Rewarding Achievements - Confirmed!


78 (100%)
Confirmed: Official announcement & detalis


January 29, 2007 - Xbox Achievements could soon net gamers true rewards. According to, next month Microsoft will introduce a rewards program to benefit both hardcore 360 players and casual gamers alike.

The report claims that the rewards program will be free and that rewards will be tied to specific achievements. No other details were offered, but if true, this could catapult Microsoft's online offering to a level Sony and Nintendo's new consoles cannot reach. Win cool stuff just by playing games? Sounds good to us.

Microsoft offered neither confirmation nor denial of the rewards program. "We have nothing to say about these rumors or speculation," a Microsoft spokesperson told IGN. "However, what we can tell you is that Xbox is always exploring ideas for how we can reward our loyal customers. As soon as we have anything new to share, we will definitely let you know."

Microsoft has been a big supporter of community sites, going so far as to award bloggers with "MVP" honors. The MVPs sometimes get special invites to check out 360 games early. It's a great reward for fans. DeaconBlade 360, who founded Unscripted 360, is a bonafide MVP member and claims that it's through this status he was able to obtain this information.

Time will prove the veracity of these claims. Even if they are untrue, the positive stir this rumor has created among the Xbox community could prove enough to encourage Microsoft to pursue a rewards program.

If thats true that is awesome
I doubt this will ever be something that allows people to consistently get good things (that would otherwise cost money) on a regular basis. I can see gaining X points as entering you into a raffle, maybe unlocking some gamer pics, maybe the top players on XBL will get points... I just can't see them offering things to a mass audience, because even with a 1 gamer point = 1 ms point ratio, that's just too much money they're giving away.
It'd be nice, but I am not an achievement whore. I don't get much playtime anymore, and I doubt that would change, unless the achievements were incredibly great. (And they probably won't be...)
This would be a great incentive for hardcore gamers and achievement whores alike (which I am both). It woudl also benefit Microsoft since it could potentially sell more gold memberships.
[quote name='Rig']It'd be nice, but I am not an achievement whore. I don't get much playtime anymore, and I doubt that would change, unless the achievements were incredibly great. (And they probably won't be...)[/QUOTE]

I second this man. Unless they are incredibly great, I don't see myself really changing my gaming habits. Although I do love playing games... Earning achievements is another story. Hell, I haven't beaten any of my 360 games, expect for NBA 2k6. ;D
[quote name='Kaijufan']I hope it's true but I find it a little hard to believe. Microsoft doesn't make billions by giving stuff away. ;)[/QUOTE]

Well that's the illusionary beauty of this idea. They aren't really taking a loss, since such a rewards program would make a lot of the achievement whores play buy and play even more games than they normally would.

I have always thought that something like every 1000 points of gamerscore you should get rewarded maybe 1000 MS points.
[quote name='jpuma1']seems interesting. kinda like a virtual arcade that give you tickets and shit.[/QUOTE]

So my gamerscore of 11,000+ would only get me set of stickers, and a small yo-yo.

[quote name='CitizenB']So my gamerscore of 11,000+ would only get me set of stickers, and a small yo-yo.


i need alittle more then stickers and a yo yo for my 11,000+. lol
Sounds lame to me...with the Transfer Kit, people can just download saves to get achievements. It DOES work with some/most games too....
Id take a fucking sticker. Id be happy about my free sticker that I wouldnt have gotten otherwise too.

1000 MS points for 1000 achievment points is ridiculous though. No way in hell that would ever happen. There would be no more marketplace if that happened. No one would make any money.
I'd be cool with getting free gamerpics or themes or whatever. Something that doesn't really cost anything to make. I'm not sure I'd "spend" my achievement points though (making the number go down) unless they set it up so that your score wouldn't decrease - just the currency associated with your score. Like you could have a score of 3,000 with 2,750 available points to spend because you bought something for 250...
for some reason I don't see gamerpoints as a reward. From reading the article it sounds more like it would be some type of game schwag depending on the game. Microsoft already has all our info such as phone # and address. Say you get all the achievements on gears of war maybe you're entitled to a gears of war face plate. Or maybe smaller items such as stickers, a plush doll, etc.

