Official NHL 12 CAG Team - We're Back Baby!!! WifeBeaterz on Parole!

I was checking the stats last night, I have only 31 games played, yet 53 drop-ins played... I keep missing the nights you guys play (i.e. Tuesday).

Also not gonna be around Friday which I guess is fine since playoffs are rolling, I played drop-ins all last Friday.

Probably gonna need to boost to get to legend. My stats and position are A- but the team play blows cause the drop-in teams play legit 50% of the time.
[quote name='Matt Young']We actually haven't been playing the last couple Tuesdays, unless the others did after I went to bed.[/QUOTE]

We have been playing kinda sporadically lately, but yeah...we do start after 10 EST sometimes too. The team hasn't really hit a groove yet. A lot of schedules are different from how they were in the past, and we swap positions around a lot, and's usually just "the regulars".

Honestly, I kinda hoped that an absence of "the playoff five" would open up some doors for others to play more and compete for a spot on the playoff roster, but that really hasn't happened. Destro is easily our 6th man, but outside of that, there's really nobody else. I know Brandon, Rob, and I have been playing a lot of Madden lately, but it doesn't take much for somebody to send a message of "NHL?" and most of the time, we'll switch over. Just takes a little initiative.
6th man... hopefully more like the award than the movie!

Oh yeah, I could message NHL, but if 3 guys are playing Madden I figure that's what you wanna play ya know? I need to work on some BAP soon to get more boosts. I've been really gunning for games played the last week or so.

In any case, not complaining, just explaining. You guys ripped off 10 straight wins last week which is pretty awesome, I think it was just Brandon and Alan for 7 of them or so.
[quote name='n8rockerasu'] Destro is easily our 6th man, but outside of that, there's really nobody else. I know Brandon, Rob, and I have been playing a lot of Madden lately, but it doesn't take much for somebody to send a message of "NHL?" and most of the time, we'll switch over. Just takes a little initiative.[/QUOTE]

Am I the de facto 7th/8th man, or do I have to play a game first? :p
I've just been playing single player stuff and trying to finish it. I kind of got absorbed in Mass Effect for a few days. I was hoping to get more time with the team as opposed to drop-ins, but I'm not really the guy that rallies everyone together to play a game.
[quote name='DestroVega']How'd the playoff run go?[/QUOTE]

Lost our first game 1-0 in OT after our goalie kicked the puck into the net. The team was beatable though. We've really gotta stay more disciplined with our positioning. Too many times we had guys lunging for hits from too far away and they were easily avoided. We have to remember that the hitting in this game is different, and you don't need a running start to flatten somebody. I've seen guys get crushed from two inches away just as much as I've seen guys just shrug off checks that were lined up 10 feet away. We've gotta get back to making the smart play and forcing the other team to make the mistake.

In other news, this is how the rest of the night went.

A New Low

A New High
[quote name='Matt Young']Wow, AI goalie... wow. Really?[/QUOTE] always scared the crap out of me when the goalie just throws it backward like that, but I've never seen one actually go in. You could see I tried to stop it with my stick, but was too late. This kinda stuff is really starting to wear on me with OTP/EASHL. The fact that EA intentionally made the players worse in this mode is inexcusable. They just don't act this stupid in any other game mode. Actually, yeah...I'm going to go post that video on their Facebook just to say thank you.
Injured my elbow last night by falling on it on a bad angle. So if anybody wants to play let me know. I'll be around all week nursing this shit and geeking out. Also, thanks for the code Alan, appreciate it.
Connecticut is decimated by weather and electricity is out everywhere AGAIN.... second time in two months.

I've been in the dark since Saturday... they have no estimate but expect most to have it back by MONDAY morning.... we live in 2011, right?
At the risk of sounding like i'm on a high horse, I kind of want to share some thoughts I've had regarding our play this year. Both offensively and defensively, I feel like we've been playing much, much worse.

I thought I posted this breakdown (the second video) a while back, but I didn't. The first vid is a quick example of a horrible defensive play that happened last night.

There is no reason at all that this should EVER happen, but it happens frequently on a less extreme scale. What we are supposed to do is highlighted in the second video. Basically, it comes to putting pressure without chasing, and holding the blue line, which I know I basically say every other game that we need to hold that line, but no one ever seems to do it on a consistent basis.

