The Blue World Order Wrestling Topic

[quote name='onetrackmind']but it doesnt sound anything like that, to me is sounds like an african accent.[/quote]

Didn't he mention something about being from Africa last night? Maybe that's why there's the accent.

Was it just me or did Sting not act heel during that tag match? When Booker, Angle & Nash were attacking Joe & AJ, he just stood there with a "what just happened" look on his face.

Also want to mention that Midway was banking on Impact the game being a big hit:)rofl:) and lost a ton of money due to it. Word is if sales don't pick up for the holiday season, they'll drop the license. Unless the company goes out of business before that happens(considering their only holiday release is DC vs. MK, the company might go belly up).
Midway has made some phenomenally bad decisions over the past few years. The TNA license alone was a big gamble (what kinda moron would bet on the title being a big hit? How fuckin' stupid are you to think it would sell well?).

Nonetheless, MK v. DC will be a huge hit without a doubt, and they'll continue to put out not-quite-Acclaim-bad-but-still-mostly-forgettable titles for years to come.
[quote name='onetrackmind']but it doesnt sound anything like that, to me is sounds like an african accent.[/quote]

I didn't say it was a GOOD attempt at the accent.:) As far as an African accent goes, I can't hear that at all, not even a bad attempt at one.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I don't know, but it is pretty stupid, which is fine as long as he is a heel.[/quote]

I also don't mind Booker's schizophrenic obsession with accents so long as he's heel. His current accent sounds like the Cookie Monster ate the last King of Scotland.

[quote name='PhrostByte']Entertainment huh? I bet next week RAW will be a musical opera, SmackDown will be dance-off, and ECW will be a donkey show.[/quote]

Santino as the Phantom will be glorious. Smackdown spoiler:
JR will seize and be crowned the sympatheic winner. In the meanwhile, Taz will beatbox his new hit Tazmanian Rocket Buster.
I, for one, am glad Candice Michelle will be drafted to ECW.

[quote name='BustaUppa']I remember a long time ago, on Superstars or Wrestling Challenge, Vince did a weird little speech about how the WWF's product was wholesome family entertainment and "not to be confused with pro-wrestling." From that point on you couldn't go five minutes without hearing about FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT. There was like a solid year where they didn't even do any chairshots. Then they finally seemed to abandon this approach around the 1995 Survivor Series, which not only featured chairshots in the main event, but the first (that I could recall) table smash on WWF TV! Then a couple months later The Ringmaster debuted and the overall tone of things began to change.

I just find it interesting that the last time they went out of their way to shun the "wrestling" label was also associated with a push to have a more kid-friendly product.[/quote]

That is an interesting and appreciated reference.

*takes notes*

[quote name='diddy310']Chase, on the tag match, I think it was supposed to be a normal tag match once the battle royal came down to 2 men, 1 from each team (which makes no sense, since would they have to keep going if there were 3, both members of 1 team)

However, I don't think Abyss had actually been eliminated, Beer Money had gone out of the ring to attack him (not over the top ropes mind you), then they announced the tables stipulation, and just jumped right into the tag match without the battle royal actually ending.[/quote]

All I know is that the match was a mess. As Kurt said, TNA should keep match stipulations clear and simple.
Booker's accent annoys me, but the RESPECT! thing was funny - especially when Sting no-sold it to keep speaking. I love the top-shelf look of the Main Event Mafia guys - they all wear suits and look important. Given that TNA usually has people showing up in things that they apparently bought for $3 at Wal-Mart, this is a very good thing. Now, while I like the group and the idea of Impact (and TNA as a result) having a company-wide storyline, I would like to see it done better than this.

Foley announcing that he's a shareholder in TNA did nothing for me - Flair's similar announcement that he was the co-owner of WWE years ago, on the other hand, did. That reminds me of Christian knocking Booker for being a "cheap, second-rate Little Jon impersonator" when TNA comes off like a second-rate WCW and WWE impersonator - especially when their new A story is a remake of one from the former's dying days and references the latter on a regular basis. Nothing about the storyline screams "THIS IS THE ANGLE THAT TNA NEEDS TO BREAK THROUGH!" - it's nice that they're mentioning all of these talented guys during the main eventer promos to at least make it seem like change is happening, but if it truly was, matches would've been given more time.

