STREET FIGHTER IV - Complete Alternate Costume Pack - 1000 MS Points on XLM


59 (100%)
Hey everyone,

I did a search and found no results so please excuse if this is a repost. Seems it's finally happened, Capcom has combined all the costume packs into one Download. "This pack contains alternate costumes for all 25 characters."

It's 100 MS Point and can be found here. but perhaps if no one buys it it could go on sale??? Maybe a deal of the week?

As much as I have been waiting for this (I felt it was coming since Japan got it) , I haven't played the game in a while so I think I'll be waiting for a lower price. No sense in spending money on something I wont be using much. And at a price of about $10, I still think it's too much. I'll really consider it when it's about 500 MS Points.

What do you think? Is the price low enough for you to bite yet?
Man, its not worth it. If you can find SF IV for less than $30, then hit me up. Cause I still really want this game.
I saw this today and I was thinking of getting it...but its just costumes, I don't think it's really worth it unless you play online a lot and get bored of the same costumes. But getting each costume pack individually would amount to 1600 MS Points = $20. They're each 320 points, and there's 5 of them. So it's a good deal I guess, for now.
I had it in my mind that I was gonna buy the complete costume pack when I got the game months ago. Now, I hardly play it anymore lol. It would be a total waste for me.

If I played with more characters it would be worth it to me I guess. Oh well I see the costumes when other people where them and thats good enough for me.
[quote name='iNFiNiTE HORiZON']Cant you just unlock them by playing the game? (beating levels and such)?

What ever happened to entering cheat codes and shit to unlock stuff?[/QUOTE]

DLC happened, I can't remember the last time I "entered a code using button combinations"
[quote name='NovaKane']I had it in my mind that I was gonna buy the complete costume pack when I got the game months ago. Now, I hardly play it anymore lol. It would be a total waste for me.


same here but I figured I'd let the community know
[quote name='Monsta Mack']Pay for costumes? Maybe $5, and the only one I really liked was the Mai inspired Chun Li outfit. Yum.[/quote]



I liked the Ryu-themed Sakura costume too. That was cool.

The ladies pack was the only one that interested me anyway.
[quote name='NegativeZero']DLC happened, I can't remember the last time I "entered a code using button combinations"[/QUOTE]

Dead Space has a whole bunch of helpful cheats and codes.
[quote name='Guerrilla']Full costumes, at the least, should have been in the Collector's Edition.[/quote]
Why would they do that? Its not like you payed enough for you CE, + capcoms got bills to pay and kids to feed and hookers to bury.
[quote name='BlueSwim']The costumes are stored on the game disc. You're paying for unlock keys.[/quote]

So? If someone wants the costumes, they will buy them. Who cares if they are on the disc or actually downloaded to your hard drive? Is there really a difference?

[quote name='Fount']This isn't a deal.[/quote]

If it's cheaper than buying all of them individually, it's a deal, whether or not you like it.
[quote name='Guerrilla']Full costumes, at the least, should have been in the Collector's Edition.[/quote]

There should be a bundle that includes all of the costumes except the brawler pack for less, since the brawler pack came with the CE.

That's why I'm not biting at this price...and the fact that it was material on the disk that should have been unlockable...I don't have a problem about buying stuff created after the game...not stuff already on the disk.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']A lot of DLC is created before the game is released. They just don't put it on the disc. So, what's the difference?[/QUOTE]

People find the practice unethical. The practice referring to the following scenario: content is created and already put on the disc, and unlock keys are downloaded to access this content. In the past, this content was unlocked by other means, such as, in-game challenges; i.e. 100% game completion.

From the point-of-sale to the use of the product, customers feel they own all of the content on the disc. When customers are barred from accessing this content without doling out additional funds, they interpret the action as an unethical business practice.

Since the concept of ethics is important in modern society, people perceive a difference between downloading full-fledged content not on the disc (thus not included at the point-of-sale) versus acquiring unlock codes to access "already purchased" content from the disc.

