Rey Mysterio's wrestling topic

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[quote name='Roufuss']Whatever happened to Stevie Richards?[/quote]

After the bWo angle last year, he was given the standard "Creative has nothing for you" line and sent home. He's been sitting at home doing nothing and getting paid for a few months now.
[quote name='Genocidal']After the bWo angle last year, he was given the standard "Creative has nothing for you" line and sent home. He's been sitting at home doing nothing and getting paid for a few months now.[/QUOTE]

I heard he was apart of the Wrestlemania battle royal. He is one of those guys that WWE may/will pay to keep from going to TNA, he is good friends with Styles, Daniels, and Joe.
[quote name='Roufuss']I wonder if it would get so bad they'd just straight up release him... Randy Orton going to TNA would put TNA over in a big way, I think.[/QUOTE]

I hate to say this but.... I agree with you.
[quote name='Doylerulez']I forgot about that, for some reason I though it was Shane against Test when he did that.[/QUOTE]

It was the first PPV I ever bought.. it was an awesome match.

As much as people may dislike or hate Shane McMahon, he is willing to take any bump it seems to really sell a match. That street fight with HBK where he took the vicious table shot, getting knocking 50 feet off a steel pole at that Summerslam... he's one hell of a worker, imo.
[quote name='Scorch']Don't forget his match with Angle at KOTR '01. Almost all of his matches are memorable.[/QUOTE]

I actually bought KOTR '01 on DVD just for that match. Plus the audio commentary from Kurt and Shane if I remember correctly was pretty sweet.

Changing the subject... will someone tell Melina that her loud scream is not sexy one bit at all. I just muted the audio on Smackdown just so I don't have to hear that damn loud scream. I'm watching the KYR release which seems to be sourced from the sat feed from the arena since the usual overdubbed crowd chants that they mix in during post production are not there. ;)

Oh.. and not to mention no UPN logo plus 5 second black screen blanks for the commerical spots. Pretty nice quality too. :D
[quote name='Genocidal']Although, if he would go to TNA, not only would it be a huge drain on their pocketbooks, but a drain on their morale as well. I'm not so sure that TNA would want him, or be able to deal with him.[/QUOTE]

I doubt he is as bad as Jeff Hardy.

I can almost guarantee if Randy Orton gets released, TNA will be one of the first to call.

Unlike most of the other big names they have been bringing in Orton is young and is someone you can build a promotion around.

[quote name='Roufuss']Also, on a side note, where did Steve Blackman go? He had the best theme song. I remember one time, him and Shane had climbed up to the almost top of the arena, and Steve Blackman kicks Shane off his metal tower and he falls 100 feet down into this foam padded thing. It was freaking insane.[/QUOTE]

He retired due to injury (I think it was a neck injury).

According to wiki he opened his own self defense school (Blackman's Self Defense and Street-Fighting School) and is coming out with a clothing line with Ken Shamrock.
[quote name='Doylerulez']I forgot about that, for some reason I though it was Shane against Test when he did that.[/quote]

Shane vs. Big Show saw Test come out and take out the Big Show so Shane could hit an elbow off the Titantron on to him. It was fucking. awesome.
I was finally starting to enjoy Orton's work for once, I mean I hate him, but that's the point of a heel no? Oh well I bet after the whole spectacle with his dad and the Undertaker and now this he is probably better off at TNA. He'll probably be next seen on Heat jobbing to Viscera.
My thoughts on Smackdown this week.... spoilerized....

- Decent opening match between London/Kendrick vs MNM. Nice build up towards an inevitable tag team title match between these two. I suspect WWE is going to blow this on TV however instead of PPV. And like I wrote earlier that scream Melina does is not sexy or entertaining or pray for Don West to come out and try to overpower her scream with his QVC style selling. No wait... that will only make it worse. I shouldn't say this either... Vince McMahon might try and "talent raid" Don West away from TNA now just to do this. Hopefully he doesn't read this. :lol:

- Oh goodie.. so now not only have we seen Regal kiss Vince McMahon's ass but now we can see him come out dressed up like a pirate drag queen. Does WWE think something like this = ratings? If so then I guess I must not get it.

- Is there a thing with screaming on Smackdown now? Not only is that Melina scream horrid.. but now its infected Kurt Angle. I will admit watching Angle smack Orton across the face = YTMND material.

- Its sad when not only is the World Heavyweight Title match put in the middle of the show but the time given to that match is longer than the 3 way at Mania was given. There is something in this picture that doesn't belong here indeed.

- fuck yeah to the return of King Of The Ring. However unless one doesn't read the net for the latest news scoops its pretty obvious Angle wins next week against Orton. Unless this whole suspension thing Orton has is an over glorified work on net smarks which wouldn't be the wisest thing to do right now.

- Mark Henry feels reborn yet is still just as boring as ever. My god couldn't WWE recycle the whole Lance Storm "boring" gimmick on Mark Henry. Hell it might even go over too this time with Henry since that's exactly what he is - a big lump sag of BORING. Hell I fast forwarded past most of the "main event" against Undertaker as I just couldn't fathom actually sitting through it.

- I'll guarantee you that there will be a LOT of overdubbed crowd booing added at the end. The satelite feed copy I watched the crowd was near dead silent at the end with a few scattered boo's that can be faintly heard. I might watch the ending tonight just to see how much they add in to the final broadcast just out or curiosity sakes.

