Official NHL 12 CAG Team - We're Back Baby!!! WifeBeaterz on Parole!

To be fair, the jump deke working is more plausible than sticks clipping through body parts. All it is is outsmarting your opponent and catching them leaning the wrong direction. It's really no different than roofing the puck...just with a little more flair. If you catch them anticipating a different move, why not take advantage? I still don't understand why VipGeek (to take a page out of his favorite playbook) has such a big problem with it.
I was laughing at it... Ur the one with a stick up your... And making a big deal about it.

Although, generally in real life jumping at the goalie and maybe hitting him would be... A penalty not a goal.
I always laugh when it takes a full clip to kill a guy in CoD. Generally, in real life would be one....bullet....two tops.....
[quote name='jza1218']I always laugh when it takes a full clip to kill a guy in CoD. Generally, in real life would be one....bullet....two tops.....[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but not if you duck behind a wall and let your health regenerate. Duh! :roll: .o_O.o.0
[quote name='moojuice']Ya know, the hitting physics in NHL 12 aren't THAT bad I guess (check out the related videos too)[/QUOTE]

Wow, yeah, that's pretty terrible. Ya know, I really think there's something about trying to be TOO realistic in a video game. These game developers start trying to account for science and physiology (and other things they know nothing about), and it just screws up their entire engine. I had this same opinion with MLB The Show. It tries so hard to be "realistic" that at some point it stops being fun.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm all for fixing the programming that allows sticks to clip through body parts, but honestly, I didn't think the hitting was THAT bad in NHL 11. Compared to what they have now with hip checks that can send a player flying when you're both completely stationary and body checks from 6'2" 220lb defensemen with 99 checking and 99 strength that are shrugged off, I don't really see it as an improvement.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Wow, yeah, that's pretty terrible. Ya know, I really think there's something about trying to be TOO realistic in a video game. These game developers start trying to account for science and physiology (and other things they know nothing about), and it just screws up their entire engine. I had this same opinion with MLB The Show. It tries so hard to be "realistic" that at some point it stops being fun.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm all for fixing the programming that allows sticks to clip through body parts, but honestly, I didn't think the hitting was THAT bad in NHL 11. Compared to what they have now with hip checks that can send a player flying when you're both completely stationary and body checks from 6'2" 220lb defensemen with 99 checking and 99 strength that are shrugged off, I don't really see it as an improvement.[/QUOTE]

can these things be fixed with a tuner set or is the engine the engine for good this year?
[quote name='DestroVega']can these things be fixed with a tuner set or is the engine the engine for good this year?[/QUOTE]

Well, based on the sliders, there are settings for hitting, but it doesn't distinguish between hip checks and body checks. So, I would think that if they tune down hip checks, it will make body checks even less effective. I could be wrong, but I don't know how else they would be able to do it.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Well, tomorrow is still an option too. Just something to keep in mind.[/QUOTE]

Tomorrow is actually fine with me. I'm pretty bushed, and doubt I would make it past midnight or so.
Marek Malik! Sadly the only highlight of his Rangers tenure. Figured Ovechkin would be #1, but love the Afinogenov highlight for #2.
[quote name='VipFREAK']I can't believe Omark got on that list... wow. Anyway, sooooo.... what's your point?[/QUOTE]

Mother of God... :wall:

None of these goals remind you of anything we discussed in the past week? Perhaps something with catching the goalie by surprise or taking advantage of him leaning the wrong way? Hell, the #10 goal essentially is a jump deke that you claimed would never happen. You really don't see that?
Uh... again... those are obviously doable... the one you did jumping AT THE GOALIE and HITTING HIM is... NOT. I suppose I can give you "surprising or taking advantage" of him since if I were a goalie I wouldn't be expecting to be barreled into on purpose in a shoot out attempt.

#10 is a deke but... going AROUND the goalie and no... That's not going to catch him by surprise or take advantage of the goalie it's simply a 50/50 play since I dunno wtf he was doing out that far to begin with.
In the videos case, it was a PK, so he was going for the puck instead the player was faster than the goalie thought and got caught. Jump deke success with a little flair to end the goal. If they are doable, why can't I pick the puck up with my stick and do a lacrosse goal in the game. I'm thinking you don't play any hockey outside of this game at all do you?
Brandon, Alan, and I played last night, and we noticed that there was less than 24 hours left in the playoffs (ending tonight at midnight est). That presented us with a problem, because both of them mentioned probably not being able to play at that time. We went back and forth trying to figure out what to do, since either way, we'd be without people (if we were even able to start early enough to get the games played on Friday).

