The Darkness - Gen Discussion & Info

Usually when a demo gets delayed I always wonder if they are trying to cover up a shitty game. It usually scares me when this happens but those qoutes for the developer are great........or maybe he is still hyping the game up and tricking us into buying a bad game :D
Not surprised by the length, but then again, isn't 10-12 hours about the norm for the single player portion of FPS? I'm kinda glad, since I'll be able to beat the game in 3-5 days, return it, and rent Overlord.
[quote name='asianxcore']Crap. Totally forgot this game was coming out until I saw a commerical last night.


It's on sale at Circuit City.

[quote name='tenzor']1up review is up 9.0 out of 10, Single player is around 10 hours it says[/quote]

Is anyone else dissatisfied with the level of thoroughness that 1up/EGM reviews have? It would at the least be helpful to know if there are any differences between the X360 and PS3 versions.

To stay on topic: I'm definitely excited to play this game, but I'm in no huge rush to pay full price for it. is running a contest to get the game and some 2K swag:

The Darkness, as you may have heard, is fast drawing in upon us. In celebration of this glorious gloom, 2K Games decided to give us 5 copies of the game. The only problem is, they didn't bother to tell us which version. As such, we have decided to collaborate with the heathens over at PS3 Fanboy. We came up with a cordial little contest, and we need your help to settle it. How will you do that? With a good old-fashioned flamewar, of course! All you have to do is:
  1. Finish this sentence: "The 360 version of The Darkness is better than the PS3 version because ... "
  2. Submit your idea to our comments section.
Two winners will be chosen from Xbox 360 Fanboy. Here's the kicker: if Xbox 360 Fanboy receives more entries than PS3 Fanboy, we'll also give away a third copy to another lucky winner. As an added bonus, all winners will receive a prize package from 2K Games including both the game and a special The Darkness comic. We'll accept entries until June 26, 2007, so get cracking. Please note that this giveaway is limited to U.S. residents only, ages 18 and older (it's an M rated game after all). One entry per person.

Random drawing...worth a shot.

GL All.
Sorry in advance if this has already been asked, but have any of you who are excited about this game actually read the comic? I used to read it back in the day, it was fuckin sweet. Done by silvestri, the art looked cooler than spawn, Jackie had this great good badguy attitude similar to the Punisher, the darklings were hilarious and always excecuting the baddies in comically evil methods. I wonder if it will measure up. Any word on how the creators of the comic found the game? The indigo prophecy reference has me excited.
PM me if you wanna get ahold of the comics to read the origin of the story.
The only Darkness that I've ever read was that silly The Darkness/Wolverine crossover, from last year. The art was cool.

I'm aware of the character though, and I'm a big comic guy.. Never been into Top Cow though.
[quote name='NWgamer666']Sorry in advance if this has already been asked, but have any of you who are excited about this game actually read the comic?[/QUOTE]

Yup, honestly it's has been my favorite comic series for a while now. The first run of the series was awesome. It started to drop off a little when they started "Family Ties". I know in the last couple years they've started up the series again but storylines aren't so good.

Marc Silvestri is the shit. I've always loved his artwork, especially his character designs for Cyberforce. The Angelus Warrior designs he's did for The Darkness (comic) were awesome as well.

I definitely want to pick up the game ASAP but I just bought a PS3 the other day. Nice to see it got such a high rating on 1up, but I'll wait to see what you guys have to say about it.
Knowing the right people is a great thing :) The game is in my console right now. The intro sequence is sick...

More impressions later.
[quote name='Poet_JD']Is anyone else dissatisfied with the level of thoroughness that 1up/EGM reviews have? It would at the least be helpful to know if there are any differences between the X360 and PS3 versions.

To stay on topic: I'm definitely excited to play this game, but I'm in no huge rush to pay full price for it.[/QUOTE]

Thank you. I'm not the only one. It's the reason why I stopped visiting on a regular basis; their reviews are shit. I swear, the reviewers/editors just pass it off to interns to write the thing, then just slap their name on it.
I'm about an hour into the game. The dialogue style and options remind me a lot of Riddick. The graphics are great, and the frame rate is fluid.
[quote name='Doom5']I'm about an hour into the game. The dialogue style and options remind me a lot of Riddick. The graphics are great, and the frame rate is fluid.[/QUOTE]

Can we see pics of the box and manuals? It's not that I don't believe you, it's just that I really want to see the cool artwork on the box and manuals. I have been excited about this game since it was shown off at the Xbox 360's enveiling. Thanks.
Aw shit! I knew I should have just buckled down and finished COD3 yesterday.

