Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Gen. Discussion & Info

Ugh. Not looking good. Let's try again at FD! You host this time. :D

EDIT: No, I don't have AIM. I've MSN, I think! Also, I'm upset, because we had a very close game on our hands!
EDIT2: Ugh, seriously!? Let me try hosting one more time.
EDIT3: suko, I added you IM name and it says you're offline. Is that true?
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alright we clearly need some sort of IRC room to go to. Shame we lost the CAG Chat Room in the update. That would be really useful for such like this.
[quote name='evergoo']I'm ready for some 1-on-1's if anybody wants them.

I feel refreshed after a 1.5 hr. nap.[/quote]

I hate nap now Evergoo. Oh I take a nap then I can't sleep later on. :bomb:
Great games, maigo.

As I always tell everyone else, leave while you're on top. That is, "go home a winner." I've been living up that motto since middle school.

Also, I don't want you to find my weak spot. That is, if there is one. Lol.

Lastly, I can't do dittos. I already told you who's my worst enemy for R.O.B. It always ends up as a game of copycat unless you play against my Peach or Diddy. I guarantee you that NO ONE can out-projectile me.

Joe: fuck, you think 2 hrs. is a lot?! Think about how long Smash Headlines takes without taking into account schedule creation! :bomb:
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GG's to Marc, your snake is definitely a force to be feared.

Definitely best when it comes to setting up the stage, next time i'm going to bring a friend to keep an eye out for the grenades and mines ;)

I think that I'll find an opening within the next 2 weeks.

Then you'll be sorry :bomb:
[quote name='maigoyume']GG's to Marc, your snake is definitely a force to be feared.

Definitely best when it comes to setting up the stage, next time i'm going to bring a friend to keep an eye out for the grenades and mines ;)[/QUOTE]


Your friend starts writing X's and O's to track mines and grenades as if he's Madden. Next thing you know, you can't see the mother fuckin' screen and end up losing. Either that or your friend shoots himself in the head. :twoguns: :cry:

Edit: BTW, your G&W stood no chance, and I recall him being one tough cookie.

Edit 2: You know how ppl are complaining that I "spam" too much and it's ruining the game? Well, they would also consider your Lucario a "spam" machine. But whatever, I don't care because these tactics are completely legit in tourney play. Ppl just need to know how to overcome obstacles. :roll:
I don't take naps. Whenever I wake up I assume it's a new day. Every once in a while I just sorta crash on the weekends in the middle of the day and when I wake up it's very confusing. I don't always realize it's the same day.

My Melee skill was pretty good. I never got to that wavedashing level but I'm about as good as you can get without consistent human competition. I'm like a surgeon with a paper fan.
[quote name='AmigoOne']Im curious, how does everyone think they do in melee?[/QUOTE]

Skill-wise compared to others:

Brawl > 64 >>>>>>>> Melee

On the 64 version my mains were Pikachu and Kirby. As Pikachu, I could grab like a D3 and then edgeguard you to your doom since there was no dodging. As Kirby, all I have to say is one thing: drill kick of death. I could also handle 3-on-1's fairly well against my peers as Kirby and I never even owned this game!

In Melee my only main was Ganondorf. I used the warlock kick and his aerials a lot and did little to no grabbing and dodging. I guess my skills sucked the most at this time b/c I was too busy with academics during my high school and college years.
So what is the general consensus on control method?

I personally use the classic controller, but I'm finding I would like it better if the D pad and left analog sticks were swapped. It also seems to be a little slow in responding. Although I could just stink.
[quote name='evergoo']:rofl:

Your friend starts writing X's and O's to track mines and grenades as if he's Madden. Next thing you know, you can't see the mother fuckin' screen and end up losing. Either that or your friend shoots himself in the head. :twoguns: :cry:

Edit: BTW, your G&W stood no chance, and I recall him being one tough cookie.

