Rock Band - Discussion moved to Rock Band 2 thread!

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[quote name='Sockey']Just got Rock Band. How is the Guitar? I already have the ones that came with Guitar Hero 2 and 3. Is this guitar significantly better? I'm trying to decide whether I should open it or sell it on ebay(They are going for $90.00+).[/QUOTE]
No, the GH ones are fine.
[quote name='Charron']Expert only, unless I'm mistaken.[/QUOTE]

Thanks. I thought so, but wasn't sure if the threshold for gold stars was crazy high or something else.
I haven't been able to find Rock Band in my area for awhile. Hopefully it'll die down because of the shopping season coming to a close.
This game is as elusive as the Wii.
[quote name='porieux']The thing that makes that song tricky on drums is that the band is speeding up and or slowing down subtly during the solo. You can be going along like a metronome, playing that fast repetitive groove, and all of a sudden you are missing a bunch of notes. You have to change tempo ever so slightly as they do it, which can be hard to hear sometimes. I think they are basically getting faster but there may be places where it gets slower too I can't remember. To be clear I'm not talking about the parts where the whole beat and feel changes, but under the solo where you are basically playing the same beat over and over, but the speed (tempo) starts creeping up. Once you adjust for that, the song isn't really hard.[/QUOTE]
I failed it at the same place... about 70%, but I'll try it again tomorrow. My body is pretty sore from playing drums all day :)
I'm totally fine at expert except for the shitty ass plastic bass pedal. I wish I could somehow hook up my Iron Cobra Double Bass Pedal and rock it out.

We need more Faith No More please! Plus i'll take all the police I can get. Stewart Copeland is an amazing drummer.
Finally got through Iron Maiden to finish the Hard Solo Tour, getting those red/yellow drum rolls down were the hardest part for me. All I have left now is the Expert Drum Tour and all of the Vocals Tour.
[quote name='Maynard']I'm totally fine at expert except for the shitty ass plastic bass pedal. I wish I could somehow hook up my Iron Cobra Double Bass Pedal and rock it out. [/quote]

I keep on saying the same thing (sweet pedal by the way!). The damn bass pedal doesn't like to register for me sometimes, and both the stupid side drums do the same thing with not registering. Not sure if I should try to get the whole thing replaced by EA, just get the pedal replaced, or the drums, or what.
[quote name='mykevermin']Thanks. I thought so, but wasn't sure if the threshold for gold stars was crazy high or something else.[/quote]

It's gotta be crazy high. I nearly FC'd Here It Goes Again and didn't get gold stars. I did gold star something else though, just can't remember which.
Got rock band yesterday. Drum sticks I got aren't the same, one feels very light like balsa wood and it's not coated, while the other one is alot heavier and has a coated finish. The guitar sometimes acts up not registering down strums. However, despite all this the game is so awesome I can't put it down.
My guitar is crapping out. Requested a new one.

I played one of the AAR songs first with the RB guitar, got a 90%, all the missed notes were strums that didn't register. Then I played it with an Xplorer, and 100%ed it.
[quote name='looploop']I've got double strum!!! nooooooooooo![/quote]

I think I'm starting to get that too.... I'll probably be sending it in when I get back to the apartment. I'll just use my X-Plorer in the meantime and make any potential bassist bring their own. :lol:
Alright I think I'm going to sell my unopened Rock Band Guitar (already have Gibson and Xplorer) on ebay. I tried it at BB and found it much more difficult to use than the other guitars. Anybody have any comments before I list it? Do you use the solo buttons or the sound effects much?
[quote name='CouRageouS']What would you guys say is the most fun song for bass? I get so ridiculously bored when playing bass. Everything else is a blast.[/quote]

We Won't Get Fooled Again is great on Bass, so is And Justice For All (if you have it - and if you don't, you should).
This game is just a freaking blast to play. I got it for my daughter for x-mas, but i'm the one that can't put it down!

I'm still sitting on easy mode though, I can't seem to make a decent transition to medium on the guitar, drums i'm ok at on medium, but that guitar on medium just murders me. Any tips?
[quote name='Sockey']Alright I think I'm going to sell my unopened Rock Band Guitar (already have Gibson and Xplorer) on ebay. I tried it at BB and found it much more difficult to use than the other guitars. Anybody have any comments before I list it? Do you use the solo buttons or the sound effects much?[/QUOTE]

I hardly use them at all.
[quote name='Sockey']Alright I think I'm going to sell my unopened Rock Band Guitar (already have Gibson and Xplorer) on ebay. I tried it at BB and found it much more difficult to use than the other guitars. Anybody have any comments before I list it? Do you use the solo buttons or the sound effects much?[/quote]

well my lil cousin uses the solo buttons otherwise no one i kno ever uses them
the effects bar i dont think anyone even notices its there and if they do they have no idea wtf its supposed to do
so i think yeah u should be fine with ur gh guitars
I must be the only one who loves playing on the the solo frets and using the effects. I usually play with my surround system insanely loud though. Helps drown out the drum banging.
I ordered rockband today through amazon. Im thinking about selling at least one of the guitars on ebay since I already have 2 GH2 xplorers. Ive tried the new guitars from rockband and prefer the xploreres over them.