Then, we started up a playoff game on accident in our 3rd game, but since the Pro team we got matched up with didn't have completely overpowering numbers, we figured "what the hell...maybe we can get one game out of the way." Of course, our AI played completely retarded and we lost 4-0.

There was a title update last night which claimed it just fixed looping issues, but I swear it somehow put the AI back at an NHL 11 level. They were skating away from the puck again, making the worst passes ever, and lunging at passes allowing guys to get behind them for breakaways. Every team we played last night was exploiting that stick twirl, near post wrist shot too. One guy had 418 points already. Game's been out 2 weeks...and he's got 418 fucking points. Ridiculous. Anyway, sorry to Gary and Rob for losing that game and screwing up the playoffs. Hopefully we'll be better organized next month.
No worries, I saw that there were only 11 hours left this afternoon and was concerned myself. I had to be up early yesterday with little sleep, so I was just too tired. I'll be on tonight if anyone wants to play, might be in HUT though, as I've been playing a lot of that.
[quote name='VipFREAK']#10 is a deke but... going AROUND the goalie and no... That's not going to catch him by surprise or take advantage of the goalie it's simply a 50/50 play since I dunno wtf he was doing out that far to begin with.[/QUOTE]

Actually, no. While the goalie is out of position (as mentioned, his team was on a power play, and he wanted to get them back on the attack as quickly as possible...he just miscalculated), he does the smartest thing he can in that situation. He lunges for the puck to his left (ie. where the player is headed). The brilliance of that play is that the puck gets flipped over the goalie and is retrieved on the other side. If Schaefer had just continued with the puck in the direction he was going, it would have been knocked away.

This is pretty much EXACTLY how the jump deke works in a shootout situation (albeit closer to the net). The goalie decides to make the first move (thinking being aggressive will catch the skater off guard). But what he doesn't know is that the skater is counting on him being aggressive and this is his answer. If you're so hung up on bumping into the goalie (love your exaggeration of being "barrelled into" though), it doesn't happen every time. As I said, it's just a move. It's creative and sometimes it works because people aren't expecting it (which also describes 99% of the goals in that video). But the more you comment on it, the more I'm convinced you are this person.
Don't sweat it at all. No worries here at all. Just gives us more time to hit legend. Prob try to get some games in tonight if anybody wants to join in.
I'm prescriptionally medicated right now for a migraine, but I might try to join you guys after dinner since I didn't go to Vegas and you're not doing playoffs.
Well, here it is, folks! Our well deserved Top 100 Elite trophy for our final games of NHL 11 in September! Last I saw, we were at #66, so that's a pretty awesome way to wrap up the game!


Also, we got off to a great start in October last night, going 4-0, which catapulted us to #51 in Elite. Naturally, that won't last, haha. But it was nice playing with a full team and not having to curse the AI the entire night.
Should be refreshed for Sunday. Took a nasty spill on the ice last night so I'll be resting. Plus side, scored a five hole slap shot goal from the blue line.
[quote name='Vulcan2422']Should be refreshed for Sunday. Took a nasty spill on the ice last night so I'll be resting. Plus side, scored a five hole slap shot goal from the blue line.[/QUOTE]

Slap shot? What a bunch of horseshit! You're supposed to wrist it while backskating out of the zone. You should know better.
[quote name='moojuice']WTF, you didnt go to Frozen Fury?[/QUOTE]

Nope, I made a tough last minute decision not to go. It would have been a 4 day trip and I have been having a lot of health problems lately. I had been waiting a year for the trip but I would have been miserable most of the time and didn't want to ruin my friends' good times.

Your Avalanche won it 4-1 this year. Sounded like a hard game to sit through if you're a Kings fan.
[quote name='jza1218']Good news guys, the long national nightmare is over, I got a Mark Staal card. Carry on with your lives.[/QUOTE]

Oh thank God. My stomach was in knots for literally seconds over this, haha. ;)

Actually, I finally put a decent amount of time into HUT today and acquired a few players you guys may be interested in (Rob, Brandon, and Alan specifically). The only problem is that they are literally my 1st scoring line, so I'll be hurting without them. But I picked up a Brad Richards, Ryan O'Reilly, and Peter Mueller.

