The Acolytes Protection Agency Wrestling Topic

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[quote name='Ugamer_X']
On another note, Tatanka is officially gone.[/quote]Who was the other guy whose name was listed as released but quickly pulled? I'm sure we'll know soon enough, either way.
[quote name='Genocidal']Who was the other guy whose name was listed as released but quickly pulled? I'm sure we'll know soon enough, either way.[/QUOTE]

Mike Knox.
Well, I had predicted a prominent wrestler would die in the 2007 predictions thread. I wish I was wrong though.

The only one that really hit me hard was Eddie dying. They all hit hard to some degree though.
I'm gonna go watch ECW Path of Destruction, specifically 2 matches: RVD/Bigelow for the TV Title, and Eddie/Malenko 2 out of 3 falls match.
Damn, there goes another legend. Just used him yesterday in an online match in SVR 07 and won the match using Greetings from Asbury Park.

His most memorible moment for me was his match against Taz at Heat Wave. Taz was on top of Bam Bam and had the Tazmission locked on when out of nowhere, Bam Bam just fell back first and both of them fell through the ring. broke the story of the passing of former WWE Superstar Scott "Bam Bam" Bigelow earlier today. They have a few more details on his passing that didn't report. Sources close to Bigelow told the he had been missing for several days. And as noted before, he was found dead this morning in a home in Florida. Furthermore, police are currently treating this as a crime scene.
[quote name='MorbidAngel4Life']Sources close to Bigelow told the he had been missing for several days.[/QUOTE]

He was almost always missing for several days.

I remember reading about that back in 2005

Several wrestling personalities, including Paul Heyman, comment on Bam Bam's passing.

EDIT: More firings:

Seth Skyfire, Jack Bull, and Ryan Reeves were all released from WWE today. All three worked in OVW and had been appearing regularly on Ohio Valley Wrestling TV.

Ryan Reeves was a contestant in the Million Dollar Tough Enough competition who was later signed to a WWE developmental deal.

Jack Bull signed his developmental deal last year. He had recently been feuding with Joey Mercury in OVW.

Skyfire had been a long tenured performer in OVW, holding the OVW TV and Tag Team championship.

"Fearless" Jack Bull!?!?! Motherfuckers!
[quote name='mykevermin']

Poor Test...I can only imagine how bad he looked as a teenager. :lol:

Wellness program my ass.

EDIT: A few websites have been saying that, for a brief moment early this evening, Mike Knox and Tatanka's names were listed among those released today, but were quickly taken down. Either people are just making things up, or the WWE put up that info before they had a chance to actually notify the talent they were releasing. No matter the case, neither of those would come as a surprise. Every last release today has been a very expendable wrestler, and other than Terkay, nobody seemed to be anyone who the fans would care was let go.

Now the question becomes this: if you're TNA, or WSX, or whomever, who out of this bunch do you hire? Keep in mind that Kevin Nash went from "Vinnie Vegas" to "Diesel" in a few months' time, if that; Scott Hall went from "Diamond Studd" to "Razor Ramon" in a similar period of time. Triple H? Probably never had a segment on WCW Saturday Night after the first hour. So, there's potential talent (though not to imply *greatness* as suggested in my examples above) in this bunch of guys - who do you take a chance on?[/quote]
Knox and Turkay.
To continue on something discussed in the Bam Bam thread - MIT having a pro wrestling history class is quite possibly the coolest thing ever, and makes me want to enroll at MIT.
I posted this in the other thread, but it is locked now.

One thing SIUFan forgot to post was that when Marcus Cor Von and Elijah Burke came out as a team, they came out to Down with the Sickness. It was mainly the first part of the song with the drum beat looped over and over again with a short burst of some lyrics tossed in.

I was hoping RVD would be done with the WWE before the Lock Down PPV :(
Are all of the TNA stars usually at the fan festivals?

I also have this to add, found it on DVDTalk

From JR's blog

Once AGAIN, I do not know what DVDs will be released or when but I occasionally make suggestions to the powers that be. I can virtually assure you that a Mr. Perfect DVD will be released in 2007 but that is not etched in stone, more an educated guess.
Curt certainly deserves it and the stories from the wrestlers about “Perfecto” should be priceless.

*crosses fingers*
Here is the preview of the new WrestleMania III DVD coming out next month.