I could see them handing out free codes to xbox live though.

once you reach 30,000 gamerpoints you get a free 3 months of xbox live.

And possibly themes and gamerpics for getting certain achievements.
If true, this will be just like the tickets you get at the arcade/midway/carnival. You bust ass for like two hours on ski ball or sinking free throws or playing whack-a-mole while spending a ton of cash to get a pile of tickets. When you take them up to the counter to cash them in, you're rewarded with....wax lips.

Still, I'll take whatever they're giving away, so bring it.
[quote name='AshesofWake']probably free themes and gamerpics or some shit[/QUOTE]

Some games already reward you for getting an achievement with a gamerpic. Gears of War has two achievement-unlocked gamerpics.
I'd rather it just be small stuff like exclusive gamer pics and themes. If you start giving away Microsoft points, the amount of Acheivement cheaters is going to skyrocket. Not that it matters much to me, but I think overall it would ruin the point system that they have in place.

Worse yet, to combat the cheaters, Microsoft would probably have more and more of the Achievements only obtainable through ranked multiplayer games.
[quote name='nyyanksfan20']This is what I originally thought MS was doing with the achievements system.[/quote]

same with me at first...i didnt see the point of getting your gamerscore up before i got a 360...then when i got it and earned my first achievement, i thought it was a good incentive to keep playing, basically giving me the "unlock everything" mentality

but yea, i doubt it will be anything nearly as generous as 1000 MS points for 1000 gamerscore...most likely gamerpics, themes, or 100 MS points for 1500 gamerscore or something
I still think they should make the pictures that accompany achievements useable as gamerpics when you unlock them. You could use your gamerpic to show off a particular achievement that you're proud of, or just one that you think looks badass in general. Don't tell me you wouldn't want one of these, or even one of these.

But, as far as I'm concerned, I'm already addicted to achievements as it is with no reward. Adding something, anything, that's just gravy.
[quote name='DeathDealer']Id take a fucking sticker. Id be happy about my free sticker that I wouldnt have gotten otherwise too.

1000 MS points for 1000 achievment points is ridiculous though. No way in hell that would ever happen. There would be no more marketplace if that happened. No one would make any money.[/quote]

I think this is a good idea. If you think about, you spend roughly $60(not taking in the account of cheapasses like us and such). Maybe 2000 nerd points nets you 1600 Market Place points. You spend your cash on the games and they thank you for every two games completed with something they charge $20 for in stores. Not a bad trade and completely do able.
I have vet on cod 2 and 3...woot. Anyway with the fall update most games do not allow save trasfers. I dont know if it is 100% of games but according to the people over at it is
Here are the details on the reward achievement contest:

Xbox Live Members Earn Rewards for Achievements

As just announced on GameInformer, we're launching a program in the US to reward Xbox Live members who increase their gamerscore, beginning Feb. 12. We're partnering with Old Spice to give away prizes valued at more than $500,000.

Since this is a pilot program, we're starting with the US, but the team is already talking about what they can do in other regions. Be sure to log into the site on Feb. 12 to register (you have to sign up to be eligible, and to track your progress).
Since we're just getting started, we'd love to hear your thoughts. What kinds of things would you expect from a program like this? What would you like to see?

From an email we just sent to the media:

Xbox 360 is teaming up with Old Spice to bring the first Rewards Challenge to Xbox Live. Gamers will be charged with increasing their gamerscore by 1,500 between February 12 and April 12, 2007. That’s 60 days to bring your overall gamerscore up by 1,500 for the chance to earn a bounty of rewards. In order to participate, you need to have a valid Windows Live™ ID with your Xbox LIVE® gamercard linked, be a legal resident of the 50 United States and District of Columbia (expect future challenges to be global in scope) and at least thirteen years-old.

Reward Package Qualifications

Level 1 (Gamers who have a gamerscore between 0-4,999 at time of entry): Game Picture, Dashboard theme, Contra for Xbox LIVE Arcade
Level 2 (5,000-9,999 gamerscore at time of entry): Level 1 Package, 100 Microsoft Points and a contest T-shirt
Level 3 (10,000+ gamerscore at time of entry): Level 1 Package, 200 Microsoft Points, contest T-shirt and Fusion Frenzy 2
In addition, Old Spice will give Level 1 and 2 the gift of experience by upgrading their Rewards Level for 2007.

