Surprisingly the Last TV Show You Saw was Good

A week late, but yeah Hannibal season 2 and the finale were amazing. I Always enjoy the show makes you think you know what's going to happen or thinks you're ready and instead pulls the rug from under. Season 2 also upped the ante on gore though.

Started arrow season 2, i'm full seasons behind on all shows at the moment. I really like that Slade guy, he's so cool. Not sure i'll enjoy where some of the other stories will go but we'll see.


Ancient Aliens. Gonna watch the whole thing thanks to Amazon Prime.

Not very good, but Very entertaining.
Last few shows I watched:

Power Rangers RPM - My favorite season. Has some problems but is still excellent overall.

Power Rangers Samurai - Nowhere near as good as RPM, but after a rocky start it got better. About as good as Lightspeed Rescue.

Power Rangers Megaforce - Because they condesned two seasons of Sentai in this, everything is rushed like hell. Also, the cast is somehow even blander than MMPR's initial cast.

90's X-Men cartoon - The animation is OK at best, the violence is sanitized, and some of the plots don't make sense, but the voice cast excels so well that it makes things work. Still the best versions of Rogue and Gambit brought to TV.

Ben 10 Ultimate Alien - Honestly, I think thisight be my favorite of the Ben 10 series. The Ultimate forms were awful, but the characters were well written and worked well together.

Street Fighter (90's cartoon) - The animation had some decent points, but it got worse overall. The story was actually pretty decent and the voice cast was excellent. Better than the Mortal Kombat cartoon.

Whose Line is it Anyway? - Still awesome.
Watched some more 24. Jack Bauer is so fun to watch, and I was definitely scared for Sarah Walker. Was I supposed to laugh when daughter of Terrorist got run over by a bus?

Just finished up Tron: Uprising that was on Disney XD from 2012 - 2013.  19 episodes in all, including a intro episode for the main character.

Was a lot better than I expected it to be and I'm sorry it isn't likely to get a second season.   It was a well-done bridge between Tron and Tron Legacy with some side story work.  Characters were well-done (Bruce Boxleitner for Tron, plus Elijah Wood, Mandy Moore and others), good sound track, Aeon Flux-style animation, mature story content.

A second season was in the works towards the end of Season 1, though nothing about that has moved forward.

In the same way Mortal Kombat 2 and Battlefield Earth are terrible movies, but a fun romp.
I take it you don't believe what you're watching. On the contrary I do believe ancient aliens came here. Sometimes the show goes a little too far though.

Since it's now summer and no new shows air on broadcast television, I've been trying to catch up on Adventure Time and Regular Show. I also watch Cosmos (season/series finale tonight!) and American Ninja Warrior every week. I have lots of other TV shows and movies I want to get through too.

Since it's now summer and no new shows air on broadcast television, I've been trying to catch up on Adventure Time and Regular Show. I also watch Cosmos (season/series finale tonight!) and American Ninja Warrior every week. I have lots of other TV shows and movies I want to get through too.
Man, I dig the hell out of the Mordecai's lovelife storyline. The most I've ever been invested in any TV relationship.

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Orange is the New Black. Seems like a cross between Oz and 80's Showtime/HBO softcore porn. Not terrible, but not great either.
Whoever greenlighted "Crossbones" for NBC must have never watched a good TV show in their life. It could be the worst thing I have ever seen. The show is based on Blackbeard the pirate but after two whole episodes he has never once been on a freaking boat. Hell I dont think he has ever been close to the water yet.

LOL. I know, right? I'm in the season
that was right after his breakup with Margaret.
I Just enjoy the fact Mordecai's newer episodes shows that he is growing up and facing problems outside of the dreaded "Friend Zone". I Do like how it does acknowledge that people in my age demographic watch this though and give me things like this. Also...

Sopranos Season 1 episodes 1, 2 and 3.  Even more enjoyable watching these years later after already watching the whole series while airing.  Gandolfini is amazing as Tony Soprano.


Dudes from New Zealand are fun, and you will grow to love Slade Wilson as the series progresses because
everybody is stupid, especially Oliver

Watched more 24 last night. If only I could get the season one boxset from the library sooner. Jack Bauer is not just Batman but Steve McQueen.

And in Netflix news:

Detective Robert Goren IS the Kingpin. If they are going for a HUGE Wilson Fisk, here's hoping Vincent D'Onofrio doesn't go off the deep end and gain Orson Wells weight again, like he did for season 5-8. All I hope is that they also get Olivia D'Abo to play the Kingpin's wife.

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Finished House of Cards last night. Best show since Breaking Bad. Characters, writing, acting, music, cinematography, stories are top notch. Now the long wait for season three next year :( At least they'll release it all in one go though

Finally watched some Rocko's Modern Life, since I didn't have cable as a kid. It definitely would gain a lot of FCC complaints and fines if they aired it even on the same channel as Family Guy.

Finally watched some Rocko's Modern Life, since I didn't have cable as a kid. It definitely would gain a lot of FCC complaints and fines if they aired it even on the same channel as Family Guy.
Rocko's Modern Life invented YouTube Poop.

Watch Jo Grant's last Doctor Who adventure. It was a great one, even if the monsters were giant maggots. The main villain was a computer and human greed btw. Jon Pertwee will always be my favorite Doctor, especially in this one since he bothered to put on some disguises!

