Road to Wrestlemania that points at the Wrestlemania sign Wrestlemania XXVIII thread

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[quote name='neocisco']If it was a dishonorable discharge then he is essentially persona non grata to real Marines who don't desert. This is a big part of why I've never gotten into Orton (plus the fact that he makes vanilla seem like moose tracks).[/QUOTE]

I missed this before.

I'm a Marine and while I think that Orton was an immature dick during his time in, (honestly, it isn't hard to not go UA (unauthorized absence)) I'm not one who expects all the people in an organization the size of any branch of the military to not fuck up.

In short, if Orton wants to say he's a Marine. Cool. If he doesn't, also cool.
[quote name='xilly']It's cause you're black, clearly.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Survivalism']Fun fact: Wrestlemania 28 is the first Wrestlemania since Wrestlemania 27.[/QUOTE]

It also set a record as the highest-numbered WrestleMania in history!

TNA's merch never ceases to amaze. Here's the new AJ Discharge shirt -
[quote name='JaytheGamefan']It also set a record as the highest-numbered WrestleMania in history!

TNA's merch never ceases to amaze. Here's the new AJ Discharge shirt -

Did they hire the guy who came up with this one to make that shirt?

This Aries/Bully Ray feud is going to be amazing just based on that few minutes they got in the ring together tonight.
Watched a bit of Impact tonight since I didn't go out for a change. Seeing a cleaned up and showered James Storm in the Hogan segment (right after his tag match) was an odd production choice.

I didn't understand Aries' babyface promo because I didn't think he was a babyface. But I don't watch the show much.

I enjoyed the last tag match, but it seemed like they missed a few big opportunities there - one, to get Aries over as a credible threat in the main event scene. Instead, after the hot tag he disappeared from the match, and Storm finished off the world champion and bully ray single handedly. Also, given the tag team credentials of 3 of the 4 guys in there, the announcers could have done a better job bringing that up, too.

Roode's opening promo bored me to tears, and I ff'd through the Bischoff family reunion. I'm sick to fucking death of that aspect of wrestling shows. I might write a longwinded rant about how nonsensical those segments are on so many levels, but meh for now.
[quote name='mykevermin']Watched a bit of Impact tonight since I didn't go out for a change. Seeing a cleaned up and showered James Storm in the Hogan segment (right after his tag match) was an odd production choice.

I didn't understand Aries' babyface promo because I didn't think he was a babyface. But I don't watch the show much.

I enjoyed the last tag match, but it seemed like they missed a few big opportunities there - one, to get Aries over as a credible threat in the main event scene. Instead, after the hot tag he disappeared from the match, and Storm finished off the world champion and bully ray single handedly. Also, given the tag team credentials of 3 of the 4 guys in there, the announcers could have done a better job bringing that up, too.

Roode's opening promo bored me to tears, and I ff'd through the Bischoff family reunion. I'm sick to fucking death of that aspect of wrestling shows. I might write a longwinded rant about how nonsensical those segments are on so many levels, but meh for now.[/QUOTE]

I thought Jay already had that covered on a weekly basis? Plus he gives us screenshots. Top that, and you're hired.
Wacky chanting music played over the Sting-Dixie-Hogan GM drama recap. Dixie said that no decision was made by Hulk...yeah no shit, THE SHOW WAS OFF THE AIR BEFORE HE COULD SAY ANYTHING. Loved Tenay acting like Roode opening the show by coming down the ramp was something new. Roode rambled on for a long time about everything he always talks about. Tenay said the Roode-Storm match was only 2 weeks ago, which really seems fast - this feud is definitely missing something right now. I liked Storm's promo, but it made very little sense for him to want a 2-on-1 with Roode and Ray. Gail and Rayne's BFF meeting was tremendous. Madison and Velvet had a match. Poor Madison being stuck working Velvet, who at least had the wisdom to wear a skirt that always flew up. Taz hyped up A CONVERSATION between Dixie and Hogan after this, I guess so Hogan can say any ratings grown was due to him. Velvet won with the double underhook X factor. Then Christy interviewed her, which was hard to hear inititially because they didn't stop playing her theme, and Christy's just not very good at interviewing folks. Velvet bitched about not getting a shot. Poor Gail, now SHE'LL have to face Velvet.

