RPG Thread XIII-2: Tough Moms Always Die Young

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Yeah I'd say the Souls games are a very relevant example of where the Japanese excel in game design. The way those worlds eat away at your mind is fucking brilliant.
[quote name='panzerfaust']There's nothing inherently wrong with using amensia, I feel like people roll their eyes at it too willingly.[/QUOTE]
True, not saying there is anything wrong with it either. Just trying to get the number of games together in my head.

Starting games in medias res is more annoying, and a mainstay in final fantasy games.
[quote name='cindersphere']The only games I can think of that have the amnesia as plot devices were Kotor, Shadow Hearts, Vandal Hearts, and FF5/6.[/QUOTE]

And every Rune Factory game.
[quote name='cindersphere']
Starting games in medias res is more annoying, and a mainstay in final fantasy games.[/QUOTE]

You should watch Lost.
[quote name='panzerfaust']You should watch Lost.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='zionoverfire']And every Rune Factory game.[/QUOTE]
I don't think Frontier had it, but in that one, you were Raguna again...

Amnesia aside, memory in general seems to be a huge theme in JRPGs. Memory is a major plot component (or straight-up plot device) in FF7, FF8, FF9, FFX, Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories (of course!), Disgaea, Disgaea 2, Chrono Cross, etc. etc.
Well memories in general describe the past which in most cases shapes a person's perception of the world, so it is kind of inescapable to have a plot which doesn't focus to some degree on a character's memories, unless the past is totally ignored.
That's true. At the same time, JRPGs seem to like to hit you over the head with that. Backstories and flashbacks are one thing; I was thinking more along the lines of lost, manipulated, and alternate memories.
[quote name='panzerfaust']There's nothing inherently wrong with using amensia, I feel like people roll their eyes at it too readily.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I agree. Although some of the time, the amnesia plot device feels like an easy excuse for poor writing and plot twists. JRPGs love to make twists involving a character's past rather than fully develop one that takes place entirely inside the game's plot. And that tends to make the twists less impactful or clever.

my jrpg aint got no whiny ass kids,

no spiky hair (unless I can implement a costomize mode, which would be tight)

no amnesia,

no saving the world,

I swear if my game ever came out and ppl played it, they would never look at games the same way ever again.

anywayz... I played more Mass Effect!!

the battle system is still too weird for me... u fight a group of doods and die immediately >_<

then keep reloading til somehow u win o_O
[quote name='ihadFG']Yeah, I agree. Although some of the time, the amnesia plot device feels like an easy excuse for poor writing and plot twists.[/QUOTE]

I always got the feeling that they like using amnesia cuz it makes it easier for the player to identify with the character. Both entering this new world without knowing much about it and such. It also makes way for even the simplest of things to be explained to the character, and more importantly you, without seeming contrived.
[quote name='cindersphere']If you have the transfer dongle that is.[/QUOTE]
If he's transferring old saves, yes. Playing games for the first time he shouldn't need it. And if he isn't playing games for the first time, why does he need more memory than before?
[quote name='Indignate']I always got the feeling that they like using amnesia cuz it makes it easier for the player to identify with the character. Both entering this new world without knowing much about it and such. It also makes way for even the simplest of things to be explained to the character, and more importantly you, without seeming contrived.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's pretty much what I mean (or at least it goes along with it). It's basically the easy route to starting a game without having to come up with a more original way to introduce the player to the game world and it's backstory. So sometimes it comes off as lazy when a game doesn't put it to good use.
My wife watches Korean dramas sometimes and a few that I've seen with her have to do with amnesia. I make fun for them because they're so predictable.

But sometimes gameplay transcends story and there's little need for it. Nocturne for example is a perfect game with very little story.
[quote name='pete5883']If he's transferring old saves, yes. Playing games for the first time he shouldn't need it. And if he isn't playing games for the first time, why does he need more memory than before?[/QUOTE]

This assumes that he has a fully backwards compatible PS3, he could have a semi backwards compatible (which is what I have and it's hit or miss so I still have to keep my PS2 and memory cards around), and he may have a non backwards compatible PS3 in which case he would have to do a ton of transfer magic to store all his data on a PS3 which can't play PS2 games with the dongle and then transfer it all back to a memory card anytime he wanted to play it on his PS2.
[quote name='rodimus']but sometimes gameplay transcends story and there's little need for it. Pokemon for example is a perfect game with very little story.[/quote]
Fixed that for you :D
[quote name='icebeast']This assumes that he has a fully backwards compatible PS3, he could have a semi backwards compatible (which is what I have and it's hit or miss so I still have to keep my PS2 and memory cards around), and he may have a non backwards compatible PS3 in which case he would have to do a ton of transfer magic to store all his data on a PS3 which can't play PS2 games with the dongle and then transfer it all back to a memory card anytime he wanted to play it on his PS2.[/QUOTE]

