Pro Wrestling discussion topic--WWE, AEW, ROH, Impact, New Japan, indies

Rumor has it RAW in Hartford, CT at the XL Center may be in danger of being canceled tonight due to a "historic snowstorm" that is supposed to hit tonight. Hopefully the shows goes or or they have a backup plan in place because after last night this is the last thing they need. RAW after the Rumble is typically pretty good too and I was looking forward to seeing what the WWE will do to lose more subscribers to the the WWE Network. 

Maybe they can turn Reigns as a heel. Some guys just get over with the crowd as heel before they switch over to face status. I remember the Rock stayed a heel after he left Nation of Domination and the crowd started to really get behind him from there. Difference is Reigns doesn't come off as charismatic in his promos.
I believe they've already cancelled it. Which sadly may be a saving grace for them as they'll be able to regroup after the fiasco called the Royal Rumble.

Yea, Raw is already canceled. Maybe they can show a best of Roman Reigns matches tonight. And then have an hour of McMahon saying how Cesaro just doesnt have what it takes to be a superstar again.

Yea, Raw is already canceled. Maybe they can show a best of Roman Reigns matches tonight. And then have an hour of McMahon saying how Cesaro just doesnt have what it takes to be a superstar again.
I've yet to see anything official from the WWE regarding the cancellation, but it is looking likely considering the Smackdown taping for tomorrow in Boston has been canceled. In my opinion this isn't good for the WWE, they need to follow up to the Rumble as soon as possible and not wait and "regroup". They expected a backlash when Reigns won, but they didn't expect it to be this big.

On a side note, I wouldn't mind seeing swerve at Mania involving Heyman turning on Lesnar and assisting Regins with the win. Lesnar is leaving and it would make the win more believable for Roman to beat him with the help from Paul Heyman. Reigns also already has a ton of heat on him from the Rumble win that he could easily turn heel. Heyman also solves the problem with Roman being horrible on the mic.

WWE confirmed Justin Gabriel's release.

...Hopefully the WWE uses this week off to regroup after the Rumble.

...It will also be interesting to see what they air. Maybe push up NXT Takeover?
WWE confirmed Justin Gabriel's release.

...Hopefully the WWE uses this week off to regroup after the Rumble.

...It will also be interesting to see what they air. Maybe push up NXT Takeover?
NXT isn't nearly big enough for that, USA would flip out. They'd rather air Cena talking about the troops for 3 hours.

NXT isn't nearly big enough for that, USA would flip out. They'd rather air Cena talking about the troops for 3 hours.
They will probably air Monday Night Wars or some kind of Best of, either way USA won't be happy with whatever they air because the ratings will be terrible tonight. I don't care to watch anything that isn't NXT or live when it comes to WWE. Looks like Far Cry 4 for me tonight.

what the fuck is that odor :)

When I checked out the Royal Rumble last year I didn't know who Roman Reign was, but I thought he came out looking pretty bad ass in the Rumble match. But part of the reason for that is how the fans got behind him near the end, and I think that happened because the fans wanted to crap on how WrestleMania was shaping up. Maybe WWE took his Royal Rumble 2014 fan reaction too seriously, and that caused his quick push to the top.

Maybe they can turn Reigns as a heel. Some guys just get over with the crowd as heel before they switch over to face status. I remember the Rock stayed a heel after he left Nation of Domination and the crowd started to really get behind him from there. Difference is Reigns doesn't come off as charismatic in his promos.
100% my thoughts. My first thought was well they really need to turn him heel now, he has a GREAT heel look anyways. Only problem is heel is a role best left to someone with some semblance of acting chops, aka not Roman Reins. Then again to be fair few people complain about Seth Rollins and I think he is just as bad or worse then Reins with a mic in hand. Rollins is a great wrestler, he just has no natural charisma and comes across like he is trying to recall lines.

He is actually a pretty good wrestler.
He is strong as an ox too, just watch him pick up some of the other guys.
Strong as an Ox is an understatement. Some of the stuff he did with Sami Zayn was insane not to mention the Cena suplex where he was on the second rope inside the ring and Cena on the matt outside. I also feel that even if he is not super charismatic when speaking that he really gets a crowd going in ring when given the booking/chance. There are guys that lack any semblance of charisma and those who just lack it with the mic.