Dixie met with Hogan at a park bench at Universal Studios. Why there instead of...a boardroom for a corporate meeting, I have no idea. Hogan's pink shirt suggests it might've been casual Friday. Thankfully, they brought up being a bit odd that she's trying to get Hogan to re-run the show after he turned on her. This went on forever, but was a blast to watch due to hearing kids in the backgrounds yell and scream with joy at the rides. It was also fun to hear Hogan talk about how he's entering a dark cloud now and how the ship is way off-course and coming up with a thousand ways to say the company is fucked up while also collecting a huge paycheck from them. Could've done without the recap of the Crimson-Morgan drama - while I'm glad they're doing videos for mid-card feuds, this one sucks and I just want it over ASAP. Loved Tenay saying that Morgan and Crimson went they were ever good.

Angle cut a goofy promo about Hardy having to beat Anderson...for some reason to get a match with him at Lockdown or else THE KURT ANGLE BUS IS LEAVING. Loved Taz calling out Angle's promos as making no sense at all recently. Really loved Aries taking over, going through his issue with Ray, and offering his services to Storm to face Ray and Roode tonight in a tag. I'm all for him getting into a semi-regular main event slot. Morgan came out to face Crimson, which led to the show coming back with the match being JIP. I liked Morgan's mounted punches being treated like the corner-mount punches with a full countdown from the fans. Tenay hilariously compared the Crimson and Morgan team to Dixie and Hogan. These two monsters fighting inspired such fear the from audience that the fans begged for them to fight near them. Match lasted a few minutes, wasn't very good, and seemed to drag even with its short length. They brawled to the back, perhaps to get on the Kurt Angle bus and never return. Hardy, who gets Angle if he wins, vs. Anderson, who gets nothing for winning this match, was announced as being up next. Why did Kurt pick Ken for this? Why is he giving an opponent he knows he can't beat honestly a fair chance? Shouldn't he demand he beat Gunner and someone else?

Joe Park met with the production truck guys and gave them a blank card to contact him. I love this character. Anderson came out, did the same intro he's done for seven years, and for some reason, is allowed to say "asshole" while "ass" is bleeped. That makes absolutely no sense. Tenay hyped up Lockdown being in theaters. I bet it does better there than a WWE Film. He also talked about Eric making a final challenge for Garett Bischoff - hopefully it involves either Shang Tsung or Shao Kahn. He did anything he could to talk about anything but the actual match, which was fine, although Anderson is in a unique kind of out of shape. He was moving around fine, but has quite a gut on him and bizarre Miz tan going on. Just a terrible look. although at least he isn't working in a t-shirt anymore - that was really like watching a past his prime guy do his indy deal on national TV. Angle came out to interfere and gave Anderson the win. They showed Storm's music video and man did he come off like a megastar in it. All the country acts wanted to hang out with HIM in it , and they showed some clips of him as world champ that honestly justified his short reign if this thing achieves any kind of success in the mainstream. They wisely showed him not only as world champ, but beating up names that casual fans would know, like Kurt and Bully. Seeing SERG in a cowboy hat was something else too. They came back and showed Eric walking down a hallway that alternated between hiding his age and literally shining a bright light on it.

EY and ODB had a wacky wedding deal where ODB revealed loving pearl necklaces and then got jealous of Titty McWeddingPlanner. This was...something, and then they revealed the wedding will be at Lockdown. No fucking buys there. Eric came out to add more talking to the show, thank God. Eric cut probably his best promo yet in TNA talking about how great he is and FINALLY, after five months, addressing just why the fuck he's on the show despite BEING OUSTED FROM POWER - he signed a contract that gave him camera time whenever he wanted it. And then he talked about having psychological ninja skills! This ruled. Then Garett came out in his one red plaid shirt, and called him a jackass, which was muted. He's not going anywhere, and will gladly face Gunner. I hope that gets changed because they don't trust him to do anything more than three minutes with KURT ANGLE, and Gunner is no Kurt Angle.

