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Nice seeing Vince take a huge liquidy shit all over ECW AGAIN.

and myke: Here 12 credits is minimum for full time student status. 120 total so average of 15/semester needed to graduate on time. Most classes are either 3 (usually electives) or 4 credits, however certain hard science labs can be 6 (either 4 or 5 for lectures and 1 or 2 for the lab) So 6 hours for a wrestling class sounds kinda strange to me... but AWESOME none the less. I'd love to take a wrestling class... although my schedule is pretty booked from now till the time I graduate. Looks like I might not be able to take the that Drugs and Alcohol in Society class after all :(
[quote name='PhrostByte']Nice seeing Vince take a huge liquidy shit all over ECW AGAIN.[/quote]

He let Super Crazy win clean over Nitro tonight. Which, made little sense as I thought Nitro was going to continue to get pushed after having a solid feud with Jeff Hardy, but instead he'll head into perma-Raw-mid-card limbo it would seem with Carlito, Masters and Benjamin.
[quote name='PhrostByte']and myke: Here 12 credits is minimum for full time student status. 120 total so average of 15/semester needed to graduate on time. Most classes are either 3 (usually electives) or 4 credits, however certain hard science labs can be 6 (either 4 or 5 for lectures and 1 or 2 for the lab) So 6 hours for a wrestling class sounds kinda strange to me... but AWESOME none the less. I'd love to take a wrestling class... although my schedule is pretty booked from now till the time I graduate. Looks like I might not be able to take the that Drugs and Alcohol in Society class after all :([/QUOTE]

That's pretty standard. I don't know if there's a 1:1 relation between in-class hours and credits. I've never heard of a 6-credit course before, but that sure doesn't mean they don't exist. At any rate, I can rest assured that 6-hours of wrestling discourse per week can't hold a candle to one 50-minute statistics lecture. ;)

Horse, it's a shame about Nitro, as he is a good wrestler, a good interview, and the single best thing to come out of Tough Enough. I thought his promo tonight was funny, and it caught my attention ("...and I was all like unh unh!"). He'll be awesome in a couple years if they don't abuse him in the midcard. It's way too early to put him at the top, but if they put him on the slowburn like Edge, he'll be an amazing upper-card dude by 2009.

EDIT: What's with JR selling Skittles the same way he'd sell a Steve Austin PPV win? It's pretty damned funny, I admit, but I don't get it.

Wow, I never would have guessed that finish, with Flair strutting around for 22 minutes before going for the pin, while the announcers screamed "FLAIR IS GOING TO WIN!"
[quote name='guyver2077']just got home...

wtf is lashley doing on raw[/QUOTE]

Its all part of the RAW random match generator. :lol:

Okay in a more serious note..... Vince put Lashley in a title match tonight during the opening segment.
[quote name='Genocidal']That promo would have been better if he cut it on Batista[/QUOTE]

Ha! Quote of the day.

I'm not a fan of the DX theme, but man it's nice to hear Shawn regularly coming out to something other than that goddamn song that's been around since 1992 in one form or another.
[quote name='Genocidal']That promo would have been better if he cut it on Batista. Otherwise, golden.[/QUOTE]

Especially if he interrupted Batista shooting up steroids to do it...
A possible followup rumor to RVD giving his notice to WWE: he is required to give notice that he's leaving, or his contract will automatically renew itself (no more Jeff Jarrett quarter-million-dollar jobs, evidently). So sez the Observer, anyway.
Whoa, tonight's looking like the good ol' days before there was a "brand extension".

Vince's "you're fired" is just so much more fun than the don's.
Tonight was actually really entertaining.

I also love that Raw is going to be on Thursday next week pitting it aganist TNA.
I'm really digging the build up to the No Way Out main event and how its leading into the Mania title matches. For once the WWE is doing something RIGHT in my book. And that my friends is a GOOD thing. :D
[quote name='CaseyRyback']Tonight was actually really entertaining.

I also love that Raw is going to be on Thursday next week pitting it aganist TNA.[/quote]

Except that TNA is airing on Monday night next week
[quote name='guyver2077']i dont think its good puttin raw against impact[/quote]

Not good for Impact at least.

With Trump on Raw, they're gonna pull in some new viewers, TNA will get crushed.

