I've had mine since launch and I barely played it for the first time this morning. I stopped right after I finished getting the animals back in the barn. Go me.
Well Z-Saber...don't feel too bad! Look at it just saved possibly 2 if not more peoples game files after losing yours. You helped other mankind for one small sacrifice! :lol:
Barnes has got it made, towards the beginning he has a monopoply on items you need to advance in the game! thats not fair! Capitalist pigs of hyrule!
Need a little help:

After I get the Master Sword, do I ever get to go back to the sacred grove? I need to grab some golden bugs.
[quote name='evanft']Need a little help:

After I get the Master Sword, do I ever get to go back to the sacred grove? I need to grab some golden bugs.

Man, I wish I didn't have a job... I'd be able to get in a hell of a lot more gaming. :)

Anyway, woke up early this morning and beat the Palace of Twilight and
Zant, which was pretty cool... took a good amount of damage figuring out what in the hell to do to hurt him in a couple of the mini-battle stages of that fight, particularly the sacred grove part where you've gotta boomerang him

I was grateful that it was a shorter than the previous two dungeons. I think I'm gonna dive back in and take this one home now.
[quote name='evanft']Need a little help:

After I get the Master Sword, do I ever get to go back to the sacred grove? I need to grab some golden bugs.

You get to have a showdown with the goddamned skull kid again in about two dungeons. I suffered the same thing as you playing through it.

Scobie, be sure to close it out. The last two dungeons or so are very satisfying (though I thought City in the Sky was the hardest part of the game, honestly), and the battles great. The ending makes you wanna break your fucking TV with your controller, though. Fair warning.
[quote name='mykevermin']Scobie, be sure to close it out. The last two dungeons or so are very satisfying (though I thought City in the Sky was the hardest part of the game, honestly), and the battles great. The ending makes you wanna break your fucking TV with your controller, though. Fair warning.[/QUOTE]

I gotta disagree!!! I *just* beat it, and W-O-W!!! I'm still a little dazed from it all. :) The final battle felt way more epic than any of the others to me, and I thought the ending was amazing. I'm totally satisfied.

All told, it took me about 73 hours, and save for a few dips (relative compared to the beauty and great heights of most of the game), I enjoyed every minute of it.

Z-Saber -- I know you got burned hard on the cannon glitch, but try to make it back through. It'll be worth your while.

For everyone else still playing, good luck out there! Enjoy it as much as you can and join me in hoping we see another full Zelda adventure during the Wii's lifecycle.
Ya and Z-Saber it'll probably take you like 15 hours to get to where you are if you don't go for everything...maybe less depending how much you remember.

But I agree the final fight is awesome. It felt really epic and it made the game right there...I wish the story would have revolved around those 3 characters the entire game. Then I would have REALLY felt into it.
[quote name='Spades22']Ya and Z-Saber it'll probably take you like 15 hours to get to where you are if you don't go for everything...maybe less depending how much you remember.[/quote]Well, I'm sort of a completionist, especially when it comes to Zelda games, so I don't think I can just skip over stuff. Anyway, I'm just gonna use this downloaded save that was right where I was. I'm gonna check it more thoroughly to see what this save has done that I didn't, vice versa, etc.
I caught the bass, catfish, and pike with the bobber pole, then again with the lure pole from the canoe, and I've been fishing for the sinking lure with the bobber pole now for close to an hour. I looked on IGN to find the correct place to fish, but no luck yet. I know it's north of the little bridge where I caught the bottle and the sack of rupees, but could somebody tell me EXACTLY where I should be looking?
[quote name='evanft']Where is that room, anyway?

I'm about 19 hours into the game, and I'm right before the trip across the desert. Am I moving fast or slow?[/QUOTE]

What is the trip across the desert? I just finished the water temple and I'm at 35-40 hours or so. And I don't think I've gotten to any desert yet (I lived in a real one for 12 years and I haven't seen one in Zelda yet ;) There's been some desolate landscapes, but nothing I'd call a desert). And people say YOU are going slow? :rofl:. Or are you just talking about the trips through Hyrule field??