Reading the information track for the last episode revealed that there was another actress for Sarah Jane Smith, a tall and buxom actress named April Walker. 

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Finished all five seasons of The Wire. Yeah, that was a very satisfying ending overall and I'm glad that they were given all the seasons they wanted to finish the whole story.

Starting Orphan Black season 1 now.

Orange is the new black- the wife and I are watching this right now and its really a pretty decent show that we both enjoy.

Fargo was really good too, I thought.
Meant to bring this up yesterday, but the new SportsCenter set is quite good, even if it embraces the "mothership" nickname a bit too much. I also like the clearer ticker and rundown.
I started True Detective finally, just finished episode five. I like it, not quite feeling the amazing vibes everyone was talking about as it was airing but its certainly good so far. Will try and finish it off tomorrow.

I started True Detective finally, just finished episode five. I like it, not quite feeling the amazing vibes everyone was talking about as it was airing but its certainly good so far. Will try and finish it off tomorrow.
The amazing vibes we got was from seeing those sweet, sweet boobs in episode 2.


I got the amazing vibes but it's a slow burn of a show, which isn't for everyone. I actually thought the last two episodes were a let down.
Just finished season 1 of Orphan Black. It wasn't until episode 5 when the show begins to narrow down it's scope that I began to really enjoy it. Darkly comedic and yeah it was enjoyable. Excited whenever I get the chance to binge watch season 2.


I got the amazing vibes but it's a slow burn of a show, which isn't for everyone. I actually thought the last two episodes were a let down.
The presentation and acting is top notch. Boobies too, but yeah its a slow burn so far, not really a bad thing either.

House of Cards.

Boyfriend recommended it. Tried the first episode, turned it off midway.

Few days later, gave it another try.. Now I'm on Season 2 :)

I don't know why, but I'm binge watching season 1 of Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers right now. Half the time it's torturous, but the other half is humorous and or awesome. Now that I'm older, I do appreciate Bulk and Skull more. I thought they weren't that funny when I was a kid.

I really can't believe they made 60 episodes, at least half of it is Japanese stock footage. And by episode 40, the American actors have to do a lot more stuff.

The show gets more American footage as the seasons go on. By Season 3, only the Megazord battles are from the source material, which is why they created the Alien Rangers arc.
They should've stopped at the Kakuranger part. I can understand them skipping the Dairanger stuff, since that stuff is VERY VIOLENT. I love Dairanger, btw since it's furious martial arts action.

Now that I think about it, they really cast Austin St. John well, considering he's kinda similar to his Japanese counterpart, especially the way they talk. I didn't even know he was 17 when he started.

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Except that the show has had some damn good seasons past Season 3. Zeo, if a bit long, was overall great. In Space is one of the "Holy Trinity" seasons. Lost Galaxy is probably the best standalone season for almost a decade. Time Force is excellent. DinoThunder, despite its flaws, was a great blend of classic and modern Power Rangers. Jungle Fury somehow played insanity completely straight and actually worked. And RPM has probably the greatest character interaction in any Power Rangers season and is about as good as the show will ever get.

Except that the show has had some damn good seasons past Season 3. Zeo, if a bit long, was overall great. In Space is one of the "Holy Trinity" seasons. Lost Galaxy is probably the best standalone season for almost a decade. Time Force is excellent. DinoThunder, despite its flaws, was a great blend of classic and modern Power Rangers. Jungle Fury somehow played insanity completely straight and actually worked. And RPM has probably the greatest character interaction in any Power Rangers season and is about as good as the show will ever get.
I tapered off watching Power Rangers after Lost Galaxy ended. I am excited for the newest incarnate mainly because of the callback to older Power Rangers and even the cameos that are coming. I feel like when I have kids, I'll show them the majesty of 90s kids shows and animation.

Yea...there's only a handful of cameos in Super Megaforce. In fact, the only cameos so far have been Casey from Jungle Fury and Jaden and Ji from Samurai. Tommy, Cassie, TJ (both from In Space), Damon, Leo (from Lost Galaxy, the latter of which shocked fans), Carter, Dana (from Lightspeed Rescue), and Alex (from Time Force) are returning, but only for the final battle. It remains to be seen how they will handle the Turbo, Zeo, Black DinoThunder, and RPM powers.

Among the many problems with Megaforce is that Bandai was not allowed to skip Goseiger, so the first 20 episodes are an adaptation of that series while the final 20 episodes are an adaptation of Gokaiger (aka the big anniversary season). It doesn't help that this Ranger cast is by far the most boring and that the Gokaiger suits are merely power-ups instead of full-on new powers.
I thought I saw all of the episodes of Burn Notice, except the last season, and then on syndication there was an episode about Fiona's nerve agent and Callie Thorne. Hilarious.

Penny Dreadful. Victorian London, supernatural and occult elements, and a blend of Eva Green, Timothy Dalton, Josh Hartnett, and Billie "aka Rose Tyler of Doctor Who" Piper all rolled up into an eight episode bundle of amazingness.

I also spent two weeks marathoning Big Love from start to finish.

Finally finished the last of my Kids in the Hall boxset, with Death Comes to Town. Dave used to be the hot girl, but now it's Mark.

Wow, why don't they have a breathalyzer car starter as standard? Who needs these fancy computers anyway?

Walking Dead season 4 - I think at this stage I'm just watching it for the sake of it. Hoping stuff actually happens this season.
bread's done