When I finally woke up at 11:00 AM this morning I only had an hour to eat something, finish the last level, and get it out to the mailbox before the mail came and I had to be getting ready for disk golf with friends.

So I beat the damn game (decent last level, not half as good as the second to last level, though) and what do you know: the mail comes early.

Now they won't be picking up mail tomorrow, and GnF will probably be out of The Darkness by the time COD3 arrives... though right now they don't even show it as "on order".... hmmm, maybe I'll do just as well anyways.
[quote name='KwanzaaTimmy']First 25 Minutes of Gameplay if you're so interested:

Shows the awesome intro, and how Jackie gets the Darkness. Poor Video Quality, but the file is relatively small. Also shows the Gamestop code for those who didn't pre-order from them... :)[/QUOTE]

Is the code the same for everyone? If so can you please post it so I can get any spoilers from looking at the vid. Thanks!
[quote name='pimpinc333']Is the code the same for everyone? If so can you please post it so I can get any spoilers from looking at the vid. Thanks![/QUOTE]

Sure thing, its 555-GAME (4263)--Which you can dial on any of the pay phones you'll find throughout the city. It isn't my video, but its all over the official forum and various others. So for those of us getting it at CC on Tuesday we aren't missing out on anything (even if its a costume :) ).

And the code should work for every game disc-- its not specific to retailer.
[quote name='KwanzaaTimmy']Sure thing, its 555-GAME (4263)--Which you can dial on any of the pay phones you'll find throughout the city. It isn't my video, but its all over the official forum and various others. So for those of us getting it at CC on Tuesday we aren't missing out on anything (even if its a costume :) ).

And the code should work for every game disc-- its not specific to retailer.[/QUOTE]

Sweet. Thanks Dude! Costume or no I heart anythign for free :) Thanks again dude!
Im about an hour into it. Its a lot of fun so far. I was actually suprised the first time i did a close-up headshot. I was expecting a bit of blood and for them to fall over. A chunk of the guy's head came flying off, lol.
[quote name='Bezerker']Im about an hour into it. Its a lot of fun so far. I was actually suprised the first time i did a close-up headshot. I was expecting a bit of blood and for them to fall over. A chunk of the guy's head came flying off, lol.[/quote]According to your Gamer Card, you haven't played it....
graphics are really detailed

the unlockables are cool, i unlocked issue #1 of the comic book, too bad the font is too small to read and you can't zoom in
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']According to your Gamer Card, you haven't played it....[/QUOTE]

Yep.....just because it's not on his gamercard doesn't mean he hasn't played the game.:roll:

Did you ever think he could of played this NOT on his 360 or under his gametag?
[quote name='pimpinc333']Yep.....just because it's not on his gamercard doesn't mean he hasn't played the game.:roll:

Did you ever think he could of played this NOT on his 360 or under his gametag?[/quote]If I had a game 2 days before everyone else, why would I NOT play it on my Gamertag, to make everyone jealous?

Actually, I TOO have played it....over at this friends house. Yeah, that's the ticket.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']If I had a game 2 days before everyone else, why would I NOT play it on my Gamertag, to make everyone jealous?

Actually, I TOO have played it....over at this friends house. Yeah, that's the ticket.[/QUOTE]

Actually many people CAN play this as its already on torrents RIGHT now.
As for Berzerker, he hasn't be on XBL for 2 weeks now so its possible he has played it and just not connected online with his 360 at all.
one of our cags has been playing it for a couple days. i forget his cag name, but hes on my friends list. hopefully hell post some opinions on it for us.
Ugh, I just saw something pretty nasty in that 25-minute gameplay video. Right at the beginning, when the player started a new game: "Starting a new game will delete all your save." Man, that kinda sucks. Not game breaking, or even all that bad, but it'll probably be an annoyance. Anyone know if they'll have some way to go back and play earlier levels?