They showed another great Storm-Roode vid. This one recapped the history of Beer Money, from their beginnings as a Hollywood Blondes-like makeshift team, and like that team, they started as clearly two different acts thrown together, but then gelled into a unit that you couldn't imagine being together. It was amazing to see the original homemade Beer Money shirts and then remember just how awesome their merch got. Really made the progression of team seem like an event bigger accomplishment. They showed Storm training by throwing cinder blocks around in the woods and punching and kicking with his friends. This was outstanding. I hope that part of the Flair deal was them being able to show at least one of these things to hype up Lockdown on WWE TV. Maybe then WWE could learn how to properly build a feud. They shot Aries' intro beautifully - with him posing perfectly in front of his entrance video. Loved Taz flubbing on the country stars in Storm's vid, but recovering from it perfectly. I really liked the match, although it was overshadowed by Tenay plugging the Dixie-Hogan deal and treating it as a bigger deal than the company's main event acts of both the present and future. Aries and Ray have shockingly good chemistry together, so I'm really looking forward to their match, hopefully at Lockdown. Loved Ray doing his own LET'S GO ARIES chant - I hope he keeps doing that, because it's a great way to both mock your opponent, the fans, and yet keep the match heated. Roode accidentally spit the direction of Bully Ray, although it sure looked like it missed him, leading to a superkick from Storm and yet another win to build up Storm. It is really nice to see the number 1 contender built up with big wins as opposed to alternating wins and losses. Then the REAL MAIN EVENT happened as Hulk Hogan MADE A DECISION. A Rip:60 ad aired to cause nationwide motion sickness.

Show came back with Dixie in the ring, sadly nixing her glorious theme about a man being inside her. Thank God HULK HOGAN THE MAIN EVENT ACT IN 2012 got his full intro, with pyro. Hopefully it doesn't go too long though - now we're literally at the same point we were a week ago, with Hogan and Dixie in the ring deciding on him being GM. Then he talked about doing the retirement deal for seemingly the dozenth time already in TNA. Then Sting and all the other faces came out to beg Hogan to take the job because he's so great, then he did his wait and get a reaction bit. Sting begged him to take the job as the Eye of the Tiger Hulkster. THANK GOD, HE'S THE GM NOW. This felt like a mix of a '95 Nitro segment mixed in with Hogan's '02 nostalgia run. Now I guess we're supposed to be nostalgiac for the nostalgia run.