Edit 2: You know how ppl are complaining that I "spam" too much and it's ruining the game? Well, they would also consider your Lucario a "spam" machine. But whatever, I don't care because these tactics are completely legit in tourney play. Ppl just need to know how to overcome obstacles. :roll:[/quote]I was thinking more along the lines of him just telling me where the mine and C4 is, I'd backhand anyone who touches my tv ;)

G&W is used mainly for kicks, honestly I don't even know how to use him that well

I think when people call you spammer they're referring to you just sitting on the other side of the stage and shooting junk.
I tend to use my aura spheres to stop people in their tracks and get in their face with some schmexy aura combos.
Well in any case, I haven't been called a spammer yet. Even with spamchu I don't really use electric shock.
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I bought a gamecube controller on sale sometimes last year and I've been saving it for Brawl. I bought brawl and tried to use the Wiimote for about 5 characters in classic mode before I remembered.
[quote name='evergoo']As Pikachu, I could grab like a D3 and then edgeguard you to your doom since there was no dodging.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, in N64 Smash, throws were godly. Fox and Luigi were my mains, compared to now, it seemed like Luigi's super-uppercut took no effort to pull off. Thinking about that game makes me wish they included a fewof the old 64 stages and revamp them a'la Mario Kart Wii.
My friends and I played so much N64 Smash, it was unreal. When Melee came out, I moved on, but they did not (no GC's for them). "It's too fast and difficult!"

Thankfully, they all picked Brawl up and play regularly. I'm actually glad Sakurai went and slowed the pace down a bit, or I probably wouldn't have many locals to play.

I was a Pikachu/Kirby user in the N64 one, Pikachu/Peach in melee.

And yeah, Ness was absolutley devastating when the player had the throws and such going. It was much easier to "steal his jump" (stop his PK thunder) in that version though.
anyone up for a few matches before i get unlazy and actually get out of my chair to put in mario kart?

it must be cstick only day :roll:
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Sorry for not letting you in Rig, I wanted to 1v1 against Daisydog :)

Amazing games overall, most of them were down to the wire, especially the last one :lol: I thought I was going to lose it.

I wanted it to last a little longer so I bumped you, oh man was I scared of making a mistake.
Thanks for the games Maigo and Dastly.

[quote name='maigoyume']
Amazing games overall, most of them were down to the wire, especially the last one :lol: I thought I was going to lose it.
Thanks, I don't know what happened in that last one! You had me flying withing seconds. I was in the lead and I wanted to win that one so badly, no dice :lol:
Despite some suicides and a couple awful attempts at trying to come back on stage I think I did well.
[quote name='Daisydog']Thanks for the games Maigo and Dastly.

Thanks, I don't know what happened in that last one! You had me flying withing seconds. I was in the lead and I wanted to win that one so badly, no dice :lol:
Despite some suicides and a couple awful attempts at trying to come back on stage I think I did well.[/quote]I was on the edge of my seat during the last stock, couldn't believe how far ahead you were

You've improved significantly over such a short period of time. Bravo :applause:
We should do that again sometime :lol:
Strell, there's something seriously wrong with your connection b/c I've noticed a few other CAGs having trouble connecting w/ you.

I've tried more than 10 times already and all I receive are Error Codes 86420. I'll keep trying, though, so hang in there.

My guess is that it has something to do with your security settings.

Sigh sigh sigh sigh SIGH.

I really ought to try this out at another location and see what happens.

I mean if I try to connect elsewhere, I get that same error.

Maybe that wifi adapter Nintendo is making in Japan is worth getting? :/
I hope you aren't too mad about that D3 kill, D. I just had to!

EDIT: Thanks for the games, D and yukine. Not sure why we froze up on that last game.

EDIT2: Strell, I keep trying to join your game, and get an 86420 error every time as well. :l
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Thanks Strell for training my Pit. I just started picking him up seriously today. Still haven't applied any ATs yet.

Sorry for all the arrows. I'm practicing my accuracy and I seem to be fairly decent at it.

My biggest weakness seems to be Pikachu at the moment. He's faster and smaller than me.
I've added Jack, Hero101, and Lurk. I'll be on until the Monk and Psych season finale's start then I'll be on after i think if i'm not too tired. probably won't be able to get on the computer again tonight so here's my FC SSB: 5370 2825 2038
all my codes are in my profile if you add my wii. PM me.
[quote name='Strell']Sigh.

Sigh sigh sigh sigh SIGH.

I really ought to try this out at another location and see what happens.

I mean if I try to connect elsewhere, I get that same error.

Maybe that wifi adapter Nintendo is making in Japan is worth getting?

I feel your pain.
It's getting annoying, especially getting the SAME error.

I'm too thinking about getting the adapter. I'd rather spend extra money than contribute to making gray hairs. :lol:
bread's done