Street Fighter IV PS3 Official Discussion Thread

[quote name='MiniB0ssBattle']I believe I played as Dan 10 times and only won twice.[/quote]

Now now, I hope you're only doing that to people who pick Ken. :lol:

EDIT: Somehow I always got paired up with a godly Bison, Zangief or Vega. Vega I can handle, but the other two, forget about it. That's one of the reasons for my low ratio, the 38% I have are from scrubs and a few hard ass wins.
[quote name='HowStern']Just got my fightpad a couple min ago. Had some awesome matches with Godlyone earlier. Every match was really close but he won most of them! :)

Can't wait to try the fightpad out tonight.[/quote]

I kept hoping that it would be a Dan vs. Dan match but it never happened... but wow your Blanka is a fierce, I'm like a fly to a bug zapper, I always jump into the electrocution for some reason.
Yeah, those matches were really close, you could probably tell that I forgot the motions for a bunch of the character's special moves :lol:. We need to do some mirror matches soon.
down to only 17 normal move trials left.

Chun Li 4,5 - can't get that ex spinning bird kick out for nothing
Guile 4,5 - cant' do the double flash kick after the flash kick
Balrog 4,5 - stuck on the punch into the super
Vega - 4,5 can't get ex izuna drop to connect after the roundhouse
C. Viper - 4,5 tried once and never went back
Rufus - 4,5 can't get that roundhouse to connect after the focus
Sakura - 4,5 tried once and never went back
Gen - 5 can't get the switch between styles right for the combo
Akuma 4,5 tried once an never went back

13 time and survival trials left. - really frustrated about survival normal 19. bison just destroys me without special moves.

*My win percentage is 67 percent. I need to stop trying out characters on people and stick to mastering them on hardest like I use to do.

@everyone- I will mirror match any of you guys just let me know if you see me online. and if you don't have me added already then add me so we can play.

Only 4 days left until I abandon this game for RE5. lol
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[quote name='GodlyOne']I kept hoping that it would be a Dan vs. Dan match but it never happened... but wow your Blanka is a fierce, I'm like a fly to a bug zapper, I always jump into the electrocution for some reason.
Yeah, those matches were really close, you could probably tell that I forgot the motions for a bunch of the character's special moves :lol:. We need to do some mirror matches soon.[/quote]

haha yeah same here. First time I got fei long I was like "how do you do anything with him!?" same with rufus lol and to top it off I kept getting the same people over and over. haha yeah mirror matches would be awesome.
[quote name='HowStern']haha yeah same here. First time I got fei long I was like "how do you do anything with him!?" same with rufus lol and to top it off I kept getting the same people over and over. haha yeah mirror matches would be awesome.[/quote]

It kept giving me Zangief to play as over and over again...
Holy crap, I did terrible tonight. Killed my win ratio. I don't know what it is I just got walked on by scrubs. Grr.
[quote name='Nibi']Holy crap, I did terrible tonight. Killed my win ratio. I don't know what it is I just got walked on by scrubs. Grr.[/quote]
I've had that happen too. I know exactly what they'll do and I know what I should do but for some reason I do something else.
I really thought you all were exaggerating about how many people played as ken...that is til I actually went online last night. I played 4 kens in a row then just went back to challenges. Even matches where it was laggy to the point of "slow motion" they were predictable and just sloppy.

I don't understand the appeal of Ken, and i doubt I ever will. Give me dictator and rose and I'm set.
[quote name='imascrub']does anybody else get annoyed by people who crouch right up in your face and start jabbing and short kicking?[/quote]

I'm annoyed by people who only focus on tripping you, it never works out for them but it's still annoying as hell. :roll:
[quote name='DarkKenpachi']
@everyone- I will mirror match any of you guys just let me know if you see me online. and if you don't have me added already then add me so we can play.
Good games last night. I just couldn't buy a win during our mirror marathon. Too bad my power went out, we were almost done too! Up to Vega. Let me know if you want to continue on later tonight. :)

