The General 360 Owners/Buyers FAQ Thread (Updated 1/15/10)

Well apparently, finding a non-40GB PS3 model at BBV/GR is impossible. I called about 10 stores in the area and not a single one had one new or used.
[quote name='mvp828']Well apparently, finding a non-40GB PS3 model at BBV/GR is impossible. I called about 10 stores in the area and not a single one had one new or used.[/quote]

i'm still waiting for the new 80gb ps3 at bbv :(
I know I'm going to get told to 'just call them', but does anyone know offhand if BBV is taking pre-orders on Rise Of The Argonauts? I ask because from what I've seen of the game thus far, it looks like a pretty good God Of War clone type game.
[quote name='Bezerker']The Land O Lakes Gamerush. Needless to say, its a work in progress, so I wouldn't expect it overnight.[/QUOTE]

Oh, absolutely. Just curious if it was near family to check periodically whenever I go down. But that one is about twenty minutes north of my normal travels down that way. So I'll wait until you local folk start bragging. ;)
Just a heads up to the CAG trading stuff in at the BB in Amherst, MA I overheard the people there talking the usual stuff about "trading in to much stuff" dupes and trading in at various blockbusters. Just a heads up to beware and do yourself a favor and take off the ebgames stickers before you trade em in.
[quote name='mvp828']Well apparently, finding a non-40GB PS3 model at BBV/GR is impossible. I called about 10 stores in the area and not a single one had one new or used.[/quote]


Take it from a guy who spent longer searching for a MGS bundle than making the necessary credit (a month and a half now compared to less than a week) to buy one and has to cash out selling Wii Fits for even the slightest chance of purchasing one locally... you'd have a better chance winning the lottery than finding a backward compatable PS3 in stock in any Blockbuster store.

Corporate is a lost cause as well. They couldn't care less. You can't place orders with them and they redirect you right back to the same location you came from.

Good luck.

...You'll need it.
For all of those who traded in RB1 towards RB2, a word of warning. It sounds like BB didn't get the shipments they expected. My local store had 5 pre-orders and only got 3 copies of the game in. So someone's gonna get jipped.

Get to your stores early on Sunday!
Funny. I stopped in today and my BBV had 3 preorders, but only got 2 copies in. They said they were going to try to get a third copy from one of the other local BBVs. If they can't, the 'unlucky' third person gets a copy for rental until a salable copy shows up, in addition to a $10 gift card for the trouble. I'm starting to hope I'm that unlucky #3. ;)

Gonna leave the house at 11:30, should make it there by :15 before midnight.
Thanks guys, just traded in RB for $32. Also took GOW in since I haven't played it in 6 months and got $25. Hopefully one of the stores in town is doing a midnight release. If not I don't mind waiting a day or two.
Damn, wish my BB was open till midnight. I have to wait till tomorrow to get Rock Band 2 :cry:.

Getting the drums is proving to be an adventure. BB hasn't ordered them and every Gamestop I call either has them already but they are all taken via preorders or they tell me they don't come out till October :roll:.
[quote name='io']Damn, wish my BB was open till midnight. I have to wait till tomorrow to get Rock Band 2 :cry:.

Getting the drums is proving to be an adventure. BB hasn't ordered them and every Gamestop I call either has them already but they are all taken via preorders or they tell me they don't come out till October :roll:.[/QUOTE]
Are you trying to get the RB drums or the RB2 drums? The GR I preordered RB2 from has the original set (several of them, in fact), and I don't mind shipping them extremely reasonably (in other words, free) if that's what you're looking for.
couple TIVs for the first post:

Escape from Bug Island - $16
Sega Superstars Tennis (PS3) - $20
Luxor (Wii) - $20
Blacksite Area 51 (Ps3) - $26
One Piece (Wii) - $23

i hit up soooo many GS stores today and found only 2 copies of wii sports sadly...and i got what i THOUGHT was Fatal Frame III but turned out to be the first FF :( sad times.
[quote name='hutno']Just a heads up to the CAG trading stuff in at the BB in Amherst, MA I overheard the people there talking the usual stuff about "trading in to much stuff" dupes and trading in at various blockbusters. Just a heads up to beware and do yourself a favor and take off the ebgames stickers before you trade em in.[/quote]

While I'm not 'that CAG', I will say that I traded in a third copy of the 360 version of DW: Gundam tonight(one left at my other local CC :D and if the TIV holds this week, I'll be back for it). So, all totalled I've now traded in 5 copies of DW: Gundam to 2-3 different BBV's. It's almost like I want to be banned. But at least this time I took off the CC stickers before trading it in.