Hope you enjoyed.
Anyone going to be around for Smackdown tonight? I tried hard not to read spoilers, and so far I haven't.
[quote name='Superstar']Anyone going to be around for Smackdown tonight? I tried hard not to read spoilers, and so far I haven't.[/quote]

Depending on how good Smackdown is, I may be here, or I may be playing Oblivion. Right now I'm leaning towards the latter, however.
[quote name='2Fast']Depending on how good Smackdown is, I may be here, or I may be playing Oblivion. Right now I'm leaning towards the latter, however.[/QUOTE]

Ahh, thats cool. Just wondering. I was planning on posting in this thread, considering my tv is right behind me.
[quote name='Superstar']Ahh, thats cool. Just wondering. I was planning on posting in this thread, considering my tv is right behind me.[/QUOTE]

You'll be the only one... Smackdown is devoid of anything interesting 95% of the time. I think most people in this thread just read the spoilers.

Pirates, Boogeymen, Mark Henry, soon to be no Randy Orton, Melina's obnoxious screams, MNM being stupid as hell, the roster having too many jobbers and not enough stars... all of that makes for a bad show, imo.

I think I'll play Oblivion too.
Now come on Roufuss... we all know deep down inside you are a massively huge mark for....



... so no need to lie about it. ;)

Speaking of JBL... I can't remember but have we ever given him a wrestling topic?
[quote name='Demolition Man']
Speaking of JBL... I can't remember but have we ever given him a wrestling topic?[/QUOTE]

And it's gonna fucking stay that way.
yea i usually void the spoilers... i like watching smackdown because its where usually new stars are made adn we see the newer talent
I won't lie, I liked JBL a long time ago... lately though, the character hasn't really been shining. I remember when he dumped John Cena's spinner belt in the trash, though.
I am a huge JBL fan. I love his mic skills. He's always entertaining to me. I agree though, he hasnt done much with his character lately.
I wanna know something. What the hell happened to the spin-a-roonie? I haven't seen Booker do it in a long ass time.
[quote name='2Fast']I wanna know something. What the hell happened to the spin-a-roonie? I haven't seen Booker do it in a long ass time.[/quote]

I don't think he does it when he's a heel.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I don't think he does it when he's a heel.[/quote]

Ah ok. Duh, I should have thought about that, makes perfect sense. Thanks Guile.
[quote name='2Fast'][/URL]

I'm really surprised Randy Savage only got 13%, he is by far the most deserving out of all of those guys IMO.[/QUOTE]

Warrior is the least deserving.
I really hope they move the Undertaker to Raw come the next draft. Undertaker goes to Raw, Kane goes to Smackdown. I like the sound of that.

I think probably my least favorite wrestler right now is Kane. He is boring, looks dumb, his gimmick is tired/halfway abandoned, he's had the same moveset since he came in, and he mails it in more often than not. Get this guy off the flagship show. I'm tired of seeing his sorry ass and those dumb fucking fire spirits he always summons; do something new with him, or drop him.
[quote name='2Fast']I really hope they move the Undertaker to Raw come the next draft. Undertaker goes to Raw, Kane goes to Smackdown. I like the sound of that.

I think probably my least favorite wrestler right now is Kane. He is boring, looks dumb, his gimmick is tired/halfway abandoned, he's had the same moveset since he came in, and he mails it in more often than not. Get this guy off the flagship show. I'm tired of seeing his sorry ass and those dumb fucking fire spirits he always summons; do something new with him, or drop him.[/QUOTE]

The undertaker does the same old stuff too, just like Kane. I am tired of seeing them both.
[quote name='Superstar']That guy was huge.[/quote]

You ain't lyin'. That dude had the largest, braodest chest I have ever seen. Imagine if Big Show put time into working out like that?
[quote name='GuilewasNK']You ain't lyin'. That dude had the largest, braodest chest I have ever seen. Imagine if Big Show put time into working out like that?[/QUOTE]

Haha, I was thinking the same. The guy kind of reminded me of kurrigan(was that his name?) He was in the oddisies or whatever. It's clearly not him, but it's what I thought of when I saw him.
I didn't watch the end of the match, but I assume you guys are talking about Dalip Singh, the d00d from The Longest Yard, m i rite?
[quote name='2Fast']I didn't watch the end of the match, but I assume you guys are talking about Dalip Singh, the d00d from The Longest Yard, m i rite?[/QUOTE]

Yes. I didn't know his name, thanks for that.
Unfortunately I've heard he can't wrestle for shit. Think Mark Henry, but worse. I'd say give him a few months, and if he doesn't get over because of his size he'll be gone.
Yeah, right. It doesn't matter if hes a great wrestler, or a horrible one. Taker will just keep getting wins over him. Taker doesn't put anyone over. Then he will leave for six months, then come back to do the same to someone else.
IMO, Smackdown is far better than Raw overall.

There seems to be a really strong backlash to Rey winning the title here...while I like Kurt Angle much more, especially as champ, and I think that Rey will probably drop the belt pretty soon, I think the fact that he is champion is absolutely incredible. If Rey can do it, that opens up the door for other small guys to break into the heavyweight division, at the very least putting them in the mix for the IC and US titles. Think of some of the fantastic title defenses we can get if WWE lets some of the people Rey's size compete for the title.
[quote name='AdamInPlaidum']Think of some of the fantastic title defenses we can get if WWE lets some of the people Rey's size compete for the title.[/QUOTE]

I thought about it, came up with nothing. I'm sorry I really dont want to see the heavyweight title contention turn into another juniors division.
[quote name='Superstar']Yeah, right. It doesn't matter if hes a great wrestler, or a horrible one. Taker will just keep getting wins over him. Taker doesn't put anyone over. Then he will leave for six months, then come back to do the same to someone else.[/QUOTE]

Tha heck he hasnt! Two words: Brock Lesnar.
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