~~!~~ Swag Bucks.com $300+ earned in Amazon GCs from using a simple search engine!!!

SWAG CODE UP TILL WHO KNOWS HOW LONG? worth 2 bucks. code is found on zendoo.com via the swag blog. you have to find the phone that catherine-zeta jones uses. clue: its from t-mobile and starts with an s and ends with a kick. or you could just type in "swag" in the search bar of zendoo.com

go snag it quick!
thanks for the sign ups! just try out swag bucks. its the best and easiest search and win site i've ever done. its so easy to net giftcards.
just got my other 2 giftcards. all the card now come on the my giftcards page in approximately 5-7 business days, but ususally a lot faster than that.

bump! 5 more till another giftcard! thanks for checking out the thread! swagbucks ihas been the most rewarding to me ever. and it can reward you too. remeber. it only takes a little to earn a lot.
haha ordered a giftcard yesterday and i'm already 1/3rd of the way to another one. today is double megaswag bucks day so that means today theyre giving out 2000 swagbucks in big bills! that means you have a chance to win bucks in 10, 50, and 100+ nominations.
and another bump! half way 2/3rd to another giftcard. thanks for checking out the thread. try out swagbucks. its easy and requires very little effort to make some money. feel free to drop any questions to me.
yay 250 posts and 4000 views. thanks for checking out the thread. btw, i just ordered another giftcard. i think that puts me at $60 total from swag bucks in the past month. things are starting to pick up here. thanks for the people who signed up. if you havnt tried it out yet, give it a go. its really easy. all you have to do is use the search engine when you have to search something. as always, feel free to throw me any questions via this thread or pm! thanks!
only 8 more till another giftcard! ill probably get it by tonight. you can get cards this easily too. just try it out. time to register for classes :p
post #260! waiting on $15 in giftcards now. just ordered one last night and im already 1/3rd of the way to another one! you can be successful like me too! just give swag bucks a run and i guarantee you you'll like it! you have my ChoCoBoI Seal of Approval :p
bumpt! already 2/3rd to another giftcard! thanks for the help guys! remeber, if you havn't tried swag bucks already, its an excellent program. watch out for a swag code tommrow, its swag buck's birthday!
illbut on all day trying to post as many swag codes as i can! be on the look out. I just recieved 2 of my waiting giftcards,and im waiting on 1 more.also im 4 bucks from another giftcards! thanks for checking it out. there's currently a swagcode right now on the blog. first 10000 get its!

I usually post the ones i see here. Swag Bucks doesn't want people to share the codes though. Ill try my best to post codes here as often as I can. Hopefully I dont get my accounnt suspended for it.
btw, I won 20 swag bucks from a search! I ordered a giftcard and I'm only 10 away from another card again! thanks for checking out the thread!
if you havn't gotten it, the code today is BirthdayBuck. i think it expires in the next hour. thanks for checking out the thread!
bump with a swag code! check out the crookedx official website. i wonder when their next tours are?

i can't post the code or they can deactivate my account so tough luck there.
theres another swag code up! Year2 is found in the blog! thanks for checking the thread. only 30 mins left for the code though. I just recieved $10 in giftcards I was waiting on. Now only waiting on another $10 more. Try out swagbucks if you havnt already.

the key to getting swagbucks is to search whenever you need to use a search engine. its discouraged to stay there and make multiple searches at once. they can even stop you from searching if you make too many of the same search at once. basically the best way to win is to search whenever you need to use it, or whenever youre visiting as site you normally visit like youtube or cheap ass gamers. if you won't win on the search, come back and search again later.
bumpy bump! im half way to another giftcard. thanks for checking out the thread. still waiting on $10. will post pics once i get it.
jsut got a $5 in the account today.waiting on the other $5 any minute now. will post pics once the last one comes. and only 7 more bucks for another giftcard! thanks for checking out the thread.
3rd of the way to another giftcard! waitin on 2 to come in. thanks for checking out the thread!

also! if youre looking to get into a psn long term game sharing group, count me in.

also also! check out yourfreeistuff.com! it needs a credit card, but if you have 6 friends who are looking to get into gamefly or netflix, offer to pay for their first month for free if they sign up through the yourfreeistuff referal. itll be an easy $300.
BUMP!!! imso happy at the way how things are going for swagbucks.I've made $80 in under a month from swagbucks. in about a few weeks, ill have enough for a set of z5500 logitech speakers (THX certified 5.1surround sound) for my ps3/tv. itll be pure epic. thanks for checking out the thread. sorry for the lack of swag codes posted. i disabled the texts on twitter cause i think i was going over for the month.
hmmm? thanks for the free bump! im at 33 right now. only 12 more for yet another giftcard! just bought me a psp 2000 off a friend. anyone know a good place to get a psp battery/pandora jig?

anywho...i think ill resume my swag code posting in a week when i turn on my twitter again. be on the look out for codes!

also. heres proof of the last $10 i won:

bumping! 5 more till another giftcard! thanks!! if you havnt tried it out yet, give it a test run. its easy and it adds up quick. it takes little effort to make a lot.
its like winzy, but much much better imho. you're pretty much guarenteed to win daily and on top of that you have the choice of what you want to get with your winnings. i like the $5 giftcards the best cause you can get whatever you want with it on amazon.
Hey, I signed up. I'll give it a try and here's a free bump even though you were already at the top.

You should try one of the links in my signature. I'd recommend the Save Money one (Big Crumbs, if you don't already have an account their).
haha thanks for the free bumps! my internet has been suspended currently cause i was caught downloading on school campus :[

anywho...best of luck with everyone and their swag bucks adventures
I was thinking about trying this, but I can't get through the sign up. It wants me to type a word in, but I can't see it in IE or Firefox.

I would like to do this, a little of winzy, and maybe get back into live search club.
hey thanks for the free bump! i've been neglecting this thread cause my internet is gone :[. during my absence i've made enough to get three giftcards! thanks for checking out my thread.

as for the sign up problem, i have no idea what might be wrong. it might actually be down, or it could just be your browser. good luck with your swag hunting!
Would've signed up under your ref link, but I just remembered that I already have an account. I will, however, strongly recommend this site to anyone who searches frequently. You've absolutely nothing to lose and a lot to gain (it's essentially Google with a chance to win Swag Bucks and nice stuff attached to each search).
Haha thanks for the bump! Swag Bucks is definitely a great site. You really have nothing to lose when you try it out. Sorry I've been neglecting the thread. I should have full internet access back tomorrow. If there are any questions to using swag bucks, please don't hesitate to ask.

Also, why not try yourfreeistuff.com or yournintendowii4free.com. You need a credit card, but if you have friends that are looking to get into gamefly or netflix, why not offer them their first month for free in return for signing up. Or you can ask a favor of roomates to sign up for you while you pay them for the first month before you cancel it.

Also also, if you have old games you dont play anymore try out goozex. Its an online program that matched you with people who want you game and you get points that retain the game's value. You can then use the points to trade for games you want. Its a great site and highly recommended by many CAG users.
yay! i haz internetz again! spring break!!!!!! anywho, why not take the time to look at swagbucks during your school break. it won't take any time out of your normal break and you have nothing to lose. thanks for checking out the thread
bumping! just updated with 4 new giftcards i got and forgot to post up. i have enough bucks now for another $20, be on the lookout!
hmmm please don't go spamming your board on my thread. for some reason, someone gave my thread 1 star...that hurts :[. I don't need a CAG Newbie coming in here and giving me a bad rep.

anywho. bump to the top!
bread's done