In addition, Capcom and MS have mispriced this content. Over time, companies are raising the prices of these 'microtransactions,' which makes the use of the word 'micro' a crock of shit. But, that is a whole other issue.
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[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']So? If someone wants the costumes, they will buy them. Who cares if they are on the disc or actually downloaded to your hard drive? Is there really a difference?[/quote]
I'm informing those who hate/don't buy stored-on-disc withheld content what they're getting when they buy the DLC. No one wants to be taken advantage of and that's what this kind of DLC is doing to you when you buy it.
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[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']A lot of DLC is created before the game is released. They just don't put it on the disc. So, what's the difference?[/quote]
It's complete BS, I paid for the disc and everything on it, I'm not paying again to unlock what I already paid for.
The next time another one of these non-deal threads show up here I'm creating a Rock Band "bundled music" dlc pack now available on XBLM thread.
[quote name='opportunity777']People find the practice unethical. The practice referring to the following scenario: content is created and already put on the disc, and unlock keys are downloaded to access this content. In the past, this content was unlocked by other means, such as, in-game challenges; i.e. 100% game completion.

From the point-of-sale to the use of the product, customers feel they own all of the content on the disc. When customers are barred from accessing this content without doling out additional funds, they interpret the action as an unethical business practice.

Since the concept of ethics is important in modern society, people perceive a difference between downloading full-fledged content not on the disc (thus not included at the point-of-sale) versus acquiring unlock codes to access "already purchased" content from the disc.

In addition, Capcom and MS have mispriced this content. Over time, companies are raising the prices of these 'microtransactions,' which makes the use of the word 'micro' a crock of shit. But, that is a whole other issue.[/quote]

No, the "issue" is that ignorant people like to pretend like they know what they're talking about, while not understanding the big business behind gaming and the simple fact that just because something IS on the disc doesn't mean that it WOULD have been on the disc if they didn't have the option to charge for it.

People are under the incorrect assumption that if DLC didn't exist these costumes would still have been created and would have been unlocked via some other (free) means. They are wrong. Without the option to charge for the costumes, they wouldn't have created the costumes in the first place. Capcom is a huge company with business analysts breaking down what does and does not make the cut into a game long before any actual coding begins on the game. When that work gets done (DLC before the game releases or after) is irrelevant because the decision is made ahead of time. If Capcom didn't have the option to charge for DLC, they would've had their artists move on to work on another game rather than spend the extra time creating alternate costumes, which would never have been made.

Capcom reps have confirmed as much about this as well as the Resident Evil multiplayer, and you could hear the frustration about people's ignorance in their voices as they said it. People need to quit living in this ultra simplistic world where just because something gets made before the game's release means that it would have been included if there wasn't an option to charge for it. there's a reason that there have been like 14 street fighter games released prior to this one with no option for DLC and not a single one of them had true alternate costumes that were unlockable. This was something they decided to add specifically BECAUSE they could charge for it, not something that they had already made and decided to charge for because they could.

If someone wants to argue that the costumes are priced too high, fine. I even agree with that, for what it's worth. But don't sit here and try and say that if DLC didn't exist that these costumes would have been free, because that's just not true. They just wouldn't exist in the first place.

I know my post won't be a popular one, and I'm sorry for bringing some realism into people's never-ending compulsion to complain about stuff they very clearly have no understanding of.
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Vcize, wow, thank you for confirming my belief I wasn't the only who hadn't lost his mind concerning this DLC nonsense. Your points are all pretty much what I was going to say when I saw some of the responses. I'll just add...

[quote name='opportunity777']People find the practice unethical.[/quote]

[quote name='BlueSwim']No one wants to be taken advantage of and that's what this kind of DLC is doing to you when you buy it.[/quote]

Sorry, but neither of you have a point. It would be unethical or being taken advantage of if the game box said you get the costumes, and then you find out later you have to pay extra for them. That isn't the case at all.

[quote name='Flak']It's complete BS, I paid for the disc and everything on it, I'm not paying again to unlock what I already paid for.[/quote]

You paid for, in this instance, Street Fighter IV. Was Street Fighter IV a quality, complete game? I never played it, but judging from the reviews, it was. That should be the end of the discussion.

