PSN has returned. What freebie games are you getting?

[quote name='lokizz']thats some fucked up shit. sounds like theyve had security issues for a while now and only bothered to do a proper fix when the shit hit the fan recently. im not worried so much about the cc info since ive only used one 2 times since ive had a ps3 and for the past few years all i used were psn cards. but a person can still do plenty of damage with your real name, address and dob. that really sucks.[/QUOTE]

That's exactly what I was thinking after reading that article, that Sony has known about network compromises for a very long time, but just kept pushing it under the rug and hid this knowledge from the public, while people, me for example, were getting screwed.
Well my PSN password was unique for the most part. I still went ahead and changed my password at other places that was close. Also got a new debit card that I had linked to PSN.
[quote name='rvdrock']Is it weird that I am not really concerned?[/QUOTE]

I mean, it's fairly easy to defend your CC activity if you're not completely clueless.
Good thing I always bought all my PSN stuff through pre-paid cards. And wow, this is bad for Sony. First the glitch that deleted your trophies and now this (which is about a million times worse). Seriously, wtf. I think I'm done with Sony.
[quote name='Dark Rider']Hey guys, I have only bought things through the PSP store, on my PSP. (I don't have a PS3) Would this CC, password, and address leak affect me?

I don't really know much about PSN, so thanks for the help.[/QUOTE]

You used the PSN to buy content, so yes.
I've noticed that ever since this happened, my Windows Live Mail 2011 program has been getting a lot of email being flagged as malicious; something I've never had happen to me before while using this program. Kinda freaking me out...
[quote name='panzerfaust']I mean, it's fairly easy to defend your CC activity if you're not completely clueless.[/QUOTE]

I'd worry more about username and passwords getting leaked. Considering how many people have one password for everything...

Well, looks like i'm off to change sooo many passwords, since I can't remember which one I used on PSN. My credit card...I'll do what I always do, monitor it for any weird activity.

As for Sony, I'll wait to see how this entire thing plays out before I render a verdict.
I don't care much about the security leak since none of my info is real (always used PSN cards for purchases), I'm more concerned about the state of my account - purchased games and available credit (I had about $70 loaded). So we'll see when they return if there was any damage
I've gone from indifferent about this whole S**t, to being really pissed at Sony's inability to keep their head out of their other end.
Don't care if they keep the network up, and don't care about online multi-player. I do care if my information is compromised, and waiting a week to tell me so, is definitely not acceptable.
I'll spend what I have on PSN whenever this is done, and after that I'm done with it.
Welp, I guess it's pre-paid cards for me from now on. There wasn't any charges on my card, but I went ahead and cancelled it. I'll have to go ahead and tell my brother, too.

Sony really messed up this time. They're going to have to do a lot to get back in good graces with their supporters after this.
I'd guess it'd be safer than ever after they fix everything. But if you're pissed, you're pissed.

Sony really messed up this time. They're going to have to do a lot to get back in good graces with their supporters after this.

Or it will be back up in a few days and people will be playing MK9.
I wasn't too concerned...but damn wth. I agree that Sony should have told their consumers.

What does this mean now? Do I really have to do a credit check, call my bank, and change 50% of my passwords?
Yeah I'm thinking about which passwords I need to change. I don't use the same one for everything, but I do have a limited number of passwords I use for different types of things (one for email accounts, one for financial stuff, one for forums, etc). Guess I need to change all the stuff that uses the same one as my PSN account :(
[quote name='panzerfaust']Or it will be back up in a few days and people will be playing MK9.[/QUOTE]

Don't have it. I have Portal 2 though. But still...big fuck up on their part.

I'm having to change my passwords for everything, so that'll be fun.
Well just changed my password, I'm assuming that the only passwords you would have to change is...

1. Any pertinent account that is tied to the same email used for PSN with same password (just changed CAG pw ^^)
2. Any pertinent account that uses the same user name as PSN user name with same password.

Also, I can't remember but without my soc sec number my credit is still safe right? Even if a person were to have my name, address they couldn't really do much with it (unless their goal is to send out copious amounts of junk mail).
To those saying "I'm not worried- i can dispute chargets" , or "I'll get a new card number" - keep in mind that even if your CC data wasn't compromised these people still know enough about you to steal your identity in most cases.

The fraud alert probably isn't a bad idea.
Fraud alert is where you contact major credit companies (forgot the 3~4 names of the companies) to put you credit on alert for suspicious activity? Is that really necessary as long as your soc sec hasn't been compromised?
[quote name='dejeckt']Fraud alert is where you contact major credit companies (forgot the 3~4 names of the companies) to put you credit on alert for suspicious activity? Is that really necessary as long as your soc sec hasn't been compromised?[/QUOTE]
They are listed in the Sony response from a few pages ago. I'd be inclined to say in most cases that your identity is safe if they don't have your SSN, but i wouldn't put it past any group/person that could hack the psn to also have access to other systems that contained that information.

I've worked with background check web tools in the past and if you have someone's name, address and DOB, you can get their SSN.