I have 9 or 10 hearts (and I've gotten pretty much every piece available to me at this point) so I must be getting close to the glitch area. Z-Saber, thanks for reminding us - I had forgotten the details. I remember reading about that one and another involving the breaking bridge? I didn't really follow that one, but I made sure to keep backup saves spaced an hour or two apart just in case. I always do that anyway for most of these types of games, just in case.
[quote name='io']What is the trip across the desert? I just finished the water temple and I'm at 35-40 hours or so. And I don't think I've gotten to any desert yet (I lived in a real one for 12 years and I haven't seen one in Zelda yet ;) There's been some desolate landscapes, but nothing I'd call a desert). And people say YOU are going slow? :rofl:. Or are you just talking about the trips through Hyrule field??[/quote]

Nope, we're talking a full blown desert. You'll know it when you get there ;)
[quote name='lebowsky']Nope, we're talking a full blown desert. You'll know it when you get there ;)[/QUOTE]

Then my question is how the hell is evanft going SLOW when he's only 19 hours in? Damn, you people and your twitch gaming.

I figured I was halfway done since I've heard it is 60-70 hours and I'm just over half that, and I have about half the hearts (and I seem to be halfway through the CE strat guide). I wasted a few hours fishing and messing around in the lake area (doing the rapids, flying chickens, etc). And I went back to pick up heart pieces after getting new abilities. But other than that I thought I was progressing pretty well. I do play it with my son (and he does much of it). So that slows us a bit, but not 10-15 hours worth ;).

I did blow through the water temple pretty quickly and had no issues with the rotating stairs thing which I've seen some people complain about.
Ya you're probably half done...and the bridge glitch doesn't's not a glitch. Only worry bout the cannon one.
Beat the game two weeks ago (awesome final battle - truly epic) and finished most of the mini-games and got all the hearts/bugs/fish. The only thing left -
just gotta go back to Roll Goal and finish the other 56 levels/stages. I hate that mini-game, but I'm a completionist.
[quote name='spoo']I have heard that you can turn down the wiimote's volume but I can't figure out how. Could anyone tell me how?[/QUOTE]

Click the 'Home' button on the controller and then click on the bottom portion of menu, (on or around the battery meter). That will bring up the wii remote settings and the top portion allows you to select the volume setting.
Looking for pointers on the Sky Temple.
How do you hit the ceiling switch in the main room to turn off the fan? I assume that's what we need to do because hookshotting to the fan blade knocks Link down, but I can't reach the switch from the top of that one pillar Link can stand on. Please help.
[quote name='soonersfan60']Looking for pointers on the Sky Temple.
How do you hit the ceiling switch in the main room to turn off the fan? I assume that's what we need to do because hookshotting to the fan blade knocks Link down, but I can't reach the switch from the top of that one pillar Link can stand on. Please help.
Are you near the beginning of that temple? The mechanism to turn off the fan is triggered much later, near the end of the trip through the temple, so if you're not there yet, don't worry. If you are, I or someone else will probably be able to give you more info.
[quote name='wjhard63']Click the 'Home' button on the controller and then click on the bottom portion of menu, (on or around the battery meter). That will bring up the wii remote settings and the top portion allows you to select the volume setting.[/QUOTE]
Thanks! Now I'm not annoyed by the crappy speaker when I play.
Ya took me a bit to figure that part of the sky temple out too. Anyway you
First go to the back room of the dungeon where you gotta turn into a wolf to walk on the ropes, then you go to the bottom door, turn off that fan I think, then go back to the main room, double hookshot up to the bottom of that fan you turned off, slide down, and grapple the hanging switch thingy,.
ya that was a fun one. Ya I was stuck there for a real long time too...I bet you a good 15 minutes. That dungeon had good puzzles, a good new item, and a great of the best for sure.
[quote name='The Crotch']After months of lying to myself (I'm waiting for a price drop! Or at least new colours! Or maybe I'm waiting for Smash Bros... or Metroid...), I picked up a Wii yesterday. I couldn't help myself. I'm hardly ever in the city, and I see two* shiny new Wiis sitting on the shelf...

Anyway, on the topic of Zelda: I'm in the Fire Temple. Things are going well so far. I've died once, at the hawk part - I blame Midna for pointing me towards the waterwheel instead of around back. The wolf seems to be a lot harder to fight with, on account of the lack of shield and ranged weapons. Still, I'm loving the game.