Oh and FYI, Gamestop only gives $16 in TIV for this game for 360, while charging $49.99 for it used.
[quote name='confoosious']Damn you blockbuster.. why don't you have MillionHeir. Now I have to spend GS credit.[/quote]

The manager at the GR I preordered at just called saying my copy came in. The problem is that I'm down to ~$5 in credit. I tried to dump :360: Rock Band yesterday but the BB (already had 2) and a different GR (all game trading is suspended because they are overstocked. WTF?) wouldn't take it. Didn't want to make a special trip to 2 other BBs just to dump the game since I can return it to GS. I need to find some new flips!
I snagged my Rock Band 2 on Friday. It is truly awesome. The improvements make an already awesome game even better. The drum trainer is cool too.

I saw a few posts again about the PSN cards. In case anyone missed it they are sending out a corporate update to the system so they should be available to buy this Wednesday.

Is that Land O Lakes store supposed to be the "tornado" remodel or the "Rock the Block" remodel?
[quote name='whymustiregister']The manager at the GR I preordered at just called saying my copy came in. The problem is that I'm down to ~$5 in credit. I tried to dump :360: Rock Band yesterday but the BB (already had 2) and a different GR (all game trading is suspended because they are overstocked. WTF?) wouldn't take it. Didn't want to make a special trip to 2 other BBs just to dump the game since I can return it to GS. I need to find some new flips![/quote]

If the value holds, might I recommend DW: G for 360? That is, unless someone hit your CC stores for all of their copies already. Sure, you'd have to use CASH to buy them, but making $17 or so from a $17 game is a good flip, no?
Got a couple of TIV today:

Kane & Lynch (PS3): $9
Dark Sector (PS3): $16

I was pleased to find a copy of Galaxy Wars (Wii) for $9.99 used.
So I'm trying to move my account from my old POS 360 to my new one. As in, I'm trying to make my new 360 the default for the account so I can download all my DLC on my new 360 and use it without being online.

I know M$ just implemented a system for doing so, I just don't know where to go to get the steps needed to do so. Any help is appreciated.


Mods can feel free to give this thread the ole heave ho.
[quote name='El Gray']Got a couple of TIV today:

Kane & Lynch (PS3): $9
Dark Sector (PS3): $16

I was pleased to find a copy of Galaxy Wars (Wii) for $9.99 used.[/quote]

I traded Mx vs ATV: Untamed Wii (TIV- $23) today and noticed that the price for K&L PS3 was $24.99 (used). Burnout Paradise PS3 was also $24.99 and DBZ: Budokai 3 Wii was $14.99.

Galaxy Wars? :headache: I was only able to find Geometry Wars Wii at that price. ;)
What day do GS TIVs usually change? I have decided to go ahead and transfer all my BBV/GR credit to GS... However, this means I am going to have to purchase and flip most the stuff on Sunday.
[quote name='JJSP']Are you trying to get the RB drums or the RB2 drums? The GR I preordered RB2 from has the original set (several of them, in fact), and I don't mind shipping them extremely reasonably (in other words, free) if that's what you're looking for.[/QUOTE]

No, I want the RB2 drums. I can get all the RB1 drums I want.