(Edit - i should probably note here that I work for a bank in their Risk Management department, so i'm not talking out my ass.)
One last question, I wasn't quite sure if only the stored credit card info was compromised or all credit card ever used on PSN. Hopefully its only the saved info (because that means I just need to deal with just one).
[quote name='chakan']So much fail, Sony. So much fail.[/QUOTE]

Sony didn't hack PS3's into becoming dev kits.

Am I annoyed that the PSN is down? Yes. Am I furious that people thought it was okay for them to rebug their PS3's into being dev kits? fuck YES. Those guys are the reason why the PSN is down, not Sony.

We complain that DRM and such screws the consumer. This goes along and shows that ANY sort of piracy to a network affects everyone.

Worse part is that our info was free game to steal.
One guy, ONE fuckING GUY. May possibly have all of my info including passwords and payment information? Holy fuck Sony. I thought the $599 price tag of the PS3 was the worst thing you have ever done. Now I think having such shit security for millions of users is the worst thing you have ever done to the fans of PlayStation.

Sony, my nominee for the worst company of 2011.
[quote name='dejeckt']Well just changed my password, I'm assuming that the only passwords you would have to change is...

1. Any pertinent account that is tied to the same email used for PSN with same password (just changed CAG pw ^^)
2. Any pertinent account that uses the same user name as PSN user name with same password.

Also, I can't remember but without my soc sec number my credit is still safe right? Even if a person were to have my name, address they couldn't really do much with it (unless their goal is to send out copious amounts of junk mail).[/QUOTE]

if you use youre real dob when getting a psn account somneone can use that to change your password alone if they know your email address. but as long as your psn pass isnt the same as your email pass you should be ok. unless your email account also uses your dob as a means to check your id when changing passwords.
Hmm, should I be concerned? The Playstation Retail Loyalty site has my credit card number, my billing address, my pay stub, and my social security number.
[quote name='FroMann']One guy, ONE fuckING GUY. May possibly have all of my info including passwords and payment information? Holy fuck Sony. I thought the $599 price tag of the PS3 was the worst thing you have ever done. Now I think having such shit security for millions of users is the worst thing you have ever done to the fans of PlayStation.

Sony, my nominee for the worst company of 2011.[/QUOTE]

So wait, you blame Sony because someone hacked into their network and could have your information?

That is like blaming a Honda for murder because the driver killed someone while intoxicated.

Blame the people that ruined the experience, not the ones providing the service.
Well ended up blocking my card saved on PSN and getting a new one (kinda seems a bit much, but I guess better safe than sorry). Question is do I have to do this for all the cards used on PSN or just the one saved?
[quote name='j-cart']So wait, you blame Sony because someone hacked into their network and could have your information?

That is like blaming a Honda for murder because the driver killed someone while intoxicated.

Blame the people that ruined the experience, not the ones providing the service.[/QUOTE]

Doesn't work- it's more like if Honda sold you a car, but the locks and ignition could be accessed by anyone with a hair pin and the desire to do it.

I'm pretty sure you'd blame Honda then.
[quote name='HeSaveDave']When I go to PSN website it says it is "Untrusted" lol what do I do? I wanna change my password and stuff.[/QUOTE]

That happen to me too. I was like wtf, this never happen before.

Then I can't change my psn password bec. the psn is down. boooo!
[quote name='j-cart']So wait, you blame Sony because someone hacked into their network and could have your information?

That is like blaming a Honda for murder because the driver killed someone while intoxicated.

Blame the people that ruined the experience, not the ones providing the service.[/QUOTE]

That statement doesn't work. It's more like a person was speeding in a school zone and tried to stop before hitting a child so he hit the brakes, but Honda gave him faulty brakes.

Both the hacker(s) and Sony are to blame. If Sony had a more secure network the hacker would not have been able to get in. From what I've read, Sony was negligent, but it's hard to say without knowing all the facts.

Edit: Damn you nbballard, damn you to hell!
[quote name='FroMann']One guy, ONE fuckING GUY. May possibly have all of my info including passwords and payment information? Holy fuck Sony. I thought the $599 price tag of the PS3 was the worst thing you have ever done. Now I think having such shit security for millions of users is the worst thing you have ever done to the fans of PlayStation.

Sony, my nominee for the worst company of 2011.[/QUOTE]I wouldn't call their security crap. The thing is, anyway can get hacked. My work constantly has people trying to hack into the network its ridiculous. One reason why the best college degree to get during these times is in cyber terrorism, because there are just too many determined to hack networks for info.

I pretty much guarantee Sony's security was no worse than XBL/Wii Shop, just that the hackers decided to go after Sony because of all that happened, to bring them down.
[quote name='UberSwiss']That statement doesn't work. It's more like a person was speeding in a school zone and tried to stop before hitting a child so he hit the brakes, but Honda gave him faulty brakes.