I've got 4 tickets to WM23 that'll be available too, if Trump joins the Vince McMahon Kiss My Ass Club, because I will literally die laughing.
[quote name='Scorch']Except that TNA is airing on Monday night next week[/QUOTE]

They are just airing a special which will show old matches. Impact will be on Thursday like usual. Hoping we get to see the AMW v. XXX match from Turning point a few years back on the special.
It was a pretty fun show overall. It's biggest problem, IMO, isn't anything related to the product. They're going back to basic conflict-based storylines. No poop dropping from the ceiling, no homophobic jokes, Cryme Tyme's racism isn't evident in sketches. It's wrestling promoting 101. It's very basic, and it's working quite well, IMO. A damned good show tonight.

As I said, though, I have a problem. I just don't give a shit about many of the wrestlers. They lack characters where they need them, and those who have them are often poorly defined, or so thin as to see through them. The matches have no meaning, and the endings ultimately don't matter. Kenny Dykstra beat Ric fucking Flair three times in a row, and yet I still wouldn't notice if he went to Heat for two months and didn't come back.

They're on the right track, and showing a lot more maturity in writing than TNA at the moment (which is strange, considering how frequently the WWE on the whole is blasted for their product, yet poor TNA performance is always single-handedly put at the feet of Russo). Their in-ring work is getting much better (I don't know if Hardy's knee injury was legit, but it added so much to the match that I'd like to see that sort of thing used in a match more often), and there were at least two matches over 7 minutes tonight. There's very little to complain about, save for "who is and is not getting pushed as they deserve/don't deserve."

ECW is a whole 'nother mess, however, but the Donald Trump stuff aside, Raw was good the past two weeks, and SmackDown has been quite enjoyable for a few months now.
I loved the Flair promo backstage. I think we all got our answer as to why Carlito isn't getting pushed. I never understood why wrestlers left the building early, I mean... if you love this business so much, why aren't you there from the opening match til the last bell rings? These guys should be watching the main events too trying to see what they might be able to do to get there.

I don't know if Carlito is taking his position in WWE for granted (I'm guessing he is or they wouldn't have him job every week and cut that promo on him) or if that message was to someone else (Randy), but either way, it needed to be said.
I think it was to a number of people, likely including Carlito. Jim Ross, in his blog, has been quite frank about guys (Shelton Benjamin in particular) having everything that it takes to be a great wrestler, but resting on their laurels too much. I think that the level of dedication/work ethic the WWE demands is off the charts absurd (think Vince McMahon/Triple H levels of interest/work), but when you have guys work like that, anything meeting "average" standards will be shunned right to the bottom.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']I loved the Flair promo backstage. I think we all got our answer as to why Carlito isn't getting pushed. I never understood why wrestlers left the building early, I mean... if you love this business so much, why aren't you there from the opening match til the last bell rings? These guys should be watching the main events too trying to see what they might be able to do to get there.

I don't know if Carlito is taking his position in WWE for granted (I'm guessing he is or they wouldn't have him job every week and cut that promo on him) or if that message was to someone else (Randy), but either way, it needed to be said.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that promo definetly seemed like it was more than just an angle. It seemed like it was reaching out to all the wrestlers saying "get your shit together and get serious".
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Yeah, that promo definetly seemed like it was more than just an angle. It seemed like it was reaching out to all the wrestlers saying "get your shit together and get serious".[/quote]

It reminded me of Jeff Hardy right before he left WWE, when Michaels told Jeff he had to get his act together and had to make a choice to be a wrestler. That was great, a little too real, but great. Unfortunately Jeff made the wrong choice at the time, but has since bounced back in style.

[quote name='mykevermin']I think it was to a number of people, likely including Carlito. Jim Ross, in his blog, has been quite frank about guys (Shelton Benjamin in particular) having everything that it takes to be a great wrestler, but resting on their laurels too much. I think that the level of dedication/work ethic the WWE demands is off the charts absurd (think Vince McMahon/Triple H levels of interest/work), but when you have guys work like that, anything meeting "average" standards will be shunned right to the bottom.[/quote]

I watched Vince's DVD and his work ethic really is outrageous/inspiring. We all know Trips is obsessed with wrestling and lives, sleeps, breathes WWE. While that (Vince/HHH) level of dedication may be a bit excessive, I don't think it is unreasonable to ask all the wrestlers to show up to work on time and to stick around until the show is over.