In the first video, they literally take the puck from their OWN end boards, and take it past our own blue line without ANY pressure of any sort. None. There is finally pressure applied maybe 5 feet past the blue line by Brandon, and if he misses his check, Gary is nowhere to help.

Now, I'm not saying we have to taking running starts to check guys, but we need to play within body range, so at the very least, the puck carrier has to worry about the guy in his face. The breakdown video here shows what I am talking about.

We've really been playing really badly defensively as of late- we crowd our own slot too much, pushing each other out of the way; we chase too much in the neutral zone, leaving us out of position if we end up in the defensive zone; we don't "switch" positions on the forecheck when necessary (for example, if the center is behind their net, a winger needs to drop back and replace the center untill we have a chance to reset), nor do we switch positions on the fly enough (a winger drops back to our own corner on defense which, in some scenarios, they should, gets the puck, freeing up a Dman for a breakout, but the winger doesn't drop back to cover the Dman.

This is just defensively. We have constant problems on offensive of crowding the net too much, putting too much pressure on fore checking, and not cycling the puck efficiently. I might try to record some more videos to highlight some issues, but it's easier to start with defense first, so I'll leave it at that for now.
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My new xbox should arrive Tuesday, which should help my long standing connectivity issues. I'll definitely be up for rejoining the team then.
I agree 1000%. Unfortunately, the feeling I've gotten this year is that each of us needs to decide if we care enough to play properly. In most instances, I think we all know what we should be doing. But if we care about winning games, we HAVE to stay disciplined and stop getting lazy. Like you said, it definitely starts with defense...but then it carries into poorly aimed passes, passes into traffic, holding onto the puck too long, bunching up in front of the net, etc, etc. The bottom line is a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, and I can say personally that when one of us is making bad plays, I try to adjust my play to cover for them...which really just puts me out of position, and if the team we're playing is good enough, they'll capitalize on it.

Going hand in hand with that, we can't just be satisfied looking for shitty teams to beat up on all night so we can feel good about ourselves. We've beaten plenty of good teams, and there's no reason we can't on a nightly basis. It just takes discipline and recognition that we're not doing what we should be doing.

I don't know if we've just hit a slump or what, but I want to make sure everybody is happy with their place on the team. I know we've all been locked into our positions for awhile, but if anybody wants to change (or feels a change is needed), just speak up. If the team needed me to permanently move to defenseman, I'd gladly do it. But by that same token, we can't have guys moving up to the forward line and then not producing. If there's going to be a move it needs to be FOR the team (which is probably why it would also need to be for more than just a few games). I just want to make sure that's not the issue because I feel like we can play extremely well when we have our shit together. But the motivation has to be there too.
Good video but the problem is, some teams will all crash the net and not play real hockey because well its a game. The main thing is, the left winger needs to stay at the point and not drop down so he can watch the point man and get ready for the breakout. He can go down to the hash mark if he sees the man dropping down which is almost man to man at the point. Granted though, the center should take the right mans spot and the left keeps his momentum in his area. However, its a videogame and nobody will play like real life. Thats is what I was taught how ever and how i'm teaching a squirt team right now. As for me trailing off, I have no idea what happened but I should have been playing tight point with you. Thats my take how ever.
One valid thing to point out about the second video is that Destro and Wpark were playing with us there. Wpark is the center (which could explain the miscommunication with Alan on LD), and Destro is the LW (who goes off into the corner for whatever reason). Brandon is the RD who plays it a little soft, but does end up knocking the guy off the puck eventually. The play just breaks down after that.

The general message remains the same though: finding the happy medium between giving them too much room to skate and letting them blow by you. We shouldn't be charging at them where they can easily avoid hits, but we shouldn't play so far back that they can do whatever they want either. A lot of times when I'm back defensively, even if I have no intention of making a play on the puck, if I can get them to rush their shot/pass or hesitate longer than they were going to, it often screws up the timing of their team. If they just skate in unchallenged all they have to think about is what they want to do with the puck. In short, just get in the way and be a pest.