Strong as an Ox is an understatement. Some of the stuff he did with Sami Zayn was insane not to mention the Cena suplex where he was on the second rope inside the ring and Cena on the matt outside. I also feel that even if he is not super charismatic when speaking that he really gets a crowd going in ring when given the booking/chance. There are guys that lack any semblance of charisma and those who just lack it with the mic.
The Cena suplex from the second rope was INSANE. Cesaro is by far one of my favorites, the crowd was really into him in the preshow tag match last night.

Remember last year when he was in the Elimination Chamber match (and stole the show)? What happened? How did WWE drop the ball so hard? Oh wait, because Vince doesn't think he has "it". Which is nonsense, dude is the perfect anti-America heel, and great at giving non-scripted promos. Just go watch him on the 2K14 roster reveal panel, he was trash talking Austin. That says something.

Looks like due to the weather, WWE has cancelled both Raw & Smackdown shows today & tomorrow. Raw tonight will be a clip show from their studio, while Smackdown will be airing live on thursday.

Somehow I think Vince is probably thankful for this weather. Just so he doesn't have to put up with the crowds crapping all over the show tonight.

Roman is more like Wrestlemania 21 for the Xbox. WWE 2K15 is bad, but it isn't THAT bad.
Isn't he more like WCW Backstage Assault? Severely limited and absolutely no character at all.

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Looks like due to the weather, WWE has cancelled both Raw & Smackdown shows today & tomorrow. Raw tonight will be a clip show from their studio, while Smackdown will be airing live on thursday.

Isn't he more like WCW Backstage Assault? Severely limited and absolutely no character at all.
Is it confirmed that Raw is going to be a clip show? I was really hoping that they would go live to the performance center and let some NXT talent go (pipe dream I know).

WCW Backstage Assault was really bad and I almost forgot about how horrible that game was, but I dunno Wrestlemania 21 was an utter disaster on so many levels. I was reviewing games for a site when it came out and was the one who reviewed it. I was sent a copy from THQ about 2-3 weeks prior to the release and the game was an absolute broken mess, quite possibly one of the worst modern wrestling games (not including anything prior to the N64/Playstation era of wrestling games).

Yeah, they had to patch WrestleMania 21 at release due to how broken it was. I pre-ordered at GameRush and personally didn't have any issues with the game, but many of my fellow users at the wrestling games forum I then frequented shared some crazy glitch stories.
Roman is more like Wrestlemania 21 for the Xbox. WWE 2K15 is bad, but it isn't THAT bad.
Let's not get too extreme here. WWE 2K15 has the look and all star potential, but it was just rushed and seems too clunky in the ring.

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Yeah, they had to patch WrestleMania 21 at release due to how broken it was. I pre-ordered at GameRush and personally didn't have any issues with the game, but many of my fellow users at the wrestling games forum I then frequented shared some crazy glitch stories.
Imagine reviewing the game before the patch hit. I couldn't get online forever, but it didn't mater because the game was awful regardless. Online just happened to be a slightly worse version of the offline mode.

And once again WWE favors "the look" over hard work, charisma, natural talent, and just about everything else that makes a good wrestler (sorry, sooperstar).

I mean Jesus christ, not to beat a dead horse with Punk but that guy never got a Wrestlemania main event and he busted his ass for years. Reigns is practically handed one on a silver platter after debuting in wrestling barely 4 years ago (and he's been in WWE for what 2 years now?).

Way to fucking build him up WWE, you've just killed any longevity in Reigns's career because fans will endlessly shit on him now. But hey, he's a prior champion, I mean he held the tag belt for a bit there.

For fucks sake, I just went and checked out the main events for wrestlemania to remind myself and you have to go all the way back to XI to find a worse main event (Lawrence Taylor v. bam bam bigelow). Other than that, they've all been legends who main evented. God, this fuck up is at least as bad as last year's, if not worse.
Wasn't HBK vs. Diesel technically the main event for 11?

Yeah - I have a feeling that a Pay-Per-View called Fast Lane is going to provide us a 3rd guy for that main event - I'm assuming they'll go with Daniel Bryan - Rollins will cash in Money in the Bank to be in the match at Mania.  Fatal Four Way - Reigns, Rollins, Lesnar, Bryan.  Let's not over-react and make threats everybody.......cancel your WWE network if you want, but I think most of the people who subscribe are going to make their way back.  NXT is pretty damned good to watch too - maybe worth the $10 a month.

