Official Gears of War 2 Discussion Thread

I could be down for this. The best way is to get 6 or more people, and host two lobbies. Sign in guest accounts (on split screen) as necessary to get 5 total players in each lobby.
Just went from 37 to 63 today until someone came in and fucked it up. Feeling kind of burnt out but got the level 50 related achievements.
I literally just walked in the door 2 minutes ago. I guess my estimate was a bit off, but when you have a bunch of dudes with beer, women, and explosions, time is all relative.

I can go now and sign in a guest account if needed. Looks like Pure Apathy's not on Live, unfortunately. Menikmati is in a game, but I messaged him. I guess we'll see what happens. I'll check back on here and
Called it a day after reaching level 69.

Two dudes that I remember fucking it up were TwoMarcus1998 and iSnow Viliers, they either killed or went the full 120 without giving the other team a chance to sit in the circle.
Going to be trying to boost right now up until 12PM PST, then I'll be back on later on in the night. Aiming for at least level 80 by the end of today.



iSnow Viliers
Turcs 94
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I got all the achievements today, finally, up to 1750 now. I never thought this day would come. Too bad I was already at rank 97 when I started boosting KotH, that crap goes by so fast. You don't even have to play either since there will always be a few people on both sides willing to handle all of the breaks. You can just sit there and play DS or PSP or read a book or whatever.
I've played a few sessions of KOTH off and on over the past few days, got from level 50 to level 80, which is roughly the equivalent of going from 10% to 50% of the 6.8M XP required for level 100. I won't get it finished tonight, but it's now within realistic distance for the next time they do a multiple XP event. Maybe Labor Day weekend.
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I'll be on during afternoon to early evening tomorrow, last day of the event. it's usually easy to find koth boosting so don't really need a cag group for that. I also need 2 horde achievements for Allfathers and Memorial. I tried soloing Allfathers but could only manage to kill 7 boomers on wave 20 even on casual :bomb:

[quote name='shosh']my rank reset for some freaking reason. im back at level 1 from 55. wth[/QUOTE]

not to sound rude but that's not much of a loss. during the E3 event (6 times normal xp), one guy was in the mid teens and got to 52 or something in like 3 matches...
[quote name='freshzen']I got all the achievements today, finally, up to 1750 now. I never thought this day would come. Too bad I was already at rank 97 when I started boosting KotH, that crap goes by so fast. You don't even have to play either since there will always be a few people on both sides willing to handle all of the breaks. You can just sit there and play DS or PSP or read a book or whatever.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but if you don't help in the break, you don't get the 50 points for each break, so you're missing out on a lot.

After being up for 2 days straight, I just woke up an hour and a half ago. I really want to boost!
[quote name='Gamer SDP']I'll be on during afternoon to early evening tomorrow, last day of the event....[/QUOTE]

I thought the event ended at 9am Tuesday morning. Not sure what timezone. But tomorrow evening is probably too late.
[quote name='kylerg']Was in a good room for a few hours..took a piss and they booted me. :([/QUOTE]

The host probably quit. I don't think there is an option to boot once a match has started.

The best room I found all weekend was the last one I was in last night. No one taking any cheap kills, everybody with good timing, it was great. Too bad I only had time for three matches before I had to get to bed. I got to level 84, and there I will probably stay until the next multiple XP weekend.
I decided not to try to play anymore. Even though I met some cool randoms the other night, I didn't want to risk dealing with bullshit joining random games. That, and at level 51, I realized that there was no point in spending a few hours playing before the cutoff. It took 1 full 45 minute game for me to go from 49-51, so how much would I really have been able to accomplish?

