Official NHL 10 CAG Team REBOOT - CheapyD All Stars - Hockey Night Fridays @ 8-12 EST

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[quote name='Matt Young']I'll be at a hockey game. We have games tonight, tomorrow, and Sunday.[/QUOTE]

You don't ever play with us anyway, lol.

I'll be there, Magic. Should have plenty of time to play tonight, as I'll be trapped in my apartment again. It just started snowing about 10 minutes ago, and everything is already covered. They're calling for 12-16 inches in the next 36 hours.
Oh fuck man, that's gonna suck to look at tomorrow morning. I'm not even supposed to get any snow tonight (but the wind chill of -20 sure as hell makes up for it).

I might be starting a bit late tonight, but I'm feeling quite good after my first hat trick last night, as well as my 100th point and 100th game played today. Hope some people come and we get some hard-fought games tonight!
[quote name='n8rockerasu']You don't ever play with us anyway, lol.

I'll be there, Magic. Should have plenty of time to play tonight, as I'll be trapped in my apartment again. It just started snowing about 10 minutes ago, and everything is already covered. They're calling for 12-16 inches in the next 36 hours.[/QUOTE]

It's not for lack of trying! They just schedule a lot of Friday and Saturday games.

It turns out that we're not going to the game tonight now, so I may be up for playing if you guys get enough to do private matches, unless I'm playing Valkyria Chronicles, which I just bought. I really wish I could just be on 2 teams at once.
All right, I got one point in about 10 games last night. I played one game today and scored about 2 minutes in. Think the league games actually have some defence.
EDIT: scored again in the same game, looking like it's going to OT now.
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So, uh, who's going to be around for hockey tonight? With Magic's disc being broken, I know he's out. Based on who showed up last week, that would leave me and Darktower. The game is actually pretty fun for those who have forgotten. We even won at least 5 games last week. It would be nice to see a few extra players on tonight.
Yeah, my disc is broken and I don't want to pay another $55 for a new one -.-
Sorry guys, but unless I can somehow get a free copy, it's looking like my season is gonna be done.
[quote name='Magicking610']Yeah, my disc is broken and I don't want to pay another $55 for a new one -.-
Sorry guys, but unless I can somehow get a free copy, it's looking like my season is gonna be done.[/QUOTE]

Ehh, don't worry. You're not missing much. Nobody showed up tonight anyway. But if it's unlikely that you'll get a new disc, I'll go ahead and drop you from the league so we can see where everybody else stands. I think most people have 8+ games played, so there really shouldn't be much left.
It's a shame I couldn't come, but even if I could of replaced the disc, I left my power cord home, only got it this morning. I'm going to see if I can try to get the damn thing to work or if it's really done.
[quote name='Magicking610']It's a shame I couldn't come, but even if I could of replaced the disc, I left my power cord home, only got it this morning. I'm going to see if I can try to get the damn thing to work or if it's really done.[/QUOTE]

Well, don't screw up your 360 over it. At the most, I would try installing it to your hard drive. That way it doesn't have to spin the disc to play it.
I would install it to the hard drive, but the 360 refuses to recognize that I have actually put the disc in. It will try to read for about 10 seconds, then will say "open tray". I don't think installing it will do anything at this point though, so I might just either look into finding a really cheap copy, going back to NHL 09 (I'd rather not, no online play anymore), or preorder NHL 11 before it's even announced.
Hey just a suggestion for Magic; why don't you rent the game, install to the hard drive, then insert your broken disk and see if the game will load.
Yeah, that's actually not a bad idea either. That would be the cheap way to "pick it up". Although if it doesn't even show the game as being NHL 10 in the dash, I doubt it would work. It's at least worth a shot though...rather than going back to NHL 09.
You know, that's actually not a bad idea. The tape trick didn't work, so I guess that'll be worth a shot next time I can go spend $9 on a rental. I mean, if it doesn't work, at least it'll give me 5 days of hockey. So yeah, I'm going to look into that. I don't suspect it'll be soon though, because I'm investing $150 into a real net so I can play real hockey.
Bumping this to see if anyone wants to play hockey tonight. Magic and I have played a few nights this week already and even won some games. We've also both been sharpening our glitch shot "skills", so in case the need arises, we can at least defend ourselves. With the Olympics going on and all, I was hoping some people would want to get back into team hockey.