It helps that the card was on clearance at Target for $10.
[quote name='TheLongshot']It helps that the card was on clearance at Target for $10.[/QUOTE]

$10 even if you just use it as an external backup isn't bad. Trust me I was glad I still had all my old PS2 memory cards when my PS3 got stolen in college and I had to have it replaced by insurance and lost all of the digital cards I had on the PS3.
I'm almost tempted to pre-order XIII-2 but seeing as I got the first one for $29 2 months after release I think I can wait >_< especially since I'm -just- now playing it
Winning the boss battles in Clash of Heroes seem to require that your champion units show up in the right spot and the boss doesnt move away on it's attack turn.
[quote name='depascal22']I'm still surprised that XIII didn't get a special edition. It would've sold like hot cakes.[/QUOTE]

It did, but didn't sell like hotcakes. The problem? It was the FF13 X360 console bundle.

Though looking at the art book for the US, it seems like it is just some mini book based on the "20 page" description that they have. The US box for it looks amazing, but man the UK one is soo nice.
[quote name='eldergamer']Winning the boss battles in Clash of Heroes seem to require that your champion units show up in the right spot and the boss doesnt move away on it's attack turn.[/QUOTE]

Depends a bit on the boss but yes most of them involve a good amount of luck for unit placement and quick charging of your spell. It's a big part of the reason I enjoyed the regular enemy and earlier boss battles since the deck was typically less stacked against you.
[quote name='j-cart']The US box for it looks amazing, but man the UK one is soo nice.[/QUOTE]
European Square Enix CEs >>> North American Square Enix CEs

Square Enix Europe consistently releases some really awesome collector's editions. The last NA one I can think of that comes close was the Advent Children box set with the postcards and short story booklet. The NA FFXIII-2 set looks very nice, though.
Maaaaaaaan it's a slow day at work and I'm so frkkkin bored rite now!!!!!

I went to get drinks late last nite n there's this HUUUGE line waiting out Babbages for what I assume is Skyrum.

man fukk those guys!! Theyre prolly all at home playing games n slaying monsters for money while I'm here at my office being bored n not having adventures :cry:
[quote name='JEKKI']
I went to get drinks late last nite n there's this HUUUGE line waiting out Babbages for what I assume is Skyrum.[/QUOTE]

Wait... There are still Babbages around?
Hey, RPG Thread! Please help me decide what to play next.

Here's the games in my backlog that I'm currently leaning toward (in no particular order):

- Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation
- Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny
- Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love
- Pokemon White Version
- Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria

I love the DQ, RF, and Pokemon series, and have no experience with either Sakura Wars or Valkyrie Profile.
Skyrim is sweeeeeet. Wish I had more time this weekend for it :(

Blushinra: Pokemon Black was fantastic, so I assume White is as well. The fact that every Pokemon is brand new (u don't see any previous generation pokemon till post-game) really makes it feel fresh.

I also really really enjoyed Valkyrie Profile 2, but sadly don't remember much about it. I just remember having a blast while playing it years ago.
[quote name='blueshinra']Hey, RPG Thread! Please help me decide what to play next.

Here's the games in my backlog that I'm currently leaning toward (in no particular order):

- Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation
- Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny
- Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love
- Pokemon White Version
- Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria

I love the DQ, RF, and Pokemon series, and have no experience with either Sakura Wars or Valkyrie Profile.[/QUOTE]

DQ 6 is a great game, Pokemon white is also good. I don't know much about the rest of them.
[quote name='blueshinra']Hey, RPG Thread! Please help me decide what to play next.

Here's the games in my backlog that I'm currently leaning toward (in no particular order):

- Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation
- Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny
- Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love
- Pokemon White Version
- Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria

I love the DQ, RF, and Pokemon series, and have no experience with either Sakura Wars or Valkyrie Profile.[/QUOTE]

Rune Factory! I've been playing for a couple of weeks but no one else in here is from the looks of things so I selfishly want someone else to discuss it with :lol:
[quote name='blueshinra']Hey, RPG Thread! Please help me decide what to play next.