Even by Impact's standards, the matches on this show were far too brief, and that doesn't bode well for the whole CHANGE IS REALLY, REALLY, HAPPENING - HONEST, IT'S A SHOOT! thing they're going for with this angle. The HARDCORE TAG TEAM TEXT-OFF GAUNTLET FOR NON-GOLD needed some sort of explanation before hand, as it was baffling to watch and hear Don and Mike try and explain the rules as it went. The match itself was okay - nothing on the show was altogether horrid (although Hemme and Sky didn't gel well at all), but it wasn't memorable in the least, much like...well, every other match on this show. I don't expect every match to be long, but given that this was one of the few times they announced multiple matches on Impact ahead of time, I expected to get SOMETHING out of them and that didn't happen.

I'm not sure how the move to HD went, but the stage's set design looked fantastic, and the white-heavy venue they were in helped this show stand out. While that's all well and good, they really should have shot this better, as it appeared to just have a couple hundred folks in there and it made TNA come off as a low-level indy with far better production values. Speaking of which, the new graphics look good, and I love the new intro as well - it's a pleasant change from the usual "million images flash on-screen for a frame" one, and gave the show a major league feel before it began.

Booker's legends belt looks excellent - I hope they actually keep it going and eventually make it an official title as it's a gorgeous belt and I already like it more than the World title belt, although I still think the redone X title is their best-looking belt right now. This one certainly stands out with the red leather, and the design suits it very well.

Quotes -
Tenay - The Beautiful People have REAL HEAT with Christy Hemme because of what happened last week!
Nash - Joe gave me no respect.
Booker - RESPECT!
Nash - Joe showed Hall no respect.
Booker - RESPECT!
Nash - The book of Proverbs says that with grey hair comes wisdom - I tried to give wisdom to Joe and he spit in my face. I’ve always taken this as a business, but Joe, you made it personal. That’s why I came back.
Angle - JB, this business was built on honor, dignity, and respect…
Booker - RESPECT!
Angle - You are seeing 3 of the greatest wrestlers of all-time. There is 1more. When I go into battle, I’m not going in with a stick - I’M GOING IN WITH HEAVY ARTILERY!
Sting - JB, you look like you’ve just seen a ghost. Why be so surprised? Look around - Kurt, Booker, Kevin - and myself. We tried individually to get more respect. Between us, 75 years of history here - blood, sweat, and tears for this business that we love. We asked and we asked nicely, but there’s going to be no more asking, only demanding. There’s going to be no pleasure, just business.
Angle - Gentlemen, and Sharmell, here’s to the main event mafia. Born tonight - amen!
(after the TNA Legends Championship is revealed)DW - WHAT’S IT FOR!?
Tenay - I don’t know, but it’s the first time I’ve ever head a belt get a standing ovation.
Cage - The word “legend” means many things - to me, it’s not someone who looks like a cheap, second-rate Little Jon impersonator that speaks with some…. some ridiculous accent! To me, a legend is someone whose track record is so great that they command respect! Book, you have the track record, but the word “respect” that you keep throwing around - do you have that right now? Not so much. Now you come out with a title you just invented and didn’t beat anyone for and you expect me and the fans not only here IN THE JOINT you expect all the fans all over the world to respect THAT!?
Booker - You see, Christian? I didn’t come out here to crack jokes. Can I ask you a question, Christian?
Christian - Yes, Little Jon - YEEEAHHH!
Booker - I’m serious…
Christian - OOOOKAAYYYY!
Foley - Kurt, as your new boss, the first thing I’m gonna say is YOU’RE FIIII…. YOU’RE FIRRR…. YOU’RE FREEEEE! You’re free to work here if you want. I didn’t throw my money away on a pipe dream - if you invest, it’s gotta be something you love and believe in. Kurt, we had our ups and downs over the year. I care about TNA, I love this business, and I believe in all of you! AJ, JOE, I BELIEVE IN THE X DIVISION GUYS, ALL THE GUYS WHO BUSTED THEIR BUTTS AND MADE TNA SOMETHING! Remember what it was like, Kurt, we were both there - we could feel like something major was gonna happen when we were in WWE. All of us were fortunate enough to be there when business exploded, and Kurt, we’re on the verge of something VERY, VERY BIG! And I guess my question to you Kurt…is… do you want to be a part of history or do you simply want to be history? The choice, Kurt, is up to you.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Yeah, the Motor City Machine Guns theme sounds like a random anime theme to me.

