The Beer, Pussy, and Chicken Fingers OTT

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Another lame New Years. Dinner then a bar with some friends.

Next year I swear I'm throwing a huge party at the new house. Tired of having a boring new years every year.
[quote name='Maklershed']At least you have someone to kiss you at midnight. New Years and Valentine's Day - the two worst days of the year for lonely losers. :cry:[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Maklershed']At least you have someone to kiss you at midnight. New Years and Valentine's Day - the two worst days of the year for lonely losers. :cry:[/QUOTE]

Valentine's Day doesn't exist. It's actually called Single's Awareness Day.
I'm thinking if the child's play thing doesn't meet it's goal, Wombat should be forced to front the remaining money and then be exiled.
My beard is making me crazy hot right now. My face feels like its on fire.

EDIT: La Jetee / Sans Soleil Criterion blu-ray comes out in February.
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[quote name='Temporaryscars']Speaking of significant others...the wife has decided she wants to squirt out a brat. :([/QUOTE]

Have fun!
[quote name='seanr1221']Another lame New Years. Dinner then a bar with some friends.

Next year I swear I'm throwing a huge party at the new house. Tired of having a boring new years every year.[/QUOTE]

you should invite all of the OTTers. You will serve Mountain Dew and cheez ballz.
Happy New Year everyone. Lets make this year the return of the OTT.

[quote name='Temporaryscars']I hope Mak's new year resolution is to unblock my posts. It would be an easy one to accomplish![/QUOTE]

Done. I only did it because there was a period there a few months ago where nobody could post anything without you being negative about it a la Liquid / Moxio. And thats fine, thats how you feel but I just got tired of reading it at that time. My apologies. Its a new year. Time to start fresh. Come over here ya big lug.

[quote name='Temporaryscars']I'm microwaving my balls as I type this.[/QUOTE]

And yet that will still be more delicious than Hot Pockets.
[quote name='Chika']you should invite all of the OTTers. You will serve Mountain Dew and cheez ballz.[/QUOTE]

Along with all the beer, pussy and chicken fingers you can eat!
[quote name='Temporaryscars']Speaking of significant others...the wife has decided she wants to squirt out a brat. :([/QUOTE]

My resolution is to get a vasectomy. ;) I went in for the consult about the no scalpel version last friday.
[quote name='Maklershed']

Done. I only did it because there was a period there a few months ago where nobody could post anything without you being negative about it a la Liquid / Moxio. And thats fine, thats how you feel but I just got tired of reading it at that time. My apologies. Its a new year. Time to start fresh. Come over here ya big lug.


Was I? It's very possible. I apologize if that was the case. But just so you know, you've been missing all the love I've been showering on Enslaved!
Speaking of Enslaved. I rented it through Gamefly to see if I liked it enough. I did.
Except of course, now Amazon doesnt have it on sale for $8 anymore. :sad:

Just finished New Years meal of Neckbones, Greens, and Blackeyed peas. Back to eating Hamburger Helper and Chicken nuggets tomorrow.

Now to get holiday pay. ;)
[quote name='Maklershed']And yet that will still be more delicious than Hot Pockets.[/QUOTE]

I dunno about that. The four cheese garlic pasta bake hot pockets are pretty good. Shame they're only limited edition.
[quote name='JStryke']I dunno about that. The four cheese garlic pasta bake hot pockets are pretty good. Shame they're only limited edition.[/QUOTE]

My balls are five cheese. :)
It's a linear version of the original. The only way to progress is to do missions in the order that they want to do them. And there are zombies.
[quote name='munch']How does Crackdown 2 compare to the original?[/QUOTE]

It not worse, it's just more of pretty much exactly the same thing.
[quote name='Eviltude']Fantasy basketball is way more fun than fantasy football.[/QUOTE]

Fantasy Basketball is boring. All you have to do is put in the players who are playing every day.
[quote name='Lyricsborn']Anybody own a Kindle?[/QUOTE]

Got a kindle fire for Christmas. Seems decent but I'm adjusting to tablet use and all the weird gestures.

Really like the Pulse web reader on it now that I've got it set up (mostly) how I want. Need to put all the news sites on one page, all the game/technolgoy sites on another and all the celeb/entertainemt sites on another.

Kids keep stealing it out of my hands to play jigsaw puzzles and explode bombs in fruit ninja. They found the home button really fast.
I was thinking of buying one. I have an Ipad but really hate its lack of customization and the fact alone that its an Apple product really has me looking for something else.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']fuck. There's a bunch of snow on the ground. :whistle2:( At least it waited until now to happen rather than November or December.[/QUOTE]

Hmm I wonder if I'm gonna get that? It's been flurrying lightly off and on all day but not even close enough to do anything yet.
So awesome. Today, I found out that the guy who usually does the voice of a game character that's coming out with another title isn't going to be reprising the role at the behest of the developer. I decided to give it a shot and email him, letting him know what a crock of shit that is and he responded!

I'm always amazed at how personable people in the gaming industry are.
[quote name='Temporaryscars']So awesome. Today, I found out that the guy who usually does the voice of a game character that's coming out with another title isn't going to be reprising the role at the behest of the developer. I decided to give it a shot and email him, letting him know what a crock of shit that is and he responded!

I'm always amazed at how personable people in the gaming industry are.[/QUOTE]

It's a pretty close community. I'm always surprised that even at one of the lowest rungs on the ladder I keep seeing people I know/worked with at all different events and companies. I think that helps lend it a very chill atmosphere that helps their interactions with fans.
Exactly. I mean, this guy in particular is a legit actor (he just happens to voice the character too) and he still responded. I've even emailed people about games they made/starred in more than a decade ago and it always amazes me when they respond.
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