I would have maybe gotten to level 60 if I was lucky, by playing from midnight till now. May as well wait, since I can now get all the achievements that come with reaching level 50. All I'll have left will be the Seriously and Level 100 achievements after I do a good amount of Horde (anyone down?) and I need to boost some other stuff in social. So if anyone wants to play/boost for the following, let me know:

Just about any level in Horde that relates to achievements
Win 3 Wingman matches
Capture 10 meatflags
10 Guardian round wins as leader
Win multiplayer (non-wingman) on all 5 Flashback maps
Win wingman on all 5 Flashback maps
Annex on all Flashback and Custom (I think I only need 1 or 2 maps that people always veto)
Win multiplayer match on all 4 Snowblind maps
Play a multiplayer match on each of the 7 Dark Corners Map Pack maps
Win a multiplayer match on each of the 7 Dark Corners Map Pack maps

EDIT: I just discovered I can do the ones that don't specify "public", locally. Damn; wish I'd known sooner. But even though I've only tried a few times, I've never been able to pass Wave 8 of Horde by myself.
"Public" is now "non-custom", though. I managed to finish my LAST Horde achievement last night, so whenever another boosting weekend comes up, I'll be sure to play Gears 2 in droves then so I can get my final achievements, even though I have to go from 53 to 100, win 10 rounds as leader on Guardian, win 3 Wingman matches, win Annex matches and capture a few meatflags to do get 1750g. However, it's not something I'm aspiring to do.
Meatflags captures in Submission are hard in public matches. I only have 3 of 10. It would be great to get a boosting party together in a social match, and just take turns getting captures.
Definitely. Any time.

And man, this sucks that the game doesn't say which maps you've won matches on that count toward achievements. It only says how many. Guess I'll have to figure it out!
got to 95! according to the gears calculator, it takes around 975,931 xp to get to 100. so I need a little less than that.

next xp session I'll be going for Allfathers and Memorial achievements. I still need to beat campaign on insane co-op (and collect all those damn items) but I'll wait to one of my friends decides to get back on live.

it seems a bunch here need some MP achievements. I guess I can help with those when an event comes around. though most of those are actually very easy if you are half decent at the game. wingman might be harder to get than the submission one though.
Well the live activity list came out today and once again Gears 2 only moved up to #7 which was the same as the 6x xp weekend. The updates they have done to the game including the xp system, xp events and the addition of social matches will get some achievement whores back into this game, but the MP was broken from the beginning. It is nice that they have finally fixed it, but everyone has already moved on.

As for the weekend, I hit Level 100 at like 4:30 am early Saturday morning. Went from 65-100 in approx 12 hours of hardcore boosting with a group of 5 that had 2 systems active at once. Was pulling in about 100k xp per 15 minute game. Still an insane grind though especially when you realize that at level 82 you are only 1/2 of the way to 100.

Matt Young, sorry I was not able to get you into the sessions I was running. When I posted in the achievement forum about needing some extras people it was because some of the people who had committed to getting 2 copies of the game in my group were on the fence, but then ended up getting 7 day GS rentals to participate. We did have a guy drop out on Friday night, but I didn't see you on. I sent a party invite just in case you were appearing offline. This was probably around 2am EST.

The grind really wiped me out for the rest of the weekend but it was nice to be done. Now I still have like 20 hours of Seriously 2.0 boosting left. Definitely not looking forward to that. I'll probably put that off for now or grind out 5-10k kills here and there.

A few notes from this weekend.

- Gamer SDP, I think I jumped into a game you were in while I was searching for a KotH session. It looked like the boost wasn't happening in that one though so I quit out.
- The host cannot boot you, if you got that message then host quit or got disconnected and everyone got booted
- I was in a few games with iSnow Villers too. He seemed to go along with the boost for the most part, but I can't really remember 100%. I know there were people screwing around in the games he was in though so it could have been him.
- I don't have any problem if you want to play this game legit, but if so why are people playing social matches and screwing up people boosting? If you want to play competitive then play ranked matches and stay out of social.
- If people were going to screw around I wish they would just do it immediately so I could quit out. People kept deciding to do the circle jerk at first, then they must have gotten bored or impatient because they start killing people or just taking 2 or 3 shots at people in the circle over and over again until all hell breaks loose.
- The other MP achievements aren't that bad though, especially now with social matches. Just get a party of 5 and force a bot match by clogging your connection with downloads on your PS3 or youtubes/torrents. Then when you get a bot match just have the other 5 people search individually. You will eventually get matched up. Then just invite everyone else in. If you do get randoms in just don't kill the bots, they cannot respawn and will eventually leave. Wingman is not as easy, but is doable this way too, but in teams of 2. Annex takes effing forever since you pretty much have to go through all 29 maps alphabetically to get the 7 you need.
- If you didn't get level 100 over the weekend I would just wait for the next event. There will be more leading up to Gears 3. Maybe even with more than 8x xp...
got to level 80, but that's it for now for me until they do another 6xp promotion or something similar to that. this is the only game that takes forever to reach max level that i've encountered so far. also, damn epic cut it off by 10am central time I was like wtf? they usually wait until after lunch
[quote name='GLOCKGLOCK']- Gamer SDP, I think I jumped into a game you were in while I was searching for a KotH session. It looked like the boost wasn't happening in that one though so I quit out.[/QUOTE]