I liken it to a sports game. Vince is the coach, and the wrestlers are the players. You don't see a football player leave the stadium just because he's been benched for the second half, or Rasheed Wallace leave the arena after being sent to the locker room with 2 technical fouls; likewise the wrestlers who have already competed in matches should stick around until the show is over.

I'm sure I'm too idealistic here, but I think that the level of dedication Triple H has is what the champion should have. The WWE champions should really love wrestling, love the WWE, love entertaining, etc. Batista doesn't have it, Batista doesn't deserve to hold the strap. Orton didn't have it, that showed up real quick and after Vince used Orton to erase Lesnar's record, Orton dropped the title.

I think if Vince really went by what Flair said and started pushing the guys that had some respect for their craft, the WWE as a whole would benefit. Alas, I'm sure guys with the right-look (Orton, Batista, Rodimer soon) will continue to get pushed no matter whose bag they shit in, or whose legacy they shit on.
[quote name='Demolition Man']Its all part of the RAW random match generator. :lol: [/quote]

:rofl: That made me crack up..

*beep* *beep* *beep* AND YOUR MAIN EVENT IS:
The Rock vs. Brian Kendrick

"um... someone tell the machine that The Rock isn't actually on the roster... we just pay him to use his image on"
Ok, we've got some passable main events with a decent buildup thus least my annoyingly expensive Wrestlemania tickets are no longer a questionable purchase.
[quote name='KaneRobot']Ok, we've got some passable main events with a decent buildup thus least my annoyingly expensive Wrestlemania tickets are no longer a questionable purchase.[/quote]

I still maintain Undertaker vs HBK and Batista vs Cena would've been bigger matches.
Impact has still been far worse than Raw and SD lately - tonight's Raw was incredible, and Impact will probably just get its usual 0.8 rating when it's against any kind of major competition (like a holiday) if they're lucky. There was so much great stuff tonight - Flair's promo on Carlito, the triple threat main event, everything that progressed the Batista-Taker/HBK-Cena feuds... just an awesome show.
Within 3-4 months we'll all be back to bitching about how shitty RAW and Smackdown are. It seems like both shows only become interesting just in time for Wrestlemania. We'll see how everything plays out tho.
Today on RAW was alrite...but everyonw knows that Undertaker didnt choose john cena because Undertaker is too much of a superstar...but sum day we will be free of a lame champion n have a more memorable one...
[quote name='Bathory']Today on RAW was alrite...but everyonw knows that Undertaker didnt choose john cena because Undertaker is too much of a superstar...but sum day we will be free of a lame champion n have a more memorable one...[/quote]

Apparently the Don't Worry About It school system doesn't teach spelling or grammar. This sounds like something from an MSN conversation involving two 14 year old kids.
[quote name='SIUfan']Apparently the Don't Worry About It school system doesn't teach spelling or grammar. This sounds like something from an MSN conversation involving two 14 year old kids.[/quote]

Maybe it's Penis Man's alt account... then again, probably not.

While I'm qualified to teach gender, I haven't done so yet. If I do, I may show this video (I have the DVD of the whole documentary) - but, truth be told, there are numerous other films out there dealing with gender issues that are vastly superior. I figured you all would get a kick out of this, or be enraged by the claims they make. Either way...
[quote name='mykevermin']

While I'm qualified to teach gender, I haven't done so yet. If I do, I may show this video (I have the DVD of the whole documentary) - but, truth be told, there are numerous other films out there dealing with gender issues that are vastly superior. I figured you all would get a kick out of this, or be enraged by the claims they make. Either way...[/quote]
Jackson Katz (I assume he's in this) came to speak at my (all boys) highschool once, and he was pretty much a giant douche.

"Look at how unrealistically big the arms are on GI Joe! This promotes violence and sends a bad message to children!" Please, what utter tripe. I doubt the size of Mark McGuire's bicep is the cause of the downfall of society.