Both the hacker(s) and Sony are to blame. If Sony had a more secure network the hacker would not have been able to get in. From what I've read, Sony was negligent, but it's hard to say without knowing all the facts.[/QUOTE]Sony could have one of the securest networks around, but that won't stop a hacker from getting in. If a hacker wants to get in, they will.
People seem to forget that the PS3 wasn't hacked for 5 years! Yes, this is a major breach but they've been at it for awhile. At some point they were bound to find some way in and Sony took PSN down instantly afterward.
[quote name='SynGamer']People seem to forget that the PS3 wasn't hacked for 5 years! Yes, this is a major breach but they've been at it for awhile. At some point they were bound to find some way in and Sony took PSN down instantly afterward.[/QUOTE]

Out of all of the systems. It took the longest to hack the PS3. Although I think Sony shouldn't have went after the guy that hacked it. That's when the real problems started and basically the whole reason this happened. Sony sued the guy. Rest of the hackers are pissed go after Sony.
[quote name='jman619']Out of all of the systems. It took the longest to hack the PS3. Although I think Sony shouldn't have went after the guy that hacked it. That's when the real problems started and basically the whole reason this happened.[/QUOTE]

If not Geo, I'm sure Anon and hackers around the world would have found some other reason to get in. They whole point of hacking is to allow piracy. No one can convince me otherwise. There are far cheaper devices to hack and use as media servers, computers, emulator boxes, etc...
[quote name='HeSaveDave']When I go to PSN website it says it is "Untrusted" lol what do I do? I wanna change my password and stuff.[/QUOTE]

It's too late for that. They already have whatever password you have on the PSN. You will need to change other passwords that are the same as the one on the PSN.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I wouldn't call their security crap. The thing is, anyway can get hacked. My work constantly has people trying to hack into the network its ridiculous. One reason why the best college degree to get during these times is in cyber terrorism, because there are just too many determined to hack networks for info.

I pretty much guarantee Sony's security was no worse than XBL/Wii Shop, just that the hackers decided to go after Sony because of all that happened, to bring them down.
Sony could have one of the securest networks around, but that won't stop a hacker from getting in. If a hacker wants to get in, they will.[/QUOTE]
Sony is a billion dollar corporation, they shouldn't run into security issues like this. Most importantly they should not wait 6-7 days to tell me my information was possibly compromised.
[quote name='FroMann']Sony is a billion dollar corporation, they shouldn't run into security issues like this. Most importantly they should not wait 6-7 days to tell me my information was possibly compromised.[/QUOTE]

and now thats the bigger issue at hand. if they had at the very least told people some of the truth before psn was shut down that would have given alot of people time to delete cc info and change passowrds or alter personal info. in all this time psn has been down and even before that when a number of people were having issues logging in who knows how bad all this may really be.

and even if we change our passwords now will they be safe since we dont know if their new security soloution is up and running now or not. im still a fan of sony and will continue to support their products but they cant be surprised by a backlash from this and new tos or not its going to cost them to smooth this over .
[quote name='FroMann']Sony is a billion dollar corporation, they shouldn't run into security issues like this. Most importantly they should not wait 6-7 days to tell me my information was possibly compromised.[/QUOTE]Sony hasn't exactly been profitable over recent years, but regardless, no matter how big a company is, they CAN be hacked. Keep in mind that Sony != PSN. Sony Computer Entertainment is only a small portion of Sony Corp. Sony corp. does not make PSN, SCE does. The company I work for is a multi-billion dollar corporation and even we could get hacked (which is why we have invested a ton in cyber net warriors). Every network under the Sony umbrella does not have the same security (since all divisions operate separately, even competing with one another).

As for the information, SCE took down PSN after they found out it got hacked. They probably didn't know what got hacked and what didn't. Was there a chance CC info and stuff was compromised? Sure, but they didn't want to give the word out until they were 100% for sure. Would people have been any happier if SCE said it on day one, then telling people later that no CC data was compromised after they changed everything (pissing people off too).

[quote name='lokizz']and now thats the bigger issue at hand. if they had at the very least told people some of the truth before psn was shut down that would have given alot of people time to delete cc info and change passowrds or alter personal info. in all this time psn has been down and even before that when a number of people were having issues logging in who knows how bad all this may really be.

and even if we change our passwords now will they be safe since we dont know if their new security soloution is up and running now or not. im still a fan of sony and will continue to support their products but they cant be surprised by a backlash from this and new tos or not its going to cost them to smooth this over .[/QUOTE]
For one, SCE may not have known what was taken from the network right when it came down (outside the free games). Two, even if they put the network back up in a bad state, there could have been more people after the network trying to get in (if it was in an unstable state or they found out how the hackers got in).
[quote name='The Mana Knight']As for the information, SCE took down PSN after they found out it got hacked. They probably didn't know what got hacked and what didn't. Was there a chance CC info and stuff was compromised? Sure, but they didn't want to give the word out until they were 100% for sure. Would people have been any happier if SCE said it on day one, then telling people later that no CC data was compromised after they changed everything (pissing people off too).[/QUOTE]

It's not hard to say "Our network was compromised and we are looking into specifics of what was compromised. We are very sorry that we had to take down PSN, but due to the nature of the compromise we are strengthening our security and will provide more details as time continues. When we get more details on the specifics of what was compromised, we will make another announcement."
bread's done