your head up and smile.
Just got my console back. I have to say that after all I cannot complain about Microsoft support/repair services. The total between my first call asking for the service order and getting it back was 2 weeks…not bad I guess

So far the machine has been working w/o any problems...I’m keeping my fingers crossed.
[quote name='MugRulez']Just got my console back. I have to say that after all I cannot complain about Microsoft support/repair services. The total between my first call asking for the service order and getting it back was 2 weeks…not bad I guess

So far the machine has been working w/o any problems...I’m keeping my fingers crossed.
[/quote]Too bad my turnaround isn't as quick is yours.

I called on 10/7, received the coffin on 10/13, dropped it off at the UPS Store on 10/14, and as of today 10/20, the repair center still hasn't gotten my 360 yet (supposedly scheduled to arrive today though).

UPS 3 day select is slower than ground...

I'm certainly not expecting to receive my replacement by next weekend... that would make it over 3 weeks...
[quote name='SteveMcQ']Part of the battle is knowing when to let go. If things were meant for you, it will come back to you and you will once again find happiness. Stay strong, keep your head up and smile.[/QUOTE]

I read this, and I was like you know his right. So I called to get a coffin but the guy was actually able to fix my problem. I had the 3 rings of death, and he said it was because my 360 was connected through a surge protector. He told me to connect it directly to the wall, and take out the hdd. When it first started up he said to quickly go to the set time button. And that was it, now it works and there's no rings of death. He did say to keep it directly connected to the wall though.

Edit: It stoped working again. Have to send it in.
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