Rock Band - Discussion moved to Rock Band 2 thread!

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I just want Lateralus by Tool. I would be a happy happy happy man then. Hell, pretty much any Tool song, but Lateralus would be the bomb.
[quote name='porieux']+1

but -1 for editing out Frank Zappa and VoiVoid. :shame:[/QUOTE]


I have a feeling that delayed DLC annoucement=meh DLC.
I just had a bad dream they released 4 Aerosmith tracks that no one had heard of.... Wait, nevermind....that was the new Aerosmith Guitar Hero.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']I bet it's The Who.[/QUOTE]

I don't mind The Who but we just had an "epic" release from Boston last week. I'm hopin' for something more recent. Last time they had this kinda delay they brought out Paramore. I'm hoping for something more along those lines. Obviously a Foo Fighters pack with Long Road To Ruin. Or maybe Against Me! - Thraxed Unreal. Hell, give me some new Simple Plan.
[quote name='Lokki']I just want Lateralus by Tool. I would be a happy happy happy man then. Hell, pretty much any Tool song, but Lateralus would be the bomb.[/QUOTE]

I would cream my pants if they through up the entire Aenima album, but I'd settle for the following 6-pack (or just the first three):

Sober (must-have)
The Pot
Forty Two & 6
Parabol(a) (the entire two-part song; 12 minutes of rock = awesome).
[quote name='goukill1120']I hope they release more Coheed and Cambria. The Final Cut would be awesome.[/QUOTE]

Where the fuck is No World For Tomorrow? That song is just perfect for Rock Band.
[quote name='evanft']\m/Zappa\m/

I have a feeling that delayed DLC annoucement=meh DLC.[/QUOTE]

people thought that last time, but we ended getting three good tracks at a pretty sweet deal.

Hopefully we get more $1 songs.
[quote name='goukill1120']I hope they release more Coheed and Cambria. The Final Cut would be awesome.[/quote]

Yeah, and hopefully master tracks, didn't care for the voice in the Ten Speed cover much.
[quote name='kevzik']So when can we expect an announcement for the next DLC?[/QUOTE]

Read the post, Monday afternoon most likely.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']I would cream my pants if they through up the entire Aenima album, but I'd settle for the following 6-pack (or just the first three):

Sober (must-have)
The Pot
Forty Two & 6
Parabol(a) (the entire two-part song; 12 minutes of rock = awesome).[/quote]

Yeah, those songs would be a ton of fun on Rock Band, especially 46 & 2. As would Hooker with a Penis, but I doubt that would ever see Rock Band. :D
[quote name='SteveMcQ']I don't think they'd work well considering they stray more to the acoustic instruments, but damn I could really go for some Eagles/Don Henley stuff right now.[/quote]

[quote name='DustHimself']dude, what about Joe Walsh stuff? He's killer on the guitar in his songs.[/quote]

[quote name='TahoeMax']Let us all compromise.

Eagle Member Variety Pack:

Boys of Summer by Don Henley
Life's Been Good by Joe Walsh
Hotel California or One of These Nights by The Eagles[/quote]

[quote name='SteveMcQ']Sounds good as long as we get Variety Pack 2 with "Get Over It" in it.[/quote]

[quote name='chasemurata']TahoeMax gets, as the kids say, "props, yo" for suggesting an Eagles pack. I'd also like an Eagles pack with Hole In The World, if possible. Not just because I like sad songs but because it would be singing fun. :D[/quote]I want half of those props then ;).
[quote name='goukill1120']I hope they release more Coheed and Cambria. The Final Cut would be awesome.[/quote]

Yeah, I'd really like to see more Coheed and Cambria. All 4 of the Willing Well songs would make a nice pack.

I think some Mars Volta would be fun as well, like Ouroboros.

