The Acolytes Protection Agency Wrestling Topic

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[quote name='JaytheGamefan']I wouldn't go as far as a 9/10, but more like a 7/10, since there's still been way too little wrestling, and too much stuff happening at once.[/quote]

Yea but there's always a ton going on at once. Hard to run such a full rostered promotion with only an hour a week. The wrestling, on the other hand, has been top notch tonight. Although I didn't like how the main event ended...
Easily better than Raw and Smackdown. Easily. Plenty of talent getting TV time with none of the talent being displayed as worthless. Christian owned as a heel and did a much better job than either Edge of Randy did at Raw.
Better than Raw by far, but not SD. And many, many companies have been able to have wrestling on a one hour show despite having full rosters. If it was a matter of public record, why on Earth did Sting waste two months of his life trying to find out the secret?
[quote name='JaytheGamefan']Better than Raw by far, but not SD. And many, many companies have been able to have wrestling on a one hour show despite having full rosters.[/quote]

Which companies would that be?
I would probably peg it as an 8. I just wish they would get two hours soon since they definately could use some longer matches and it would give Russo a better chance to develop some characters.

Also I got to say I was disappointed that Chris Sabin wins the title and doesn't show up on Impact the next week. I would have rather seen something happen with the X-division title than Sting, VKM, and everything involving James Storm (I like the guy, but he didn't just win a title the previous night).
Casey said everything I think - they're hitting the right spots, but they're rushing some things (the VKM/Christ thing) and ignoring others.

If I were to be told about TNA, and how awesome the X-division is, I wouldn't know it if I watched TNA for the past month or two - everything they do is comedy-centered, and that's fine, but where's the wrestling that separates them from the WWE? You've told me how good the X-division is, now *show* me.

I can't help but agree with those of you who think the "consultant" is Steiner; the "clue" Christian put forth tonight was probably Tomko's beard, and not Samoa Joe - that's just his psychological swerve.

Sting sucked rock hard in the segments tonight, but Jim Mitchell was in such damned good form in his delivery that he really saved the segment and made it good. I'm very impressed with Mitchell, though keep his shirt buttoned next time he gets beat up, k?

I also don't know why Sting gives a shit about any of this, and it's kind of goofy because of that. I haven't watched it all yet, but for the love of god, don't have Abyss talk.

I still think LAX is the hottest thing out there - they have a great look, a great entrance, and I found myself marking out when it looked like the Dudleys would win.

EDIT: I'm really pleased to see Steiner resigned with TNA. He was a model wrestler the last time he was around - a handy top-tier guy, but always did the right thing in making younger talent look good. None of that bullshit drama that always followed him around, and totally worth the money they spent on him. His TNA run made me gain a ton of respect for him, and I look forward to him coming back. OTOH, please fire Lance Hoyt. He sucks, he has an asshat tattoo, and a dinnerplate sized beltbuckle. fuck him; fire him so he can take a dump in the WWE rings from now on.
[quote name='mykevermin']I can't help but agree with those of you who think the "consultant" is Steiner; the "clue" Christian put forth tonight was probably Tomko's beard, and not Samoa Joe - that's just his psychological swerve.[/quote]

I thought that was brilliant.

[quote name='mykevermin']Sting sucked rock hard in the segments tonight, but Jim Mitchell was in such damned good form in his delivery that he really saved the segment and made it good. I'm very impressed with Mitchell, though keep his shirt buttoned next time he gets beat up, k?[/quote]

Sting cut a bad promo? WHAT!?


Sting looked like Max Headroom meets MC Hammer.

This Sting / Abyss storyline might be hurting Sting's character with the crowd.
[quote name='ahmedmalik']Which companies would that be?[/QUOTE]
Let's see... Memphis, Mid-South, Southwest Championship Wrestling, WWE, WCW, the original ECW, and even TNA (before the Spike TV move).
[quote name='JaytheGamefan']Let's see... Memphis, Mid-South, Southwest Championship Wrestling, WWE, WCW, the original ECW, and even TNA (before the Spike TV move).[/quote]

Any specific examples?
[quote name='neocisco']I'm probably really late to the party with this but when did Masters get back on the juice?[/QUOTE]
A month or two.
[quote name='mykevermin']EDIT: I'm really pleased to see Steiner resigned with TNA. He was a model wrestler the last time he was around - a handy top-tier guy, but always did the right thing in making younger talent look good. None of that bullshit drama that always followed him around, and totally worth the money they spent on him.[/QUOTE]
I'm glad you commented on this; he's one helluva classy worker.