Again, what exactly is the difference between this and what other companies do? Seriously? Do you think all DLC is magically pulled out of a hat after a game goes gold? Nonsense. Plenty of it is nearly done, and they wait awhile to release it. Hell, I've seen content released a week or two after a game comes out. It's the same, exact thing.

[quote name='KingBroly']The next time another one of these non-deal threads show up here I'm creating a Rock Band "bundled music" dlc pack now available on XBLM thread.[/quote]

If the bundled music wasn't already a well-established practice, someone probably would post it and should post it. This is a new package that will save people money. There is absolutely nothing at all wrong about posting a deal that is a bundle. There is a long thread about the new Elite bundle with Halo 3 and Fable 2. Is that a non-deal, too?
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[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Sorry, but neither of you have a point. It would be unethical or being taken advantage of if the game box said you get the costumes, and then you find out later you have to pay extra for them. That isn't the case at all.[/quote]


I didn't ever consider you to make a terrible post. I'll give you a mulligan because you didn't read very carefully. The point is, people perceive the practice as unethical. It doesn't matter what your opinion is on the matter. Vcize's post was much better, but regarding the average consumer, I think he did not include other more relevant factors .

[quote name='Vcize']No, the "issue" is that ignorant people like to pretend like they know what they're talking about...[/QUOTE]

Actually, you brought up a ton of other issues. Most of them do not matter.

The issue of consumer ignorance is not entirely imporant. Although, you tried to tie ignorance directly to misperception of "reality," which can be true.

In the business world, most customers do not give a flying flip about the intricate behind-the-scene dealings: the economics and politics of creating these products. Simply, all customers demand product quality, at a particular price and in a reasonable time frame. Currently, ethics has become an important part of this mix; e.g. a call for bans on animal testing with cosmetic products. Either, the product is provided in the "proper" format or not.

In the current situation, the Capcom PR department was going to have a hard time convincing people to buy this content.

And yes, generally, you are going to be unpopular.
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[quote name='Shady3011']I don't need an ethics class in my deal forums.[/QUOTE]

... Dealing in the banking industry makes people have to think about this type of stuff.

[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']I always love when people post their opinion and then tell you your opinion doesn't[/QUOTE]

That's easy because you made the post about your opinion. I'm pointing out that people perceive certain business practices to be unethical. I didn't bring your opinions into the conversation. You did that all on your own.
[quote name='opportunity777']... Dealing in the banking industry makes people have to think about this type of stuff.[/quote]

That's all fine and dandy, but my point is the simple matter of having these sort of threads in the game forums. It's bad enough having them go off topic, but when they get diluted by arguments over the ethics of DLC, that's where I tend to draw the line.
[quote name='Shady3011']That's all fine and dandy, but my point is the simple matter of having these sort of threads in the game forums. It's bad enough having them go off topic, but when they get diluted by arguments over the ethics of DLC, that's where I tend to draw the line.[/QUOTE]

Fair enough.

On topic, my opinion is this is not a great deal. Especially for, the people who bought the CE.
I think BigDaddyBruce is completely correct. And yet Opportunity's also right about what people perceive as ethical or unethical. Whether or not publisher's actions fit the definition of ethical is less important than how the general population perceives those actions.

The costumes are indeed so expensive that most people will pass on them, but I bought 'em cause I like 'em and I can afford it.
[quote name='eastx']I think BigDaddyBruce is completely correct. And yet Opportunity's also right about what people perceive as ethical or unethical. Whether or not publisher's actions fit the definition of ethical is less important than how the general population perceives those actions.[/quote]

True, true. That's exactly why I made my post. I see this stuff pop up all the time, and I simply don't get why people have this opinion.
Here's what makes SFIV costume DLC on disc defensible to me.... When you play people online, some of them will have bought the DLC & some won't. Everyone gets to view it, as the content is stored on the disc. If there was a two-tiered system, you'd be limited to who you can play, based on who has and doesn't have DLC.

As it is, everyone gets to see those costumes when playing online. You only get to choose them if you pay though... That's what you're paying for, really... the right to select those costumes.
[quote name='Vcize']No, the "issue" is that ignorant people like to pretend like they know what they're talking about, while not understanding the big business behind gaming and the simple fact that just because something IS on the disc doesn't mean that it WOULD have been on the disc if they didn't have the option to charge for it.