Thinking I can't really go wrong with selling a used xplorer and a new rockband controller.


Do I sell both rockband controllers and lose out on "cool" effects and continue using more confortable/stable xplorers?

Or do sell one of each?
I got a double strum guitar and a broken yellow drum pad. Its such a shame because I was having so much fun with it before they died. Now I'm stuck to singing and well....not pretty
I love the effects switch! I would always have it on the "wahwah," and it always sounds either awesome, or at least hilarious. The solo frets help a bunch on the Big Rock Endings, but I couldn't get used to actually following notes on them.

That said, after about a week of using the Strat, I switched back to a GH guitar. I gave it a fair shot, but ultimately, I just don't like the strum bar on the Strat and I always hit more notes on a XPlorer/Les Paul.
I really enjoy the solo buttons as well, but I still think it's pretty wonky compared to the GH controllers. I'll have some better thoughts on the matter when I get a working guitar again.
[quote name='kevzik']I ordered rockband today through amazon. Im thinking about selling at least one of the guitars on ebay since I already have 2 GH2 xplorers. Ive tried the new guitars from rockband and prefer the xploreres over them.

Thinking I can't really go wrong with selling a used xplorer and a new rockband controller.


Do I sell both rockband controllers and lose out on "cool" effects and continue using more confortable/stable xplorers?

Or do sell one of each?[/QUOTE]

You do realize that Rock Band only comes with ONE guitar controller, right? Plus, since the Rock Band guitar doesn't work with guitar hero, you can't do multiplayer in GH.
[quote name='kevzik']I ordered rockband today through amazon. Im thinking about selling at least one of the guitars on ebay since I already have 2 GH2 xplorers. Ive tried the new guitars from rockband and prefer the xploreres over them.

Thinking I can't really go wrong with selling a used xplorer and a new rockband controller.


Do I sell both rockband controllers and lose out on "cool" effects and continue using more confortable/stable xplorers?

Or do sell one of each?[/quote]

Sell all 3 and buy two GHIII (Les Pauls?) controllers. The Xplorer is shit after you've played one of those.
[quote name='GamerChris']You do realize that Rock Band only comes with ONE guitar controller, right? Plus, since the Rock Band guitar doesn't work with guitar hero, you can't do multiplayer in GH.[/quote]

What? I thought it came with two....thats bullshit

[quote name='Mattte']Sell all 3 and buy two GHIII (Les Pauls?) controllers. The Xplorer is shit after you've played one of those.[/quote]

Possible solution, thanks!
[quote name='kevzik']What? I thought it came with two....thats bullshit


How is that bull? It also comes with a microphone and drum kit.
[quote name='GamerChris']How is that bull? It also comes with a microphone and drum kit.[/quote]

Its just me being upset because all this time I was under the wrong impression. Something or someone made be believe it came with two. Oh well. I think im just going to sell the guitar and use my xplorers.

Quick question though,

If I do end up keeping the rockband guitar and it breaks, do I have to pay shipping to send it back? I believe they either fix it or send you a new one, but I don't want to pay to ship the huge thing.
Well, I was just in a best buy yesterday, and I looked at the rock band kiosk.
Nothing paticularly special there, just the guitar and drums.
I watch a couple of kids play, and they both failed. then I decided to play the game(I have the game myself, but I was bored waiting). Then I reallized that the kiosk had no kick drum, which kinda makes it useless.
just a random story about best buy.
[quote name='decimalstinger']Well, I was just in a best buy yesterday, and I looked at the rock band kiosk.
Nothing paticularly special there, just the guitar and drums.
I watch a couple of kids play, and they both failed. then I decided to play the game(I have the game myself, but I was bored waiting). Then I reallized that the kiosk had no kick drum, which kinda makes it useless.
just a random story about best buy.[/quote]

none of the demo units have ever had kick drums.
I played this at a friends house this passed weekend, and we had an insane amount of fun. So much so that I was going to pick the game up myself. Then I started doing some reseach on it because $170 for one game is a hefty price tag. I have to say I'm severelly disappointed by the song list. There's not that many tracks considering the price tag, and the songs that are there aren't all that great either. I always heard that Rock Band blew Guitar Hero away in the song department, but to my taste it's the total opposite.