The Beautiful People is like a reverse MNM. Instead of two guys and a girl it's two girls and a guy. I love me some Angelina Love.[/QUOTE]

Actually you're wrong, it's two girls and whatever the hell Kip James is :p
[quote name='JaytheGamefan']I love the top-shelf look of the Main Event Mafia guys - they all wear suits and look important. Given that TNA usually has people showing up in things that they apparently bought for $3 at Wal-Mart, this is a very good thing. Now, while I like the group and the idea of Impact (and TNA as a result) having a company-wide storyline, I would like to see it done better than this.


I've actually been waiting for TNA to do something like this. I hope it turns out OK! I don't think it's going too poorly so far. I liked the first HD episode for the most part. Simple yet effective storylines, simple yet effective wrestling.
[quote name='Purple Flames']Oh my god....Funaki actually BEAT someone![/quote]

Wait, what?! :shock:?!!

So, like, he's getting a Haas push out of his new gimmick? :hot:
For the first time in a long time I'm watching SmackDown. Primo and Carlito's match just ended. Their pants are terrible. They make a solid team, though.

After Funaki's match, I'm turning it off.

Edit: 1. Is it wrong that I can't help but laugh during Killings' entrance? :whistle2:#

2. :rofl: at the absurdity of Funaki's new music/entrance/gimmick

I dig it---but not at the expense of MVP.

3. MVP and Shelton deserve runs at a World Heavyweight title. Such wasted potential.
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Best part of Smackdown for me was the backstage antics with Primo and Carlito. It was funny watching them try to score and then it got even better when the mariachi band ran by.

And I can tell that the Khali Kiss-Cam segments are gonna get old real fast, but it still cracks me up whenever Runjin Singh translates a really short sentence and still starts it off with "The Great Khali says..."
[quote name='BustaUppa']Best part of Smackdown for me was the backstage antics with Primo and Carlito. It was funny watching them try to score and then it got even better when the mariachi band ran by.

And I can tell that the Khali Kiss-Cam segments are gonna get old real fast, but it still cracks me up whenever Runjin Singh translates a really short sentence and still starts it off with "The Great Khali says..."[/quote]

Yeah, I dig the Colon Bros. antics.

A face Khali is fresh. So long as they don't take it too far like they did with Mark Henry and Viscera. "Sexual Chocolate" and "World's Largest Love Machine" are two of my least favorite gimmicks to ever get a lot of air-time.
[quote name='JJSP']Big fan of the Kizarny video. His promos could get annoying fast though.[/quote]

As the kids say, "foshizzle, yo."

They should refer to the Great Khali as the Punjabi Poon Jabber. His finisher would be the Poon Jab.

Edit: Great Panda Jesus, THEE Brian Kendrick is so very awesome. Ezekiel too.
[quote name='mykevermin']so is he all Lo Wang or what?[/quote]

Are you telling me Funaki is playing Lo Wang from the game Shadow Warrior?
I think what they're doing to MVP is bullshit. Having him lose to Funaki? He must've done something to piss someone off. :(

I want a jacket like The Brian Kendrick's.
[quote name='Chase']
I dig it---but not at the expense of MVP.[/quote]

I think they're building something with Gregory Helms & MVP, since Helms' promos always pop up with MVP's entrance. Maybe something like Helms mentoring MVP, since he has a losing streak.

BTW, I wonder if they're going to incorporate the Hurricane name into his gimmick. Because the promos he cuts in the bubble are called "Hurripop".
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Helms' clowning of MVP was awesome last night. "Hey, MVP, what happened to your entrance tunnel? Oh, let me guess. You lost that too. I'm just sayin'."

Also, Kung Fu Naki may be the greatest change yet for Smackdown's #1 Announcer. The fact that his entrance music is a terrible riff on Kung Fu Fighting by Carl Douglas and his finishing move is the Karate Kid crane kick? GENIUS. I think he's still getting used to his moveset, since it's now all Tajiri-esque kicks and punches, rather than Funaki's traditional mat wrestling and high flying moves.