People are under the incorrect assumption that if DLC didn't exist these costumes would still have been created and would have been unlocked via some other (free) means. They are wrong. Without the option to charge for the costumes, they wouldn't have created the costumes in the first place. Capcom is a huge company with business analysts breaking down what does and does not make the cut into a game long before any actual coding begins on the game. When that work gets done (DLC before the game releases or after) is irrelevant because the decision is made ahead of time. If Capcom didn't have the option to charge for DLC, they would've had their artists move on to work on another game rather than spend the extra time creating alternate costumes, which would never have been made.

Capcom reps have confirmed as much about this as well as the Resident Evil multiplayer, and you could hear the frustration about people's ignorance in their voices as they said it. People need to quit living in this ultra simplistic world where just because something gets made before the game's release means that it would have been included if there wasn't an option to charge for it. there's a reason that there have been like 14 street fighter games released prior to this one with no option for DLC and not a single one of them had true alternate costumes that were unlockable. This was something they decided to add specifically BECAUSE they could charge for it, not something that they had already made and decided to charge for because they could.

If someone wants to argue that the costumes are priced too high, fine. I even agree with that, for what it's worth. But don't sit here and try and say that if DLC didn't exist that these costumes would have been free, because that's just not true. They just wouldn't exist in the first place.

I know my post won't be a popular one, and I'm sorry for bringing some realism into people's never-ending compulsion to complain about stuff they very clearly have no understanding of.[/quote]

What can I say dude.. you're right. People don't like it but it's business.. it's life. Don't buy it if you don't want it.
What's funny is anyone who buys the PC version will be able to unlock these for free via mod or otherwise. Capcom lost some of my respect for trying to milk loyal fans like this.
It's cheaper than normal. It's on sale. It's a deal for those that want it. It has zero impact on game play and does not divide a community like a map pack. Content that will impact game play will be free.

Thanks for the post OP.
[quote name='jeremyh']Here's what makes SFIV costume DLC on disc defensible to me.... When you play people online, some of them will have bought the DLC & some won't. Everyone gets to view it, as the content is stored on the disc. If there was a two-tiered system, you'd be limited to who you can play, based on who has and doesn't have DLC.

As it is, everyone gets to see those costumes when playing online. You only get to choose them if you pay though... That's what you're paying for, really... the right to select those costumes.[/quote]
You're correct. That's also why Criterion includes all of the DLC cars for Burnout Paradise in their patches. It makes sense, but I'd still prefer not to feel like I got short-changed on my full price game.

4 1/2 years ago, when Dead or Alive: Ultimate came out on the original Xbox, DLC wasn't at the level it's at now and yet it had around 100 costumes. Most of them were not color swaps, either. I paid the full price on day 1 and I felt like I got the complete game, something I don't feel about SFIV.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl doesn't have DLC so Nintendo packed it with an insane level of extra content. When there is no way to make extra money off of a game, developers use extra content like costumes and such as a way to get gamers to the stores to pick their game up on day 1 at full price. When there is an option to make extra money like DLC, developers don't need to go overboard with the content.

DLC is smart for businesses, but there is a right way(Burnout Paradise) and a wrong way(Beautiful Katamari) to do it and I think SFIV leans more towards the wrong way to do it than the right.
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EA has to be the worse offender of unnecessary DLC period. I found out the other day that Need for Speed: Undercover has an option in the game to buy fake in-game money with real world money. Seriously. That is just straight up insidious.

As for Burnout, that's more Criterion than EA with regards to DLC.
[quote name='Shady3011']EA has to be the worse offender of unnecessary DLC period. I found out the other day that Need for Speed: Undercover has an option in the game to buy fake in-game money with real world money. Seriously. That is just straight up insidious.

As for Burnout, that's more Criterion than EA with regards to DLC.[/quote]
I think you are right about it being more Criterion than EA, I'll correct my post.

Didn't they do something like that with one of the Godfather games, too?
bread's done