Official NHL 12 CAG Team - We're Back Baby!!! WifeBeaterz on Parole!

[quote name='n8rockerasu']Richards is an 88 with a potential of 90. I'm actually decently strong at C (got several guys in the mid-upper 70s). So, I'd be fine with just one mid-high 80s guy if you've got somebody.

How about Anton Volchenkov, a defenseman. Rated 85 overall. Let me know and when you put Richards up for auction, tell me your team name as well.
[quote name='jza1218']Apparently there is a new tuner set, one of the things it reduces is the effectiveness of the diving poke.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, we played a few games last night with it. Nothing felt noticeably different. But at least they have the right idea.

Oh, also, I'm cool with the Volchenkov trade if you want to do that later. I pulled Richards from my lineup, so I won't use any more games on his career.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Yeah, we played a few games last night with it. Nothing felt noticeably different. But at least they have the right idea.

Oh, also, I'm cool with the Volchenkov trade if you want to do that later. I pulled Richards from my lineup, so I won't use any more games on his career.[/QUOTE]

Alright, just let me know when you're going to put him up. I won't be around tonight.

Wound up getting a bunch of good players in a recent pack, including Savard and Morrow.
Finally got the September stats done both for our awesome NHL 11 finish and our first season of NHL 12. Obviously, the glaring abnormality is the Give/Take stats. Something is just drastically different in the game this year. It's definitely going to have to be something we figure out as we go. I also decided to track FO W (face offs won) and FO L (face offs lost) this year to make it easier to keep up with the percentages, which admittedly, I just had to guess based on the overall percentage last year.

NHL 11 September Stats

NHL 12 September Stats
Well, I did like the number 7 before seeing the stats. Of course, that 7/1 in G/T includes my drop-in games if it's like last year. It's still terrible, regardless.

Gary, I just watched that. That part was funny, but I didn't really like the episode as a whole.
[quote name='Matt Young']Well, I did like the number 7 before seeing the stats. Of course, that 7/1 in G/T includes my drop-in games if it's like last year. It's still terrible, regardless.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it includes drop ins. The number isn't great, but not as bad as last year considering the shift in the scale. I thought you played pretty decent when you played with us especially since you hadn't played in months. There's just certain things you need to add to your game. There's a few people who are at this point where they've played for a few years and should be familiar enough with the game that it's time to step up to the next level and become a better player.

For you, your positioning is always good. We've discussed it as a team and everybody agrees that you generally always know where you should be on the ice. The thing holding you back is the lack of making plays. I don't know if it's a confidence thing or just trying to play it safe, but there are times both offensively and defensively where you'll hesitate. Either with rifling a big slap shot (ha...I almost typed "fap shot"...oh, Freud, you cheeky bastard), to going for a loose puck, to even going for a hit on defense (1 hit per game is pretty low for a dman).

Obviously, nobody wants to make a mistake, but all three of these things can be vital for a defenseman. Your teammates (well...the human ones anyway) are good enough to back you up, so don't be afraid to take chances here and there. If you're constantly missing or leaving your line partner out to dry, we'll let you know. But there's definitely nothing wrong with playing a little more aggressively.
Oh, also, Rob, I figured out that because of how the game did HUT mode (apparently based on last year's rosters), Brad Richards isn't a Ranger. He's a freaking Star. I didn't even realize it until I looked through my collection and was like "Who do I have on Dallas?" Sorry for the confusion. If you still want him just for the principle of actually BEING a Ranger, I'll trade him to you though. Do you still have that JP Dumont? For some reason I didn't even make the connection that he was on Nashville. I remember when he played for Buffalo, but kinda lost track of him after that. I've got a few NHL'ers in the 80s range, so maybe I'll have someone you could use.

Also, much like Brandon last night, while playing a Rd 3 game of the "Featured Tournament" in single player, I got dropped from the EA servers, thus knocking me out of the tournament. Thanks for that, EA. It's this kind of crap that makes me not want to spend MS points on packs when they can just turn around and screw you out of 3 games worth of playing time.
Nah, keep Richards. I'll trade Dumont to you from whomever you have that is rated similarly. Weird though, I thought I saw Richards Rangers HUT card, but obviously I'm just crazy.