Hell I could name off bands & songs all day that I'd like to have for RB.
[quote name='SteveMcQ']I want half of those props then ;).[/quote]

I'll do you one better: half plus one of those props. ;) :mrgreen:

I finally bought Rock Band yesterday night, and played the devil out of it until... oh, about 30 minutes ago when my voice finally gave out after a three-hit combo of David Bowie's "Heroes", The Police's "Truth Hits Everybody", and I kid you not, OK Go's "Here It Goes Again" :whistle2:#

I can sing Boston, but it's bloody OK Go that ravages my voice. Damns its. :cry:

Oh, and I can hardly wait until Who's Next is released. It's one of my favorite albums. :drool:
[quote name='Bigsauce']I just had a bad dream they released 4 Aerosmith tracks that no one had heard of.... Wait, nevermind....that was the new Aerosmith Guitar Hero.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Lokki']Yeah, those songs would be a ton of fun on Rock Band, especially 46 & 2. As would Hooker with a Penis, but I doubt that would ever see Rock Band. :D[/quote]

Why not? I mean, we got a song called Beethoven's Cunt. Besides the name, I don't think it's any more explicit than the next Tool song.
[quote name='Trakan']Why not? I mean, we got a song called Beethoven's Cunt. Besides the name, I don't think it's any more explicit than the next Tool song.[/quote]

I was about to say the exact same thing.. Never thought I would see a song title with CUNT in it in Rock Band
[quote name='King']Guys Tool doesn't even let their songs on iTunes. As much as I want it, it will never happen.[/quote]

I know King. It's just a sad sad dream.
[quote name='Trakan']Why not? I mean, we got a song called Beethoven's Cunt. Besides the name, I don't think it's any more explicit than the next Tool song.[/quote]

They would have to censor the hell out of Hooker with a Penis. He drops the F bomb in there several times.
[quote name='dallow']Less American songs please.[/QUOTE]

Oh how I would love some Euro metal. Nightwish, Lacuna Coil, or any swedish metal band.

PS - I know I'm late to the party but I don't want to read this whole thread - Does anyone know what design reason Harmonix did not allow world tour over live?
[quote name='thrustbucket']... PS - I know I'm late to the party but I don't want to read this whole thread - Does anyone know what design reason Harmonix did not allow world tour over live?[/quote]

I believe the official answer is that they ran out of time.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']I really hope Harmonix stops giving the shaft to the 80's soon. I want some Dio, Skid Row, Crue, Leppard, etc.[/quote]

Yes we do need some Dio.
hey guys... sorry if this has been asked but whats the number to call ea about replacements for kick pedals? i threw that sheet of paper away when i got the game at launch. thanks alot
[quote name='GeneralJenkins']hey guys... sorry if this has been asked but whats the number to call ea about replacements for kick pedals? i threw that sheet of paper away when i got the game at launch. thanks alot[/quote]

try giving this a shot: EA Rock Band Warranty site

on a side note, we're having an issue with our 360's DLC since the sweet Store update. now, we've bought every DLC song since release, and for some reason, anything older than the Grateful Dead pack seems to freeze on the "Now Loading" screen when we play with any of our offline accounts. clearing the cache or re-downloading the songs have done nothing to help. has anyone else had a problem like this?
i played in a rock band tourney today and didnt do so well. the biggest losers on the planet were their. their team name was "United Horse Rapists". they flew in to play rock band. they got over two million all together on blackened. it was kind of sad.
I've been listening to Black Tide the last couple days. Really good band. First band that I discovered from Rock Band DLC. Good gym and driving music.
[quote name='ikariwarriors']try giving this a shot: EA Rock Band Warranty site

on a side note, we're having an issue with our 360's DLC since the sweet Store update. now, we've bought every DLC song since release, and for some reason, anything older than the Grateful Dead pack seems to freeze on the "Now Loading" screen when we play with any of our offline accounts. clearing the cache or re-downloading the songs have done nothing to help. has anyone else had a problem like this?[/quote]

thanks alot boss... couldnt find anything for the life of me.

ive heard that some songs were crappy and they released a patch for them... forget exactly which ones but it certaintly wasn't all of them. maybe if u redload the specific tracks it'll clear everything up. the only source on the patch i can give u is did an article about it quite a while ago.

hopefully that works for u otherwise i have no idea
[quote name='GeneralJenkins']thanks alot boss... couldnt find anything for the life of me.

ive heard that some songs were crappy and they released a patch for them... forget exactly which ones but it certaintly wasn't all of them. maybe if u redload the specific tracks it'll clear everything up. the only source on the patch i can give u is did an article about it quite a while ago.

hopefully that works for u otherwise i have no idea[/quote]

The patch was for songs with bad metadata (they didn't show up when sorted certain ways) and a few with audio issues, so that wouldn't do it.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Oh how I would love some Euro metal. Nightwish, Lacuna Coil, or any swedish metal band.[/quote]
Bodom and In Flames for me (also because I'm seeing them live in about a week).
[quote name='sonicfreak5']i played in a rock band tourney today and didnt do so well. the biggest losers on the planet were their. their team name was "United Horse Rapists". they flew in to play rock band. they got over two million all together on blackened. it was kind of sad.[/QUOTE]

That is insane. How much was the prize money? One would think it would have to justify the flight. Sorry for getting whooped.
[quote name='bardockkun']Bodom and In Flames for me (also because I'm seeing them live in about a week).[/quote]
Pre-Hate Crew Deathroll and Pre-Reroute to Remain FTW!
That would be awesome.