Got my first piece of hate mail last night too. Ken player kept on trying to jump in with a roundhouse, so I just backed up with Blanka and sliding fierce into him as he was about to land. Did that for a round straight, then for second round, he tried to play range games with hadokens and he ate some more sliding fierces. Claimed that my game was "weak" and that I wasn't even really fighting. :roll:
^you should have wrote back and said only "ha-noob-ken"
sounds like hadoken, eh? eh? nudge nudge pretty clever huh! lol..
[quote name='imascrub']does anybody else get annoyed by people who crouch right up in your face and start jabbing and short kicking?[/QUOTE]

this is the most annoying when they're using vega, I believe with the medium P
[quote name='ohvermie']Good games last night. I just couldn't buy a win during our mirror marathon. Too bad my power went out, we were almost done too! Up to Vega. Let me know if you want to continue on later tonight. :)

Got my first piece of hate mail last night too. Ken player kept on trying to jump in with a roundhouse, so I just backed up with Blanka and sliding fierce into him as he was about to land. Did that for a round straight, then for second round, he tried to play range games with hadokens and he ate some more sliding fierces. Claimed that my game was "weak" and that I wasn't even really fighting. :roll:[/quote]
I believe that punching him in the ankles repeatedly does count as fighting.
I love using Balrog. I go around stealing all of Ken's BIKE MONEY. I love jump ins as that headbutt is just fantastico!
[quote name='HowStern']^you should have wrote back and said only "ha-noob-ken"
sounds like hadoken, eh? eh? nudge nudge pretty clever huh! lol..[/quote]

I don't get it.... OHHH wait you were talking about Noob Saibot from Mortal Kombat huh? I see what you did there, I GET IT!:whee:

If anyone's online in a couple of hours, mirror matches yo!
@ohvermie. we can finish those mirror matches anytime we play again. I gotta start playing more with bison and blanka. I use to love them in ssf2 but ever since then I barely use them.

I hate loosing to people that you know you can beat. it is sooo frustrating. I know what you guys mean. I am starting to attribute this to old age though. lol
I'm sad over the fact that this will be the first Street Fighter where I am unable to unlock all the characters.

Well, I might be able to, but I just don't have the patience to put up with the cheapness known as Seth.
[quote name='slop101']I'm sad over the fact that this will be the first Street Fighter where I am unable to unlock all the characters.

Well, I might be able to, but I just don't have the patience to put up with the cheapness known as Seth.[/quote]

once you learn seth's pattern then he is a piece of cake like bison was. in fact he is actually the only in game character that has the same fight pattern no matter who you use to fight him.

[quote name='RelentlessRolento']I still suck but not as bad as I use to... I actually win more fights as Dan than I use to... though I sorely need a stick or a fightpad[/quote]

hit me up tonight if you want to mirror match dan. I also need a stick or fightpad so I can finish up the normal and hard trials.

[quote name='MiniB0ssBattle']hazaa! i've gone from 34 to 39% winning. cammy and poor shotos FTW![/quote]

a few members on this board saw to it personally that my win percentage dropped. lol
I need some major help on this game. I am a relative Street Fighter newb. I played II every so often on my genesis, but that was really the only one I have ever played. Is there hope for me to be able to match up evenly with just about all of the guys playing online, or am I asking too much ( I am pretty much stuck at zero BP.) ? Also, I have been playing with a regular controller: would a fight pad or arcade stick make a big enough difference to justify. I appreciate any tips/advice, and if a start posting on here again asking for more help, don't give me too rough of a time. Thanks.
This is the first time I have owned a Street Fighter game. I only played at my friend's house and I am learning this game everyday.

Just play a little single player, get some friends (add me if you want, I am not great) maybe even friends with headsets so you can talk.

DarkKenpachi destroyed me which taught me to BLOCK and not jump in all the time.
In terms of looking for tips, youtube is really good, has a sf4 megatip thread.
[quote name='EDiddy0042']I need some major help on this game. I am a relative Street Fighter newb. I played II every so often on my genesis, but that was really the only one I have ever played. Is there hope for me to be able to match up evenly with just about all of the guys playing online, or am I asking too much ( I am pretty much stuck at zero BP.) ? Also, I have been playing with a regular controller: would a fight pad or arcade stick make a big enough difference to justify. I appreciate any tips/advice, and if a start posting on here again asking for more help, don't give me too rough of a time. Thanks.[/quote]
You can set the search details to "Same skill". That would be your best bet for playing newer people like yourself. Although what I would recommend though is to play with people here and ask them for advice to critique your game. I'm on a few hours a day. Feel free to send me a psn request and we'll definately play. I'm not awesome or anything but I can definately try to help your game out. Another resource would be to check out places like forums and check out their character specific boards for tips for playing certain characters then hitting up practice mode to memorize combos and then playing games online to actually try them out.