Well, besides that everything else looks pretty cool. Just two more days.
[quote name='JugheadsHat']Ugh, I just saw something pretty nasty in that 25-minute gameplay video. Right at the beginning, when the player started a new game: "Starting a new game will delete all your save." Man, that kinda sucks. Not game breaking, or even all that bad, but it'll probably be an annoyance. Anyone know if they'll have some way to go back and play earlier levels?

Well, besides that everything else looks pretty cool. Just two more days.[/QUOTE]

I forget exactly which review I was reading-- but there was mention of going back to previous places in the game. I'm not sure if its a Quick Load type of thing or not though-- as I do believe that at least the first part of the game is more of a hub system than anything else, The subway station I believe serves as your point of contact for side-missions and the opportunity to advance the gameplay.

While the dialog trees and systems seem a little basic-- its still pretty neat to have that hub type of game play.

I'm really stoked for this one--- the gunplay alone looks pretty tight, executions and all, most of the buzz from the pirates and those who have gotten copies early say that the reviews are pretty much spot on, and that this is a great start for a Next-Gen summer.
Each "loading screen" is basically a mini FMV with Jackie talking. The load times arent too bad at all (10-15 secs max). Unfortunately there is a bit of running around, and the guy moves pretty slow (even slower when crouched). Finding your way around can be a problem too unless you are near a street map/sign.

I was a bit dissapointed when i got to the
World War 2 shooter
"arc", as that genre of shooters is my least favorite. But luckily it looks like once i finished it, that was it (and i have to admit it put a more dark, psychological spin on the genre, which made it a little bit more bearable).

Other than that arc, i am totally in love with the game. Definately the best sci-fi FPS right now. I just hope the fact that its a "comic book game" doesnt hurt it (then again, i didnt even know it was a comic book game til i read this thread; sad considering i worked in a comic book shop for a year)
Apparently GameCrazy stores are getting this in tomorrow.. they're same-daying it from local airports so people can get it a day early.
CC is doing the 2pm deal tomorrow. I might have to cut out on work for the first time to try and get me a gift card since I actually want this game.

How have people made on on CC's 2pm deal so far? Is it worth leaving work to check?
if my GC has this today and I can get some loot from CC or TRU to trade in, then I'm all over this...
[quote name='Corvin']CC is doing the 2pm deal tomorrow. I might have to cut out on work for the first time to try and get me a gift card since I actually want this game.

How have people made on on CC's 2pm deal so far? Is it worth leaving work to check?[/QUOTE]
ive tried twice, and received gc's twice.
im hoping for more luck this week so the darkness comes free.
[quote name='Apossum']if my GC has this today and I can get some loot from CC or TRU to trade in, then I'm all over this...[/quote]

I would start calling at 130 or so. I saw the memo and it's going to literally be someone on the ground driving to the airport then delivering them at individual stores. The only other time I remember them doing this was for Gears of War, so I guess they think this one's going to be huge.

Gears was a freakin' fiasco though. The driver that was driving to our city from another overslept by two hours, making our shipments arrive around 330 instead of noon like promised.. and if that wasn't bad enough, we only received 32 copies for 67 preorders! The next morning, a box came in. It was supposed to have 6 Gears CE and 22 normal.. it only had the 6 CE. The 22 normal came the next day. I hope The Darkness is nothing like that.. that was a nightmare.
[quote name='Bezerker']I was a bit dissapointed when i got to the
World War 2 shooter
"arc", as that genre of shooters is my least favorite. But luckily it looks like once i finished it, that was it (and i have to admit it put a more dark, psychological spin on the genre, which made it a little bit more bearable).

I thought that I read that it was
[quote name='Scorch']Apparently GameCrazy stores are getting this in tomorrow.. they're same-daying it from local airports so people can get it a day early.[/QUOTE]

Ahhh...I remember those times. Our DMs would tell us, store managers, to call all our pre-orders and let them know we would get it a day early and to be there at 12 noona. For the 5 times we did it (Madden, NCAA, Tony Hawk, Spider-Man 2, Some other game) they were always 7/12 hours late and we would not get back to our stores until 11:30pm if lucky and always to a mob of unhappy customers. Of course they had to pay us from leaving at 8am, going to a certain location and being told to stay there until they arrived.
bread's done