My question (and I don't think this requires spoiler tags. but I'll use 'em anyway):
is there some secret to getting new skills? I have the first one, Link's "Sword Plant". But I ran across one of those statue dealies on Death Mountain as a wolf, did a bit of howling, and got a cut-scene. I believe the gold wolf said something about coming back when I had a sword, and a wolf's face showed up on my map. And then... nothing happened. I came back later as a human, and again, nothing happened. Wha?[/spoiler[

*Obligatory PS3 Count: 15[/QUOTE]

Go to the place where the wolf is marked on your map as human link, and go up to the goldon wolf. I believe there are...7? skills in all, and the howling stones get harder and harder to find.
[quote name='The Crotch']1) Like I said, I went there, and... nothing. Do I have to complete the temple?

2) So I say I'm going to use spoiler tags, and then I fuck them up. Yay, me.[/quote]1) make sure you're back in link form and run up to the wolf (you should see him, it will automatically bring up a cutscene when you do)
2) It seems to me that the spoiler tags worked, maybe because silverpaw quoted it wrong?
Thanks guys. We finished the Sky Temple today, and didn't even have to turn on that fan.
We were able to claw shoot across even though the one "face" was turned.
Now we're at
the Twilight Temple
. Is this the last one?
[quote name='soonersfan60']Thanks guys. We finished the Sky Temple today, and didn't even have to turn on that fan.
We were able to claw shoot across even though the one "face" was turned.
Now we're at
the Twilight Temple
. Is this the last one?[/QUOTE]

You're almost there! After beating the Palace of Twilight and all the hilarity that the "carry the orb" missions entail plus the showdown with Zant which is kinda fun, you'll be on your way to the final dungeon... Hyrule Castle.

Good luck! And be sure to save before you use the big key in that one to unlock the boss door... you may want to return to the game pre-finale to finish sidequests and whatnot.
Sorry for reviving an old thread but..
Did anyone else feel slighty disappointed with this game?
Keep in mind, Ill be comparing with Oot, first zelda game i have ever owned/played.
First of all, my first reaction after beating it was that the final fight was nowhere near exciting/paramount.
The beast form was hard to figure out, but it was mediocre entertainment, horse fight was fun, but the sword fight was downright slow. You could just take your time, only once in a while would ganondorf rush attack/shield break.
Each boss in the game werent very fun, but had something unique that made it good
Diababa was a very nicely designed and grotesque
The goron partiarch.... wasnt that good, it was an original way to defeat the boss, but there was no second form of attack or anything, making it monotonous.
The water temple boss (forgive i dont remmeber the names) was a behemoth, with a little trip down memory lane with Oot's water temple boss
The boss in Gerudo desert was fun, doin all sorts of things on the spinner.
The yeti boss fun... temple of time was nostalgic... battle with Zant was fun..

It was just the final battle, you would think they would pull out all the stops to make it at least a flashy/epic battle. Maybe its just me.

one second thing its not a major concern because this is probably just me. It seems like the game didnt last very long at all. I have prolly spent more time
on my DBZ game.. But I didnt get malo mart castle branch open, get magic armor or any of the side quests, cave of ordeals... but still the time for me to beat the game was a good chunk short then what I have read (never skipped any cutscenes, also got my heart pieces up to at least 13 hearts).
Small rant: Man, i wish i did those things before I beat the game, going to do those after the game is beaten seems like just a quick visit, never actually fully into the game. Except for Cave of Ordeals, good stuff.

End. Sorry for my rants, had to get it out.
Only part of the game that dissapointed me was the story a bit. I really didn't like was too weird at parts and I didn't care for Midna at all. The twilight parts/wolf parts weren't too great either. But gameplay with Link and in dungeons was more than I expected, and that made the game for me.
The fact is that as serious as the story was - it was disjointed as hell. It started off well enough but it didn't do anything important or epic with the characters.
Any guess at how many hours I have left if I just got to the City in the Sky, and I'm only really trying to collect hearts (i don't even want all the heart pieces, just enough to survive). It took me 35 hrs to get to this point, if that makes a diffrence.
Hours in the game from city in the sky? lets see arbiter is 4th,..tot 6, 7 is... ya city in the sky... ok you got like, probably around 6-8 hours left depending on where you are in city of the sky. If you got like 10 hearts you'll be easily fine without potions or anything (except the last boss you might need to pick up hearts or use a potion)
The sky temple is pathetically easy as are most temples in this game. All it takes is a little common sense and patience. Beat the game last call that a fucking ending?
levels 1-7 and 1-8 in the bait shop are the most difficult moments in zelda (aside from a self-imposed cave of ordeals challenge)
Yeah, sky took me like 2 hours. I want to finish up the game because someone offered me 35 bucks for it, and I don't see myself playing it again.
[quote name='seanr1221']FINALLY beat it today...great game.