An example of this that popped up last night was when Rob was playing defenseman, and basically had a one on one with a guy coming into the slot. He backed off, and the guy sniped a corner. I know he said he didn't want to be too aggressive and let the guy get by him, but as deep as he was in the zone, there really was no "getting by him". Backing off pretty much gives him a one on one with the goalie anyway. Even if we don't knock the guy on his ass or take the puck away, we need to challenge the shot and make it as difficult as possible. Again, this happened with a "non-regular defensive guy" playing defense, but with most of us trying to expand our skills beyond one position, these are things to work on.
In regards to the last paragraph, it doesn't really matter if Rob isn't normally a Defenseman. Even forwards need to always apply pressure no matter what. Dmen are the last line of defense. Forwards need to do their best to prevent the other team from gaining the offensive zone, and dmen hold the fort down in the slot area and behind the net. Defense starts with fowards applying pressure on the forecheck, cutting off the passing lanes, and trying to force dump-and-chase style play. Defense becomes 10 times harder when we just let the other team waltz right past the blue line without breaking a sweat.
I'll watch the video when I get power back. My brother rarely plays with us so miscommunication is somewhat expected, no excuse for me.
[quote name='CAGLeagueSports']To add even more gasoline to this fire, I've finally got the stats for October compiled. There were definitely a few things that stood out to me as things that need to be worked on.

October 2011 Stats[/QUOTE]

My GAA is one lol
Ha Ha! 46 takes. I want to know what they consider a take and give anymore. I like playing wing since thats really the position I play.

All right. We really need to straighten some stuff out with the team. Last night was kind of a new (old) low. We were playing on an NHL 09 level...taking 8-0 losses and just looking like we had no clue what we're doing. The common link in our struggles lately has been having people away from their regular positions. In theory, everybody SHOULD know how to play each position (except maybe goalie...where there's really no expectation), but it's obviously not working this way.

When we move people up to forward, we'll get bad passes being thrown, holding onto the puck too long, and a general lack of scoring. When we move people back to defenseman, we'll get over aggressive play, not recognizing a cross crease when it's about to happen, and bad penalties. We pretty much spent the entire night jumbled up, and then when we did finally go back to our regular positions, we had a night's worth of bad habits already built up and couldn't shake it off. I don't want to come down on anybody because the six guys we had on last night are basically the only six who regularly give a shit about playing at all. But we HAVE to be able to recognize where our problems are coming from...or we might as well be playing Dark Souls.

Destro: You've got to get better, man. I'm sorry, but your level of play just isn't cutting it. Your passing was off, your shooting percentage has been abysmal, you're not seeing where the play is or where pressure is coming from. Don't get me wrong, we played horribly last night for far more reasons than just you. But, at the same time, guys are changing positions and sitting out to give you a spot. If we're going to do that, you've gotta start stepping up and making plays. We need you to contribute.

Gary: You're one of the "playoff 5". You improved your game tremendously from where it started in NHL 11, and you became the heart of our defense. I don't know if you realize it, but most of the time the way you play is directly related to how we play as a team. When you're holding the blue line strong and are making your checks, teams hardly even get shots on us. When you start lunging at people and take bad penalties, we often struggle. I'm just going to throw this out there because you're my friend and I'm not going to bullshit you. Lately, I've gotten the feeling that you're a bit bored with playing defenseman.

I know that in your real hockey league, you play wing, and I understand why you might want to do that in the game too. The problem is that in the meantime, we're not scoring. It took Brandon and I several years to get our passing and shooting to where it is, so if you're wanting to switch positions, it's going to take a lot of work on your end. Now, switching off for a few games here and there is fine, but you've probably been playing half your games at wing lately, and we've just seemed really out of sync in those games.

I'm not saying any of this to be critical of anybody. I just think we need to figure out what we're doing. If we want to take some time allowing people to learn new positions and improve their overall game, we need to start playing private games (serious ones), where we can push each other and improve weaknesses. Nights like last night just don't do us any good.
I know I was bad last night, I even checked today to take a look at how we did after I left, to see if the team flipped right back into playing well.

Not gonna make excuses, as I'd like to know myself why I shot 14% in the first month and 4.8% in October. Don't know what my % is right now for November but I'm sure it's not good especially if you are pointing it out.

Don't know what else to say really, I just didn't have it last night. I also don't wanna jostle everyone around and be the cause of making the team any worse. I actually felt pretty good about my game until last night, maybe playing 66% drop-ins to club games has effected me but I've been putting up tons of points in those but maybe the free-for-all style some of those games fall into is effecting me.

EDIT: maybe I should try to just keep sharpening up on goal so that I could contribute that way if you 5 guys are all on? I don't know what your feelings on that are. Like I said, I'd like to be an asset and not a disruption.
As you pointed out, drop-in games are the equivalent of a 1980's Oilers game. It's the Wild Wild West out there, a ton of shots and no one is bothering to duck.