Starts at 8 PM EST. Hope to see some people on.
Uh, well tonight is actually looking iffy for me. Where I'm going, there's no TV in my room. I may or may not be able to play tonight, but I hope if I'm not there that you guys actually play some games. By the way, my glitch shot "skills" still suck ass. I've scored a lot more cross-crease and legit goals with my new setup though. Also, using the "high" camera setting has really helped me be able to set people up and see where the other team is.
[quote name='ammowasted']I just played kazo in the first two games and we split. However, there's some controversy around the second game...less than a minute left, I win the draw in his zone, dangle with my dman and shoot. Is this a glitch called a curve shot supposedly? I've honestly never even heard of it before, let alone know how to do it. How can me shooting from the blue line after dangling the puck be a glitch?[/QUOTE]

See my post in the actual league thread for a response to this (don't want to bog down the CAG team thread with league issues).
[quote name='SeanAmI']How many people are you guys getting every Friday?[/QUOTE]

Not many. We probably average about 3...but some weeks we'll have none. Seems most people got burnt out on this game much quicker this year.
Just curious who is going to be around for CAG Hockey tonight? I know a few people mentioned playing this week, so I hope everyone is still available. It would be nice to see a solid turnout.
It's looking I'll be around for tonight. I've been quite good when playing legit with my new setup (danglers ftw).
Nate, when you get a chance, you can update my entry on the first page: name is Alexandre Picard, and now I've found out I can play any foward position with no problem.
Really great night for CAG Hockey tonight! We had a great turnout, with six guys showing up, allowing us to divide up into two teams of three (we tried numerous times to get a game with six going, but apparently nobody wanted to face a human goalie). The total record for the CAG team tonight was 6-8, including wins in 4 of our last 5 games.

Magic and I played the final two by ourselves and came back from a 3-1 deficit midway through the 2nd period to push the first game into OT. We ended up winning that game thanks to a costly turnover that allowed me to find Magic on the backside of the net for an easy put in. Our final game we just dominated the other team, winning by a score of 3-0, and outshooting them 21-8.

It was a really fun night, and I thought there were a lot of moments where we looked pretty good as a team. I really hope we see as good of a turnout next week!
I think that might of been the best night I've ever been a part of. I saw more teamwork than we have ever had before, which led to a few of our own records being broken, mainly most goals in a night and most wins in a night. Great job guys, I hope we can carry this over to next week!
I know a lot of you guys use the BAP High/Low cameras, but please, please, please, please consider switching to Ice or Classic.

As someone who primarily plays/played defense for this team, its getting maddening how often I, or even the A.I Dman, are wide open down at the the points. Or how often when we pick up the puck in the defensive zone, the opposing team is still in our zone putting pressure, and the forwards on our team are already on the other half of the ice.

The BAP cameras are just too restricting in that you can't see what is going on behind you. As a result, every possession we have generally results in going in a straight line up the ice. It seems like we are averaging 2-3 minutes time on attack, and that's just not going to cut it. We should be getting that much per period. I know I've only been playing again for the last two weeks, but this is the same stuff that has been going on since we have been paying back in '09. I even made a post similar to this back then. [/bitching and moaning]
[quote name='moojuice']I know a lot of you guys use the BAP High/Low cameras, but please, please, please, please consider switching to Ice or Classic.

As someone who primarily plays/played defense for this team, its getting maddening how often I, or even the A.I Dman, are wide open down at the the points. Or how often when we pick up the puck in the defensive zone, the opposing team is still in our zone putting pressure, and the forwards on our team are already on the other half of the ice.

The BAP cameras are just too restricting in that you can't see what is going on behind you. As a result, every possession we have generally results in going in a straight line up the ice. It seems like we are averaging 2-3 minutes time on attack, and that's just not going to cut it. We should be getting that much per period. I know I've only been playing again for the last two weeks, but this is the same stuff that has been going on since we have been paying back in '09. I even made a post similar to this back then. [/bitching and moaning][/QUOTE]

I agree with this for the most part. I am one who uses the BAP camera just because to me it makes the game feel faster and more exciting. It definitely makes passing behind you more difficult, but I try to counter it by coming to a sudden stop, turning, and kicking the puck back to the point if no legitimate opportunity to score in front of the net is available.

The problem is this only actually applies when we can get all of our guys into the offensive zone. Just by the nature of OTP and the way people play, I feel like it's set up to run and gun. There are a lot of times when I can barely make it across the blue line before getting destroyed, and when I know I'm going to get checked off the puck, I dump it on net and hope for a rebound (this is how I ended up with 16 shots in one of the last couple games Magic and I played). I'm all for passing the puck around and deking, but if all it leads to is a turnover, then it's just a wasted possession.

HOWEVER, a wide open shot from the point is as good as any shot you're going to get, and I've seen a lot of teams this year who just rifle shot after shot with their defensemen, and end up with deflections, rebounds, or the goalie missing the puck entirely. The only time I don't like defensemen shooting is if it gets blocked and then the other team ends up with a breakway. But those are usually not wide open.

I agree 100% with scaling back on the cherry picking though. Most of the time as center, I try to stay back and help out, but sometimes I do get caught up trying to break out early. And that's something I could work on. In the game or two I played on defense, I can echo Alan's sentiments that when the other team presses you, it becomes really easy for them to trap you if you don't have someone to pass the puck to. And with the passing this year, it can sometimes be tough hitting the forwards with a super long pass because if someone moves even slightly, it becomes a quick icing.