WrestleMania III: The Championship Edition - See the biggest event in wrestling history in a whole new light. This digitally remastered version looks better than ever and features interviews with the Hulk Hogan, Vince McMahon, Ricky Steamboat, Bobby "The Brain" Heenan and many more of the legendary figures who were a part of this groundbreaking event. Video pop-ups throughout provide interesting facts about WrestleMania and the featured Superstars. Of course, all the great matches are here as well, including Hulk Hogan battling Andre the Giant for the WWE Championship and Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat challenging "Macho Man" Randy Savage for the WWE Intercontinental title.
[quote name='RawisJericho']I posted this in the other thread, but it is locked now.

I also have this to add, found it on DVDTalk

*crosses fingers*[/quote]

I posted this in response to the entrance raw is talking about before the other thread was closed.

Yeah, the lyrics that were mixed in were #1 by Nelly. It actually sounded alright despite the fact that I can't stand Nelly. I was hoping the same thing about RVD.
Did anyone notice that when the undertaker was on smackdown last week bobby lashely wasn't in the ring at the end of the show?
As if Undertaker would even consider picking the ECW title? I know they should try and make all the champs look equal, but you do have to be realistic here.
Hah! Every brand is represented by their best challenger - or challengerS, and Lashley stands there with a thumb in his ass.

Batista looks like Bobby Lashley's dad. They shouldn't let the two of them stand next to each other, Batista is falling apart.

[quote name='RawisJericho']Here is the preview of the new WrestleMania III DVD coming out next month.

WrestleMania III: The Championship Edition - See the biggest event in wrestling history in a whole new light. This digitally remastered version looks better than ever and features interviews with the Hulk Hogan, Vince McMahon, Ricky Steamboat, Bobby "The Brain" Heenan and many more of the legendary figures who were a part of this groundbreaking event. Video pop-ups throughout provide interesting facts about WrestleMania and the featured Superstars. Of course, all the great matches are here as well, including Hulk Hogan battling Andre the Giant for the WWE Championship and Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat challenging "Macho Man" Randy Savage for the WWE Intercontinental title.[/QUOTE]
Wow, Ricky Steamboat will be on there! I guess Richard Blood got wished the best in his future endeavors and Bonnie stopped being a cunt!
[quote name='KaneRobot']...and hopefully that will be a carbon copy of the 'Taker - Batista Wrestlemania match.[/QUOTE]

I loaded this page, didn't read anything yet, and look down and see that you not only said this, but pointed out that Lashley was the "Anthony Michael Hall at the prom in Sixteen Candles" standing out there amongst everyone else. Worse than being laughed out of the ring, the entire segment could have gone exactly the same if he had been out dining at the Waffle House.

The crowd shitting on Lashley was a nice touch as well.
Hey, maybe Lashley's challenger tonight will be Umaga...

Have I not been campaigning for this for weeks now?

Watch it be either:

A. Great Khali, to make the ECW title look even weaker as Khali dominates Lashley only to get DQ'd.

B. Super Crazy, to waste our time as another ECW original gets buried by Bobby Lashley.

C. Doesn't matter, as Hardcore Holly makes a run in to set up his match with Lashley at WM. Holly wrestling for a title at WM? Yikes.
Horse's idea ruled. Umaga or Khali wasting Lashley in 2 minutes would have been awesome. Oh well.

I thought Nitro was a really muscular chick when he walked into the frame there.

Undertaker should have challenged Mickie James instead.
Kenny is set to face Lashley... but I hope Umaga kills him before the match and takes the strap from Lashley. This has been an awesome Raw so far. Really, really, really damn awesome. Except for Lawler calling the WWE title the "men's" title. Which was hilarious. Now we've got Balls vs. Umaga. Good lord this will be great.
[quote name='JaytheGamefan']Kenny is set to face Lashley... but I hope Umaga kills him before the match and takes the strap from Lashley. This has been an awesome Raw so far. Really, really, really damn awesome.[/quote]

HA! Tell me then why does TWGTT keep winning? What the hell is their gimmick supposed to be? That they can actually wrestle and put together good matches or something? I say fooey to that! Give me rednecks, imitation street thugs, hairy retards or scotsmen dammit! That's what we want Vince, keep supplying it!

Don't worry though, Vince would never dream of taking the tag titles off Cena/HBK and putting them on TWGTT.
Yeah, having all the ECW guys squashed will help the brand. Steve-O got more offense in than Balls. Is it too early for Balls to start taking indy bookings?
[quote name='mykevermin']Super Crazy got *big*.[/quote]

He never told us what he was super crazy for...

King will give Super Crazy a back-handed compliment or two.
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