Saints Row Official Thread (New map available for download)

Does anyone think the V-Sync (screen tearing) issues will be fixed before the game comes out? So far I'm really digging the game, but the tearing is hurting my eyes and starting to give me a headache... it's the one thing I can't stand. If it ends up being in the final version, I'm going to have to pass, I think, I don't want to get headaches while I play. There really is no excuse for it, imo.
this game is cool... but has a lot of kinks that san andreas had worked out quite well... alot of the stuff like the way the cars drive and handle might bug me... although it is fun. and the hoes are unpleasantly plump
[quote name='Roufuss']Does anyone think the V-Sync (screen tearing) issues will be fixed before the game comes out? So far I'm really digging the game, but the tearing is hurting my eyes and starting to give me a headache... it's the one thing I can't stand. If it ends up being in the final version, I'm going to have to pass, I think, I don't want to get headaches while I play. There really is no excuse for it, imo.[/QUOTE]

I have no idea what that is. Personally my demo is bug free I guess.
For all the newcomers to the demo, once you finish the first mission and drop the dude off at the Freckle Bitch, the gun store gets many new guns, like the pipe bomb ;)
[quote name='Roufuss']For all the newcomers to the demo, once you finish the first mission and drop the dude off at the Freckle Bitch, the gun store gets many new guns, like the pipe bomb ;)[/QUOTE]

Yea and use it bomb the train off of the tracks.
[quote name='pimpinc333']I have no idea what that is. Personally my demo is bug free I guess.[/quote]
i didn't notice it until i went looking for it at the surgeon's office.
The screen tearing and the controls sort of bother me. I've also noticed some framerate drops and pop-ups. I think I'll have to wait and see reviews before I buy it, to make sure that these things are fixed. Otherwise, the game is very cool. They took the third-person aim straight out of The Punisher, which I thought nailed that aspect at least and of course the physics are pure joy.
The tearing is horrific. And I thought Madden 06 was bad in that department.

And I hate the steering on the cars--feels like you steer with the rear wheels.
I am not too hip on v-sync and tearing and such. Could someone tell me what it is? Also, I have noticed a lot of pop-ups. Hopefully this will be remedied. If not, it is still a good game and doesn't totally kill the game. For me at least it doesn't.
I thought the demo was pretty cool. It felt just like a next-gen GTA should. I wasn't bothered by any tearing or framerate issues. The only thing that bugged me was the switch between the driving and on-foot controls, or better, the lack of. It's intuitive to use the triggers for driving - they should have stuck with that control scheme and use the bumpers for shooting left/right. But like anything, maybe it just takes some getting used to.

The only thing I'm holding back from pre-ordering this is I want to hear how the multiplayer pans out, because with Crackdown coming up and my backlog of GTAIII/Vice City/San Andreas for the Xbox, the last thing I need is another single-player GTA clone.

[quote name='jrutz']
The only thing I'm holding back from pre-ordering this is I want to hear how the multiplayer pans out, because with Crackdown coming up and my backlog of GTAIII/Vice City/San Andreas for the Xbox, the last thing I need is another single-player GTA clone.[/QUOTE]

Same. Crackdown is looking a bit more appealing to me (although that game could easiily be a POS in a hype disguise), and I'm sitting with a 25% completed Vice City and an unopened San Andreas. My plate is full in regards to urban crime sandbox games.

The "gang" aspect of online with Saint's Row sounds great on paper, I'm just waiting to see it in execution.

[quote name='jakescape53']No... Im just under 18 and therefore cant purchase any game i want because i have responsible parents that moniter what games i play and decide what i can get based on the content. I do own some m rated games (halo, halo 2, half life 2, counter strike, etc).[/QUOTE]
I know people laughed, but those people would likely make shitty parents. We already have enough parents who have no idea what's going on with their kids. Ignore the people who think it's "funny."
[quote name='Kendal']I am not too hip on v-sync and tearing and such. Could someone tell me what it is? Also, I have noticed a lot of pop-ups. Hopefully this will be remedied. If not, it is still a good game and doesn't totally kill the game. For me at least it doesn't.[/QUOTE]

If you want to see screen tearing, go to the plastic surgeon's office and look at the window, and move the right analog stick around like you're looking around. Horizontial lines will appear on the screen, and it will look like the screen is "tearing" in half.

And backlogs are ridiculous, don't waste time with GTA 3 / Vice City, either play San Andreas or Saints Row. It's almost like saying "Well, I don't think I'll get Halo 3, because I still have Doom 2 in my backlog".
I REALLY hope this game has the same type of leveling system San Andreas had for the guns. I thought it was cool how after using one for so long you could dual weild 'em or reload quicker.