I'll forever applaud him for his main event match on the last Nitro, when he gracefully lost his World Title to Booker T.
[quote name='ahmedmalik']Any specific examples?[/QUOTE]
I'll use the older Impacts as examples, since they're the most relevant to the comparison to tonight's show. They featured multiple matches and commonly had 10-15 minute main events (like AJ Styles vs. Kid Kash in a PPV-quality match) - they also got across the wrestlers through video packages and interviews. Tonight's show didn't feature much wrestling, which didn't really bother me since the non-wrestling stuff tonight was either very well-done, built a feud, or entertained me for all the wrong reasons.

I enjoyed Impact more as a wrestling show back when it was focused on wrestling, but it has become more entertaining as a TV program because of how much stuff they try to cram into an hour. Sometimes it works (like with tonight's show), and other times it doesn't (like with many of the other shows since Russo took over).

I'm looking forward to Steiner coming back, as he was excellent during his last TNA run and showed that he still has something to give back to wrestling in the latter half of this decade. His match with Joe solidified Joe as THE man in TNA, and served as the forerunner to the Joe-Angle feud as well.
[quote name='Brak']A month or two.[/quote]

When was the last time someone was busted for steroids/illegal substances? It seems to me McMahon paid a lot of lip service to the policy initially but it seems to have become passe. Either Masters got the OK or he's the stupidest guy on the roster.
I have to agree with all the Steiner praise. When I first heard TNA was going to sign him I couldn't help but think it was a huge mistake, but he really proved me (and a lot of us) wrong. I can't wait 'til he comes back.
[quote name='craven_fiend']Is there a replay for it? If so, what time? My 9 o'clock hour on Thursdays is already jam packed.

And to Horse, there was no hostility in my posts, so sorry if you or anyone felt there was.[/quote]

That's ok if there was or wasn't. This just isn't fun anymore. I think it's time I went away for awhile. At least until I can control my temper. Fare thee well.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']That's ok if there was or wasn't. This just isn't fun anymore. I think it's time I went away for awhile. At least until I can control my temper. Fare thee well.[/QUOTE]

Don't go Zenith. Please don't go. :cry: :cry: :cry:
its quite funny to see all this steiner praise because if i remember correctly i would be the only one cheering and marking when he appeared at the ppv....

im glad to see hes earned some respect...

[quote name='guyver2077']its quite funny to see all this steiner praise because if i remember correctly i would be the only one cheering and marking when he appeared at the ppv....

im glad to see hes earned some respect...

The biG BAD BOOTY DADDY[/quote]

Ring work, not mic work.;)
I can't wait for Steiner...

Edit: Steiner's mic skills are EPIC. They're so bad, they're good.

Seriously. A while back, on TNA, when Steiner attacked Christian's lack of education, boasting about how he went to University of Michigan... only to call Christian a "homiosapien" in the next sentence.

And he doesn't just talk... he yells. In a mic.


Video proof!

[quote name='Brak']I can't wait for Steiner...[/QUOTE]

.... to return and say "Hey Smo'Joe!" :lol:

The first time I heard Steiner say "Smo'Joe" I laughed for a good minute. Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant! :applause:
[quote name='Demolition Man'].... to return and say "Hey Smo'Joe!" :lol:

The first time I heard Steiner say "Smo'Joe" I laughed for a good minute. Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant! :applause:[/QUOTE]

Late to the party on the Don West talk.

This is a classic bit from Opie & Anthony with a paradoy of him.

Careful...could be considered NSFW.
[quote name='neocisco']When was the last time someone was busted for steroids/illegal substances? It seems to me McMahon paid a lot of lip service to the policy initially but it seems to have become passe. Either Masters got the OK or he's the stupidest guy on the roster.[/QUOTE]


Poor Test...I can only imagine how bad he looked as a teenager. :lol:

Wellness program my ass.

EDIT: A few websites have been saying that, for a brief moment early this evening, Mike Knox and Tatanka's names were listed among those released today, but were quickly taken down. Either people are just making things up, or the WWE put up that info before they had a chance to actually notify the talent they were releasing. No matter the case, neither of those would come as a surprise. Every last release today has been a very expendable wrestler, and other than Terkay, nobody seemed to be anyone who the fans would care was let go.