edit: I agree that the mycheats guide is really good for newcomers.
Slam and MiniBOss: Thanks for the advice. I will def. add you both and check out some of those sites you guys mentioned. I really appreciate it.
Anyone up for joining a very short-term gamesharing group for the extra costumes? It'll be a little over $4 for all 4 packs if we split it among 5 people. I already have a blank PSN account to use so I can do the leg work. PM me
The usual ritual:
1. Quick Match
2. Select person
3. Connected/ Unable to play, search again?
4. Lobby/ Unable to connect with other player
5. Ready, other player ready/ Ready, other player removed you from session
6. Fight

i will be on later if anyone wants to have mirror matches or random select matches.

@godlyone so true so true. lol sometimes I feel like people will only fight you if your title and icon reflect you being an amateur.
[quote name='GodlyOne']The usual ritual:
1. Quick Match
2. Select person
3. Connected/ Unable to play, search again?
4. Lobby/ Unable to connect with other player
5. Ready, other player ready/ Ready, other player removed you from session
6. Fight


Just create your own, people join my games almost instantly. Way faster than searching.
[quote name='distgfx']Just create your own, people join my games almost instantly. Way faster than searching.[/quote]

I always like to look for the hardcore Japanese players since it's almost always a guaranteed good match. I don't know, I'm not into creating games for some reason.
[quote name='EDiddy0042']I need some major help on this game. I am a relative Street Fighter newb. I played II every so often on my genesis, but that was really the only one I have ever played. Is there hope for me to be able to match up evenly with just about all of the guys playing online, or am I asking too much ( I am pretty much stuck at zero BP.) ? Also, I have been playing with a regular controller: would a fight pad or arcade stick make a big enough difference to justify. I appreciate any tips/advice, and if a start posting on here again asking for more help, don't give me too rough of a time. Thanks.[/QUOTE]

Hey add me, (bengy81) I am kind of in the same boat as you, if you are down, we can have some spar matches, anyone else can join too if they want, I need some decent practice/constructive criticism.
Started the day yesterday with 200bp. Went beast mode with blanka 7 ranked matches in a row and was up 1021bp. (so aggrivatingly close to 10 ranked wins in a row). Today I start out with my 1021bp and lose to 3 sagats in a row and then the spammiest vega i've ever seen and an actually really good c.viper. Am now down to 500something bp :(
[quote name='HowStern']Started the day yesterday with 200bp. Went beast mode with blanka 7 ranked matches in a row and was up 1021bp. (so aggrivatingly close to 10 ranked wins in a row). Today I start out with my 1021bp and lose to 3 sagats in a row and then the spammiest vega i've ever seen and an actually really good c.viper. Am now down to 500something bp :([/quote]

thats why I don't even play ranked matches anymore. After I got my ten wins during the first days of release I rarely even played ranked matches anymore. got my BP up to 1400 something and haven't played seriously since then. though you may hate me saying this...the best way to get the 10 wins ranked straight is to use ryu or ken. you may hate shotos but the general advantages they have for 10 wins straight out weight a lot of risk you take using other characters you may prefer.

tonight I am going out with a bang since I will be moving onto RE5 for a while. so if anyone wants to play hit me up. mirror matches, random matches, whatever I am down. and add me if you don't have me added already.

