RPG Thread IV is the worst in the series

I always thought FF6 was a group protagonist feeling, but I agree Locke always felt like one of the main ones. They all had good back stories and I cared about them all. It wasn't like in some games where you'll have a main character that you never use because you could care less about them. Felt like

1st Main Characters: Locke, Sabin, Terra, Edgar, Celes
2nd Main Characters: Cyan, Shadow, Setzer,
3rd Main Characters: Strago, Relm, Mog, Gau
Extras: Umaro and Gogo

Of course everyone is going to have their different opinions, that's just how I saw it. They all had their importance and I still rank the game so high on my list of favorites, (normally #1)

As far as whiney,and annoying charactors. I didn't care much for Vaan in FFXII,
Finished Star Ocean 2 last night, and began FFXIII. I got past the first area to the lake.

Hope is a bitch and I hope much pain and misery on him. Vanille is uncomfortably attractive. Black guy's awesome.
Yeah, Sazh is probably now one of my favorite characters from the Final Fantasy series. Kind of funny the guy who does his voice was on the Cosby Show for a few seasons, Theo's best friend if anyone is old enough to remember that show.

Vanille...she's..yeah, her voice actor is damn hot too. - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0YaQnUOu4k
I love Sazh! Great character, it amazes me how alot of reviews criticized FFXIII for having unoriginal/cliched characters when imo Sazh is the most original character to show up in any game in a long time. It is great because I am really unsure as to what his motives are since I have no reference, and it really keeps me guessing. I am excited to learn more about his story.

Lightning is also well done, there have been characters like her in the past, but strong, non-butch females tend to be rare in games.
also her love for her sister and guilty feelings of perhaps being unapproachable add a new twist to the type
Ha, so did I. He sucked worse than Kaim "The Pain of a Thousand Years" Argonar. In fact, he's a good candidate for worst character in an RPG, ever.

edit: I mean Tolten of course
Yeah he does have that whole Richard Pryor thing going on, but I wasn't referring to the fact that he was black so much as his character's personality and motivations. As for character design, that is icing on the cake (I love Richard Pryor) and the coat, chocobo, and afro rule.
[quote name='dr_illingsworth']Ha, so did I. He sucked worse than Kaim "The Pain of a Thousand Years" Argonar. In fact, he's a good candidate for worst character in an RPG, ever.

edit: I mean Tolten of course[/QUOTE]

Kaim was a fine character. Lymle is the worst character ever in any medium.
I had the Comprehension Super Specialty turned on in SO2... turned it off and the last couple hours of the game were a complete breeze. The game definitely isn't as good as I thought it was when I first played it, especially in the story and character development areas. I'm going to try SO3 for the first time here pretty soon, then get to The Last Hope International.

Can't say I'm as excited as I was a few weeks ago, though.
Played a little more FF13 tonight. I'm enjoying it. I want to make sure of one thing though with the leveling system. Do the stat ups only work with the role you get them in? So, it's possible to have different max HPs depending on which role you're using at the moment?
I also got my RoF today, but at this point, I doubt I'll be playing it soon. I'm on Ch 9 of FF13, and I've been there for the past three days. Damn you work!!
[quote name='pete5883']No, stats stay the same no matter what role you switch to.[/QUOTE]
So, once you get a magic +6 or something, it's yours?
[quote name='ChibiJosh']So, once you get a magic +6 or something, it's yours?[/QUOTE]

Yes. The only nodes that are role dependent are the skills.
[quote name='leeloo1977']Lightning is also well done, there have been characters like her in the past, but strong, non-butch females tend to be rare in games.[/QUOTE]

Well either they look butch or they are totally mis-proportioned and/or slutty looking, but ya believable strong female leads are few and far between.

Personally my all time favorite female character is Celes from FF6. I used to really love Terra but upon a recent play through of the game I decided that Celes is really the stronger of the two characters, during the second half Terra just kind of gives up on saving the world for a bit, but Celes is set on bringing everyone back together.
[quote name='ChibiJosh']So, once you get a magic +6 or something, it's yours?[/QUOTE]
Yeah. It wouldn't really make much sense for your max HP level to change during battle, anyway. In the end, your magicians are going to have lower HP than your fighters anyway.
[quote name='icebeast']Well either they look butch or they are totally mis-proportioned and/or slutty looking, but ya believable strong female leads are few and far between.

Personally my all time favorite female character is Celes from FF6. I used to really love Terra but upon a recent play through of the game I decided that Celes is really the stronger of the two characters, during the second half Terra just kind of gives up on saving the world for a bit, but Celes is set on bringing everyone back together.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, seems like Square really wanted a strong heroine to take the lead the second half of the game. Terra really didn't lose hope as much as she didn't want to ditch her orphans. It all goes back to her childhood and losing her parents. Celes was a great character and was seriously ignored by me my first through playthroughs...I used her a lot more as I played.

I loved Quistis from FF8, and Tifa in 7 once I learned more about her through the movie and reading the lore of FF7.

Plus Seth from Lost Odyssey was badass.
I love Tifa =) I've always prefered her over Aeris/Aerith.

Also, decided to cancel my Sakura Wars game I had ordered. Just don't see myself ever playing it, and I need to stop buying games.
I'm with icebeast. Celes is my favorite FF girl. The scene when she's stranded on the island is still one of the most emotional scenes in RPG history.
Since we're on the subject, Rydia and Ashe to a point.

And I digged Aeris and watching her die pissed me off. Specially since the first time I played through the game she was in my main party and I realized all that time wasted on leveling her was for naught.
[quote name='Indignate']Since we're on the subject, Rydia and Ashe to a point.