FYI, the Commish Pack is available again. 240 points or 15,000 pucks. 10 guaranteed rares.
[quote name='jza1218']Nah, keep Richards. I'll trade Dumont to you from whomever you have that is rated similarly. Weird though, I thought I saw Richards Rangers HUT card, but obviously I'm just crazy.

FYI, the Commish Pack is available again. 240 points or 15,000 pucks. 10 guaranteed rares.[/QUOTE]

Well, if you're crazy, we both are, haha. And yeah, I was thinking about getting a Commish pack until my tournament game dropped. Now, I'm just bitter, lol.
Yeah, I ended up buying one because I'm such a whore, lol. I got Anze Kopitar (who I'm sure Matt would be interested in...but you're gonna have to give me somebody good because that mofo has a potential of 96, haha) and Jordan Staal. I've been trying to sell off players I don't want so I can use those pucks on new packs (which I'll probably do with Staal and a few others), but I haven't really been sure how I should price them. How do you guys usually do it? I've acquired 5 different Nashville players through the auctions (and paid 1500 pucks for Ryan Suter...which I thought was decent).

I really wish they had a better system of notifying you about trade offers though...or at least let you message the team you're sending the offer to. After buying Suter last night, another player came up, but I only had like 330 pucks left. The current bid was at 250, so I thought for sure, I'd get outbid. So, instead I sent the guy a trade offer with a pretty decent player + my 330 pucks. He never responded and the auction closed for 250. I also couldn't even bid because my pucks were basically in escrow. Just felt like the situation could have been handled better.
Wow, scored on my Commish pack. Sidney Crosby, Steven Stamkos, B. McCabe(Rangers player Rob), B Pouliot, and K Clifford just for the players alone.
[quote name='Vulcan2422']Wow, scored on my Commish pack. Sidney Crosby, Steven Stamkos, B. McCabe(Rangers player Rob), B Pouliot, and K Clifford just for the players alone.[/QUOTE] could make a fortune off that Crosby and Stamkos. Enough to buy another Commish pack or two. Why does everybody have better luck than me? lol.
I'm not exactly in the mindset to say much right now since I'm pissed at myself for my Madden league loss, but thanks for all the tips, Nate. I can say right now that you're absolutely right- I definitely hesitate a lot because I am afraid to fuck up and hurt the team (and sometimes, afraid to get criticized). Guess I've always needed to work on that.
[quote name='n8rockerasu'] could make a fortune off that Crosby and Stamkos. Enough to buy another Commish pack or two. Why does everybody have better luck than me? lol.[/QUOTE]

Stamkos is getting saved for a rainy day. Don't forget though Nate, it only took about $20 just for two amazing cards though. I did get lucky with my first pack with a Seabrook who is over rated at a 95 IIRC.
I did, it was a bummer blowing the lead late in the third. And they looked terrible in OT, they took way too many penalties. Their PK is just not as good as CAG's.
We had 4-5 of us on last night but no one tried to start a game, and that includes me. I did make serious progress in Gears 3 and just now completed it, though.
Been sleeping from 9pm till 4am and I got a couple offers to join a few Sunday leagues and a traveling league. We'll see how much time I have left over for gaming.
[quote name='jza1218']But Gary, we miss your butt rockets![/QUOTE]

Ha Ha! I miss you guys as well. It's surprising that people are taking notice of me now ever since I started playing at this new rink. It's like everybody wants a huge right wing for full contact hockey who can actually skate like a 200 lb winger. . I'll be playing Saturday night, Sunday night, and traveling around on Wednesday nights. So I'm good Monday, Tuesday and Fridays. Thursday is just rest day.
[quote name='Vulcan2422']Ha Ha! I miss you guys as well. It's surprising that people are taking notice of me now ever since I started playing at this new rink. It's like everybody wants a huge right wing for full contact hockey who can actually skate like a 200 lb winger. . I'll be playing Saturday night, Sunday night, and traveling around on Wednesday nights. So I'm good Monday, Tuesday and Fridays. Thursday is just rest day.[/QUOTE]

Just let us know when you go pro. I want your ballograf! :)