Also, is the tearing only on HDTVs? I haven't noticed any problems (aside from minor framrate drop) on my SDTV.
The Insurance Fraud video on xboxyde is AWESOME. I can't wait.. If you don't want to be bothered, you basically use the left and right triggers to "take a dive" and fall down in the road or whereever.. basically, get the shit knocked out of you by cars. Bonus points if multiple witnesses see it.
I just can't get enough of the pipe bomb. There's nothing more fun than throwing one in a car, seeing the person scream and try to get out in time, but then end up as a flaming corpse on the side of the road.
[quote name='Scorch']The Insurance Fraud video on xboxyde is AWESOME. I can't wait.. If you don't want to be bothered, you basically use the left and right triggers to "take a dive" and fall down in the road or whereever.. basically, get the shit knocked out of you by cars. Bonus points if multiple witnesses see it.[/quote]

Heh, I'd just do that for the fun of it. Sprinting down the road and turning into the car at the last second and you go flying, its even funner on the highway.
The demo was okay-better than nnn thats for sure. I hope they have the bugs fixed in the full game. I kept smashing into the barriers that blocked off the rest of the city!!!!
[quote name='fraggedbylaggers'] I kept smashing into the barriers that blocked off the rest of the city!!!![/QUOTE]

Ummm you mean the DEMO wall?
I got sick of the GTA games 15 hours into Vice City, but Saints Row is a lot of fun. I may pick it up when it hits $20-30 (although I bet I can get my brother to buy it before that ;))
Broke through the demo wall and got on the bridge.. managed to kill a gang member and grab his molotov cocktails (sp?).. really low range, virtually no damage to the cars, they suck.. much prefer the pipebombs
[quote name='RedvsBlue']I just can't get enough of the pipe bomb. There's nothing more fun than throwing one in a car, seeing the person scream and try to get out in time, but then end up as a flaming corpse on the side of the road.[/quote]

Have you been watching me play this game or something? That is what I do at the end of the demo. I buy all the ammo I can and go nucking futs. I don't think cops come after you that much at the end of the mission before you drop off the two guys.
[quote name='Scorch']Broke through the demo wall and got on the bridge.. managed to kill a gang member and grab his molotov cocktails (sp?).. really low range, virtually no damage to the cars, they suck.. much prefer the pipebombs[/QUOTE]
Know of any other weapons or items that you can get? I heard theres an AK, but getting sick of looking for it. Getting tired of having to find a path to walk on.

Edit, found the AK, pretty sweet gun, adds another neighborhood, a ghetto neighborhood, plus you can get on the highway, and walk on the subway/train, can hear gunshots in the streets and other streets. I like that. Just like hearing the music from the car outside, im loving this game.
[quote name='Scorch']Broke through the demo wall and got on the bridge.. managed to kill a gang member and grab his molotov cocktails (sp?).. really low range, virtually no damage to the cars, they suck.. much prefer the pipebombs[/QUOTE]

Yea I picked up like 10 from a gangster inside the demo wall once. I know what you mean about the little damage they do to cars, so I guess they're mostly to be used on people. Say like if 4 gang members are attacking, you can light them all on fire with one toss.
My favorite quote from the demo:

"Right now, the only ho I got is so fugly, blind muthafuckas turn her down." :lol:

I am loving this game.. Might even preorder it, but then again I can probably try to talk my dad into buying it by getting him to play the demo a few times :lol: but I am sure I will get this game.
I played last night for about 10 minutes - it's hard to shake the "GTA controls" but that will come with time, I guess. I liked what I played (very limited) but this is an EXACT GTA clone - they don't even try to hide it. Oh well, if it's good who gives a shit?
[quote name='fraggedbylaggers']How do you break through the demo wall?[/quote]

Park a car with the driver door near the demo wall and step out of the car. If you are too close, you will just step out the passenger door, but if you do it right, you will step out of the driver side door and then take another step to the other side of the wall. If you wander too far, you will fall through the world and respawn back inside the demo area.
OK, I've spent some time with the demo and the screen tearing is almost unbearable. I think I'll be passing on this unless the reviews are stellar. It's just so distracting.
[quote name='javeryh']OK, I've spent some time with the demo and the screen tearing is almost unbearable. I think I'll be passing on this unless the reviews are stellar. It's just so distracting.[/QUOTE]

I'm hoping they actually clean up the screen tearing, which is a strong possibility.
I've had no screen tearing problems, So I am going to assume it is just a problem with the download.

And is it just me or when you create bigger fat characters do their punches hit harder? I created a fat guy and in the initiation mission I was taking out guys in 2 punches, where as a regula fool it takes about 4 punches.
[quote name='mr ryles']I've had no screen tearing problems, So I am going to assume it is just a problem with the download.

And is it just me or when you create bigger fat characters do their punches hit harder? I created a fat guy and in the initiation mission I was taking out guys in 2 punches, where as a regula fool it takes about 4 punches.[/quote]

I noticed they can't seem to jump as far/high either. That's pretty awesome.

And those achievements look pretty cool. Anyone know if the co-op is confirmed online? I really hope so.
[quote name='mr ryles']I've had no screen tearing problems, So I am going to assume it is just a problem with the download.