I do think when playing with 4+ people (or any time a defensemen is involved), we need to do a better job including him, and taking advantage of having an actual human player at that position. It's a little different with the AI defensemen, since all you can do is call for the pass back or force them to shoot...and even then, they might shoot it right into somebody. But we do need to be a little more aware of our teammates when we've got all human players.
I don't even use BAP camera in BAP... the classic is just the best. Also makes me feel like I'm playing the old NHL 94 games.
Hell yeah! Finally earned my Legend Card online tonight! I played a bunch of games with randoms, didn't play on a losing team all night, and averaged about 3 points per game. Finally reached a damn A- in skater only took 216 games, haha. Woo, am I ready for Friday! :)
Welcome to the Legend Club and the 200+ Games Club ;)

Take satisfaction in knowing you won't lose attribute points regardless, so you can just quit out if you're on a horrible team of randoms.
[quote name='striker199']congrats nate[/QUOTE]

[quote name='moojuice']Welcome to the Legend Club and the 200+ Games Club ;)

Take satisfaction in knowing you won't lose attribute points regardless, so you can just quit out if you're on a horrible team of randoms.[/QUOTE]

Thanks guys! I know you got there a long time ago, Alan. I think it was just a matter of finally having my points distributed right and getting a really good stretch of games. Between my acceleration, speed and wrist shot accuracy, I've noticed a big difference. I've got my acceleration at 90 now and my speed and agility are at 84. Wrist shot accuracy is also at 90.

It's funny. Having the maximum amount of points to play with (plus the equipment boosts) really reminds me of when I 99 glitched my skater in 09. Just having the speed to beat everybody down the ice, and then the accuracy to stick the puck just inside the post. It's freaking nice, haha. :)
Nice job Nate!
Wish I could play with/against the people that you were playing with, I sure could use the stat boosts for Friday. :p
Think we'll be as successful as last week? The 2 teams of 3 as well as the skill that we had that night really went together nicely.
[quote name='Magicking610']Nice job Nate!
Wish I could play with/against the people that you were playing with, I sure could use the stat boosts for Friday. :p
Think we'll be as successful as last week? The 2 teams of 3 as well as the skill that we had that night really went together nicely.[/QUOTE]

I definitely think we will be. The thing about OTP is, there's just a certain style of play that works. Because of how fast some players are and how easily they knock the puck away, if you spend too much time trying to set up plays, more often than not, they become turnovers. And if you keep playing that style, you're just going to end up with your 1 hard earned goal compared to the 3 cross creases the other team scores.

It's like when the Europeans first colonized North America...and they got frustrated that the Native Americans didn't march in a straight line when they fought. You've just gotta adapt to what your opponent throws at you. It's all about shots. Good shots, and lots of them. One pass, two pass, shoot. Anything more than that and you're just asking for trouble.

Playing with randoms, I had some ridiculously run and gun games. Granted, many of these were 6 on 6 games, but after both teams scored 3 goals in the first period, both goalies quit, haha. One game, we were trailing 5-3 at the end of the 2nd, and came back to win 7-5. I even scored a freaking deflection goal on a shot from the point (my deflections are 75..I had to watch the replay to believe it, haha).

There wasn't a lot of glitch shooting (especially since many games had human goalies), but of course cross creasing was rampant. But at the same time, everybody generally knew how to defend it (although there were some games where the defensemen wouldn't stay back and gave up countless breakaways). But sometimes the other team would have an easy scoring chance, and you just had to come back down the ice and answer. I don't think there was a single game that had less than 4 goals per side. It wasn't exactly fundamental hockey, but it was fun, and there was a crap ton of scoring, lol.
Yeah, I'll be there tonight. Unlocked a bunch of boosts last night because I finally finished a full BAP season (96 acceleration XD). Well guys, we get to start out on a winning streak!

Also Nate, if you want to start a bit early, I should be on by 7:30, mainly because I want to get as many games as possible played tonight.

Hope to see everyone there tonight!
[quote name='Magicking610']Yeah, I'll be there tonight. Unlocked a bunch of boosts last night because I finally finished a full BAP season (96 acceleration XD). Well guys, we get to start out on a winning streak!

Also Nate, if you want to start a bit early, I should be on by 7:30, mainly because I want to get as many games as possible played tonight.

Hope to see everyone there tonight![/QUOTE]

Yeah, I can do 7:30. Sounds good. See you then!
Actually, it might even be possible that I might be on by 7, but I can't promise that, nor do I want to wear out the hockey spirit too early. Let's see how much damage we can do to the other teams as we start this new season :)
Damn, it's just me and Magic so far, but we're off to a great start! Won our first two games, and have won 4 in a row dating back to last week, and 6 out of our last 7. CAG team is currently ranked 939 in this young season, haha. (2-0)
Just wanted to bump this to say I won't be able to make it for hockey night tomorrow. But I will be around tonight if anybody wants to play. Either OTP, or even just getting a few league games done. I'll be on at 8 PM EST.
Awww, that's a shame since I won't be around tonight (like my internet would let me play anyway XD). However, I'd be willing to lead hockey night tomorrow as long as at least one other person comes. Hope to see you guys then!
EDIT: And if I can get my internet problems together for tomorrow night.
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