Well, I went in around 8pm to trade my RB1 in (still $32 of course on Saturday). The guy who said he'd hold their one copy for me till Sunday was there but he went in the back. So I'm doing the trade and the other guy asks me if I want it on the account or on a card. I said the account since I'd be using it to get the Rock Band 2 I preordered. He then said "where is that?" and proceeded to root around behind the counter. He finally found it and rang it up for me without me even asking which is good because the other guy did tell me they couldn't sell it till Sunday AM. I wasn't about to refuse being rung up for it though ;).

It's not a huge deal, really, because by the time I got home and set up it was 9:30 or so and me and my son could only play for about an hour anyway. I'd play it myself later (ie, now) but that is a game I just don't get much enjoyment out of playing with the sound nearly all the way down. But at least it saves me the trip tomorrow AM. And I did get to play Pinball Wizard ASAP - that was worth it.

I just wish I could get a set of RB2 drums. It seems either no one is getting them (or don't think they are) or they are all sold to preorders. Bah... Gamecrazy might be my best bet at this point (they don't have them yet though).
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Saturday night TIV:
Wii - Alone in the Dark - $30
Thanks to the member that mentioned this one. Snagged two copies from a single store and was able to use the 20% coupon.
Any body know about a good trade for psp and ds

[quote name='weguzs']Any body know about a good trade for psp and ds

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time/Darkness gets $20 Base. If you print out the cell phone coupon (worked for me) you get an extra 30% on any two games + EDGE.

I was flipping the four copies of Alone in the Dark I could find within 20 miles of me and three of them were the soundtrack edition. Ended up keeping one of the CDs since I was listening to it while driving around and it kinda grew on me. However, played the 360 demo when I got home and the game itself did not.
I don't think they've been changed yet. 199, 299, and 399. I want one now, and I'm tempted to grab an Arcade, and a 20GB hard drive I saw marked down to $50 on clearance Friday. That would make it $250, same as my Wii. But I guess it's pointless right now because I'm in the middle of big problems and have no time for video games.
I preordered RB2 at Blockbuster and went in this morning to see if they had it. They got 1 copy in and they couldn't find it. Grrr. Oh well, it wouldn't have gotten played today because of the double exp weekend for COD4.

I also saw Tiger Woods 09 for $50. Thats $10 off the regular price. Not sure if it was a mistake or not, probably was a mistake.
[quote name='mvp828']What day do GS TIVs usually change? I have decided to go ahead and transfer all my BBV/GR credit to GS... However, this means I am going to have to purchase and flip most the stuff on Sunday.[/quote]

They change daily. Its really a crap shoot to be honest. For instance FF PSP went from $20 -> $14 on Tuesday then back up to $20 on Friday.
[quote name='weguzs']Any body know about a good trade for psp and ds


On the Target thread... somebody bought ninja gaiden dragon sword for the ds for $8.xx and traded it at GS for $19... not a bad flip.

On a side note: I found 6 Cranium Kabooki for $4.98 and it traded for $16 at BB as of yesterday....

All cash flip.. but a pretty good one..
i am going to buy a 360 either today or later this week, and i am most likely going to get the Pro version
but i have a few questions first:
i have 2 360 controllers already that are usb that i use with my PC
will these work on the 360 since they are wired? because i was looking at the 360 and i didnt see any ports in the front to plug a usb controller...i might have missed it though

does that pro have HDMI now? i thought that the newer pro versions have the hdmi also but i could be wrong so i wanted to confirm or deny this once and for all...

also what are some steps i can take to prevent getting the red rings of death...i heard to only put the 360 on its side and not to stand it up when playing..i have also been told to plug it directly into the wall and not have it go through a surge protector...are these two true? and are there any more?

as for games i am pretty sure i am going to pick up Halo 3 and either dead rising or jet grind radio future (i loved the original on the DC but i havent gotten a chance to play this one yet and i heard it was really good.)
i already have few games that were released for 360 on my PC and some on my ps3 (the ones that were released on both consoles of course)

anyways thanks for your help in input

The very bottom of the 360 is where you put in your wired controllers. As you can see, there are two slots. As for the Red Ring of Death, you will probably get it eventually. Now that Xbox sends Shipping Labels now, you can easily get your 360 back in like a week. I believe that the new 360s that hit shelves with the price-drop last week or whatever are installed with the Falcon Chipset, which, I believe, runs a lot quieter and a lot cooler (source: this thread). When it comes to your two theories (making 360 stay on side and plug it directly), I believe they're true. When I play my games, I put the 360 on its side, and also plug it directly into the outlet. Keep in mind, that if you're thinking about buying an intercooler (cools the 360), it does more harm than good. Other than that, you should be set. Like I said, every 360 will RROD at least once in its lifetime.