I know people who noticed it on the retail demo disc, too.
[quote name='mr ryles']I've had no screen tearing problems, So I am going to assume it is just a problem with the download. [/quote]

Are you playing on an HDTV? Usually something like a small graphical glitch won't bother me too much but it is really really bad and definitely detracts from the overall experience. In fact, it's so annoying that I can't see myself playing this all the way through. I didn't even try going to the doctor's office or where ever the worst example is supposed to be.

Even my wife, who would never normally notice something like this, asked "what's up with all those breaks in the screen everytime the camera moves around?" so I know it's bad. She did find "Freckle Bitches" hilarious though so maybe I'll have to buy it anyway...
[quote name='javeryh']Are you playing on an HDTV? Usually something like a small graphical glitch won't bother me too much but it is really really bad and definitely detracts from the overall experience. In fact, it's so annoying that I can't see myself playing this all the way through. I didn't even try going to the doctor's office or where ever the worst example is supposed to be.

Even my wife, who would never normally notice something like this, asked "what's up with all those breaks in the screen everytime the camera moves around?" so I know it's bad. She did find "Freckle Bitches" hilarious though so maybe I'll have to buy it anyway...[/QUOTE]

I'm playing on an LCD HDTV in 720p, and it was noticably bad for me as well... I don't notice it on any other 360 game except once on Dead Rising, but it was barely noticable and only happened once or twice in the 12 times I've played the demo.
[quote name='pimpinc333']Again No Tearing in my Both of My Versions. Download and Demo Disc worked fine. Maybe you guys have shit for Xbox's?[/quote]

Are you playing on an HDTV? I might have a shit Xbox but I've had it since December and this is the only graphical problem I've ever encountered with it (other than a few game freezes which hasn't happened since I got rid of Oblivion).
Video on screen tearing for people who don't know what it is:

Also, it seems to be happening to alot of people, a quick google search brought up a good number of hits on it.

I also saw a quote from the dev's saying the framerate has already been improved from the demo. Apparently this demo is a pre E3 build so I'm hopeful alot of these problems will be fixed.
Javeryh, found this for you straight from the developers:

Numerous Questions Regarding V-Sync:
V-Scourge: SR does not use v-sync, either in the demo or the full game. During development we analyzed the issue and concluded the potential framerate hit with v-sync was too severe for our particular title.

To explain the pros/cons a bit more... If v-sync is enabled, the framerate of any game is limited to certain values. It must be an integer that divides evenly into the output device's refresh rate.

In most cases, the TV/monitor in question is running at 60Hz. That means the game's framerate is limited to 60, 30, 20, 15, 12, 10 (and so on) frames-per-second.

So if the game would normally be running at 29 FPS, turning v-sync on would force it down to 20 FPS, almost a 30% hit. Likewise, if the game is running at 35 or 40 FPS (or anything below 60.0), it would be forced down to 30 FPS with v-sync enabled.

We felt this was too big of a price to pay for our particular game, and some screen shearing/tearing in rare situations was a worthwhile trade-off.

We have contacted a few players that have reported more common screen tearing than we observed in the demo, mainly to get more information about their hardware configuration. While it's most likely beyond the control of the game software, if we find any configuration changes that help, we'll certainly share the tips with everyone.

Regardless, any tearing should be improved across the board for everyone in the full game, due to the overall framerate optimizations that were made after the demo build.

So it'll still be in the full game, it just won't be as noticable because of the frame rate optimizations, but even the developers know it's there. As long as they reduce it, that's fine with me, I even get tearing on the freaking 2-D Map in the options screen. Aren't all 360 games supposed to be running at 60 FPS?
[quote name='Roufuss']Javeryh, found this for you straight from the developers:

So it'll still be in the full game, it just won't be as noticable because of the frame rate optimizations, but even the developers know it's there. As long as they reduce it, that's fine with me, I even get tearing on the freaking 2-D Map in the options screen. Aren't all 360 games supposed to be running at 60 FPS?[/quote]

Thanks for the info. It is complete bullshit that they can't get the game running at a good speed. I'd rather have a constant 30FPS with no tearing than 60FPS with tearing all over the place. Hopefully what they say is true and it will be minimized for the actual release. I doubt it though. I'll probably pass on this at least until it hits $30 or so.
[quote name='javeryh']Are you playing on an HDTV? Usually something like a small graphical glitch won't bother me too much but it is really really bad and definitely detracts from the overall experience. In fact, it's so annoying that I can't see myself playing this all the way through. I didn't even try going to the doctor's office or where ever the worst example is supposed to be.

Even my wife, who would never normally notice something like this, asked "what's up with all those breaks in the screen everytime the camera moves around?" so I know it's bad. She did find "Freckle Bitches" hilarious though so maybe I'll have to buy it anyway...[/QUOTE]

I game on a 59" Toshiba HDTV
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