Screens -



EY Loves Tag Teaming and Titty McWeddingPlanner

Quotes -
Roode – For those who have tweeted, Facebooked, and written letters to the office of Impact Wrestling saying you want me fired – I HAVE A MESSAGE FOR ALL OF YOU! (fire Bobby chant breaks out) YOU CAN ALL KISS MY WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP ASS! Cuz the fact of that matter is this, without Bobby Roode in IW, IW is absolutely nothing. At VR, I accomplished what I set out to accomplish. Sting, I physically beat you down, but most importantly, I mentally beat you down. Not only did I win the fight, but last Thursday, you stepped down as GM, and that solidified me as winning the war. I proved that I'm a better man, better wrestler, and better world champ than you ever were Sting! And uh...Dixie, you wanna eyeball me? Stick your nose in the champ's business? YOU GOT YOURS DIDN'T YA MISS DIXIE! Keep yer nose outta my business.
Roode – NOTHING AND NO ONE IS GONNA STOP ME! Now, last week, my lawyer stated I don't need to be here – all I need to do is go to Lockdown in the case and defend my title against James Storm. Ya see, as far as I'm concerned, this has turned into an unsafe work environment for the chamP. Hence, Orlando's finest – they're here for your safety Storm. You wanna shoot your mouth off and saying that at Lockdown, you wanna fight. Storm, the last thing you wanna do is fight me. I'M THE IT FACTOR OF PRO WRESTLING AND YOU KNOW THAT I'M BETTER THAN YOU IN EVERY WAY POSSIBLE AND I'LL PROVE IT AT LOCKDOWN! You say sorry about your damn luck, but when you're the champ, YOU DON'T NEED ANY DAMN LUCK!
Storm – You're supposed to be a man Bobby? WHAT KINDA MAN LAYS THEIR HANDS ON A WOMAN?! Last week, you bring your 2 cent lawyer out here, and we saw what happens when you bring out an idiot to do a man's job. Now you got yer mall cops – I'm not here to steal a shirt, I'M HERE TO KICK THE CRAP OUTTA HIM! CMON, YOU WANT SOME, GET YOUR DUMB ASS DOWN TO THIS DAMN RING AND GET YOU SOME. I'M ALL ABOUT KICKING ASS AND DRINKING COLD BEER, SO TONIGHT, BOTH OF YA, CLIMB ON IN HERE CUZ I GOT A SIZE 12 THAT'LL FIT UP BOTH YA! Whadya say about it, IT FACTOR!
Taz – I'm so happy to see the tiara back on the head of Madison – it's a very pretty head.
Taz – Madison's gotta be in a good place – she's got her best buddy back and her tiara. All she needs is a commentator as arm-candy.
Taz – Up next is THE CONVERSATION between Dixie and Hogan.
Taz – Does she have a picture of a blimp on the back of her buttocks?
Taz – Velvet got the win in very sexy fashion.
Ray – We ain't exactly been BFFs – I'm tired of being humiliated by Storm. Last week, HE TOOK CARE OF KAZ AND DANIELS, AND WE AIN'T KAZ AND DANIELS!
Angle – Know why I won't give Hardy a rematch? CUZ I HATE CRYBABIES, AND HE CRIES MORE THAN MY FIVE YEAR OLD. Tell ya what Jeff, you beat Ken Anderson in the ring, but if you lose, THE KURT ANGLE BUS IS LEAVING THE KURT ANGLE BUS FOR GOOD BABY!
Taz – I think Kurt's lost his mind.
Aries – This isn't my scheduled time, but people come out here anytime, so I figure this is now mine. I know you're thinking that after another title defense, there's no competition, and you're right. But I have a problem – BULLY RAY. You're a prick – some say that about me, and it only took Storm 2 minutes to kick the taste out of your mouth. So what'd you do? You took out your frustration on anyone you saw fit, and it happened to be in the middle of one of my 4-way title defenses. I'M AUSTIN ARIES – THE X DIVISION CHAMP. MISTER MONEY'S WORTH, AND WE'VE GOT A PROBLEM! Ya see,w hen I step in this ring, I'm not the biggest, but ya know what I've got? A set of balls as big as both of your calves. I couldn't live with myself if I let you walk on me – I speak my mind, speak the truth, and stand up for myself. Soudns a bit like Storm. I'm not a country fan, and I'll take a glass of wine over beer, but Storm, I know you want Roode, and I want to get my hands on Ray. You want 2-on-1 – that might be a good idea, but I've got a great one – let me fight by your side.
Taz – Morgan and Crimson were a successful team.
Tenay – And just imagine Hogan and Dixie – THEY COULD BE THE ULTIMATE SUCCESSFUL TEAM!
Anderson – What's up assholes? Are there any assholes in the house tonight? THIS ASSHOLE HAILS FROM GREEN BAY, WISCONSIN! MISSTTTTEERRRR ANDERSON!
EY – I like your pillows, lady.
Taz – Where's the bachelor party? A steel mill or a garbage dump?
Eric – Thank you, thank you. Please, thank you very much. PLEASE. You're all gonna make me cry. Ya know, I am an amazing man. Sometimes, I amaze even myself. Everyday is an awakening – I can't describe how exciting it is to be me. Ya know, I'll give you an example – I HAVE THE UNIQUE ABILITY TO MANIFEST CHANGE WITHIN A COMPANY WITH NOTHING MORE THAN A CONTRACT THAT SAYS I GET CAMERA TIME WHENEVER I WANT. IT'S LIKE A PYCHOLOGICAL NINJA TYPE THING! One of the secrets to my success is a checklist of what I want to accomplish. I WANTED STING GONE AS GM – CHECK! I wanted Dixie to find someone who didn't even live up to Sting's capabilities – CHECK. And of course, I want to increase my personal wealth – CHECK CHECK CHECK. There's one thing left that I can't get checked off – but I'm gonna fix that now. I would like to invite MY SNOT-NOSED INGRATE OF A SON TO THE RING. Hey kid, I'm gonna give you a chance to live a healthy life with your wife and relax on a beach, and if you don't, you'll get hurt. At Lockdown, step in the meat grinder of a cage WITH THE HEAD BUTCHER HIMSELF GUNNER. ONE ON ONE, NO INTERFERENCE. JUST YOU AND A MAN YOU KNOW DEEP DOWN INSIDE IS GOING TO TEAR YOU APART! But you can avoid that by turning around and walking away.
Garett – Old man, YOU'RE A JACKASS! And apparently, a thick-headed one at that. If you think putting me in there with Gunner is gonna scare you, you're dumber than everyone thinks you are.
Taz – She's the best-looking ring announcer in history, and we go from her to the pasty, sorta heavy Bully Ray with muscular calves.
Taz – I loved seeing my buddy Montgomery Gentry in that video.
Tenay – It's two guys.
Taz – They're both great.
Taz – Bully Ray getting all that mic time without a mic.
Dixie – Do you hear that? I know taking over for Sting as Gm is a big decision – it's one for me too. Last week, I told Sting that if you believe in him, I'll belive in you, AND I BELIEVE IN YOU. Do you hear these people!? But I do need a decision.
Hogan – Dixie, I wanna thank you, and Sting, AND THE FANS, it's no secret we met earlier, and I came here with some great things happening, and then I did some things, and I'm not trying to just blame Bischoff, I had my fingerprints on it. After BFG, I made peace with Sting, and you – I've closed the book on this part of my life.
Sting – Hulk, you're not gonna deny me, Dixie, and I know you're not gonna deny all these people. THE WRITING IS ON THE WALL. YES OR NO!?
Hogan – We talking about a totally clean slate? You guys are making this tough. I need to know one thing before I make this decision – Impact Wrestling has a huge dark cloud with how things are going on here. No matter how deep the water gets, I need to know one thing to take to my grave – WILL THE STINGER WATCH HULK HOGAN'S BACK JACK!?
[quote name='Survivalism']Fun Fact: In Japan, Wrestlemania VI is known as Wrestlemania III.[/QUOTE]