hmm I don't recall seeing you unless your gt is different (pretty sure I'd have recognized it though since we played TF2...or was that someone else). I don't really look for a boosting session just wait for one. I'll quit a normal game if the connection is crap/I don't do well within a few minutes. also it's good to play some normal matches than be bored with 100% boosting. I've stayed out of ranked (or public before the new modes) for many reasons. I use to have a good party and we'd destroy in execution unless we got lagswitched, etc. and the host quitting is worse in rank than in social.

I will always fuck up a boosting koth session if people start fucking a round. one time this guy was taking shots while my side was capping. He either messed up the healing time or meant to kill me when his boltok headshotted me. I go back to kill him then either someone else kills me or he respawns to get me. then the cycle continues. I also hate how people are too stupid to realize/remember which player was the one that starts shit. one guy would shotgun someone randomly then the dead guy will respawn and get chased out of the circle? also hate how people try to fuck the other team over and will kill them before that team gets caps. also I see people killing to win rounds/matches. and no idea how one guy can shotgun 4-5 people in the ring so often either, most be host. that's why if I'm with randoms (which were all boosting koth this event), I will mess it up if they fuck around and/or prevent me from getting points.

try to get the first round win and/or get caps first if you don't want to be screwed over.
[quote name='Gamer SDP']hmm I don't recall seeing you unless your gt is different (pretty sure I'd have recognized it though since we played TF2...or was that someone else). I don't really look for a boosting session just wait for one. I'll quit a normal game if the connection is crap/I don't do well within a few minutes. also it's good to play some normal matches than be bored with 100% boosting. I've stayed out of ranked (or public before the new modes) for many reasons. I use to have a good party and we'd destroy in execution unless we got lagswitched, etc. and the host quitting is worse in rank than in social.

I will always fuck up a boosting koth session if people start fucking a round. one time this guy was taking shots while my side was capping. He either messed up the healing time or meant to kill me when his boltok headshotted me. I go back to kill him then either someone else kills me or he respawns to get me. then the cycle continues. I also hate how people are too stupid to realize/remember which player was the one that starts shit. one guy would shotgun someone randomly then the dead guy will respawn and get chased out of the circle? also hate how people try to fuck the other team over and will kill them before that team gets caps. also I see people killing to win rounds/matches. and no idea how one guy can shotgun 4-5 people in the ring so often either, most be host. that's why if I'm with randoms (which were all boosting koth this event), I will mess it up if they fuck around and/or prevent me from getting points.

try to get the first round win and/or get caps first if you don't want to be screwed over.[/QUOTE]

Yea, I have the same GT as before. I was seriously in the game for no more than 10 seconds I'd say, I just usually jumped in brought up the scoreboard, looked to see if people had a ton of caps/breaks and scanned the tags to see if I recognized anyone. If it wasn't happening I bolted and searched again.

I didn't have as many problems as you did with randoms screwing around, but then again I probably only played with randoms for 9 or 10 games during the entire 8x xp event, only when my boosting party wasn't online and I had an hour or two to kill. I do know what you mean though in that after I'd say 2 - 45 minute games the random groups usually went to hell. In the end I'm glad I boosted it how I did because I have no real desire to play the MP legit. Once I finish up Seriously in Gears1 then I can forget about Gears MP until next April, and hopefully that game keeps the MP achievements at a minimum or at least lets you play against bots or have full control of setting up friends only player matches from the get go instead of trying to tack it on a couple of years after the game launches.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Cool, I'll be playing this one again.