WWF was pretty popular at the time, so he got a nice chorus of boo's when he started ripping into wrestling.
Ric Flair's dvd is $13.74 on right now. An absolute steal at that price. There's several other WWE dvds on clearance as well, however, I've noticed that many (like Flair's did) drop even more over time.

Some of the dvds that have dropped to around $10-15 include:

The History of the Undertaker -$15
Road Warriors - $12
Wrestling Stars of the 80s - $12
Monday Night War - $10
Foley's Greatest Hits and Misses - $10
Blood Bath - Cage Matches - $10
ECW Blood Sport - $10
Rise and Fall of ECW - $10
Eddie Guerrero - $14, also available with Rey's dvd for $20

Ones that should drop again in a few months:

Bret Hart - $17
Ultimate Idiot - $13
Dusty Rhodes - $16
Brian Pillman - $14
McMahon - $15
Piper - $20
Hogan Anthology - $17
AWA - $20
Jake the Snake - $17

The drops seem to be about $3-5 on average (although Flair's dropped $9) making some of these sets can't miss at the future discounted price, assuming you're a fan of WWE Dvds.

Shipping can kill the deal in some instances though, so I try to wait until there's several dvds I want to order and then use the free shipping bonus for orders of $50+.

They have some free DVD promos for orders of $60 or more too. The Bret Hart one sticks out here, a $16.39 dvd + tax vs $10 free shipping, I have a feeling the Hart DVD will drop again, but this is still a better deal if you can keep your total bill between $60-65.
[quote name='Roufuss']That video reminded me the WWE used to be really awesome.[/QUOTE]


Well, that's an unexpected reaction.

evilmax, I don't know if he's in it (I have it, but haven't watched it); nevertheless, there is something to be said about hypermasculine portrayals in our culture - whether sports, cartoons, games, etc. I don't think that it's the "downfall of society," but to argue that it doesn't have any effect on socializing us is an incorrect conclusion on the opposite end of the spectrum. But that's for another thread entirely. :lol:
[quote name='Demolition Man']Within 3-4 months we'll all be back to bitching about how shitty RAW and Smackdown are. It seems like both shows only become interesting just in time for Wrestlemania. We'll see how everything plays out tho.[/QUOTE]

Yup, since it seems the WWE's best stuff happens after the Rumble through Mania, after that, well, you summed it up pretty good.
[quote name='Psykoboy2']Anyone else notice the guy holding up the X Division belt during the 3-way?[/quote]

i noticed that... that was awesome
[quote name='Midnite']Yup, since it seems the WWE's best stuff happens after the Rumble through Mania, after that, well, you summed it up pretty good.[/QUOTE]

Oh, I dunno. I didn't care for the setup to WM21 and 22. I truly think they're, on the whole, headed in a good direction overall. There are politics behind the scenes, keeping CM Punk and Johnny Nitro on ice. That's a shame. However, the creative direction of the program outside of ECW is, on the whole, excellent. If you don't read insider crap like we all do, it's looking like quite a good time to be a WWE fan.

On the other hand, ECW may appear, on the surface, to be headed into a cool angle. Given the history of Vince using other promortions in his storylines, this won't be going anywhere good. Balls jobbing last night is going to be the highpoint of this storyline, and they'll be treated no different than the WCW/ECW guys during the Invasion storyline, the NWA guys during that storyline, and by July, the only "ECW Original" left will be Little Guido.
[quote name='mykevermin']Oh, I dunno. I didn't care for the setup to WM21 and 22. I truly think they're, on the whole, headed in a good direction overall. There are politics behind the scenes, keeping CM Punk and Johnny Nitro on ice. That's a shame. However, the creative direction of the program outside of ECW is, on the whole, excellent. If you don't read insider crap like we all do, it's looking like quite a good time to be a WWE fan.

On the other hand, ECW may appear, on the surface, to be headed into a cool angle. Given the history of Vince using other promortions in his storylines, this won't be going anywhere good. Balls jobbing last night is going to be the highpoint of this storyline, and they'll be treated no different than the WCW/ECW guys during the Invasion storyline, the NWA guys during that storyline, and by July, the only "ECW Original" left will be Little Guido.[/quote]

Don't forget Super Crazy! Vince seems to love that guy for some reason. As evident by his reluctance to move him to the ECW roster.
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