Wait...were you thinking... Eww! Gross dude! ;)
Ha Ha, I know I won't ever go pro. They are so amazing to watch on the ice literally. (Practiced with a former NHL recently. Was $30 for a half hour session, learned a lot.) The best I'll make is traveling league which is where I'm at already! lol.
Since I couldn't find a NHL12 thread, I figure I would ask a few questions here. I have my own EASHL team with a few of my friends and I have a few questions for you experts:
1. Can the GM/OWNER of the team give another person the ability to update/change the jerseys? Our owner half assed them, and I personally think they are not great.
Now onto gameplay.
2. I usually play CENTER and I'm getting my ass handed to me with faceoffs. What is the trick? Should I push Left or Right before the faceoff? I'm lost on this. I used to be good against the CPU, but suck this year online.
3. Any tricks to score? We need some help since most of our team is new to the game and we keep going again guys that have played 200+ games to our 20 or so.
[quote name='doubledown']Since I couldn't find a NHL12 thread, I figure I would ask a few questions here. I have my own EASHL team with a few of my friends and I have a few questions for you experts:
1. Can the GM/OWNER of the team give another person the ability to update/change the jerseys? Our owner half assed them, and I personally think they are not great.
Now onto gameplay.
2. I usually play CENTER and I'm getting my ass handed to me with faceoffs. What is the trick? Should I push Left or Right before the faceoff? I'm lost on this. I used to be good against the CPU, but suck this year online.
3. Any tricks to score? We need some help since most of our team is new to the game and we keep going again guys that have played 200+ games to our 20 or so.[/QUOTE]
1- The owner should be able to assign GM's, and then GM's can change jerseys.
2- You really have to try different things every game. Sometimes pulling straight back works, sometimes pulling striaght back a second before the drop works. Sometimes you hold the right stick to the side, then pull back, sometimes you just have to tie up the center. Basically, this year's game is weird and you have to just try different things/timing.
3- You'll learn to score with time. TO be Frank, this game doesn't really reward "quality" shots, but favors cross-crease one timers and toe-drag wristers. For the toe drag, pay attention to where people mostly try them from (usually around the faceoff dot). Slapshots aren't really effective, but still work off faceoffs and one-times. Slapshots are better for rebounds than anything as long as you shoot low.
sorry for the 12-goal fiasco. I've been pretty hit or miss in goal in my drop-ins. Some games I give up 7 and then I'll turn around and let in just 1. I have a real problem with stopping simple pass-shoot. Obviously not a good thing.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Must...Stop.....the...Cross........Crease...[/QUOTE]

That's what's so great about that play. Everyone is so concerned that there is a cross crease coming once I head to the net, that no one realizes "Hey wait, he's cutting toward the puck carrier. Oh wait, there's a trailing guy who is wide open" until the puck is in the net.
Yah! Once again I helped a team mate score there first goal. One point in the past three games of my beginner league. My D league starts Next Sunday (had my dates confused) and travel starts at 10PM Wednesday.

Slap shots off the face off with vision control and going top shelf help a lot.
Nice job, Gary! I'm glad you're getting to do something you enjoy. You deserve it.

Fun games yesterday afternoon. It's so much nicer playing with you guys as opposed to joining drop-ins.
I'm really enjoying HUT. I like opening packs more than the games themselves almost, haha. Although, frustratingly, I'm 5-7 thus far because I get disconnected from EA servers in the middle of a game, then when I try to get back in, I can get right back on the servers. EA Sports blows goats.

Congrats on your impending NHL superstardom, Gary. I'm looking forward to hitting you up for cash and/or favors after you're done bludgeoning Sean Avery and scoring the overtime winner in game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals :p
Shame I missed out, I was to busy cracking helmets with pucks lol. Cracked two of the other players helmets last night due to my wrist shot going to high and the other the guy dived and it went right off his helmet. I love my wrist shot lol.
Finally back home. I'd love to get some games going tonight. I've gotta play a Madden league game too, but after that hopefully others will be around.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Finally back home. I'd love to get some games going tonight. I've gotta play a Madden league game too, but after that hopefully others will be around.[/QUOTE]

I'll be on until like 10:30 or so. Need 3 more games for Superstar 2
[quote name='moojuice']Grabby grabby


Looks like the playoffs start tonight. I know Gary has his pro hockey liga several nights a week, but maybe we could make a run on Friday? I thought we came out sharp in our first game the other night, but then after a bit of bad luck, we started getting sloppy and complacent. Definitely something to work on.
bread's done