That match also had a brilliant moment where Funaki punched MVP in the gut, which caused MVP to stumble to his corner and tag in Shelton. As MVP crawled out onto the apron, clutching his stomach like the Big Show punched it, Shelton just gave him the most awesome look of disgust. I'm a bit sad that Funaki's getting some exposure at MVP's expense, but now I can't wait for the inevitable Funaki/JYY team-up.
Tangy, I think they've dropped the "Gregory" from his name. He's going by Hurricane Helms, which is approximately 1000x less wussier than "Gregory".
He hasn't returned yet; he's just been appearing in little pop-ups for the past month or so. I think he's just going by "Hurricane" so people will know who he is, otherwise he'd have the mask and green hair.
[quote name='PhrostByte']Anyone else have a strange feeling about the "Hardcore Gauntlet" match?[/quote]

There's a Hardcore Gauntlet at Cyber Sunday? Or is that a euphemism for what Adam Warlock does with the Infinity Gauntlet when no one's looking? ;)

[quote name='tangytangerine']I think they're building something with Gregory Helms & MVP, since Helms' promos always pop up with MVP's entrance. Maybe something like Helms mentoring MVP, since he has a losing streak.

BTW, I wonder if they're going to incorporate the Hurricane name into his gimmick. Because the promos he cuts in the bubble are called "Hurripop".[/quote]

The name Hurricane Helms works so long as he stays without the mask and superhero gimmick. I wasn't a fan of that character, but the name is good.

An MVP/Helms feud would also work well---though I'd rather see MVP get a main event push.
[quote name='Chase']There's a Hardcore Gauntlet at Cyber Sunday? Or is that a euphemism for what Adam Warlock does with the Infinity Gauntlet when no one's looking? ;)[/quote]
That was one of the most nerdy obscure references that I've heard in awhile...And sadly I was thinking "wouldn't that have worked better with Thanos replacing Adam Warlock?"
[quote name='Chase']There's a Hardcore Gauntlet at Cyber Sunday? Or is that a euphemism for what Adam Warlock does with the Infinity Gauntlet when no one's looking? ;).[/quote]

What is that a Silver Surfer reference? Interesting...

Anddd I thought while watching Impact they said there would be like 4 tag teams in the "Hardcore Gauntlet".
The hardcore gauntlet happened Thursday night. It was confusing, but the 8 members of the 4 etams entered individually in an order supposedly decided by text voting. Participants were eliminated by being thrown over the top rope, but once it got down to the last 2 (and the countdown for the allowed weapon- a table- concluded) their partners were allowed back in. That's why Devon was able to eat he pin, Chase- I saw you mention that before- but I can understand why everyone would be confused.
[quote name='Matt Young']The hardcore gauntlet happened Thursday night. It was confusing, but the 8 members of the 4 etams entered individually in an order supposedly decided by text voting. Participants were eliminated by being thrown over the top rope, but once it got down to the last 2 (and the countdown for the allowed weapon- a table- concluded) their partners were allowed back in. That's why Devon was able to eat he pin, Chase- I saw you mention that before- but I can understand why everyone would be confused.[/quote]

Oh ok... so that's the definition of a "Hardcore Gauntlet", how contrived.
Welcome to THE NEXUS OF HUMANITY!~ What MVP did to piss WWE off was mock someone conducting a wellness test, while I don't quite agree with what he did, they shouldn't be burying him so much for it. Hopefully it ends soon as he's losing a ton of momentum due to this.

Impact Screens -


To me Impact was very lackluster this week. Far too many talking segments and not enough good quality TV wrestling. Both title matches were way too short for even an TV title defense. The "hardcore gauntlet" match as others have said was too confusing given the lack of explanation going into it. As now Foley is the "boss" of TNA... wait, isn't Jim Cornette the boss or something? Is TNA even going to explain what happened to Cornette or is he done with TNA or what is the deal?

So yeah... lackluster TNA. Especially for their first HD broadcast that happened to be "live" despite the fact that if you watch closely during the main event tag match when it went to commercial when it came back it came back to the exact same thing that the show left on before going to the ad break. "Live" my ass TNA.
[quote name='bardockkun']That was one of the most nerdy obscure references that I've heard in awhile...And sadly I was thinking "wouldn't that have worked better with Thanos replacing Adam Warlock?"[/quote]

Thanos sits in the corner, watching. :whistle2:(

*jumps into a tar pit to cleanse self*

Thanks for the screenshots, Jay. The Legends title is pretty. I like the design. I am unsure if I like the red strap. Perhaps if it were a darker red.