To top that off, I've been hearing nothing but nightmare stories of how easily the guitars break, and that some drums are breaking as well. Then, I checked out the downloadable content to see if there were anymore songs I could get into, and once again it is very limited. Where's some Mastodon or AC/DC.... hell I could go on and on about the stuff I would like to see in this game.

I guess I'll just wait for an price drop, and by then hopefully there will be better song packs for download, and the hardware will be more durable. Right now though I can easily see why this game isn't selling what the buzz said it would.
The hardware is getting better. It's kinda like the 360 itself; the newer it is, the more reliable, but they're all still prone to failure. And like the console, treat it right and it'll hold up better. I'm somewhat light on the drums (enough so that I've missed notes for not hitting hard enough) and they're still in perfect shape.

Sorry you don't like the tracklist, though. It is a bit "softer" than GH3, if only because they need to be fun for everyone and "singing" heavy metal isn't that fun. No difference in quantity against GH3; both have 45 main-set songs (unless I miscounted). GH3 just has more bonus songs (25 to 13).
Easy on drums is short because you only do 43 skipping the last tier. Definitely do on a harder difficulty were you really get the drumming experience it's so fun.

OMG!!! Green Grass and High tides fucking hard!!!!!! Fast part section on up is were I get murdered. Not even bothering with the snare and just tryin to keep up with kick and yellow.
I finally started using the mic today and I have to say its as much fun as the guitar or drums! I thought it was really stupid and thrown into the bundle as an after thought but MAN its so addicting.

The Set is fine, not remarkable but I really like all of the songs they have on there.
Question for you drummers out there. I'm about to tackle the nightmare tier on hard, and when there's a ton of quick hits in a row, is it better to go hard and fast, or quickly/softly? I can't seem to get the right beat down. And yes, I understand what I just wrote can be turned into a terrible sex joke.
[quote name='NOXER']OMG!!! Green Grass and High tides fucking hard!!!!!! Fast part section on up is were I get murdered. Not even bothering with the snare and just tryin to keep up with kick and yellow.[/quote]

Yes, yes it is. I just got there and it's so painful and boring! I loathe this song now.
[quote name='NOXER']Easy on drums is short because you only do 43 skipping the last tier. Definitely do on a harder difficulty were you really get the drumming experience it's so fun.

Yeah, I already started medium. I was just making sure there were more songs.
[quote name='NOXER']Easy on drums is short because you only do 43 skipping the last tier. Definitely do on a harder difficulty were you really get the drumming experience it's so fun.

OMG!!! Green Grass and High tides fucking hard!!!!!! Fast part section on up is were I get murdered. Not even bothering with the snare and just tryin to keep up with kick and yellow.[/quote]

There's actually three tiers missing on easy, but anyway. That was the part of GGaHT that killed me too. Now I'm stuck on the whole RY/O/RY/O pattern that keeps popping up on hard. I can never get it.
I finally beat Green Grass on expert today after failing it at 96% 4 times in a row, boy that really pissed me off. I'm thinking of grabbing some DLC, but I really want Who's Next, hopefully that's coming soon.
Dunno if this has been answered yet. But after the 60 day warranty, are you basically SOL if your hardware breaks?

That'd be pretty fucking dumb considering that both EA and Harmonix acknowledged they built the drums and guitar like shit.
I know that the drums can be defective(my drums), but I'm wondering if you guys have had your guitars not "function" well? I miss notes I could swear that I hit...

And do I have to contact EA for my busted drums?
[quote name='Ahadi']I know that the drums can be defective(my drums), but I'm wondering if you guys have had your guitars not "function" well? I miss notes I could swear that I hit...

And do I have to contact EA for my busted drums?[/quote]

I would go into practice mode with your guitar at 50% speed. That way you'll definitely know whether the guitar is malfunctioning or not.

I would contact EA about your drums as soon as possible on their customer service website. The process is pretty quick and painless. I put in a complaint about a busted guitar on thursday and UPS tells me my new guitar will be in on Monday.
I picked the bundle up recently and had to file for a replacement for the guitar, but I went the route where they will send me a coffin, I mail them the guitar, and then they send me a new one. Anyone have a clue how long it takes them to send out the coffins? I got a UPS tracking number minutes after filing on the website on wednesday, and the coffin still hasn't gone out.
I'm starting to worry about my drums, too. The snare rolls during Welcome Home felt a little odd, so I tried it during a big finish and it wouldn't recognize at all if I went fast enough.

My bundle's from September; I shoulda seen this coming. :cry:
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