I was going back and forth trying to decide if I wanted to go for a Sabres team (favorite team since I was a kid), or a Predators team (my new hometown team), and I think I'm gonna go with the Preds. I feel like I can root for both teams since they're in separate conferences, but I'm sure I'll be keeping up with Nashville a lot more now that I'm here (especially considering the ease of attending games). And plus, those new gold jerseys are just so damn sexy, lol. So, yeah...any Preds players, jerseys, logo, I want them. :)
Don't know if I have any Preds, but I'll check. I can give you a first-line center for Richards if I don't, I have three centers rated 85+.
I can't remember if I have the Predators or the Wild. If I have Nashville, it's yours.

I was wondering if you were still a Buffalo fan since I set my DVR today to record Kings vs. Sabres from Berlin on Saturday.
[quote name='jza1218']Don't know if I have any Preds, but I'll check. I can give you a first-line center for Richards if I don't, I have three centers rated 85+.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, as long as it's somebody decent, that I can maybe swap out for a Preds player down the road, that's cool.

[quote name='Matt Young']I can't remember if I have the Predators or the Wild. If I have Nashville, it's yours.

I was wondering if you were still a Buffalo fan since I set my DVR today to record Kings vs. Sabres from Berlin on Saturday.[/QUOTE]

Sweet! Yeah, I'll always be a Sabres fan. I'm just not even going to try to pretend that living in Nashville isn't going to spark my interest in the Predators when their games will always be on TV and Bridgestone Arena is like 7 miles from my apartment, lol.

Hell, moving to Nashville even sparked my interest in the Titans, which I really didn't see happening. Although that's a little easier when your own team hasn't been to the playoffs in 15 years, haha (and I'm sure the Bills will choke away this year down the's what they do). My usual pattern is just giving up on football after the first two weeks of the season.
I just checked, I have an untouched JP Dumont. I'll toss in Rob Niedermayer (79 ovr, 81 potential) if you want to even it out, not sure what Richards is rated.
How do you guys get cards quick? do you actually pay with MS points, buy 2,500 puck packs as soon as you get 2,500, or do you hold out a while for the jumbo 7,500?
I've used a mix of MS points and pucks. If I buy a pack and get some cards I know I'm not interested in I sell them for whatever, and use the pucks from that to buy more packs. It doesn't always work, I have a Kipprusoff that I haven't been able to sell, and I wasn't looking for an outrageous amount.
[quote name='jza1218']I just checked, I have an untouched JP Dumont. I'll toss in Rob Niedermayer (79 ovr, 81 potential) if you want to even it out, not sure what Richards is rated.[/QUOTE]

Richards is an 88 with a potential of 90. I'm actually decently strong at C (got several guys in the mid-upper 70s). So, I'd be fine with just one mid-high 80s guy if you've got somebody.

[quote name='Vulcan2422']I've got a shit load of NHL people, literally 30 or so. Probably have some Nashville and St Luis stuff as well.[/QUOTE]

Does somebody here like St Louis? Unless you mean this St. Louis

In which case...that would be you, lol.

[quote name='DestroVega']How do you guys get cards quick? do you actually pay with MS points, buy 2,500 puck packs as soon as you get 2,500, or do you hold out a while for the jumbo 7,500?[/QUOTE]

Also, the jumbo pack is currently on sale for 2,500 pucks. That's the best way to get cards either way. Even with MS points, it's only 60 points (a freakin steal compared to Madden pack prices). I've bought two with pucks and one with MS points so far. And I've only played 8 HUT games (3 online, 1 offline tournament).
thanks for the heads up on the sale, i had been waiting for it.

I'm not very good at HUT online, playing the regular game is harder for me than OTP, I have a much tougher time setting up and finishing goals.
I wouldn't worry about playing online, there's not a whole lot of benefit. You earn almost the same amount of pucks playing offline as you do on. Heck, I earned 500+ playing a 24/7 game and barely 300 winning a playoff game online.
The commish pack was where it was it, Now when ever I get a jumbo pack I can make about 2000 off of the cards and play one game and rinse and repeat till they bump the price up. I had some MS points also laying around going to waste so I used them on some packs.

I meant St. Luis I guess, No ideA, my spelling is off today and AC isnt helping on the touchpad.

I have a Brent Seabrook I could probably make some good pucks on but he is my lead scorer really.
bread's done