Good things from the Rumble - 

Bray was in a long time and eliminated a lot of guys - good.

Rusev was in a long time and eliminated a lot of guys - good.

Big Show and Kane actually did something - you know, I'm not a fan of either, but there's no reason guys like that should walk out of the rumble without eliminating someone.  

Cesaro - I don't know - I don't know if he'll ever be 'big gold' for the company, but I think he's a great talent and definitely not 'run of the mill' - it would be cool if he found a niche.  He should have that US or Intercontinental Strap......I see him kind of like Kofi's been for year - great athlete - great spots - not a talker - mid-card with occasional title runs - that's what those belts are for.  

I think a Philly crowd has it's fingers on the pulse of the internet community - I think it's one of the more representative, anyways - I'm not sure it's definitive, or that the rest of the country isn't so on board with Roman Reigns.  I think the writing's on the wall - WWE will add at least one more guy to that mix - I think a four way with Bryan and Rollins, but would love to see Ambrose, Ziggler, or Wyatt make the list.  

Absent - 

Sting?  Didn't expect him in the match, but thought we'd see something out of him at the Rumble.

Orton - He was on the poster - thought he would show up.

Justin Gabriel - good for him for quitting - or at least I hope it's good.  He's talented - just not going to get much of a nod after this amount of time in WWE.

Bo Dallas - I didn't expect this to get him to the top, but I'm bummed they gave up on his gimmick so early......or maybe he's growing a beard somewhere.

Thoughts for the coming year - 

Put the strap on Rollins

Get Sandow and Cody Rhodes in a tag team and push

Cesaro - they need to tie him to someone like Arn Anderson to Ric Flair - an enforcer - have Rollins ditch the two geeks and roll with Cesaro - I think he and Tyson Kidd are two good wrestlers, but it feels forced and unnatural.  Let Cesaro be a strong man and bad ass enforcer for a smaller guy with the belt.  Do not tie Heyman to this.

I don't think people dislike Reigns as much as they dislike predictability - I think it's the same with Cena.........We want it to be fun like it was when we were kids - when nobody knew that 'backstage' a guy was getting a push.  It's not organic - it's pro wrestling.....but I have a feeling that WWE knows that different sets of fans like different guys in the main event - that's why you'll have 3 or 4 in the match, like last year.

It's just wrestling, so whatever.

Strong as an Ox is an understatement. Some of the stuff he did with Sami Zayn was insane not to mention the Cena suplex where he was on the second rope inside the ring and Cena on the matt outside. I also feel that even if he is not super charismatic when speaking that he really gets a crowd going in ring when given the booking/chance. There are guys that lack any semblance of charisma and those who just lack it with the mic.
Cesaro also trains with Cena. They have a powerlifting routine and can lift ridiculous amounts in the weight room.
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Has Reigns ever been in a Main Event of a PPV as a solo wrestler aside from something like the Elimination Chamber match?

Edit: I checked... He has not had a 1 on 1 match in the Main Event of a PPV. The closest he has come is being in a fatal 4 way.
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Has Reigns ever been in a Main Event of a PPV as a solo wrestler aside from something like the Elimination Chamber match?

Edit: I checked... He has not had a 1 on 1 match in the Main Event of a PPV. The closest he has come is being in a fatal 4 way.
You mean like how Stone Cold wasn't in one prior to winning it in 1997 and only one singles match main event prior to winning it in 1998? ;)

You mean like how Stone Cold wasn't in one prior to winning it in 1997 and only one singles match main event prior to winning it in 1998? ;)
He was in a long feud with WWE's biggest face in Bret Hart after winning the King of the Ring & giving "the promo."

They stole the show at WM 13 & that match is the one thinks of, not the Taker v. Sid title match.
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Could we be seeing "Die Reigns Die" signs in the future?   If he can channel Rock's early run by going heel and embracing fandom later on, I could live with "dat".