Could be because I've had a long day, but damn, I let out a "Ha!"

Much appreciated.
That made my laugh out loud. Then I thought about a world where a country did not know about the real Wrestlemania III and that they had never seen Savage/Steamboat or Andre/Hogan until Playstation 2 was released.
Probably shouldn't post pictures of topless women here. Just sayin'.

Cover of WM28 DVD/Blu revealed.. don't really like it.

On Twitter, you can buy what is called a Promoted Tweet. You pay Twitter so that if someone searches for a specific item, your Twitter account will always be the first result. TNA this week bought the following terms: WWE, Wrestlemania, Wrestling, C.M. Punk, John Cena, The Rock, HHH, Undertaker, Chris Jericho, Kane, Randy Orton and Sheamus.

This means if anyone goes on Twitter this weekend and searches for any of those terms, they will be directed to the TNA account, NOT WWE.

[quote name='KaneRobot']Observer:
On Twitter, you can buy what is called a Promoted Tweet. You pay Twitter so that if someone searches for a specific item, your Twitter account will always be the first result. TNA this week bought the following terms: WWE, Wrestlemania, Wrestling, C.M. Punk, John Cena, The Rock, HHH, Undertaker, Chris Jericho, Kane, Randy Orton and Sheamus.

This means if anyone goes on Twitter this weekend and searches for any of those terms, they will be directed to the TNA account, NOT WWE.

[quote name='masked lemon']That's why I spoiled it. and marked it NSFW, besides, it's just a nipple, hardly hardcore porn or anything.[/QUOTE]

People have been banned for less. That's why I said what I said. It was just a heads up.
It's only a coup on WWE due to how much WWE has focused on social media circles for the past 6 months (though it feels like a million years).

I hope it didn't cost them that much, but I'm confident it did.
[quote name='mykevermin']It's only a coup on WWE due to how much WWE has focused on social media circles for the past 6 months (though it feels like a million years).

I hope it didn't cost them that much, but I'm confident it did.[/QUOTE]

A promoted tweet costs $120,000 per day. 12 tweet topics equates to $1,440,000 spent. Unless they somehow make money off of these promoted tweets, that's poor ROI and a waste of money.
Buy it anyway, at least on principle. That's what I did since I didn't think I was going to be home tonight. Dinner plans were postponed though so I will be watching it tonight.
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