@godlyone have you gotten a gold yet on survival normal level 19 yet? I hate that challenge with a passion. flipping balrog and bison right after each other. (2 of the easiest computer controlled characters to fight, but with no special moves they are a real handful.)
[quote name='distgfx']Just create your own, people join my games almost instantly. Way faster than searching.[/quote]

I dont even bother, I just play arcade mode (with match requests set to ranked) and I get auto matched up instantly
Is it me or SFIV seems to be better of not getting disconnected with playing a match when the opponents language is other than English (even if they only have like 2 bars)? First, I was hesitant to play with some with only 2 bars and language set Chinese (I think), but after countless times of failure to connect with 4/3 bar people I just tried it and it worked.
[quote name='DarkKenpachi']thats why I don't even play ranked matches anymore. After I got my ten wins during the first days of release I rarely even played ranked matches anymore. got my BP up to 1400 something and haven't played seriously since then. though you may hate me saying this...the best way to get the 10 wins ranked straight is to use ryu or ken. you may hate shotos but the general advantages they have for 10 wins straight out weight a lot of risk you take using other characters you may prefer.

tonight I am going out with a bang since I will be moving onto RE5 for a while. so if anyone wants to play hit me up. mirror matches, random matches, whatever I am down. and add me if you don't have me added already.

@godlyone have you gotten a gold yet on survival normal level 19 yet? I hate that challenge with a passion. flipping balrog and bison right after each other. (2 of the easiest computer controlled characters to fight, but with no special moves they are a real handful.)[/quote]

lol yeah thats true actually about picking ken or ryu. I was thinking maybe I should just go for a "ken for 10".

On a challenge trial note has anyone had any luck with blankas last hard trial challenge? It's like
Jumping Heavy Kick -> Medium Punch -> Crouching Medium Kick -> Light Punch -> Heavy Rolling Attack
I can't get past the crouching medium kick and I only even get that far every few times.
[quote name='denze']I dont even bother, I just play arcade mode (with match requests set to ranked) and I get auto matched up instantly[/quote]

Yeah this seems to be the best way. And you can beat up on the CPU players inbetween the real matches.
Gah, back to 36% (played 32!!! matches with a co-worker) mostly because I am trying to learn balrog. I at least beat him every time with my cammy and sagat. I really want to learn charge characters
@minibossbattle: i will help you learn charge characters if you want. but honestly the way people play these charge characters now is how they use to play them on the other street fighters. (watch lots of youtube video and look for old school guile videos)

Guile, Balrog, vega, bison, and blanka (and Dee Jay if he was in the game) are pressure characters and work best under these rules. (some of the few characters who really don't lend themsleves to changing fighting styles)

While Chun Li and E Honda are more reaction type fighters. though they can be played a few different ways. ie pressure, reaction, turtle

I might not be explaining this the best way but when playing against me, the ways I mentioned above are consistent ways to beat me when you use those characters.

Take lessons from Jekki. he has an amazing blanka who took it upon himself to personally take my win percentage down. lol

one more tip. like I mentioned before it is best to learn as many characters as in this case you can react to who your opponent picks, learn which characters you are better with against certain characters.
[quote name='DarkKenpachi']
@godlyone have you gotten a gold yet on survival normal level 19 yet? I hate that challenge with a passion. flipping balrog and bison right after each other. (2 of the easiest computer controlled characters to fight, but with no special moves they are a real handful.)[/quote]

I don't even remember, I doubt I got gold in it, I think at that point I said screw it with the Survival challenges and just did the quota 10 wins then intentionally lost during the 11th match.
[quote name='ocbengtson']Hey add me, (bengy81) I am kind of in the same boat as you, if you are down, we can have some spar matches, anyone else can join too if they want, I need some decent practice/constructive criticism.[/quote]

OK great! I will add you when I hop on tonight and see if you are on. Looking forward to playing against someone of similar level as me.
i think i need to learn the following:
learn headbutt to ultra, anti air, overhead smash (back to frontdown press and HOLD punch) and punish consistently.
Headbutt to ultra is actually really simple once you know the trick

Hold backwards/down and then hit backwards/up punch, still holding back, then on the way down hit forward>back>forward PPP
[quote name='HowStern']Headbutt to ultra is actually really simple once you know the trick

Hold backwards/down and then hit backwards/up punch, still holding back, then on the way down hit forward>back>forward PPP[/QUOTE]do the KKK version of the ultra, not to PPP version.

it juggles better, hits more, and is where all the damage is.
Just finished kicking a good amount of ass. I love pressuring Akuma's who are desperately trying to pull off the raging demon. Especially when I can jump at just the right time and counter with my own ultra.
If anyone would want to play tonight/this weekend just PM me on here or send a message on PSN. I'd like to really get some more online games in than I have been able to lately.
bread's done