And, I'm pretty sure the Pro has HDMI. A quick search on google "Xbox360 Pro + HDMI" produces about 3,530,000 results with the first page of results confirming HDMI. In addition, if you have Paypal or just plain cash, you should definitely check out the Video Game Trading category. A lot of CAGs sell/trade all the games you would ever want. You can easily find Halo 3 or Dead Rising on the forums cheaper than retail. :)
1) Yep, the 360 has three USB ports: two in the front, and one in the back. They can be used for any of your USB accessories, including controllers. Plus, you can also buy a hub to add more ports.

2) As the other poster mentioned, there really isn't any reason to go crazy about trying to stop the RRoD. If the console is faulty, it simply will fail, no matter what you do. I take very good of my electrics, have never had any issues with my computers/consoles/televisions/anything, and I "babied" my 360 to the best of my abilities. My system died in less than a year.

3) All 360 consoles have HDMI, now.
Are there any good amazon flips? I have prime so free shipping. I know AOITD was a decent one but I'm guessing it dropped.
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[quote name='kromekoran']DRM license transfer:

I bought an Arcade to replace my ailing 2 year old Pro, and am getting a new 120gb HDD in a couple weeks as a birthday present. I have the 20gb from my Pro on the Arcade unit right now. question is, if I do the license transfer now, will it carry over to when I transfer the data between HDDs, or should I wait until after I transfer the data to do the license transfer? basically, I don't want to get screwed if I do the license transfer early, since you can only do it once every 12 months.

I can wait a couple weeks if I have to, but I'd like to get it over with and be able to play Geometry Wars 2 without being signed into Live.

thanks for any help.[/quote]

just did mine yesterday. go here. first, transfer your pro to the 120, THEN do the license transfer, because anything you license to the 120 will be rewritten over if you transfer from the pro last.
I was thinking about the conversion of the Land o' Lakes GR to the electronics store model, and I was wondering if anyone here trades at one of the existing electronics stores (in Texas, I think?). I'm just curious about what kind of LCD TVs they actually carry - do they have any reasonably priced stuff, or is it all high-end brands like Sony Bravia? Also, do they accept trade credit on the big electronics?
[quote name='joshnorm']They change daily. Its really a crap shoot to be honest. For instance FF PSP went from $20 -> $14 on Tuesday then back up to $20 on Friday.[/QUOTE]

In maintaining the GS deal threads lately I have noticed that the prices often change at GS on Thursday->Friday. I'm not sure of the exact timing but it seems to be overnight Thursday. They do change at other times, too, but that seems to be a big day. So much like Sunday (now) is "dump day" for Blockbuster I would consider Thursday to be the same for GS - though with less guarantee that a price will hold till then.
I'm bored, anyone have any long winded stories about trading, flipping, bannings, etc. We need a new question of the week.
What game were you the most embarrassed to trade in?
Probably Dancing with the Stars(wii) for me. I got it at Gamestop and took it down the road to BB. I peeled stickers but forgot to check condition of disc. They refused it, turns out it was scratched up pretty bad. I don't know what's worse, them thinking i tried to pass off a beat up disc, or them thinking I played Dancing with the Stars so much that the disc was worn down.
Second place would be 2 copies at time of Fantastic four ROSS, but how embarrassing could it be turning $8 --> $60 in one trip.
Traded in this morning to get Rock Band II:

360 - Rock Band - $32
360 - GH III - $22
360 - Fatal Inertia - $25
Wii - Bust a Move Bash - $20
bread's done