Took me 43 hours.[/quote]

Good job, I'm headed to the final level right now at about 60 hours.
My son and I took turns and finally finished today. It took us 83 hours. But we only found 14 bugs, 30 poes, and got 16 heart containers, and spend a LOT of time fishing and flying with chickens. And let's not even mention how freaking many times I had to play the marble game at the fishing shop in order to get the frog lure.

He's still complaining that it was unfair that the game doesn't allow you to keep playing after defeating Gannon so that you can go back to the villages and see the kids returned to their parents and have everyone in Hyrule be happy again.

Does anybody know how the heck to deliver hot spring water to the Goron south of castletown ? Every time we warped with a fresh catch, it turned to regular water by the time we talked to him.

I know I'm late to the party on this game, but I just wanted to chime in here with a nice "F you, Rollgoal."

I got to 1-7 on the Wii version and lost all 250+ rupees on it. She can take that frog lure and stick it somewhere.
[quote name='bmulligan']Does anybody know how the heck to deliver hot spring water to the Goron south of castletown ? Every time we warped with a fresh catch, it turned to regular water by the time we talked to him. [/QUOTE]

I think you've got to get Malo Mart opened in Castle Town. Then the old Goron outside of the Kakariko Village Malo Mart will set you up with the hot water challenge. He'll give you a barrel of it and set you off running towards to the thirsty Goron on the bridge. Naturally there are nuissance enemies all along the way.
Ya that sidequest thing is annoying IF you run down the middle, do as said above but run along the nearest edge of the land area there and its a piece of cake.
[quote name='bmulligan']
Does anybody know how the heck to deliver hot spring water to the Goron south of castletown ? Every time we warped with a fresh catch, it turned to regular water by the time we talked to him.
First you need to talk to the Goron on the east side of Castle Town, and then talk to the elder in Kakariko Village, in front of Malo's store. The elder will give you a barrel of water to take to the Goron. This starts a short "minigame" in which you carry the barrel from the east corner to the Goron waiting in the west. Once you've successfully delivered the water, a hot springwater shop will open up in Castle Town, and you can bring water from there to the Goron in the south. It also reduces the price of establishing Malo's Castle Town shop from 2000 to 200 rupees.

Basically, what Scobie said. I just backtracked to the start of the quest in case you didn't know about it (I discovered it after paying 2/3 of the debt).
[quote name='G33']Basically, what Scobie said. I just backtracked to the start of the quest in case you didn't know about it (I discovered it after paying 2/3 of the debt).[/QUOTE]

Interesting! Seems like there are a couple of short cuts to save on rupees while trying to open up the Castle Town store. I went the long and expensive way through, but with all the exploring I did, getting enough rupees was a piece of cake.

It kinda makes me wonder... with all the rupees available, why isn't everybody in Hyrule a millionaire? All you've gotta do is cut grass and lift rocks for a few hours to get rich.
I'm selling it now that I beat it, even thought it was great, I can't see myself playing it again, at all. EB gives 35 for it.
15 bucks for 47 hours of entertainment? Pretty good.
My wife got me Zelda for Valentine's Day. Have not played it yet. Waiting til the doc takes the stitches out of my left middle finger. Busted it open at work. Lovely feeling. :razz:
[quote name='Scobie']
I think you've got to get Malo Mart opened in Castle Town. Then the old Goron outside of the Kakariko Village Malo Mart will set you up with the hot water challenge. He'll give you a barrel of it and set you off running towards to the thirsty Goron on the bridge. Naturally there are nuissance enemies all along the way.
On the hot water challenge, if you stay on the far right of the field and run along the edge of the cliff, the enemies dont even bother you. I found this out after trying the challenge about 5 times just running straight through the field and getting hit. Stay along the edge of the cliff all the way to the bridge the Goron is at. Easy that way.
bread's done