Official Gears of War 2 Discussion Thread

Gears 2 is not as I expected! Lags in most games and it's pretty much based off of luck. Definitely not skill. Still a fun game.
[quote name='-BigC-']Only people who lose think its based off luck....

Same ammount of "skill" required in any other game...[/QUOTE]

Only people who win think it's based on skill.
Wow, I actually got into a good party for once in Horde mode. All but one of us used our mics and called out enemy points, built barricades, and stuck together. Made it to wave 21 before two of the shield guys broke through and a well placed ink finished us off.

And on the topic of the new maps: I bought them last Thursday and honestly I kind of regret it. I love the gas station for Horde mode but the lag and quitters still make me reluctent to play online other then to work on the achivments.
[quote name='Trakan']The end results screen does kind of suck, it gives people a chance to quit out.

If you kept the same teams, people would just continue to dominate the opposite team over and over. If you want to play with the same people who were on your team, just invite 'em to your party.[/QUOTE]


But once in a while you feel you're are in an pretty evenly matched game and would love a rematch. Also, a ton of time is wasted getting into a new match; after load screens, team searches, votes, you could be half way through another game had it just loaded another map.
[quote name='thrustbucket']I agree. Matchmaking is faster now.

But still no reason why we have to sit and watch the end results screen for 25 seconds after each match, and can't jump right into a new map with same teams.

The maps themselves are cool. But unfortunately, in my experience, most of the people that have downloaded them are not.

More quitters, by far, playing the new maps. And many full team clans that will decimate you if you're in a PUG.[/QUOTE]

I'm guessing it has something to do with the game being less congested?
Lol that video was pretty sweet.

Anyway I got Gears of War 2 today, most likely will finish the campaign before I play on Live, but anyone down with playing some Gears of War 2?

My gamertag is: Droenixlol
my goodness I just spent about 6 hours playing 33 waves of hoarde offline with a buddy. It was just me and him that's why it took so long. I'm dead tired but finally finished with it!
Horde mode could take a very long time... I feel if you were to play through the whole thing on insane, by yourself, it'd probably take a day or so to finish it.
[quote name='Droenixjpn']Horde mode could take a very long time... I feel if you were to play through the whole thing on insane, by yourself, it'd probably take a day or so to finish it.[/quote]

Impossible I say.
[quote name='Droenixjpn']Horde mode could take a very long time... I feel if you were to play through the whole thing on insane, by yourself, it'd probably take a day or so to finish it.[/quote]

wow you beat hoarde on insane by yourself :hot:? You must be really good.
[quote name='-BigC-']Damn you are a complete dick the way you just dismiss everything but your opinion as being right and then call other people who disagree with you "not real gamers". In reality matchmaking is not for "noobs" but probably the best option for everybody. Finding games with other people within your range of skill, rather then just looking at a name/settings and trying to decide if that group of people within the game are going to make a good game for you. Of course you could find friends that hosts games that are around your skill level, but this way it matches you up against other teams without the week/month long search of trying to find rooms/friends that host games that fit your style.[/QUOTE]

Dismiss everything but my opinion? I was answering his opinion yeah douche, try reading the entire argument before you just butt in acting all high and mighty.

Learn to read and try a little something called a paragraph.

Matchmaking has ruined Gears 2, which is why its slowy but surely going off of the top 10 list.
[quote name='VipFREAK']So I got this on eBay for $35 shipped... only problem is the guy has a 66% feedback rating. Should I be worried...?[/quote]

66% is pretty low. But it all depends on how many negatives/positives he has, how many in the last 6 months, and what reasons were the negative reps given. But yeah, 66% would have me wondering.
[quote name='Reck_Havoc']Dismiss everything but my opinion? I was answering his opinion yeah douche, try reading the entire argument before you just butt in acting all high and mighty.

Learn to read and try a little something called a paragraph.

Matchmaking has ruined Gears 2, which is why its slowy but surely going off of the top 10 list.[/quote]

Like I said before, Gears 1 had no competition, and that is the biggest reason it reigned at #1 for so long. Halo 2 still beat out Gears 1 for the longest time, and Major Nelson said that in every update.