And I digged Aeris and watching her die pissed me off. Specially since the first time I played through the game she was in my main party and I realized all that time wasted on leveling her was for naught.[/QUOTE]

Actually, I do think it's wrong when games do that to you. I hate when I grow attached to a character and spend hours upon hours leveling them up only to find out they either A. die or B. can no longer be used in your party. For example in WKC
I had Kara in my party, and I was very dissapointed when the game started showing you signs of her being the Black Knight.
Count me in on the Aeris hate. I don't use characters that can't dish out damage (I've got pots for healing, who the hell needs a white mage 90% of the time), so I didn't use her in battles, therefor didn't give two shits when she died. Tifa, I'd have been pissed as hell!
Finally beat Ch 9 on Final Fantasy XIII, and I just want to say that last boss was a real PITA. Gonna give the game a break for a day and focus on some more Pokemon, I need to hatch my Growlithe egg!!
So I was hanging with my buddy who got the game early, and he beat it. All I can say is it has to be one of the most confusing, bullshit, crappy endings I have ever seen. I won't post a single spoiler in here about it, but it's just ridiculous imho.

Ah well, think I'll start up Last Remnant after work today, see if it deserves all the hate directed at it.
Had my first stupid, careless death in Persona 4. Those connected zombies got the advantage on me, then all three cast Mabufu, one of them being a larger enemy. Needless to say, I died before I had a chance.
Im surprised more people haven't mentioned Rinoa. I guess she isn't exactly the main protagonist, but I always liked her as well. Plus, it helps she has cute little Angelo, and that FFVIII is one of my all time favorites.

ALSO: Not sure if any of you watch the PSN show The Tester, but on their last episode, one of the trivia questions was about Final Fantasy :)
VIII's my fave! Granted, it was the first FF I played, and on PC no less (other FFs were limited to short stints at friends' houses... I was RPG deprived as a kid). Also really my first JRPG after Pokemon and Super Mario RPG, so I'll admit I'm probably biased :D

Also, so far at least, Last Remnant is pretty decent. The framerate chugging during battles actually makes the qte things easier to land, heheh. Reminds me a lot of Valkyrie Profile 2 for some reason, maybe the art style?
[quote name='Zmonkay']VIII's my fave! Granted, it was the first FF I played, and on PC no less (other FFs were limited to short stints at friends' houses... I was RPG deprived as a kid). Also really my first JRPG after Pokemon and Super Mario RPG, so I'll admit I'm probably biased :D

Also, so far at least, Last Remnant is pretty decent. The framerate chugging during battles actually makes the qte things easier to land, heheh. Reminds me a lot of Valkyrie Profile 2 for some reason, maybe the art style?[/QUOTE]

I was actually in a similar boat as you. FFVIII was the first Final Fantasy I bought, but I didn't play it until I had played most of the previous ones (1,2,7 then 8). I went back to the rest years later, but VIII will always have a soft spot in my heart.
[quote name='kainzero']So I bought Resonance of Fate.

Those Japanese people sure like jumping and attacking at the same time![/QUOTE]

I got RoF a few days ago from Gamefly. I played for about an hour just to get a feel for the gameplay. I'm not sure how I feel about it, I'd like to hear more impressions.
[quote name='Rodimus']I got RoF a few days ago from Gamefly. I played for about an hour just to get a feel for the gameplay. I'm not sure how I feel about it, I'd like to hear more impressions.[/QUOTE]
I'm about 4-5 hours in.
Gameplay-wise, it does take quite a while to figure it out. Even then, I still can't buy another gun and I'm still in tier 1 weapon customization so there's a lot left to go.

Story-wise, it feels like a bad anime. I don't know why. But it just does.
I've liked all of the Final Fantasy games and really have no reason to complain about any of them. Most people I've known who griped about them the most played them all the way through and on several occasions. Final Fantasy 6 was my first to play in the series, then I went back to 4, and on to 7. FFV is the only one I've really not put much time into.

Rinoa was a good character and should get a nod if for anything for just putting up with Squall the entire game. Rydia was pretty badass, too, but FF4 didn't allow for much character development compared to the newer ones in the series.

And I'll probably still get RoF even if it does feel like a bad anime, lol.
[quote name='kainzero']I'm about 4-5 hours in.
Gameplay-wise, it does take quite a while to figure it out. Even then, I still can't buy another gun and I'm still in tier 1 weapon customization so there's a lot left to go.

Story-wise, it feels like a bad anime. I don't know why. But it just does.[/QUOTE]

I just wish i wouldve know about the Tutorial Section in the Arena about an hour sooner and multiple game overs. :bomb:

Once i ran through that i understood the battles a lot better. Game seems cool though and different in a good way without being too convoluted.
[quote name='Cloyd']And I'll probably still get RoF even if it does feel like a bad anime, lol.[/QUOTE]
When I say bad anime I don't mean like, the guy is surrounded by lots of chicks and for some reason, doesn't want to do all of them.

So far they just throw you in the story and don't really explain much... not much about the setting or who your characters are or why you're watching some random people talk about the future when you don't know who they are.

[quote name='Layd Dly']Once i ran through that i understood the battles a lot better. Game seems cool though and different in a good way without being too convoluted.[/quote]
I dunno, that battle system was super complicated and I'm not sure I get all the nuances quite yet. I don't know if I should run and jump or to stand there and fire and which enemies to do it to, all while accounting for the hero gauge and how to position my guys so that when they tri attack they run in an effective triangle. And I haven't even gotten to equipment choices yet.
bread's done