I'll be disappointed if tonight's Raw is a clip show. Good thing "Gotham" is new tonight

Imagine reviewing the game before the patch hit. I couldn't get online forever, but it didn't mater because the game was awful regardless. Online just happened to be a slightly worse version of the offline mode.
I played before the patch. The patch wasn't available for a day or two after release. I just didn't have any problems myself besides being unable to get online like everyone else. The actual online was terribly laggy.
Has Reigns ever been in a Main Event of a PPV as a solo wrestler aside from something like the Elimination Chamber match?

Edit: I checked... He has not had a 1 on 1 match in the Main Event of a PPV. The closest he has come is being in a fatal 4 way.
SummerSlam vs. Orton is literally the only 1 on 1 PPV match Reigns has had, period.
CHIKARA, Smash Wrestling, and #RAWlternative will all be streaming great wrestling tonight since RAW isn't!. 

Chikara will be streaming matches featuring Cesaro, Bryan, Ambrose, the Young Bucks, the 10 man tag match from last nights "A New Start" iPPV and much much more. See your favorite wrestlers when they were still appreciated!
Link forthcoming when Chikara posts it.
Smash Wrestling
Smash Wrestling will be showing their entire show, Challenge Accepted, for free. Here's the card..
Matt Cross vs. Alex Shelley – Smash Wrestling Championship Match
Young Bucks vs. Drew Gulak/Biff Busick – Special Attraction Tag Match
Scotty O’Shea vs. Brent Banks – Canada’s First Ever Ambulance Match / Smash Wrestling MOTY
World’s Cutest Tag Team (Ryan/ LeRae) vs. World’s Fittest Tag Team (Parks/Cherry Bomb)
Johnny Gargano vs. Gregory Iron – Best Friends Collide
Tyson Dux vs. Sebastian Suave – Mentor vs. Student
Josh Alexander vs. John Greed
#RAWlternative Replay
RAWlternative will be up for 24 hours only starting when RAW would normally start. RAWternative is several indepent promotions coming together to show what they have to offer. Their lineup is....
Young Bucks vs. Super Smash Bros courtesy of Smash Wrestling (Twitter: @smashwrestling)
Ricochet vs. Josh Alexander courtesy of Alpha-1 Wrestling (Twitter: @A1Wrestling)
-Chris Hero vs. Colin Delaney courtesy of 2CW: Squared Circle Wrestling (Twitter: @2CW)
Johnny Gargano vs. Ethan Page courtesy of Absolute Intense Wrestling (Twitter: @aiwrestling)
Takaaki Watanabe vs. Andy Dalton courtesy of Inspire Pro (Twitter: @InspireProWres)
Ninjas With Altitude vs. Food Fighters courtesy of Inter Species Wrestling (Twitter: @ISDub)
Eddie Kingston vs. Keith Walker courtesy of Aaw Pro (Twitter: @AAWPro)
Kevin Steen vs. Mike Bailey courtesy of C*4 (Twitter: @C4Wrestling)
Brian Kendrick vs. Dark Sheik courtesy of Hoodslam (Twitter: @HOODSLAM)
Rich Swann & AR Fox vs. Christian Rose & Matt Cage courtesy of DREAMWAVE Wrestling (Twitter: @DWWrestling)
Kyle O'Reilly vs. Gary Jay courtesy of Saint Louis Anarchy (Twitter: @stlanarchy)
Athena vs. Mia Yim courtesy of Girls Night Out
Way to show all those people who cancelled their subscriptions. Hey you paid for the show last night? Guess what, we'll show the 2 main event matches in their entirety for free the night after!

Will be interesting to see if they censor the Roman chants to make him look like he came out golden out of the Rumble.

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Great find, HTTM.

I'm not watching the title match again, but I will watch the Rumble itself. There's always something new to find in those matches.

And yeah, I wan to see if they edit the audio too.

I'm definitely interested to see if the crowd gets altered. I'd like to think with them having Reigns address the reaction they wont touch it, but who knows. They may adjust everything but the ending to make it seem like it was just some assholes causing trouble.

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Way to show all those people who cancelled their subscriptions. Hey you paid for the show last night? Guess what, we'll show the 2 main event matches in their entirety for free the night after!

Will be interesting to see if they censor the Roman chants to make him look like he came out golden out of the Rumble.
hopefully this pisses off a lot more and they lose 80% of their base.

Why couldnt they show the first two freaking matches (LOL when the network was out for me)

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bread's done