Matchmaking is not the reason that Gears 2 is losing popularity. If anything, it's the glitches and the competition from other games. I can guarantee it will not leave the top 10.
[quote name='The 7th Number']66% is pretty low. But it all depends on how many negatives/positives he has, how many in the last 6 months, and what reasons were the negative reps given. But yeah, 66% would have me wondering.[/quote]

I think it's because he's only had 3 or so feedbacks in the last 12 mo. and the one neg was him buying something. I just get a bad vibe somehow though.
Welp, here's to hoping. And also maybe seeing some of you guys online. xD Thanks

Edit: Just happened to go back to check my Paypal for something and noticed the ebay seller is a girl. I guess that makes me feel a little better.
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[quote name='KSHLove']wow you beat hoarde on insane by yourself :hot:? You must be really good.[/quote]

Oh sorry, nope. I didn't beat Horde at all yet, I was just saying if anyone beat Insane on Horde by themself, it would probably take a day or two.

Anyway, have any of you see the Inside Xbox video on this new Gears of War 2 contest? It's called Horde Holiday or something. I tried going to the site: and it doesn't seem to be up yet.
[quote name='Droenixjpn']Oh sorry, nope. I didn't beat Horde at all yet, I was just saying if anyone beat Insane on Horde by themself, it would probably take a day or two.

i just saw a video of someone playing hoarde level 50 on insane by themselves I believe it took him a few hours alone. It looks like it's definitely possible, you just gotta find a good spot and camp near a weapon.
Well, I'm playing through the main story and just got done with the part where you search for Maria.

I found what Dom did to be just a bit inappropriate. Like if someone ever finds me emaciated and little out of it after being a slave to some race of mutant lizard/dinosaur monsters I'd hope they'd at least give me some chance to recoup. I mean, DAMN!
[quote name='RichMeisterMan']Well, I'm playing through the main story and just got done with the part where you search for Maria.

I found what Dom did to be just a bit inappropriate. Like if someone ever finds me emaciated and little out of it after being a slave to some race of mutant lizard/dinosaur monsters I'd hope they'd at least give me some chance to recoup. I mean, DAMN![/quote]

heh yeah. I didn't exactly see that coming. But she was totally out of it so it was probably for the best.
I was just coming to comment on that scene. It was the single most haunting scene in all of videogaming (a 25 year odyssey for me). Being a loving husband, I don't know how I'd react in that situation.

But, what about being a gamer/viewer and watching that? That was rough. Still gives me the creeps. The scene with Tai was enough to convey the message.
[quote name='RichMeisterMan']Well, I'm playing through the main story and just got done with the part where you search for Maria.

I found what Dom did to be just a bit inappropriate. Like if someone ever finds me emaciated and little out of it after being a slave to some race of mutant lizard/dinosaur monsters I'd hope they'd at least give me some chance to recoup. I mean, DAMN![/quote]

The way I saw it , I don't think there would BE any recuperation from that. I mean you saw how Tai , a hardened soldier was completely broken and ready to die after what they did to him , she probably was nothing more than a ghostly shell by that point.

I'm not saying that Dom did the right thing or not , but I don't think he was out of place to do what he did.
Isn't it liek that thing where in real life people that go to war and they see such horrible things that they just go into a vegetative state and can't snap out of it. The name of it slips my mind at the moment.

I remember someone on the forums saying something like Dom should've just given her a hot dog and she'd be alright. o_O
Beat the game tonight. Overall it was a fun and interesting game. I dont think it lived up to the first one though. Or maybe its just that 1st time experience that makes me think gears 1 was better. I did enjoy some parts of the game, like the level where
you are inside the worm.
That level changes it up a bit from the cover shooting all game. And of course there are the driving levels. To me, i dont really like them in gears. Maybe if they had better controls. Kind of dissapointed there were no berserkers in the game, but maybe they didnt want any, since they had two in the last. The final boss was cake. Compared to Raam, wow was it a let down. The new characters seemed kind of pointless. I dont even remember what happened to the cowboy, i think he was in one level. was a good game, and i had fun playing it. But it wasnt as good as gears 1.
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I don't think there is a CAG group for Gears of War 2. I have yet to beat the game, and I don't know if I really want to with my brother. :/ I'm pretty close.

I wasn't really phased at all by that scene to tell you the truth. I kind of knew something like that was coming, also.... Where are his kids? Remember that dream he had about Maria and Him, then Maria said something about the kids being somewhere.

I was wondering what the Lambent were, but I think I got my answer. Why do they fight eachother? I mean the Lambent are just Locust that feed on Immulsion right?

This game seemed a bit more vague then the others.

I don't play online much at all, because for one thing the lag is just unbearable usually. Another reason is the Hammer of Dawn. I believe only one map has it, and I think that map is Day one. Well anyway, Day One is a cheap map, because everyone just rushes to the Hammer of Dawn, camps one spot and can pretty much own anybody with it.