Now the question becomes this: if you're TNA, or WSX, or whomever, who out of this bunch do you hire? Keep in mind that Kevin Nash went from "Vinnie Vegas" to "Diesel" in a few months' time, if that; Scott Hall went from "Diamond Studd" to "Razor Ramon" in a similar period of time. Triple H? Probably never had a segment on WCW Saturday Night after the first hour. So, there's potential talent (though not to imply *greatness* as suggested in my examples above) in this bunch of guys - who do you take a chance on?
[quote name='mykevermin']

Poor Test...I can only imagine how bad he looked as a teenager. :lol:

Wellness program my ass.[/quote]

I didn't think about Test since I stopped watching ECW after wasting $70 on December I Wish I Couldn't Remember. Still a sore subject obviously.

Test has Bluto back.
I'm shocked by the release of Terkay, seems like they gave up on him way too soon. I really liked the guy.
I'll be surprised if TNA doesn't pick up Terkay, as he's one of those big heavyweights that honestly looks like he could be champion - he's still a little green, but there's plenty of guys in TNA he'd learn a lot from. He'd also fit that MMA style that Angle's been trying to get into - Terkay's got a pretty respectable MMA background.

Tony Mamaluke might get a shot in TNA - a decent midcard X-Division guy, but he really won't get much ring time unless TNA gets that two hour slot.

Slightly off topic, but why is Christy Hemme the only one stepping up to VKM? Her line about never compromising herself in WWE is laughable - she got the job in WWE after a silly Diva Search, posed in Playboy, and wrestled in several lingerie matches.

Oh, and TNA fans chanting "RVD" during the Angle/Christian confrontation - awesome. I really hope someone in WWE watches Impact. many guys in TNA use the superkick as a finisher? That move needs to die. However, Storm's spinning samoan drop move he used on Gail Kim was kinda cool.

That said, I'd like to see more of Gail Kim. MMMM.
Angle was Terkay's only loss "back in the day," so TNA will grab him for sure unless he bolts for MMA instead. this is the obvious one, as he was just on WWE TV last week, was not made to look weak and wasn't jobbed out prior to his exit.

Doug Basham will wind up in TNA or ROH. CW Anderson and Tony Mamaluke probably will as well. has learned that former WWE Superstar Scott "Bam Bam" Bigelow has passed away in Florida.

Kevin Doll, the Public Information Director for the Pasco County Sheriff's Office confirmed that Bigelow was found dead early this morning in his home in Hudson, Fla.

"We can confirm that Scott Bigelow was found in his home this morning. At this time the cause of death is unknown," Doll told

Doll also confirmed that the Pasco-Pinellas Counties medical examiner has taken the body and an autopsy will be performed.

Bigelow, 45, worked for WWE, ECW and WCW extensively throughout his 20-year sports-entertainment career. A former ECW Champion, ECW Television Champion and WCW Tag Team Champion, he is perhaps best known for his rivalry with Lawrence Taylor that culminated in the main event of WrestleMania XI in 1995.

Stay tuned to as more on Bigelow's passing becomes available.

It's a shame the last few years of his life were some trouble-filled, as he was an exceptional in-ring talent. I loved his ECW run, and without him, we wouldn't have RVD as a main eventer right now.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']Holy shit. Bam Bam Bigelow died.[/QUOTE]
That's sad, last night I was just searching for the news story where he saved some kids from a brush fire.

On another note, Tatanka is officially gone.

Tatanka is an accomplished veteran of the squared circle. The Native American made a splash upon his entrance to the WWE in the early 90’s, remaining undefeated for over a year while participating in some of sports-entertainments biggest events. His latest run on SmackDown capped a courageous and unlikely comeback to the ring. has learned that former WWE Superstar Scott "Bam Bam" Bigelow has passed away in Florida.

Kevin Doll, the Public Information Director for the Pasco County Sheriff's Office confirmed that Bigelow was found dead early this morning in his home in Hudson, Fla.

"We can confirm that Scott Bigelow was found in his home this morning. At this time the cause of death is unknown," Doll told

Doll also confirmed that the Pasco-Pinellas Counties medical examiner has taken the body and an autopsy will be performed.

Bigelow, 45, worked for WWE, ECW and WCW extensively throughout his 20-year sports-entertainment career. A former ECW Champion, ECW Television Champion and WCW Tag Team Champion, he is perhaps best known for his rivalry with Lawrence Taylor that culminated in the main event of WrestleMania XI in 1995.

Stay tuned to as more on Bigelow's

On WWE's front page.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Canned Viscera.


Wait, Viscera got fired, or is this some kind of joke?

And if Tatanka got fired, Mike Knox is next, since didn't both of them appear on WWE for an instant yesterday and got taken down?
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