Not to sounds like I'm piling on, but it's not just about shooting percentage (IMO). A high shooting percentage can often be the result of being set up by teammates for high percentage scoring opportunities. It's about being able to create chances for yourself and other people.

I said this last night and I'll say it again, but I think we should try private games from time to time, especially if we can get Matt and Kaster to play. I think, if we take it seriously and not fuck around, it could be beneficial.
[quote name='jza1218']As you pointed out, drop-in games are the equivalent of a 1980's Oilers game. It's the Wild Wild West out there, a ton of shots and no one is bothering to duck.

Not to sounds like I'm piling on, but it's not just about shooting percentage (IMO). A high shooting percentage can often be the result of being set up by teammates for high percentage scoring opportunities. It's about being able to create chances for yourself and other people.

I said this last night and I'll say it again, but I think we should try private games from time to time, especially if we can get Matt and Kaster to play. I think, if we take it seriously and not fuck around, it could be beneficial.[/QUOTE]

I'd agree with that, I also would love if we could get 10 people on and play private, it's definitely a more loose atmosphere and a fun time. Even 8 would be great.

And I know it's not just about the shot %, but it does puzzle me that it dropped more than 10 points. I think I'm usually good at making a good pass to set up a scoring chance, and it wasn't happening.

Like I said, not gonna try to make excuses cause I knew I played poorly, would just like to contribute, as Nate pointed out I need to do. I think most of the time I can.
[quote name='DestroVega']it's definitely a more loose atmosphere and a fun time. Even 8 would be great.[/QUOTE]

Well, except that it needs to not be. We need to treat the private games the same as regular games, otherwise they don't really accomplish anything. I know you have skills because we've all seen you play well. As for why your shooting percentage dropped, I don't know.

Sometimes I feel like you rush your shot...either firing as soon as you get into the zone or not having your aim ready when you receive a pass, causing you to shoot into the goalie instead of into the open net. And as Rob said, creating plays for both yourself and your teammates by recognizing mismatches and making good passes is vital.

Ultimately, I don't want this to turn into what happened with Matt last year where we almost gave him TOO MUCH advice and it scared him out of playing his game. It's not like you need to completely change your style. Just take note of these areas and try to sharpen up. If you're in a rut, find something to snap yourself out of it. We all should always be looking for ways to improve.
^ yeah I totally get all that. Don't take my "loose" comment too literal either. I think it's vital to play private games just like regular ones, but it's not as "life or death", you can make a bad play and recognize it and since it's private, the score doesn't necessarily matter, it's the overall play and improvement that is most important.
[quote name='jza1218']

I said this last night and I'll say it again, but I think we should try private games from time to time, especially if we can get Matt and Kaster to play. I think, if we take it seriously and not fuck around, it could be beneficial.[/QUOTE]

yeah, I keep meaning to play with you guys now that I have my new xbox, there's just so many damn games! I still have skyrim and assassins creed to play. Plus, I'm doing freshman year at community college and a job where they work me about one shift too many, so my time to game is really unreliable. However, this week after 10:00 from Tuesday on should be alright, if you want me to join up.
Your completely right Nate. I play wing in IRL but doesnt translate to my passing or shooting in the game which I should recognize and now I do. I play well as a D-Man and I need to stick to it. Me bouncing doesn't help and everything you said is spot on and I welcome the advice and will run with it.
I'm not going to be one to argue when you tell me how it is. I take your advice and try to improve. I know there is no more lock on checking which screws me up now and again. I just have to get into the D mindset when I play 12 now and try to switch my brain off of from what I do IRL.
[quote name='jza1218']
I said this last night and I'll say it again, but I think we should try private games from time to time, especially if we can get Matt and Kaster to play. I think, if we take it seriously and not fuck around, it could be beneficial.[/QUOTE]

I like that idea.
[quote name='DestroVega']Wow, nice work guys. First Pro title, awesome job!

Maybe an elite title will someday be in the works. Congrats![/QUOTE]

Haha, that's what I said. We have set a precedent. NHL 13: Elite Championship! :)
[quote name='jza1218']And we'll follow that up with NHL 14: No need to buy it.[/QUOTE]

Ha! Maybe there will be something bigger than elite!
bread's done