Think you can do it? With more than $500,000 in total rewards, such as Microsoft Points and Xbox 360 games, it is time to tackle those unbeaten games and start unlocking Achievements, because this Spring the rewards go beyond just having an impressive gamerscore.

Be sure to log on to on February 12 to sign up for participation. Reward quantities are limited so gamers who reach the set goal will be awarded on a first come, first served basis only.

Check out the GameInformer article for an interview with Kim Janzik, Director of Global Xbox Marketing.
Between Crackdown and NBA Street Homecourt and Winning Eleven 2007 just this month, getting those 1,500 points will be easy.

Free junk, here I come.
goods news...a little steep on the level 2 and ....took me just over a year to get 10k...i know some are much quicker at picking up the achievements, but 10k points in 2 months is steep.
[quote name='ryanbph']goods news...a little steep on the level 2 and ....took me just over a year to get 10k...i know some are much quicker at picking up the achievements, but 10k points in 2 months is steep.[/QUOTE]

From my understanding, the three levels of Gamerscore are what you have to have when you sign up. Then you have to earn 1,500 extra points in 60 days to qualify for the prizes at that level.

So, for example, you and I are both in the level 3 phase right now.
[quote name='ryanbph']goods news...a little steep on the level 2 and ....took me just over a year to get 10k...i know some are much quicker at picking up the achievements, but 10k points in 2 months is steep.[/QUOTE]
No, no. It's 1,500 points for everyone. The levels are determined on the start date. The higher your score currently is (or at least the next week) the better the prize you get. That part seems a bit odd, but at least 1,500 points will bump you up to the next level for next time.
Wow, I'm glad that they are giving away an XBLA I already own :roll:

Maybe they should give a CHOICE of 400 point games?

And what the hell does 100 points buy you anyways?

I know it's free and all, but still, I'm a bit disappointed.

First find your current level by February 12th:

Level 1 (0 – 4,999 annual Gamerscore):
The popular Xbox Live Arcade game Contra (rated: E10+) from Konami (Retail Value $5.00)
Exclusive Old Spice Level 1 Xbox Rewards gamer picture
An experience upgrade to Xbox Rewards Level 2

Level 2 (5,000 – 9,999 annual Gamerscore):
The popular Xbox Live Arcade game Contra (rated: E10+) from Konami
Exclusive Old Spice Level 2 Xbox Rewards gamer picture
100 Microsoft Points
An experience upgrade to Xbox Rewards Level 3

Level 3 (over 10,000 annual Gamerscore):
The popular Xbox Live Arcade game Contra (rated: E10+) from Konami
Exclusive Old Spice Level 3 Xbox Rewards gamer picture
200 Microsoft Points
Old Spice T-Shirt (Estimated Retail Value $10.00)
A copy of Fuzion Frenzy 2 game (rated: E10+) (Estimated Retail Value $50.00)


Starting February 12, you will be challenged to increase your Gamerscore by 1,500 or more before April 12. Successfully complete the Challenge and get a Rewards Package.
does signup BEGIN on feb 12 or is feb 12 the only day that you can sign up?

for example, if i wanna bump myself to the level 2 phase before i signup but cannot do it by feb 12, can i just get myself to level 2 sometime during the promo period and signup then get 1500 points and still qualify?

oh yea, and what does this statement mean? => " In addition, Old Spice will give Level 1 and 2 the gift of experience by upgrading their Rewards Level for 2007."
Damn, now do I quick try and get my gamescore up to 10k before the 12th and risk not having enough to get the 1500 for the contest or stay where I'm at and definetly have enough among the games I own to get it?
Great shit, Microsoft rolling out a Nintendo of Japan-like loyalty program with achievement points would be killer.

I wonder if it'll be one reward per household?
The only bad thing is the part where they mention that you need to have certain retail and live arcade games to achieve certain achievments. I know I won't be going out and plunking down cash for games that I don't have to participate.
Still on the other side of the coin this pretty cool of them to offer somthing like this.
bread's done