Here's the games in my backlog that I'm currently leaning toward (in no particular order):

- Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation
- Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny
- Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love
- Pokemon White Version
- Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria

I love the DQ, RF, and Pokemon series, and have no experience with either Sakura Wars or Valkyrie Profile.[/QUOTE]

Heh, I've got the same problem. I just started back on console gaming and I've got Tales of Vesperia, Lost Odyssey, MagnaCarta 2 and I just picked up Final Fantasy XIII. Dunno which to play first.

On that note Rune Factory and Pokemon White are amazing, I love that damn pokemon series.
Been a busy week, so I am barely starting to crack open persona 2 innocent sin. The first hour or so was pretty good. On a side note has anyone ever grown tired of playing games on a console? I don't know what it is but after sinking about 200 plus hours into new vegas I have found it hard to play any console games at all.
[quote name='cindersphere']Been a busy week, so I am barely starting to crack open persona 2 innocent sin. The first hour or so was pretty good. On a side note has anyone ever grown tired of playing games on a console? I don't know what it is but after sinking about 200 plus hours into new vegas I have found it hard to play any console games at all.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I've done that before with the PC actually, once with Starcraft and once with Oblivion. Having other systems or hobbies laying around really helps.
[quote name='SCM77']Heh, I've got the same problem. I just started back on console gaming and I've got Tales of Vesperia, Lost Odyssey, MagnaCarta 2 and I just picked up Final Fantasy XIII. Dunno which to play first.[/QUOTE]

Having played all four of those games here's what I would suggest. Play MagnaCarta 2 first. It is the shortest one of the bunch. I also actually ended up enjoying it more than I thought. After that I'd probably play Lost Odyssey since it's a turn based game. By the time I got around to playing it, the battle system felt extremely dated compared to playing Eternal Sonata and Tales of Vesperia.

Then I'd play Final Fantasy XIII and leave Vesperia for last. Out of those 4, Vesperia is my favorite followed by Final Fantasy XIII, Magna Carta 2 and Lost Odyssey. The thing is though, I kind of spoiled the whole Lost Odyssey experience because of all the hype I was reading about it online and didn't enjoy it as much as I should have.. ;/
Grrrrr. Demon contact system is starting to piss me off. Anybody know where I can find a guide to this aspect of the game, I don't feel like slogging through it again after just finishing Persona 1.
Finally finished DDS 1.Last boss was annoying hell,but when you get rid of all the cores at once your good.Need to take a break from RPG's before starting up 2.
[quote name='cindersphere']Grrrrr. Demon contact system is starting to piss me off. Anybody know where I can find a guide to this aspect of the game, I don't feel like slogging through it again after just finishing Persona 1.[/QUOTE]I remember when I played P2 on the playstation.

I had a notebook that I wrote in to guide me thru demon negotioating.

like I had it all mapped out n stuff and knew what each character's options were.

it was tight.
My son was down by my computer and wanted to know if there were games he hasn't seen. It gave me an excuse to break out King's Bounty: The Legacy, which I hadn't gotten around to playing in a long time. It actually got me in the mood of playing it again and make some progress.

It is a factor of how old I am that I'm somewhat nostalgic for the original King's Bounty and that the game brings back memories....
[quote name='cindersphere']Grrrrr. Demon contact system is starting to piss me off. Anybody know where I can find a guide to this aspect of the game, I don't feel like slogging through it again after just finishing Persona 1.[/QUOTE]

I cheated a little using the faqs below. There's a Contact Guide in there thats was helpful. Just keep in mind it's a faqs for the PS1 Japanese release so some name are a little different, but you should be able to figure it out no problem.

73 hours over 14 days and I 1000'd FFXIII. fuck I need a job. On the plus side, I am hitting my backlog. Although, being a CAG it seems as soon as I finish one game, another one or two are added because of deals >_<

Going to start working on Fable 2 since I have the PH version with the DLC. My Mass Effect 1 is the original release so no DLC with that one.. :/
I ordered Radiant Historia from the Amazon sale today. I'm still nowhere near done with Skyrim, and I have Xenoblade Chronicles to play plus a couple other DS/PSP RPGs to play.
Man, all I've been seeing recently is how awesome Skyrim is. I just can't get into 1st person melee-style games. I hated King's Field, I couldn't get into Fallout 3/NV, and I was only able to stomach an hour of Oblivion.

It's just not my sub-genre.
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