I usually play Execution or Horde...what's the game mode that gets you to level up quicker?[/QUOTE]

Wow that event is insane. 8x is a guarantee and I could easily see it going to 12x or more since the achievement sites will pimp the hell out of this.

For reference 8x XP gave 2000 xp per round of horde on insane. KotH break/unbreak the circle method was about 180,000 xp in 45 minutes. You need 6.8 million xp for level 100 and at level 50 you are only about 10% of the way there. I think Level 82 is the midpoint.

EDIT - wow, he already picked up 800 followers today with a week to go. 9x and rising...
I followed him on twitter...but he'll be deleted after the xp starts lol. I don't use twitter anyways and damn i'm @ lvl 82 right now and half way to 83. This could help me and once I get to lvl 100 i'll retire the game and take a break from gaming..hopefully. He currently has 4, 654 followers so it's 8xp so far..
[quote name='GLOCKGLOCK']Wow that event is insane. 8x is a guarantee and I could easily see it going to 12x or more since the achievement sites will pimp the hell out of this.

For reference 8x XP gave 2000 xp per round of horde on insane. KotH break/unbreak the circle method was about 180,000 xp in 45 minutes. You need 6.8 million xp for level 100 and at level 50 you are only about 10% of the way there. I think Level 82 is the midpoint.

EDIT - wow, he already picked up 800 followers today with a week to go. 9x and rising...[/QUOTE]
I'll be mad if something crazy happens like 12X. I did 6X EXP and KotH boosted for a long, tiring week.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Cool, I'll be playing this one again.

I usually play Execution or Horde...what's the game mode that gets you to level up quicker?[/QUOTE]

I can't really say about the levelling up bit, but I'd be willing to partner up for Horde (assuming you want/need any) simply because while I do need the XP (only a measly Lv.10) I also need most/all of the horde based achievements. Figured better to go for them while there is an XP event going on.

I was going to go for it during the 4th of July XP weekend , but the Ticker/Boomer theme didn't work well with that.
[quote name='Friend of Sonic']I'll be mad if something crazy happens like 12X. I did 6X EXP and KotH boosted for a long, tiring week.[/QUOTE]

Well he's already over 4800 so it is at least going to hit 10x XP. Both Trueachievements and X360a have it on their front page so expect that number to keep rising in the next week.

I spend 12+ hours over 2 nights before July 4th to go from level 65 to 100 and I'm glad I got it out of the way then. I'm not going to mad if this event ends up at something crazy like 16x XP because I still know alot of people that need to hit level 100.

I remember when they first made the 2xp permanent and they did some event and we were getting 500 or 750xp per wave of insane horde we thought it was great, but most of my friends stopped at level 50 because you still need almost 6.2 million xp to go from 50-100. My one friend said he would only play when they did some type of insane 10x XP event and we all laughed because we thought it would never happen. Now we have already had 6x, 8x, and are looking at anywhere from 10x to 16x (or more) this next event. :shock:

That is just nuts! They really want people to get their level 100.
[quote name='KingBroly']It's actually at around 14x XP right now. By the time Comic Con rolls around, it might 25x XP.[/QUOTE]

I would freakin' laugh if it was 25x XP. I want to see where this winds up at.
He needs around 10,000 more followers in the next week to make it 25x XP. At the rate he's been going, IF word of mouth increases rapidly, it could happen
Is it bad I want to make a Twitter account just so I can try and get it closer to 10,000 followers? Though hopefully next weekend will mean ALOT less quitters on games so they can get XP bonus as well.
well, i'm glad they are doing an event like this for that makes up for the shitty gameplay lag, host advantage and what not. It'll make people not quit out of games now (hopefully) and I can finally reach that lvl 100 and put the game aside. It is remarkable as how many people are following him so quickly now. When would the XP event start and end by the way?
Just a bit of history here: During the 8x event, if you got full boosting XP for KotH matches, it'd take you about 35 matches to go from Lv.1 to Lv.100. Right now, we're over 16x XP which is double that, so 17-18 matches for the whole ride. I'm guessing when the event starts it'll be 20x-22x normal XP, so that'd be 10-11 matches.
bread's done