Also, some Sonata Arctica. :D
[quote name='JohnnyFoxDarko']Pre-Hate Crew Deathroll and Pre-Reroute to Remain FTW!
That would be awesome.

Also, some Sonata Arctica. :D[/quote]
Am I only one who actually doesn't mind after Hate Crew Deathroll? It seems everyone just has a foul distaste for it, but I didn't mind it at all and I like Alexi's vocals.

Though In Flames, I kinda want to say anything Clayman and before it is their best work easily.
Since DLC seems to be raking in the cash for them, I'm wondering if eventually we'll start to see a higher volume of stuff released weekly. We're already occasionally getting band 6-packs, wouldn't surprise me to see a half-dozen individual track releases every week in the near future.

I don't think they'd do like 10 songs a week since it could hurt sales of lesser-known tracks released the same day as something highly anticipated, but 5-6 a week would probably be fine.
[quote name='KaneRobot']Since DLC seems to be raking in the cash for them, I'm wondering if eventually we'll start to see a higher volume of stuff released weekly. We're already occasionally getting band 6-packs, wouldn't surprise me to see a half-dozen individual track releases every week in the near future.

I don't think they'd do like 10 songs a week since it could hurt sales of lesser-known tracks released the same day as something highly anticipated, but 5-6 a week would probably be fine.[/quote]
A part of me thinks that would be awesome (and all the more reason to love having a 120GB HD), another doesn't want to go poor though.
Im sure higher volumes of stuff will come..hell there is an option for albums in the store which says coming soon...

I'm still waiting for ANYTHING by Breaking Benjamin...seriously...ANY song from them on Rock Band would be awesome
[quote name='bardockkun']A part of me thinks that would be awesome (and all the more reason to love having a 120GB HD), another doesn't want to go poor though.[/QUOTE]

I really don't think of Rock Band DLC as DLC. I think of it more as Rock Band II: The Bigsauce Collection. It's a sequel but the great part is that there is only songs I want. Granted it's gonna take up to a year to develop, but there are new releases every week.

Think about how many times you've bought Guitar Hero and half of the songs you'll never play again. This way, yer gonna have a full game of stuff you actually want. I can't wait!
[quote name='bardockkun']A part of me thinks that would be awesome (and all the more reason to love having a 120GB HD), another doesn't want to go poor though.[/quote]

it would surely justify me getting the elite(since i did get specifically for dlc)
[quote name='thrustbucket']PS - I know I'm late to the party but I don't want to read this whole thread - Does anyone know what design reason Harmonix did not allow world tour over live?[/QUOTE]
It's kind of impossible to make work. Taking into consideration that, offline, you need to have the band leader present to play band world tour, how do you make this work online? The answer is that you don't.
[quote name='pete5883']It's kind of impossible to make work. Taking into consideration that, offline, you need to have the band leader present to play band world tour, how do you make this work online? The answer is that you don't.[/QUOTE]

Or you do. It would function exactly as it would offline, the only difference being that your bandmates are just joining an online game. That's it. There doesn't need to be any MMO-level shit or whatever other lameass excuse they give for not doing it. It can just be like offline BWT, but online.
Does anyone know how many "Big In..." achievements are possible in BWT with one band member on Medium? I was under the impression that even to get a single one everyone had to be playing on Hard but we got "Big In Seattle" the other night...
[quote name='javeryh']Does anyone know how many "Big In..." achievements are possible in BWT with one band member on Medium? I was under the impression that even to get a single one everyone had to be playing on Hard but we got "Big In Seattle" the other night...[/quote]

You can get them on any difficulty.
[quote name='RichMeisterMan']You can get them on any difficulty.[/QUOTE]

Unless something's changed, that's not completely true. I kept running into setlists that forced a difficulty of hard or higher. Usually in the third venue of the cities.
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