Splinter Cell Conviction- Out now

I liked it but felt it was splinter cell only in terms of story. I enjoyed it as the action game it was. I didn't think instant kill would be as fun as it was. Really loved the music too.
Finished the game last night and felt like it was a tech demo of three major gameplay mechanics. That sucks because this game was the only one I was looking forward to for the first half of the year.

Oh well, my backlog is so big that I'm trading it in and going back to games I've set aside (I'm looking at you Dead Space, Bioshock, and Assassin's Creed II).
I need to finish co-op... I'm on the last level. I haven't touched this game in a week and I don't think I'll be keeping it for GRAW beta.
[quote name='uglyteradon']I need to finish co-op... I'm on the last level. I haven't touched this game in a week and I don't think I'll be keeping it for GRAW beta.[/QUOTE]

Would you want to go through the last level sometime today?
[quote name='FrankySox']Would you want to go through the last level sometime today?[/QUOTE]

I don't have a specific point where I'll know I'll be home today, unfortunately. I'm leaving work in about fifteen minutes but only to head to a photo-shoot opportunity and then Iron Man 2 (finally). I'll PM you if I know anything for-sure.
Well I finally beat co-op and once again I didn't get the achievement. I didn't get the achievement for single player either. Apparently this will all be fixed in the next patch. You would think after working on this game for 20 years it would be flawless.
Here's my code since I don't have the game anymore. Beats signing up/logging in somewhere you'll never visit again, like LazyGamer.

(Third Echelon Deniable Ops map)
AAX - EVC6 - 6L9L - HTLD - 6YXG
Got another... (signed up for 3-4 just in-case, though the idea that this is available through multiple sites, indefinitely, instead of free from Ubi is just dumb... Though, I could rant for several paragraphs :lol:)

Third Echelon map:

AAX - N3HD - JMLH - E68C - 79TC
Finished the game last night. I thought it was excellent all the way through. The difficulty level of the white house really got on my nerves though.
The level getting into the White House is a pain the ass. I'm right outside the White House and there's a ton of guards. I've been doing it for a while now and I keep dying. Uggh. This part is super frustrating.
DLC Insurgency map pack is coming out May 27th - 4 new maps for Deniable Ops + 250 cheevo pts for 800 pts

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I'm enjoying this game. Sure, the controls can be wonky and the A.I. is kinda dumb, even one expert but it's fun to be all secrent spy-agent on some dudes.

I haven't finished the co-op myself though. If anyone would like to help, please let me know. (My GamerTag is: Mardanos )
[quote name='guyver2077']is the co-op story worth trying? i beat the game but havent tried any of the multiplayer stuff yet[/QUOTE]

co-op is the best part of the game.
I played Hunter Co-op (Like T-Hunt I suppose). It was fun, but good lord did the guy I was co oping with fucking suck. He was not stealthy at all and always made the reinforcements kick in. I had twice as much in each category too.

Hit me up if you want to do the above set up.
Beat this yesterday. Normal difficulty, haven't played any other modes. I'd think about realistic difficulty, but the third echelon level would piss me off.

Kinda interested in playing some of the other modes, but no friends with the game.

Thoughts on the single player experience: short, short and short. I'd be pissed if I paid full price. I did enjoy the game even if it was very linear. Love the art direction of black and white for cover and videos/text on the walls. Good combat, and the story was fair...I did like the very end.
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I bought the game yesterday, I started playing tonight at about 5, and at 1:30 AM I realized there's no such thing as "I'm gonna play Deniable Ops for a few minutes."
^lol, yeah. Pretty much, although that's kinda cool. A mix of GoW2 "horde" and RSV2 "T-Hunt"

I don't usually give a rats ass about the achievements, but I think I'm gonna try on this one.

Lastly, I played Deniable Ops "coop" and then I figured I'd try out "multiplayer" and it turned out to be the same thing. :\ (Unless I didn't set it up right...)

[quote name='Wiki']


Multiplayer mode in Splinter Cell: Conviction involves both split screen and system link (Xbox 360), and online cooperative mode, plus a Deniable Ops mode. Deniable Ops mode involves 4 multiplayer modes that pit the players against AI in game modes such as Hunter, Infiltration, Last Stand, and Face-Off. Face-Off is the game's only actual competitive multiplayer mode, as it features the ability to kill the opposing spy. Hunter, Infiltration, and Last Stand are also singleplayer and do not always have to be played with a human partner. The game does not contain the critically-acclaimed "Spies Vs Mercenaries" mode featured in the previous games of the series.[/quote]

Could they make that more confusing... ?
The guys over at Achievement Hunter said the game has DLC coming out this week? New co-op maps and achievements but i've not heard or seen anything. Anyone know anything?
[quote name='saunderscowie']The guys over at Achievement Hunter said the game has DLC coming out this week? New co-op maps and achievements but i've not heard or seen anything. Anyone know anything?[/QUOTE]

It came out today - hadn't picked it up yet. Getting it afterwork.
Just finished the game earlier this week and haven't touched the coop yet. If anyone is up for a run-through of any/all of the missions sometime this weekend, shoot me a message. I'd probably even buy the DLC to give that a shot, too.
Anybody try the new Insurgency maps yet? Just interested in what people thought. I hadn't had a chance to try them out yet. They took forever to download last night...

I heard some people had to clear their cache and download them 2-3 times to get them to even show up. :/
My problem is my internet went stupid on me about a week or two ago I guess... I'm getting it fixed now. As for the map d/l it only got to 18%...
[quote name='Lord_Kefka']I'll be online swearing at deniable ops for awhile. Anyone want to run through co-op or denaible ops with a partner?[/QUOTE]
How about tonight?
[quote name='Survivalism']This Third Echelon level can die in a fire.[/QUOTE]

Just got Perfect Hunter on this map last night.
bread's done