Young Mike Tenay.
[quote name='JaytheGamefan']Welcome to THE NEXUS OF HUMANITY!~ What MVP did to piss WWE off was mock someone conducting a wellness test, while I don't quite agree with what he did, they shouldn't be burying him so much for it. Hopefully it ends soon as he's losing a ton of momentum due to this.[/quote]

Has anyone watched Celebrity Wrestling with Hulk Hogan on CMT?'s_Celebrity_Championship_Wrestling (link to wikipedia page)
I just watched an episode a few mintues ago because it wasn't anything I wanted to watch on cable and found it to be quite silly & entertaining. They had Brian Knobbs of the Nasty Boys on there training one team and the other team was trained by Brutus Beefcake. Funniest moment was when Dennis Rodman almost dislocated his shoulder doing a flying clothesline from the second rope on Knobbs. They had Frank Stallone (Sly Stallone's brother), Dustin Diamond, Danny Bonaduce (who actually caught on the quickest out the group), and few others but the main person that amazed me was Butterbean being so stiff in the ring.
[quote name='neocisco']*cough*MichaelHayes'doing*cough*[/quote]

I wouldn't be surprised if Michael Hayes also convinced Ashley Todd to fabricate the Scarlet B tale.
In some major ROH news, Gabe Sapolsky, who has been viewed by insiders as the best booker for the past half-decade due to his work there, severed ties with the company as of last night's show. It'll be interesting to see if anyone leaves due to loyalty to Gabe, and of course, it'll be interesting to see if his removal from the company leads to it getting better or achieving some sort of mainstream success (ie - a national TV deal, which Gabe was opposed to, but the company's owners have been wanting for a while).
[quote name='JaytheGamefan']In some major ROH news, Gabe Sapolsky, who has been viewed by insiders as the best booker for the past half-decade due to his work there, severed ties with the company as of last night's show. It'll be interesting to see if anyone leaves due to loyalty to Gabe, and of course, it'll be interesting to see if his removal from the company leads to it getting better or achieving some sort of mainstream success (ie - a national TV deal, which Gabe was opposed to, but the company's owners have been wanting for a while).[/quote]

Very interesting, and unfortunate for ROH. This definitely has to do with Sapolsky saying he didn't want to write for TV. Looks like ROH is going mainstream.
work work work.

If not a work, I don't care. ROH booking has been relatively good, but based on a false premise, IMO. The "do the best you can and take all the time you need" philosophy is great for promoting guys, but:

1) Their shows can be exhausting. I nearly fell asleep during the 1-hour Joe/Punk draw ("World Title Classic" was what they called the DVD, I think) because I was exhausted from the rest of the show.
2) There's no established hierarchy. Wrestlers NEED to be pushed and de-pushed. That's reality. Putting Brent Albright on the curtain-jerking match and then having him fight for the title the next night is silly. The best part of wrestling is anticipation. Anticipating who will win, if the match will be good, if so-and-so will cheat, and, of course, getting to SEE so-and-so. Treating all guys equally is, again, great for morale behind the scenes, but makes little sense (other than assuming rapid rates of turnover from ROH to TNA/WWE) for a show. There are few moments where you say "wow, this match was good, but wait until you see THE CHAMP!" or whoever it is. No hierarchy = uncertainty as to whom to cheer for.
3) too many stables. What was the last one? Mothers Against Drunk Driving?
4) Catering to thankless smart marks. Hey, at least they buy merchandise, unlike me. If they're spending money, or planning to spend money, that I'm not, sure - don't cater to me, cater to them, dummy. At the same time, this won't translate well to television. Who are they going to appeal to via TV?

This sounds like a bad idea. Sounds like ECW on TNN all over again.

Speaking of bad wrestling, I watched 6 minutes of Hulk Hogan's CCW last night. An abysmal program, and the announcer was using too much wrestling terminology that, unless I missed a discussion of it earlier in the show, would go zooming over the head of most viewers.
bread's done