The Rank System on the otherhand, I don't know how it even works, the only thing I can really enjoy out of the game is the single player, coop, and horde. Horde is the best mode imo.

When me, my brother, my friend, and his step-brother played Horde, wow was it fun. We played on Normal for the first 20 rounds, then switched to Casual. I was actually kind of dissapointed they didn't have anything else, like I was kind of expecting a boss or something. Horde mode is pretty much fun the first time around, but afterwards it just becomes a chore to play really, since you know what to expect from the enemy.
The toughest guys on Horde are Maulers, Bloodmounts, and Cyclops. Why do I say Cyclops? For one thing they have a Lancer. They can just run in there, and chainsaw you out of no where. Maulers were a pain, they would just keep using their stupid flail and knock you down, and you eventually die. Bloodmounts were fast, powerful, and annoying.

This game was pretty good, even though I'm not fully done with it yet.
I think the scene with Dom and Maria would have hit me harder if i didnt play Saints Row 2 first. I still think that didnt have to happen, and things could have worked out. But whatever. It didnt hit me nearly as hard as one of the GTA IV endings. :)
Ehh it didn't hit me to hard, since I remember seeing images of the Nazi Death Camps, and those were pretty disturbing. The Locust remind me of the Nazis, because of what they were doing to humans with the torturing and stuff. Maria reminded me of one of the Jewish prisoners at Auschwitz. They had their head shaved, and sadly if you were a Woman or Child you would instantly be sent to a Crematory or Gas Chamber. Men that looked healthy, were able to work, and were above 18, would be able to survive and work.

So... yeah.... Just a little Holocaust lesson for all of you.
With the way her eyes change and her skin kind of sunk in after he let her out it really appeared like she wasn't even human anymore and was just going to die a slow painful death so he was just putting her out of her misery.
[quote name='dmaul1114']With the way her eyes change and her skin kind of sunk in after he let her out it really appeared like she wasn't even human anymore and was just going to die a slow painful death so he was just putting her out of her misery.[/quote]

I thought that when she first comes out, that is what dom was seeing in his mind. And he wasnt seeing reality, till you see her hair short and skinny as hell. Just my initial thought.
[quote name='FlipSide']I just got GoW2, never played the first GoW..should I play that first before playing 2?In order for me to understand the story?[/quote]
Its not necessary, the story is very weak in the 1st one. Just google it.
The story for the first one is pretty simple I think. See I can't even remember anything important about the story, lol. xD

I usually jump into games at the last minute and don't know what's going on, so basically if you care for the story just look up a plot analysis for the game or something.
To be honest the story isn't that great for both the first and the second. The first had too much of a feel like they're just running around killing locusts planting some bombs here and there. The second was better, but still not that strong. The fact that you knew you were in a different enviroment probably meant that story progression was actually there this time. And the goal of saving Maria made the story a lot better. Still Gears is a; "Lets kick some ass and everything will be alright." kind of game.
So yeah, I just played some online multiplayer with CAGs, and still think this game is terrible. If anyone wants to buy my copy, let me know.
[quote name='VipFREAK']It's not terrible, but the controls are definitely irritating.[/quote]

Nothing is wrong with the controls. The matchmaking/lag/glitching is terrible.
Oh, there is lag and glitching too? I was wondering why horde sucked so damn much. I mean it was worse than Socom at some points. lool
There are some things that are keeping this game back, but I really can't enjoy the multiplayer. It doesn't really reward you with anything if you win an online game, like Halo 3 or the Call of Duty games. Trying to find matches takes a long time as well, then there's the lag. Put them all together and you get aggrevation.
... and still think this game is terrible.
Gears of War 2 consists of four parts:
- Single Player Campaign - excellent
- Co-op Campaign (online and off) - excellent
- Horde multiplayer - excellent
- Online Multiplayer - sucks

I wish all the games I purchased for my Xbox 360 were this bad. ;)
[quote name='Zyzomys']Gears of War 2 consists of four parts:
- Single Player Campaign - excellent
- Co-op Campaign (online and off) - excellent
- Horde multiplayer - excellent
- Online Multiplayer - sucks

I wish all the games I purchased for my Xbox 360 were this bad. ;)[/quote]

Exactly. This is one of three xbox 360 games, in which i replayed single player again, right after beating it for the first time. The other two games were GTA IV, and Bioshock.
bread's done